Pathways to Submission: Sally - Cover

Pathways to Submission: Sally

Copyright© 2023 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sally is a young woman looking for a new job. A chance meeting on a crowded bus introduces her to Penelope, a professional dominatrix. Penelope needs an assistant, and although Sally is naturally submissive and not ideal what Penelope wants, she asks Sally to call her. Sally is soon in Penelope's thrall.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Interracial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Mistress has only given me ten minutes to select an outfit and get changed. Now I’ve the additional problem that I’ve wet my panties. Perhaps I should have controlled my slutty urges and not masturbated. My orgasm was far more powerful than usual, and I couldn’t stop my juices from soaking my pants. Now I’ll have to remove them and do without.

I look around to make sure Mistress isn’t watching, and I sneak my panties into my bag. I then quickly pick a black vinyl minidress from the various leather and vinyl clothing on the rack. I belatedly realise that my blue casual shoes don’t go with my outfit. Fortunately there’s a variety of footwear lined up under the clothes. I select a pair of black high heel shoes. Mistress must take a shoe size slightly larger than me, so I stuff some tissue into the shoe so that I don’t walk out of them.

There’s a mirror on the far wall, and I take a close look at myself. Wow! It takes all my willpower to keep my hands away from my tits and cunt. I practise walking in these shoes since I rarely wear shoes with high heels.

“Very nice,” observes Mistress from the door. “Our client has arrived and he is changing. I shan’t expect you to do much on this visit, but you must listen for my instructions and carry them out immediately. You will need to wear this wig.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I reply, accepting the wig with long platinum blond-hair tied in pig-tails.

“Our client has a fetish for young Scandinavian blonds,” says Mistress by way of an explanation for the wig. Her dark brown skin could never pass for Scandinavian, while mine might if you don’t look too closely.

“Lift your dress,” she says suddenly.

I hesitate, but then realise that this must be a test of her previous statement. I lift the hem of my dress a short way.

“Higher,” commands Mistress. “Let me see your underwear.”

Disaster! I have no alternative but to raise my dress to expose my bare cunt. I turn red in embarrassment.

“I thought I couldn’t see any outline of your panties under that dress. Where are your panties?”

“In my bag, Mistress,” I reply. “I had a little accident.”

“Show me them,” she says.

I sheepishly open my bag and produce my wet panties. Mistress takes one look at them and briefly sniffs at the wet stain.

“You’ve had an orgasm in those. And within the last few minutes. Open your mouth.”

Yet again I simply do as I’m told. Mistress screws up my panties and shoves them into my mouth.

“This will teach you to keep your urges under better control. I will tell you when you may have an orgasm. In future you aren’t to touch yourself in any sexual way unless I’ve given you permission. Is that clear?”

I can’t speak with my mouth full of panties so I nod and mumble ‘yes’ as best I can. Mistress leaves me and returns to the main room. I could easily remove the panties from my mouth, but Mistress hasn’t given me permission to do so.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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