Pathways to Submission: Sally - Cover

Pathways to Submission: Sally

Copyright© 2023 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Sally is a young woman looking for a new job. A chance meeting on a crowded bus introduces her to Penelope, a professional dominatrix. Penelope needs an assistant, and although Sally is naturally submissive and not ideal what Penelope wants, she asks Sally to call her. Sally is soon in Penelope's thrall.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Interracial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

“Change of plans,” replies Christy, not bothering to provide any further explanation for her early return. “I’d have returned earlier if I knew what awaited me here.”

Christy moves closer to me and before I can protest she clips my cuffs to my waist belt. I look at her like a frightened rabbit. What does she intend to do now? I feel awkward at her seeing me like this, but so far she hasn’t disapproved of my attire.

“Wait here while I get changed,” she says, and she disappears into her bedroom. With my arms locked useless by my side, there isn’t much else I can do.

I’m not kept waiting for long. Christy returns wearing her negligee and carrying what looks like a leash in one hand and a rubber dildo in the other. She tosses the dildo onto my bed and walks over to me. I look at her forlornly as she clips the leash onto the ring at the front of my collar.

“This is a top quality harness. I didn’t think you earned enough to buy something like this.”

“It belongs to my Mistress,” I reply without thinking the effect of my words would have on Christy.

“Wow! You really are into this stuff. I wish I’d known earlier. So, you are a sex slave or what?”

“Mistress is a dominatrix, and she’s just hired me as her assistant. Trammers closed down and I needed a new job.”

“Hmmm. A big career change from a retail saleswoman to being a dom’s slave assistant,” laughs Christy. “But good for you. And it presents all sorts of kinky opportunities for us at home.”

“What do you have in mind, Christy?” I ask.

“An interesting change in our relationship. Firstly, you may no longer call me by my first name. In future you must call me ... hmm ... Domina. Can you manage that?”

I look at her in bewilderment. This isn’t the Christy I thought I knew. But what she is suggesting is doing wonderful things to my psyche.

“Yes, Domina,” I reply, confirming my acceptance of her new role in my life.

“Excellent. Have you ever eaten pussy before?”

“Yes, Domina. My Mistress had me bring her to an orgasm this afternoon.”

“Great! Then let’s get down to business. On your knees.”

I obey without hesitation. This may not be what I had planned for tonight, but it promises to be a whole lot more fun. I drop to my knees with more grace than I managed this afternoon. Perhaps practise makes perfect. Christy ... no ... Domina, lifts her nightdress and exposes her shaved cunt. I go to work with my tongue while Domina holds me in place by pulling on my leash.

Domina is already aroused by her discovery of my sexual perversion, so it doesn’t take a lot of effort on my part before she’s humping my face and releasing her juices at the same time. I’m getting aroused, but I’m still some way off an orgasm. Domina requires me to bring her to three orgasms with my tongue before she decides to switch to the rubber dildo. She has me put one end in my mouth and hold it in place with my teeth.

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