Pathways to Submission: Sally - Cover

Pathways to Submission: Sally

Copyright© 2023 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Sally is a young woman looking for a new job. A chance meeting on a crowded bus introduces her to Penelope, a professional dominatrix. Penelope needs an assistant, and although Sally is naturally submissive and not ideal what Penelope wants, she asks Sally to call her. Sally is soon in Penelope's thrall.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Interracial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Pathways to Submission: Sally’s Surrender Chapter 9

Mistress wants me to practise restraining my orgasms so that I only come when she grants me permission. But I don’t know how I can do that while I’ve no means of reaching between my legs and playing with my nether regions. The leather harness Mistress locked onto me firmly imprisons my cunt, and my arms are made useless by my cuffs being fastened close to my waist belt.

“Do you know what one of these is?” asks Mistress, producing a weird shaped rubbery device.

“No, Mistress,” I reply.

“It’s a remote controlled vibrator. We push this up your cunt and I control it from my phone.”

I didn’t know such things existed in real life, although my fantasies often include such items to torment me. Mistress briefly unlocks my harness so that I can push the vibrator into my cunt. As soon as we are satisfied that it is in the correct position, Mistress tests her control of the device from her phone. It works in the most evil way imaginable. I last all of five seconds before my hands are between my legs and I’m frigging myself in harmony with the device.

“You dirty little slut,” says Mistress, switching off the vibrator. “Such wanton behaviour has earned you a punishment.”

“Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress,” I say without any thought about why I should be allowing her to punish me. I’m her assistant, not her slave. Although the prospect of being both hasn’t escaped my wild fantasies.

Mistress promptly refastens my harness and restrains my arms once again. She turns on the vibrator and I practically collapse on the floor when the wonderful sensation rippling through my lower body takes complete control of me. She skilfully adjusts the speed of the vibrator to leave me in a state of near senselessness while not quite able to achieve an orgasm.

“Please let me come, Mistress,” I whimper as I surrender myself to the hedonistic pleasure the vibrator is generating.

“All in good time, Sally. I said that you had earned a punishment. Your punishment is the denial of the orgasm you clearly crave until I decide that you have learned your lesson.”

We play our erotic game for twenty minutes and I don’t achieve a single orgasm, despite reaching the threshold at least eight times. I’m not sure if my achievement is because of Mistress’s skilful use of the vibrator control, or the fact that I’m actually starting to accept and enjoy the repeated denial of being allowed to come. Finally Mistress is satisfied my punishment is complete and she switches off the vibrator.

She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me. She pulls me close and gives me a deep kiss like she did last week. I want to respond with my arms, but they still firmly bound at my side. I can return her kiss, however, and I do so with a passion that only ends when Mistress pulls away. She unclips my cuffs from my belt, but makes no effort to release me from the harness or my cuffs. She obviously has something more in mind.

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