The Surrender of Annabelle - Cover

The Surrender of Annabelle

Copyright© 2023 by Vukefalos

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - This is the story of a beautiful English woman, during the Victorian times, who’s passions had more control than reason over her and which eventually led her down a path from which there is no turning back, ever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   Anal Sex  

Annabelle started coming out of her deep sleep feeling strange, she slowly realized that her arms were stretched over her head and tied by the wrists to something above her, her body was immersed up to her breasts in a pool of warm water with a light mist on its surface, there was someone else in the pool, another pretty dark featured girl and she was administering a washing with a soft sponge over her body. The girl saw her wake up and spoke to her in an unfamiliar language.

“Where am I”, asked Annabelle, sleepily.

But could not understand what the girl was saying, then she felt herself being pulled upwards and more of her body exposed out of the water so the girl could wash it. After a while she was raised some more and as the girl started washing her pussy, she looked down and saw that all her pubic hair had been removed by wax, she gathered as there was no trace of it whatsoever.

“You are being prepared for your first customer slut”, she heard Samia say and turned her head and saw her sitting in a comfortable armchair and the marble edge of the pool.

“What customer”? asked Annabelle, now slowly coming awake.

“Last night you asked me to make you one of my whores, so now you are one and you are going to earn me good money, we’ll prepare you for your first visit of the night, yes you have been sleeping all through the day”.

“You can’t make me your whore, I’m English”.

“Yes that’s what makes you so valuable, it is very difficult to find fair skinned whores, but one as pretty as you is impossible, but now you belong to me so you must accept the inevitable”.

“What have I let myself into” thought the helpless victim, as she was now lowered on the marble floor next to Samia, “nobody knows were I am, I could be here for a long time and nobody will miss me”.

“Is there no way we can find an arrangement so you can set me free”? She asked Samia.

“You don’t yet see your position clearly”, said the hard woman,” you have no say in anything, you have no rights, you are just a beautiful body, nothing else and you will be used constantly”.

Her arms were being lowered now and pulled behind her back were they were tied, still protesting, a leather collar with diamond studs was placed around her delicate neck and a long golden chain attached to a ring on the front of the collar, then the girl took the chain and tagged on it for Annabelle to follow her.

They entered a room of extraordinary luxury were there was a dressing table with every sort of cosmetic article available at the time. In front of the table was a large mirror, the girl sat Annabelle in front of the table and started combing her hair, after a while Samia joined them and directed the girl how to make up her new whore. For Annabelle all this seemed unreal, as though at some time she would wake up and be far away from this place, but her mistress voice brought her back to reality.

“The woman who paid to have you tonight is the wife of the Persian emissary, mostly she wants to fuck you, but with a little twist, you’ll see, she will have you for two hours, then you will rest a bit and then the wife of an African king will have you for another three hours, she is a nasty bitch, I don’t think you will be up to much after her, so I left the rest of the evening for you to recover, now let’s finish here, you first customer is already waiting”.

Annabelle was made to look like a doll with very red lips and her nipples powdered, she now walked behind her mistress, following the chain pulling her and tried to remember the instructions her mistress had given her, they were very simple, never look at anything but the floor in front of her, never speak unless spoken to, and always obey without question,

Any thought of insubordination would be severely punished and if she entertained thoughts of escape she would be thrown off the cliff into the sea, nobody should ever know the real source of Samia’s income. She would never wear any clothes other than her bonds and she would always walk barefoot, as every part of the mansion was heavily carpeted.

They entered the familiar large sitting room and a squat; heavy woman was waiting for them. When she saw the whore Samia was leading with the chain, her face became contorted with pure lust. She talked with the mistress in a language Annabelle did not understand but the content was obvious, the heavy woman, in her early fifties took the chain from Samia and started leading the poor slut away, and Samia said to the whore,

“You will satisfy her in every way she wants or suffer the consequences”.

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