Mr. Maxwell - Cover

Mr. Maxwell

by JefferyB

Copyright© 2023 by JefferyB

Erotica Sex Story: A grandfather is surprised to find a young, beautiful woman at his front door looking for a sex tutor. An old man's dream come true.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   DomSub   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Teacher/Student   .

Sitting at his breakfast table, enjoying a new novel with a glass of wine, Tony Maxwell heard his doorbell chime. Assuming it was someone selling Girl Scout cookies, he put down his glass and slowly walked to his front door, hoping the person would go away. Opening the door, Tony was surprised to see a lovely young woman smiling up at him. He thought she looked familiar but couldn’t remember where he had seen her.

“Hi, Mr. Maxwell,” the young woman said brightly. “Do you remember me? I’m Katie Daniels ... Zoe’s friend.”

Now the face came back to him. He had met Katie at his daughter’s home a few months before. His granddaughter and her friend, Katie, had been there. “Of course, I remember you, Katie,” he said. “I never forget a pretty woman. What brings you to my door? If you’re looking for Zoe, I haven’t seen her today.”

“No, sir,” Katie answered. “I’ve come to see you if you can spare some time.”

“Please come in,” he said, standing back and opening the door. “What could a sweet young thing like you need from an old fart like me?”

“I’m looking for some advice,” Katie said as Tony closed the door. “Last week, I spent some time with Zoe and her mother. They were talking about you. After listening to their stories, I decided to come to talk with you.”

“I was just having a glass of wine,” Tony told her. “Why don’t you come to my kitchen and join me? I assume that you are old enough to drink.”

“Well, not quite,” Katie replied with a giggle. “But I drink wine with my parents and Zoe’s mom.”

They entered his kitchen. Katie was impressed with the size and organization of the room. “This is a very big room,” she told him.

“I bought this house just after I retired,” Tony explained. “One of the things I liked about the house was the size of the kitchen. I knew I would spend a great deal of time here and liked that it was bright and welcoming. So sit down, Katie, and I’ll get you a glass.”

Katie sat and watched the older man get a glass and fill it with wine. She knew that Mr. Maxwell was about seventy years old. Usually, she would think that age was ‘ancient,’ but this man didn’t show signs of advanced age. Katie decided that his daughter had been correct in saying that her father was still handsome. His hair retained its dark brown color with hints of gray around his ears. He looked solid and vigorous.

Seeing the book on the table, Katie asked, “What are you reading?”

As he set the glass in front of her, Tony said, “It’s the newest novel from a writer I follow who lives in Montreal. His pen name is ‘ChrisM,’ and he writes naughty little tales of debauchery in the 1800s amongst the social elites in England. He has a wicked mind and an excellent writing style. I buy everything he publishes. But what is it you wanted to ask me about?”

Tony’s smile assured Katie that she could open up to Mr. Maxwell. “I would like to hire you as a coach.”

“A coach?” he replied, somewhat bewildered at her response. “A coach for what?”

“Sex,” was her simple answer. Katie paused for a moment before continuing. “After listening to your daughter’s stories of your escapades, I just decided you could give me the training I need.”

With a serious look, Tony asked, “What kind of stories did Karen tell you?”

Katie took a breath before continuing and then took a sip of wine. “She explained that after she was born, your wife had refused to have sex with you. Karen said her mother did not enjoy the childbirth experience and wanted to never go through it again. She said your wife had permitted you to have sex with anyone you wanted, just not her. Zoe added that your reputation as a lover was well known. According to them, you bedded hundreds of women around the state.”

Tony frowned for a moment before smiling. “There is a great deal of truth in what they told you. Unfortunately, Abigale, my wife, did exactly what they told you. It was a shame because she was a beautiful woman and a great lover. She loved the sex but not the by-product.”

“Your daughter called you the Doctor of Fuckology,” Katie said with a grin.

“Did she?” Tony laughed. “I guess there’s some truth to that as well.”

“And that’s why I’ve come here,” Katie explained. “I’m twenty years old and know nothing about sex. So I need someone to ‘coach me up.’ I need an expert in the field to give me lessons.”

“Lessons?” Tony replied in shock. “Do you mean lessons like in ... actual demonstrations?”

“Yes! Exactly,” she said with excitement in her voice. “When I was in high school, I was all into academics. My nose was buried in books and to tell you the truth, I was flat-chested and unattractive.”

Staring at the young woman’s chest, Tony commented, “You certainly aren’t flat-chested now. Pardon the expression, but you’ve got quite a rack.”

Katie grinned. “My boobs came in just after high school graduation. I was surprised, but my mother said the same thing happened to her.”

“I assume you are pleased with the new development,” Tony said.

“Oh, yes,” Katie said as she cupped her breasts. “I never had a single date while in high school. Not only was I flat-chested, but I had braces. There weren’t any boys that wanted to go out with me. Then the braces came off and the boobs bloomed. So now I’m getting male attention.”

“I still don’t see why you want a coach,” Tony insisted. “You don’t need a coach for what comes naturally.”

“Mr. Maxwell,” Katie said seriously. “I have been a student all my life. I was valedictorian of my high school and a National Merit Finalist. If I didn’t understand Algebra, I would hire an Algebra tutor. I would get a tutor in any subject where I needed help. Sex is no different. It is something I expect to be doing for many years. I may never use Algebra again in my lifetime. However, I expect to have sex for another forty years. I need to know all about it and enjoy it as much as your daughter does.”

“You make a good point, Katie,” Tony allowed. “But if we are going to be intimate, you’ll have to stop calling me Mr. Maxwell. All of my friends call me Max.”

Katie turned on her brightest smile. “Then you’ll take me as a student?”

“Sure,” he replied. “How could an old codger like me refuse a beautiful young woman like you?”

“Do you think I’m beautiful?” she whispered.

“Oh, yes,” he told her. “And I’m going to guess that you are one of the rare people who is as beautiful naked as well as dressed. But, unfortunately, in my experience, nakedness is vastly overrated. It’s why most sex is practiced in the dark.”

“When do we start?” she asked.

“I have some things to get ready,” he told her. “We’ll start now with a few questions.”

“Great!” she said in an excited voice. “Fire away?”

“First, I need to know if you masturbate.”

Her reply was in a timid voice. “Not really.”

“Have you had an orgasm?”

“I don’t know if I have,” she answered.

“If you don’t know, then you haven’t. An orgasm is something that we all clearly understand. Have you had intercourse?”

Katie bit her lip. “A couple of months ago, I decided that I just needed to get with the program and get laid. I met a nice young man in a chemistry class and determined he was the one to take my virginity. We went out and he took me to his apartment. We got naked. He kissed and sucked on my tits a little before he put a finger inside me. Before I knew what he was doing, he pushed me down on his bed and got on top of me. He pushed his cock into me, stroked two or three times, pulled out, and shot his load on my belly. If that’s intercourse ... I’ve had it.”

“I get the picture,” Max said with a chuckle. “We are essentially starting from the beginning. Show me your pussy.”

Katie hesitated only a second before pulling down her jeans and panties.

“For being a beginner, I’m surprised you’ve shaved off your pubic hair.”

“Zoe did that for me,” Katie said while feeling foolish. “When I told her I still had a full bush, she insisted I cut it off.”

“Have you ever had sex with Zoe?” he asked.

“Not real sex,” Katie admitted. “She did give me some pointers on kissing, but we had our clothes on.”

“Knowing how worldly my granddaughter is, I’m surprised she hasn’t done more.”

“I think she would if I showed an interest,” Katie said. “Zoe has sorta let me know that her door swings both ways. I might have taken advantage of her offer but was too embarrassed to tell her how uninformed I am.”

“I’m assuming that you want a complete course of instruction from A to Z.”

“Yes, sir. I mean, yes, Max. I want to experience everything you can show me.”

“Can you come back tomorrow?” he asked while motioning for her to pull her pants up.

“I have a class that ends at 1:30. I could be here at 2:30,” she said.

“That would work well,” Max told her. “I have to get a few things we’ll need. Be back here at 2:30. I would prefer you wear a skirt without panties.”

“I can do that,” Katie said, nodding her head. “How long do you think it will take for us to cover everything?”

“I have no idea, sweet girl,” Max said as he put his arm around her shoulder. “It will take as long as it takes.”

The following afternoon at 2:30, Max saw Katie’s car pull into his driveway. She couldn’t see him, but he watched her walk to his front door. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra. “That’s good,” he muttered. “It shows she’s ready for a lesson.”

He opened the door and let Katie in. As he closed the door, he said, “Are you ready to begin?”

“I am, Max,” she said with a smile. “I’m very ready.”

“Did you masturbate last night?”

“No,” she answered. “But I had trouble sleeping. I kept thinking about what we might do. It made me horny.”

“Good. Then we’ll begin right away. Let’s go to the kitchen first. We will drink a glass of wine before we start. It will relax you.”

While Katie was sipping her wine, Max gave her information on the day’s lesson plan. “We’ll begin in the back room. I always refer to it as the dark room. You will be blindfolded.”

“Why?” she asked.

“The first thing we will do is introduce you to the sensations, sounds, and smells of sex. If your eyes are open, you’ll miss the finer details. Being unable to see, you’ll rely on touch, feel, hearing and smell. You need to know those things before we move ahead.”

“Are we going to ... you know ... fuck?”

“Not right away,” he told her with a knowing look. “There are things for you to learn before we get to that.”

Katie finished the last of her wine, set down the glass and said, “Can we start now?”

“Indeed we can,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go to the dark room.”

Max took the blindfold from his pocket when they reached the door and covered her eyes. “Can you see anything?”

“Not a thing,” Katie answered.

“Good,” he said before opening the door. He led Katie into a dark bedroom not much different from any of the others. There was a large bed, a chair beside a dresser, and a completely covered window.

He positioned her in the center of the room and removed her blouse. Katie shivered a bit. Max guessed it wasn’t the chill in the room that made her tremble. When she was naked, he moved around her and considered her body.

“You are quite beautiful, Kate. You are a beautiful adult woman. I will no longer call you by your childhood name. You are now Kate, a most desirable woman. Your breasts are perfect and begging to be touched. Your ass is as sexy as any I’ve ever seen. The sight of your shaved pussy would make any man hard in seconds.

Max put his hands on her shoulders and ran them down her arms. He moved behind her, took her breasts in his hands, and whispered in her ear, “These are perfect and need attention.” Kate moaned softly as he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

He moved in front of Kate and dropped to his knees. Leaning forward, Max lightly kissed her tummy, running his lips down to her mound. He felt her stiffen and said, “Relax, Kate. Spread your feet apart for me.” When Kate followed his instructions, Max leaned forward again, running his tongue through her slit. She moaned again, but this time much louder.

Max stood and moved her to the side of the bed. “Now, you will lean back on this bed and get comfortable.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked in a hushed voice.

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