Sex and Videogames Level 1 - Cover

Sex and Videogames Level 1

Copyright© 2023 by MyWritingSystem

Chapter 4: Never kiss another man’s girl

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4: Never kiss another man’s girl - A story about a young man whose life suddenly turns into a sex game

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa   ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Fiction   GameLit   High Fantasy   School   Science Fiction   Cheating   Sister   Aunt   Nephew   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports  

A shout-out to Kenjisato for his amazing editing skills and suggestions...

Tags: Kissing, Masturbation, Voyeurism and also kissing someone else girlfriend right before him.


‘Fuck Me! My life just sucks ... Could this get any worse?’

He had the perfect plan. Once the day was over, he would sneak with his classmates, then rush to the library; enter the men’s washroom and then jump through the small ventilation window, walk around the back of the school building, and when the time was right to sneak into the parking area take his bicycle and run back to his home.

But that damned Henry saw him, and now along with his lackey, he had entered the library chasing him.

It was already a tense morning for him, the memories of him spanking Debby were already weighing heavily on his shoulders, the thought of the consequences was dreading his very soul and he had thought that that was the lowest point of his life, but he was so wrong!

... At this time he had hit an even lower point!

(A few hours ago... )

James had woken up fifteen minutes before his school time; the memory of the past night immediately came back to him. He started to panic, while images of him sent to prison and media trials flashed before him.

‘Fuck! Fuck, I am so fucked!’ he cursed inwardly, while holding his head with both his hands.

The snoozing of his alarm clock brought him out of his self-loathing and the first thing he noticed was eerie silence; it was a sense of being locked in a prison cell.

He gathered his wit and slowly walked out of his bedroom. The first thing he noticed was his sister’s room, which was locked, then he climbed down the stairs only to find their parent’s room also empty, and there was no one in the kitchen as well.

Except for the pink Fiat, all the cars were gone which meant he was all alone in the house.

While a wave of relief washed over him, he was sure he wasn’t safe yet. While he may not have to confront their parents now, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be facing them later.

‘Maybe they have gone to the police station! Fuck!’

That thought created a new wave of panic within his heart, and another reel of images flashed before him in which he was being tried in court and then sent to prison. Again, it took him some time to get hold of his hastily beating heart and wildly running mind.

After going through his morning ritual, he wasn’t in the mood to eat breakfast, so in the same gloomy mood, he rode his bicycle toward the high school. During the lectures, his mind was troubled by multiple crazy thoughts about the things that would happen to him in prison.

Even during lunch break when the entire classroom left to eat their lunch, he just sat there; it was after a few minutes that his stomach released a grumbling noise that he decided to go to eat something good while he could!

There was some kind of ruckus going on in the dining hall, but he was too lost in his thoughts to pay any attention to it. He decided to walk past the group, while ignoring the noise, to reach the counter.

He was honestly implementing his decision, and was in mid-order when a slim hand pulled his collar; he barely had a second to see the face of the person Jane Dunbar, before said person pressed her lips on his.


The scent of her sweet perfume was filling his nostrils along with her exhales. Her soft lips were pressed against his rugged ones. Even though the kiss barely lasted for a few seconds, that was enough to shock the entire hall and also make his cock rock hard.

After breaking the kiss, she turned her head toward a boy whom he immediately recognized as Henry Smith. Another wave of panic rose within his heart.

‘Fuck me! Fucking Henry Smith! Wait, both Henry and Jane are dating right? Oh my God, I am so fucked!’

“What do you think, is it okay? Huh?” With that, she stormed out of the dining hall.

The boy’s face was red with shame and anger.

“You are so dead, Jimmy.” With that, he also walked out of the dining hall, alongside his three lackeys.

The entire dining hall was looking at him like he had grown another head. The hunger was gone; he also walked out of the dining hall, toward the toilet so no one could see him crying.

Being a loner and placed in the category of a nerd, he had all the qualifications to be bullied, but laying low helped him fly under their radar most of the time; with this, he knew he would have a red target painted on his back. He knew there was going to be a witch hunt; after all, it was Henry Smith’s girlfriend who kissed him.

The kissing thing would be the best topic for gossip in school, and since Henry must have felt humiliated by it, James knew Henry would do everything to make his life a living hell.

When he entered the latrine stall, a notification popped before him:

“(1) Mission Complete: Kissing a girl in school, (2) Mission Complete: Kissing someone else’s girlfriend right before him.”

Reward: Gaining 2X HP, XP and LVL

There was 5+5 HP which was multiplied by 2 and the HP Bar appeared it was reading 100 which didn’t change and stayed at 100. The entire bar was full of green colour.

Then it showed 1+1 XP which was multiplied by 2 the bar showing XP appeared and the number 10 turned into 14.

Then it showed 1 LVL which was multiplied by 2 and the bar showing LVL appeared with the reading of 4 which turned into 6.

Increased in Charisma by 1,

Unlocking Bonus Mission:

! Loading Failed

! You can only have one Bonus mission at a time”

‘Fuck You!’

Here his life was getting worse with each passing moment, and this damn thing was congratulating him. He kept cursing the system, then himself, then Jane Dunbar, there were more than a thousand students on the campus, and that bitch had to kiss him.

Jane Dunbar came from a rich family, just like Henry, and they have been together since the start of high school. They were like a celebrity couple in high school.

‘Well that didn’t stop Henry from chasing other girls and maybe this time, Jane also found out about Henry’s elicit act, or something like that, which is why she kissed him right in front of Henry.’

The incident of spanking Debby was a mistake on his part, but shouldn’t he be considered a victim in this kissing scenario? He was just walking past them while minding his own business.

‘This is so fucked! Everything just sucks!’

The reason why he feared Henry was Alan Thomson. He wasn’t sure what the kid had done to Henry, but he was put on some kind of secret hunting list, which resulted in almost every single bully targeting Alan, and one day, Alan just disappeared.

Everything was just swept under the rug like nothing happened; life moved on, and Henry and his gang were still terrorizing others.

Of course, for this entire time, James was able to avoid Henry and his gang, but now, he had just kissed his girlfriend right before him, right before the entire fucking school, he was so dead, just so much dead!

The pressure was too much, which resulted in him having a mental breakdown in the stall; after an hour or two, he gathered the courage to go out and face reality.

He knew that while he was under immense pressure, and had no way out, it didn’t mean he would end up like Alan; no, he would find some way to get out of this predicament. With that, he walked out of the cubicle and washed his face while thinking about a strategy to avoid Henry and his gang once school was over; after all, he must be still soothing with anger, so that day, he would get a harsh beating. The next day, things might cool down a bit, or at least that’s what he hoped.

It took him an hour to properly figure out his exit strategy. First, he would sneak out of the class along with everyone else, and instead of directly going to the parking lot, he would go in the opposite direction and enter the library, then he would enter the men’s washroom in the library and jump through the small ventilation window, then he would go around the school building and reach the parking lot which would be already empty by then instead of going by the regular path he would go through the long road which goes through the city park.

After reaching home, he would sneak inside his bedroom avoiding everyone and would decide the future plan.

With that thought, he ‘tried’ to sneak into the classroom before the last lecture could start. It was a failed attempt on his part when he entered the classroom— all the activities stopped and everyone was staring at him.

He noticed Henry, who was staring at him with his rage-filled eyes.

‘Fuck, I am so gone!’

He also noticed instead of sitting with Henry, Jane was sitting on a different bench, which just seemed to confirm his theory. Even though he had walked across the class and was sitting on his bench at the back of the room, still everyone was looking at him and whispering to each other. For the first time in his life, he was getting so much attention; it was a bit overwhelming for him.

Once the day was over, and everyone was walking out, he decided to execute his plan. He rushed out of the classroom and took a sharp turn in the opposite direction.

He had barely released a sigh of relief when he heard a shout, “Hey, Jimmy!”

‘Fuck! It’s Henry.’

Without wasting any time, he rushed out of the school building and quickly entered the library. The librarian’s seat was empty, so he didn’t stop and passed by some of the students who were sitting, reading, or doing their homework. He entered the first row of stacks that were filled with books, and turned around to sneak a look, only to find Henry along with his three lackeys entering the library.

‘Fuck! This is no good.’

To reach the washroom, he had to cross the whole library while making sure Henry and his lackeys didn’t reach him.

Since the librarian’s seat was empty, he looked around, but didn’t see Mrs. Holmes.

Yes, the strict librarian was also the wife of Principal Lloyd Holmes, so if she were around right then, Henry wouldn’t dare chase him here, but since her seat was empty and she was nowhere to be seen, it meant Henry had nothing to be afraid of.

Mrs. Holmes was a very strict woman, after the principal, she was the one who was the most powerful person on the high school campus. Since Henry and his lackeys were chasing him, he had hoped that he would be safe here in Mrs. Holmes’s presence, but since she wasn’t here, he knew he was fucked.

He was sweating heavily while his heart was pounding hastily from the sound of footsteps that reached his ears. He was looking around to hide somewhere, but except for the huge iron ranks filled with books, there was nothing that he could use as a hiding spot.

That’s when he noticed it, the storage room door. Of course, there was a warning placed on the door, that no one except the library staff should enter, but he knew he had no option right then. So, without wasting any more time, he rushed towards the storage room. His eyes were glued to the door; his hand was already in motion to grip the doorknob, while his legs were carrying him as fast as they could.

His mind only had one singular focus, to hide inside the storeroom, which is why he didn’t notice the speed at which he had covered the entire distance and entered the storeroom.

The store room was huge. But, except for a few sun rays that were coming from one small window, it was extremely dark. He saw broken wooden chairs and tables scattered around, and behind them, there were also broken and rusty iron shelves, all of them filled with old newspapers and old, damaged books.

He sat on a broken wooden chair, and wiped the sweat off his face, while at the same time, cursing Henry for forcing him into this dark dungeon in the back of the library. He had barely taken a few deep breaths when he heard the sound of the door knob being twisted.

‘That asshole!’

James quickly got off the chair and rushed towards the old stacks to hide. He had barely gotten behind them when the storage room door was pushed open, and he noticed, instead of tall and broad-soldered Henry, the figure standing at the door was a bit curvy and feminine.

‘What the fuck! Mrs. Holmes? Shit, could this get any worse?’

He knew how bad the situation was; after all, the last person who entered the staff room of the library was suspended, can you believe it! He knew how ugly this would turn, if he were to get caught.

After entering the storage room, Mrs. Holmes locked the door. Then she walked past a few tables, opened the drawer of one of the tables and pulled something out which he quickly recognized as a book. Then she walked to the same broken wooden chair and comfortably sat on it; there was a bit of sunlight, she opened the book and started to read.

‘What the hell? Why is she reading a book in the storage room?’ Almost all of the time, she would be reading a book. ‘Why would she be reading a book in dim light while sitting in this dirty, dark, unused storage room? Couldn’t she just go to her desk and read there? I mean if she wants to change seats, she could just sit anywhere in the entire library and let’s not to forget about the upper floor. Then why is she reading a book here? What kind of book is it?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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