True Brit
Copyright© 2023 by SZENSEI
Episode 11: Songbird Blues
Erotica Sex Story: Episode 11: Songbird Blues - Britney Foxx loved the Art of the Bet. More often than not those bets were lost, and she paid for it with dares that almost always ended up in her being naked and sexually challenged. One day a bet went too far, and she was locked into a long-term predicament. Sure, she could renege but where was the fun in that? Losing always turned her on. BET ON THAT! ANTE UP YOU FUCKS!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Blackmail Coercion Consensual BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Brother Sister Father Daughter Humiliation Light Bond Spanking Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Fisting Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Squirting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism
Monday! School in session for most!
Over lunch hour Britney Foxx and her new best friend Emily Grace Ruuthouse met outside in the school yard to enjoy the glorious Florida sunshine. Their differences in attire led to Brit’s undesired results of attracting boys to size up in Grace’s favor. Her hopes were to discover who Grace might find appealing enough to attempt any dramatic change. Away from her home of course considering she was a Mennonite raised isolationist. Well, at least standoffish toward some of modern society. In Grace’s own words, something was Amish ... amiss! Meaning they were not quite as strict. She found it worthy of a chuckle.
It was fortunate that Grace’s parents had decided to at least open up enough to let her attend public school. Owning a cellphone was even a pleasant compromise. They trusted their daughter to know God was watching. They barely knew their daughter at all. God did not seem so hard on her for it.
“So, did your parents and grandmother pump you for information after my phone call yesterday?” Brit sweetly clenched her teeth.
“Of course. They watch my every move. Don’t be shocked if you see their horse and carriage drive by the school spying. Father does own binoculars. He says he’s a bird watcher, but I’ve seen him spying on Abigail Miller when she bends over to milk her cow, Sassy. I’ve even heard father whisper, Look at that Sassy.” The girl’s burst into a round of laughter bordering on snorts.
“Too funny. I’m so glad you have a sense of humor. Does it bother you when people make fun of your dresses being so long?”
“No. What bothers me are that they are so long. I have really nice legs.”
Grace in her seated position ruffled her lengthy skirt up to reveal silky smooth legs clean up to her knees. She then eyed Brit in her short skirt that revealed not only her legs up to her thighs but also showing off her tiny all-too constrictive white G-string. Labia slipping around the fabric had Grace flaring her eyes before pouting over her inability to conform.
“I want to be as bold as you are.”
“And I’ll help you reach that goal. We just need to figure out how to do that so that your family doesn’t find out. Obviously, after our talk yesterday the whole make-up and hair done thing might be ruled out. I mean make-up can be removed easily enough but disguising perfume might be a problem.”
“Not really! I can say that some girl’s from school were cruel in class and sprayed me. They will believe that.”
“Smart!” Brit raised an eyebrow. “Any ideas about your hair?”
“I would love to cut it. It goes down past my booty if I leave it unpinned. That would be a serious red flag though.”
“Booty!” Brit smirked, “Another cruel joke by kids? They could cut some of it and make it look unevenly awful until your folks allow you to cut it.”
“It would have to be cut really high, or grandmother would just even it out. Too much bad treatment they would demand justice against those who cut it. I do not want to blame anyone and make enemies. Besides that, they would remove me from school and return me to home tutoring. I really can’t learn the world like that. Their idea of a laptop would be a book resting in my lap.”
“Ouch! I would hate to lose you. I like my new friend.”
“I like my new friend also. Ever since you made such a bold move in class, I have adored you. Detention only added icing to the cake. I have so many secret desires. God forgive me.” Brit pouted at Grace’s sudden sadness, the girl literally palming her hands and looking up at the sky.
“I truly never expected you to go as far as you did during detention. Mister Beatty was shocked even more. Tell me, was that the first blowjob you ever gave?”
“Other than a banana yes. But my Minion liked it.” Grace giggled!
“Despicable you! Beatty liked it too. You really got into it once you started. It was awesome to watch your hunger brewing.”
“Hunger?” Grace turned beet red. “Was I that dramatic?”
“You could have fed on that dick all day and not had enough.” Brit winked! “BA-NAH-NA!”
“I love the taste. Would you like to know how I knew so much?” Grace intentionally wiggled her brow.
“Our family from Iowa visited last summer. My cousin Eli owned a battery-operated compact DVD player. His parents had no idea. He watched adult movies behind our barn with earplugs. I discovered him hiding and watched it secretly with him. I allowed him to beat off in front of me. It was amazing. Except that he was uncircumcised. So ugly!”
“You didn’t touch him?” Brit was curious offering a playful sneer.
“Oh, no! That would have been bad. Besides inbreeding is so dirty. I only observed and fantasized of the well-hung men in his movie.” Suddenly Brit reflected on what she was doing with her father and brother. So not dirty in her mind. Great fun! Well, dad was at least, Lance not so much.
“Did you do anything in front of Eli?”
“No! He might have raped me if I had shown him my lady parts.”
“Lady parts? Too funny.” Brit snickered.
“Sorry! I try not to get used to crude verbalizing. If I talk that way it might slip out in front of family. Bad! Very bad!”
“Gotcha! Okay, so what type of boy do you like?”
“You will laugh at me.”
“No, I won’t.”
Grace lowered her eyes and bit her lip, “I think your brother is handsome.”
“Yea, I am going to laugh at you.” Brit choked up trying not to but failed. “Why, Lance? He’s a punk.”
“I don’t know. I just do. He would never notice me though.”
Brit fidgeted knowing how Lance had not only just tapped Chloe Johnson, the cougar next door with her own assistance, but how Brit herself served him as a debt. She thought for a moment about Grace’s revelation. Nope! Still great fun!
“I’ll keep him in mind. Anyone else?”
Grace sat back against a tree trunk thinking hard before opening up. “All boys, really. Just not ugly. Or fat. Or uncircumcised. It has to be as sexy as Mister Beatty’s.”
Inspiration struck Brit. She had yet to spend alone time with her brother’s friend Evan. Maybe she could plan something around him considering it was his upcoming weekend to own Brit for eight hours. If planned well, she could groom Grace and introduce them instead.
“Okay! I have an idea. This Saturday you come over for tutoring. I’ll dress you up and introduce you to my friend Evan. You can flirt and see where things go.”
“Your brother’s friend?”
“Yeah! Mine too though.”
“I like him. He’s very handsome.” She beamed yet her smile faded just as quickly. “I might only be allowed two hours with you. My father agreed to the tutoring but only for a short time.”
“Yikes! Would it help if I talked to him?”
“Wearing what you have on now will ruin our day. Our entire friendship.” Grace offered an expression of deep sadness. “You show off your flesh far too much.”
“I can dress in something conservative. I do own long dresses.” Brit offered! “I can even wear nerdy glasses.”
Grace chuckled! “And a bonnet?”
“What’s a bonnet? Is that the big, long knife they attach to the barrels of rifles?”
“No, that is a bayonet.” She snorted uncontrollably. “I was only joking. A bonnet is what I’m wearing on my head now. What you plan might work. You would need to carefully choose your words. He gets very suspicious of people.”
“I’m a good actress. I’ll break out my bible if I need to.”
“That would not be appropriate. He would test your knowledge of it. Just prove to him you are a good person and not a bad influence.”
“How about Wednesday night? I’ll have my dad drop me by. He would help me once I explain things to him better.”
“He would need to watch what he says also. Father is rebuilding our barn, so he has been tired and cranky.”
“Perfect! My dad so happens to be a home builder. Non-Union so his jobs have been scarce. He might help your dad as a good gesture and give himself something to do. I know he goes stir crazy sitting at home and dealing with Lance and me. My mom is on the road all the time.”
Grace dropped her jaw over the inspiration. “Father would respect him instantly.”
“Let’s do this. I’ll be Mennonite Light on Wednesday.” Britney teased playfully. “We can have three men a night.” Seeing Emily Grace wince Brit threw up her palms. “Too much!”
Apology accepted Grace rocked forward with an expression of joy, “And I will be a Slut Puppy on Saturday.” Plan in motion. Lunchtime was over. Standing up Brit just had to do something about her G-string riding up inside her great divide. Normally, it was awesome, the snug material rubbing over her clit. Today, maybe it just felt wrong. Still, she did love letting boys observe her fixing the problem. Grace paid no attention to her bestie hiking her skirt up past her belly button to show off. Peekaboo! They all see you!
Laughing, Grace hiked her skirt up to her knees.
“Let them fantasize!”
“I could not agree more. More! More! More!”
That’s what the boys said. Loudly!
Enough for now!
Returning to her locker Britney ran into her loathsome brother Lance. Rather he found her, she simply rolled her eyes preferring to have been overlooked. Stalker!
“Hey Sis! Ready for some fun?”
“Hurry it up.” Britney closed her locker. “I need to get to P.E.”
“Exactly! Coach Dawson will be in his office by the men’s locker room. I have something you should deliver to him in person.” Lance winked holding up a tiny handheld recorder. They still make those. “I found this in our attic, it still works. Fresh batteries!” Ah! Self-explanatory!
“Let me guess! This is the recording from your cell that dad also told you to erase from his laptop. The video of my masturbating and moaning.” Sometimes stupid, but not always! All Lance did was grin and nod feverishly.
“You really want me to humiliate myself, don’t you?”
“No. I want to see what Dawson does.”
“He might haul me to the principal’s office.”
“Or...?” Lance smirked!
“I don’t want to think about any or. What about my own class?”
“Skip class. I dare you.”
Groaning over it she glared at Lance then claimed the recorder. Once in possession of it she headed off down the hall toward the gymnasium. Once there she reached her own girls coach Marilyn Romanski a delightfully middle-aged athletic woman who the boys always joked about, calling her “MANROE” due to her obvious sexual preferences. She did rock the platinum blonde hairdo.
“Marilyn? I’m not feeling well. Do you object if I go to our locker room and just hang out in case I need to hurl? I’ll be closer to a bathroom so there’s no mess to clean up. You know I would never ask if I weren’t sick.” Brit was always a good student, so Marilyn did the motherly thing and placed knuckles on Brit’s brow. She did love touching.
“No fever!” Scrutiny in tune, Marilyn nodded. “Go on ahead. Hope you feel better.”
Leaving with a timid grin Brit passed her fellow students in the hall on their way to the gymnasium above. Once the last student vacated the locker room Brit eyed Coach Oslo Dawson’s office further down the hallway, next to the boy’s locker room. Luckily, the two coaches traded off the gym floor every other class, so Oslo was free to be a slacker.
Stepping to his doorway threshold she looked around before lifting her taboo, against school rules but getting away with it miniskirt slightly higher to reveal butt cheek. Her equally policy breaking tube top was allowed to breath as she tugged it lower. Brit was challenging the system and thus far not getting scolded. Evidently, someone in power loved her. What was not to lust--er--love!
With the door wide open she heard him talking on his phone with someone. Obviously by his tone it was a woman. He sounded as if he was fighting to keep her. Trouble in paradise Brit surmised. This mission Lance sent her on would certainly make things worse.
After a deep breath Brit revealed herself in his doorway. Dawson was in his seat with his feet propped up on his desk. Oslo Dawson was a well-built man of 36. Short brown hair he was proud of, with a thin well-groomed beard he looked like a stud. Muscles from evening workouts added to his charisma.
Noting Britney hovering in his doorway holding the recorder for him to see, she silently motioned to him that she would come back. In turn he dropped his feet to the floor and sat up straight. Holding a finger for her to wait she did. As she waited, she set a secret plan in motion allowing her English Lit book and a notepad to slip from under her armpit. Turning her back to Dawson she bent over to pick them up. In doing so her full-on butt cheeks emerged, revealing her thin white thong clenched between her thighs. She knew he was looking by his sudden silence.
Standing up she turned to face him with a panicky version of, “Sorry.” So not!
He sat there with his jaw drooping. “Connie? I need to call you back. Principal just stepped in.” Instantly he hung up and nestled back into his leather swivel chair.
“Hi, Coach Dawson. Sorry to bother you.”
“No bother.” He rubbed his beard eying her attire. “Come on in. Shut the door.” Take off your clothes and dance on my desk followed within his thoughts. Brit acted sheepish and did so enclosing them in privacy.
“What brings you, my way. Britney? Right?”
“You remembered my name. I’m impressed! Awesome! As to why I am here, my brother Lance asked me to give you this. He said he recorded some songs for you. Funky old recorder, I don’t know why he didn’t just burn you a cd.” She then leaned over his desk to hand it to him. Oslo intentionally remained nestled back in his comfy seat so that she had to stretch further. As he claimed it, he eyed her titties dangling in the tops loose confinement. No bra beneath they were a work of art. An accident hook of her finger tugged it down even more, nearly exposing a nipple. That had his attention!
“Oops! You didn’t see that.”
“Oh, I did. No worries I won’t tell anyone but my therapist.”
“Hopefully not Connie.”
“Definitely not Connie.” He chuckled! “Music, huh? Let’s see what Lancelot felt necessary I hear. It had better not be any of that growling car turning over grunts those hardcore rockers come up with.”
“I honestly don’t know what he recorded for you.” She did! Acting naive made men crazy. That and faintly bouncing up and down with your hands behind your back. The nibbling of her lower lip was effective as well.
“Dancing to the tunes already?” He winked at her.
“Is there a need to be?”
“Maybe! My brother is evil.”
“I’m sure it runs in the family.”
“That would be my mom.”
“Oh, yeah?”