Outside Help - Cover

Outside Help

by Xanzibar

Copyright© 2023 by Xanzibar

Fantasy Sex Story: The Gods of the old World are still among us and wage war for influence through modern day corporations. The Head of the Charon Corporation Dion Isis enlist the help of an unanticipated Ally outside the Pantheon. A war for corporate dominion ensues.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Paranormal   Magic   Vampires   Demons   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Facial   Oral Sex   Pegging   Squirting   Foot Fetish   Public Sex   Politics   Prostitution   Transformation   .

Lilith could not believe her luck. Usually, jobs involving rival company domains were off limit to her business group. However, the prize was too great to turn down the offer to buy out the largest asset of the Charon Global Corporation. Their new CEO Dion Isis was interested in powering up one of their subsidiary pornographic studios with the purpose of corrupting the civilized world with debauchery not seen since Roman times. He was bored on Earth and was convinced it needed a more hedonistic flare to spice things up so to speak.

Since Lilith, aka Lilith Firstborn, took over the Dis Financial Group their profits have soared to heights not seen before. While both corporations tried to purchase influencers, Lilith look to dominate the world of man, while Mr. Isis, Hade’s representative on Earth simply tried to reduce mankind to debauched revelry.

Though most on Earth did not know, except to those in power, Lilith was perhaps the most feared woman on the planet. She made even the toughest men squirm and she loved to publicly show her conquest to the world. The indignities that she showered on those who opposed her made most acquiesce to her demands. So, the fact that Mr. Isis reached out to Lilith was an indication of just how desperate he had become.

Mr. Isis’s offer was this, subdue the nemesis of Charon Global, The Avarice International Corporation. A corporation that had originally made their fortune in the realm of feminine beauty products. Almost every star flocked to be under the umbrella of the company. The company used that success to quickly grow into other aspects of the marketplace. Their company supervised most of the wedding industry items from decorations, floral arrangements, to recreational wedding planning services. They took what was once a mom-and-pop industry and made it a worldwide powerhouse.

Unfortunately, loving monogamous relationships were a thorn in the side of Mr. Isis and the Charon group. It was Avarice International’s work in the arena of influence that was causing Charon Global problems. They have lobbied the more conservative elements of society to push to outlaw strip clubs and pornography. Venus Amor, CEO of Avarice, while not minding sexual love, very much minded the corruption of that love by the seedier elements of society. Avarice International also used influence to purchase many talk show companies and use their influencers to give their message of stability across. A stable family hurts the profits of Charon. In fact, Mr. Isis was finding it was becoming more common for some of their potential business colleagues to view his corporation as a pariah. Everywhere in the world, in every marketplace, his company was in full retreat.

Then there was Lilith’s Company, The Dis Financial Group, a group of higher demons from Hell’s capital city of Dis. The group started as a band of ruthless corporate raiders who came together to buy companies and break them up causing intense misery on the employees of every company they bought. The first leaders of Dis were intent on spreading as much misery as possible, anything to make them doubt the system they lived in. Of course, Hell loved this because they felt they could get the most souls when all was going against their targets.The 1980’s were largely a product of their handiwork.

That was until Lilith took over. Lilith knew that a higher-level sadist would not spend all efforts to extract misery in one act. Especially, since most of the time the first thing a destroyed family does when they hit poverty was go to church. Why did the demons not see this? Because the other demons that controlled the Dis Financial Group had no vision. They only looked to the misery they caused, not the end effect of their efforts. Lilith was a visionary and with her at the helm Dis switched from destroying companies to keeping the companies they bought, and under her leadership those companies thrived, increasing the size of Dis Financial exponentially.

Now Lilith worked to not only destabilize everything but to create a new system that was a continuous self-sustaining system of chaos and despair. A system that generated misery constantly. She was intent on buttering up the world for its end.

Lilith, the original dominant woman, was extremely proficient at breaking her enemy’s spirit with breathtaking efficiency. So, when the lecher, Mr. Isis, offered to give Lilith’s company ownership of the largest vice entertainment company in Nevada, which included four of the biggest Casinos he got her attention.

The Greek deity wanted his rival company the Avarice International Corporation out of the picture for good. As with all contracts involved any of the hells if she failed, she would have to serve a century of servitude to the Charon Corporation. He informed her that it would be spent whoring herself to further the interest of Charon. Worse, there were minions of Lucifer, like Mephistopheles, who were always gunning for her position. If she would agree to this deal, she would have to face rivals trying to sabotage her. To add to that problem, the Avarice International Corporation was very formidable. The ask was not a guaranteed thing. The Avarice International Corporation and their subsidiaries were basically destroying the Charon Corporation, which is why someone from the Patheon would ever seek out help from the Morning Star. The two realms hated each other. Lilith did not care, and she did not get this far by being timid. She accepted the deal.

Sometime Later.

Lilith set up her agents all over the corporate campus of Avarice International. It did not take long to realize that their CEO Venus Amor was in fact, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love from the old world. Lilith hated the old gods and goddesses because of their group nature, it messed with a solid order of things. The board and her agreed after a month’s long surveillance that the best method of subduing Venus would be to go directly at her in full view of everyone, she would approach her as CEO of the Dis Financial Group. She had spent the last month subduing (kidnapping), various upper management employees which she knew were just Aphrodite’s handmaidens in disguise. So when Lilith came forward and informed the personal assistant of Venus Amor(Aphrodite) that she knew where her employees were. She got a call back immediately and a meeting was arranged.

Lilith decided for this face-to-face meeting she would dress as subdued as possible. Well as subdued that she would allow her to be. She fully intended to force the aspect of love to become her wailing harlot by the time their encounters were finished.

Lilith dressed in an extremely sexy office dress. She wore a black leather skirt that went down to her knee. Lilith liked stockings just as much as the next girl, but when you have hard well sculpted legs is hard to not want to show them off at every opportunity. The legs went into a dark blood red glossy pair of Christian Louis Vuitton So Kate high heels. Her blouse was the same color as her shoes. Her nails were all painted blood red as well. The leather skirt had a wide belt that had a golden pentagram as the buckle. The ensemble was completed with a sleek black leather blazer.

The corporate campus was filled with green grass, blossoming flowers, and colorful plants. In short, it was a place that was meant to give off the feeling of Paradise. Lilith smiled as she slowly took the beauty in and felt a warm feeling in her stomach. Oh, the more beauty she saw on the campus the more she had a hunger to defile the soft flesh flaunted everywhere around her in this place. She stilled herself, the whole place was meant to placate a person to have inner peace.

She could see why Dion was having so much trouble with these idealists. They presented the best possible world. Lilith sneered slightly as she knew such a world was always an illusion, and allowing one to be placated to such a world was to guarantee yourself a sheep. She thought of H.G. Wells creation, the Morlocks. A race of cannibals in the future that placated their human cattle by giving them every need, plumping them up for the kill. “Oh her kind will feast very well if this goes through successfully”, Lilith thought. A thought that put a smile back on the pale woman’s face.

Lilith finally made it to the main office building. When she entered the lobby of the building all eyes turned to Lilith, she stuck out like a sore thumb. Even though this was a major multi-billion-dollar corporation it looked like some sort of weekend project. Everyone in the building was dressed business casual. She looked outside to the back of the building and she saw about forty workers in yoga pants doing yoga on the lush green grass on the outside. The building itself was an absolute beauty as well. The inside of the building was bathed in bright pastels with open tinted glass lining the walls. Hanging off the glass were lush verdant vines. The entire building was meant for peace. It was meant to disarm a person, and open themselves up to utter serenity so they can just stay in the space and experience love. Oh, how Lilith despised these people. It felt like a hippie commune more than a serious business affair.

Lilith walked over to the receptionist and simply said, “I have a meeting with Venus.” Lilith announced.

“Ah yes Ms. Firstborn proceed to the elevator and just hit the button on the top with the letter V and you will get to her.” The Receptionist said.

Lilith reprimanding the receptionist asked, “Are you not even going to tell her I am coming?”

“Oh, she knows, she knows everything here” The woman said in an ominous tone.

“Of course, she knows because she is a goddess, the very embodiment of love, I can feel her weakness all over this place” Lilith thought to herself as she passed more fine art paintings on the wall and the overwhelming feeling of serenity only increased the further, she entered the bowels of this abomination. The bitch is using the magic of this place on me, I will make her pay. Lilith angrily thought to herself. She wanted to enslave the entire building. Lilith wanted them reduced to submissive mounds of flesh to be used until they were grounded down and spent.

Lilith hit the V on the elevator. The elevator illusion faded and Lilith felt herself on soft grass. She looked forward and saw a gorgeous woman with soft skin and vibrant honey blonde hair, although Lilith was certain she could change her appearance to any shape. The bitch knew she had a weakness for blondes although she preferred strawberry blondes. Aphrodite’s honey blonde hair was attractive as well. This place is way too cozy!

“Hello Ms. Venus Amor, or should I just call you by your real name, Aphrodite?” Lilith asked aloud.

“Oh, I see” Aphrodite uttered then decided to be direct also. “Well then, you whore of hell where are my maidens?” Aphrodite asked as she snapped her fingers transforming the woman’s workout clothes into a form fitting toga and golden sandals.

“Mmm you look absolutely delicious dear, I would love nothing more than to devour you whole” Lilith said in a seductive tone.

“Do not even fucking try ... you are out of your league heathen. Why not return my people and go back to your perverted infested realm, our company wants nothing to do with you” Aphrodite hissed.

“Oh you look sexy when you threaten me. I did not come here to fight I came here with an offer.” Lilith said aloud.

“Oh ... what could you possibly offer me?” Aphrodite asked.

“Well for starters I will not have to harm your workers that are in our care.” Lilith said as she opened her hand in various globes appeared displaying several of her workers writhing in chains in some unknown dungeon somewhere.

“Let them go this instant! Or I will bring the full might of Mount Olympus upon you unchosen one! The Angels of Light whom you battle would love nothing more than to join us. I swear upon Zeus himself if you hurt a hair on their heads, it will be the end of you!” Aphrodite barked at Lilith.

“Oh, I see is that so? Would you like me to take you where they are? I can let you talk to them. I only kidnapped them to get your attention. I just want to talk, woman to woman, CEO to CEO, there is much we can provide each other. Lilith said optimistically trying to get Aphrodite to waver on her adversarial stance.

“You will let them go when I get there, if I agree to hear your business arrangement and have a proper meeting?” Aphrodite asked.

“Yes, if you agree to meet me, they are free to go, I will not stop them from leaving.” Lilith said.

“Very Well take me to them, let’s get this over with” Aphrodite said waving away Lilith as if she was inconvenienced at Lilith’s actions.

Lilith smiled brightly and took Aphrodite’s soft hand in hers. Lilith smirked at the contrasting skin tones, the smooth tan skin of Aphrodite against her own creamy skin. She then closed her eyes and barked out Ianuae!.

The whole world around the pair changed when Lilith opened her eyes, they were in one of Lilith’s favorite BDSM dungeons. She owned quite a few BDSM dungeons. Aphrodite looked around in awe at the dark scenery of the facility. All around gorgeous people walked in all sorts of fetish dress. Lilith smirked to gauge Aphrodite’s reaction.

Lilith, still holding Aphrodite’s hand leaned in and whispered, “Ooo you like this place, I thought you would. I tell you Aphrodite, if you ever want to play, I will not tell anyone.”

Aphrodite started to blush slightly at the seductive mannerisms of Lilith. The goddess of love shook her head as if casting off some spell, then looked at Lilith.

“Oh your good ... but not good enough. I know you desire me, you want this body, but you will never have me, you are not interested in who I am, just what I look like, Tis a shame really, for all that dominance, you are just boring.” Aphrodite said pulling her hand away from Lilith while rolling her eyes.

For some reason Aphrodite’s words hurt Lilith, boring, she thinks I am boring. Oh, that bitch, no, no, pull yourself together Lilith. The woman thought to herself before countering.

“Oh I guarantee you if we ever played I would give you the best orgasm you ever had in your life. By the time our time together was done you would willingly throw yourself at me. “Lilith said.

“Words I have heard from everyone before. What? You going to morph into a redhead? A blonde? A raven-haired vixen like you are now? Do you not think I can sense morphing magic on you? You are always portrayed as having a black mane, you do not even show people your true hair more less your true self? You cannot even look at me as your natural self.” Aphrodite laughed, as she taunted Lilith. The Goddess was trying to push her buttons.

The bitch was trying to get under her skin, very well, she knew her game now. Lilith thought to herself before replying, “Oh, well ever had a white-haired vixen, slut” Lilith said as she made a hand motion over her face and her hair turned to its natural bright white, her milky skin turned tauter and more youthful in appearance. In fact, she was even more beautiful in her own way, after all she was the first woman, even before Eve. Lilith had radiant purple eyes, pale creamy skin, and harsh accents to her face. She was regal in appearance, a ruler. It was odd that in her natural form she looked even more beautiful than her disguise. Lilith found out long ago she could seduce far more men by adding a few flaws not removing them. Lilith knew that men needed to find her attainable. She was not looking to be put in a gilded cage. Like a hunter enticing its prey, any action that lure men into her trap was preferable to showing her potential prey her femme fatale nature. Besides her natural form brought unwanted attention. Aphrodite was now intrigued she had never had the like of Lilith, a person that was a denizen of hell but neither demon nor angel.

“You truly are beautiful Lilith; it is a shame you have never embraced love. You deserve it. A person to devote yourself to, to have then devote yourself to in return.” Aphrodite said in a tone dripping with romanticism. In that moment Aphrodite felt sorry for Lilith. She heard the stories of her domineering nature that caused her to be exiled from Paradise. What no one knew was that it was Lilith that caused Adam and Eve to be exiled and not a serpent. Lilith seduced and enslaved Eve cuckolding Adam. She then ordered Eve to eat the apple on the tree. Eve although enthralled to Lilith still loved Adam and made up a lie about being tricked by a talking serpent to shield him from the truth that he had been cuckolded by the same woman that dominated him before. God disgusted by the lies, deceit and disobedience exiled both Adam and Eve to roam the Earth. So, Lilith’s response was to be expected.

“Pah, I do not need love, you weak woman. Your love is an illusion just like your appearance. You and women like you make our gender weak and subservient. I have no intention of waiting for a hero on my knees. I see you infect the women of this planet; they grow up hoping some white knight rescues them. Well, my slut, I have never needed a white knight. I prefer my white knights stripped of all their clothes, wearing my collar and displaying a pierced cock, ringed and hooked onto a leash that is held firmly in my grasp!” Lilith said as her purple eyes glowed slightly, now quickly gauging the goddess in front of her. She was taken aback at the Avarice International corporation but here, in a place of Lilith’s power, the magnitude of love’s powers was waning. She heard the slight moan from the goddess opposite her as she described the enslaved white knight.

Aphrodite stopped and listened and when Lilith put the perverted imagery of a dashing knight being enslaved and leashed. Aphrodite blushed slightly. After it was all over. Aphrodite simply nodded and waved her own hand in front of her face. The honey blonde hair she was wearing turned into long strawberry blonde tresses. Her bosom became slightly larger, and her figure became slightly more curved. Her immaculate skin stayed the same.

“Oh, my ... you look much better like this.” Lilith said to Aphrodite while she leaned back and glared at Aphrodite’s true form. The smile on her face screamed her satisfaction at what she saw.

“Is that so, did it not feel good to have someone tell you how beautiful you were. Someone expressing their appreciation of all that you are?” Aphrodite posited Lilith as if she was trying to convert her to the side of love.

“I know I am beautiful; I do not need affirmation, simply obedience. Let us see your handmaidens, shall we?” Lilith continued in a cold manner.

“Let’s start with your personal assistant.” Lilith started opening her hand towards a door on the other side of the room.

As Aphrodite followed Lilith she found herself looking down to Lilith’s strong calves as she walked. She was a very attractive woman it will not do to have her devoid of love. Aphrodite told herself. Aphrodite did not see Lilith’s face turn to mirth. Lilith has seen the look of intrigue before, she has seen the look of admiration before as well. Two actions that could prove damning when displayed to Lilith. Aphrodite was not the only person feeling lust. Lilith was becoming incredibly turned on now. She had never enslaved a goddess before. This one was the sexiest woman she ever saw. In fact, the woman exuded sex with every movement. Lilith thought of all the delicious ways she could torment her. In short, she had become wet with lust.

Aphrodite followed Lilith through a series of dungeon rooms. All of them occupied with Dominas putting their slaves through their paces. Lilith finally arrived at another section of the dungeon, it appeared this was not part of the dungeon that was open to the public. The cutoff section appeared to be an office. Lilith looked at Aphrodite, stealing another glance at her body before sighing turning around and gesturing with her hand and saying the words “me intrare.”

The illusion of the room disappeared, and they were in a vast cavern composed of all black rock. Aphrodite thought it might be Onyx or Obsidian. Lilith walked forward towards one of the caves and entered. As soon as they entered through the threshold their surroundings changed again. It became a lush old state room full of highly polished red oak furniture and a fireplace burning. Lilith walked in her sexy blood red heels to the wall and placed her hand flat on the wall and a hidden section opened. They entered a hallway and Aphrodite gasped. There was one of her chief handmaidens, her missing personal assistant, Ariel. The exquisitely looking tan woman immediately fell to her knees and spread her thighs to expose her naked sex and clasped her hands behind her head and thrust her lovely breast out.

“Good, good slut, that is the proper greeting. Your Goddess is here to see you.” Lilith said smirking from ear to ear.

“Go ahead, as you can see, I have no chains upon her. There is no need.” Lilith bragged flatly.

“Ariel come with me your Goddess has come to save you! What have they done to you? What spell are you under?” Aphrodite asked in an accusatory voice.

“Nothing they have done nothing! This fuckslut loves it here!!! This fuckslut wants this! She wants this more than anything!” Ariel proudly declared to her former goddess; the sincerity of her voice left Aphrodite crestfallen.

“What spell do you have them under bitch!!! I am about to end you, you discarded rejected malfunctioning whore of the Morning Star!’ Aphrodite screamed at Lilith; her face beet red from anger.

Lilith had honestly had not seen a sexier sight in her life, the goddess of love losing her cool, she obviously needed proper discipline.

“Silence!!!” Lilith’s voice boomed with unnatural volume. Everyone in the room were silent almost instantaneously including Aphrodite.

Lilith on her towering blood red pumps walked methodically over to Aphrodite and leaned in and whispered in a very seductive tone. “Go ahead check them for magic, my little horny slut.”

Aphrodite was about to say something but stopped herself. She instead scanned Ariel for any magics, if so when she looked for Ley energies they would be connecting to her from the various lines around here, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing, no magic of any kind.

“I’ do not understand”. Aphrodite declared defeated.

“Pet, do you want to go back to your goddess, I will not stop you. “Lilith posited again to Ariel.

“No ... I want to stay with you Mistress, you are my everything! Please this fuckslut will be good, please let me stay! I promise! Do not make me go!” Ariel pleaded as she rain kisses down on the tops of Lilith’s feet in a panic as Ariel thought that she might be forced to leave this dungeon.

“I guess she likes my brand of boredom more, love goddess.” Lilith sneered.

“I ... uh ... let’s see the others.” Aphrodite sighed out in defeat.

The rest of the inspections were a repeat of the first, the kidnapped hand maidens were now devoted slaves of Lilith. Aphrodite could not understand it. She scanned for magic but there was none.

Lilith turned around and stared at Aphrodite with folded arms. If you want to play you could join them, after all what is the worst that can happen? Since I am so boring, you have nothing to fear from me obviously.” Lilith declared sarcastically, twisting the knife into Aphrodite’s heart.

Aphrodite looked at her hurt that her followers left her for this evil vile woman. She did not understand what was happening, and she obviously had dismissed Lilith too soon.

“So, what was the proposal you wanted to offer me?” Aphrodite said softly she was still devastated by her most cherish followers kneeling to another Mistress.

“I was going to pose a challenge to you, you become my plaything for two Earth Days, and if by the end of Two Earth Days you are not my broken devoted slave, I will give you all my interest in Dis Financial. I will also include myself” Lilith said arching your eyebrow, “and I will cast a spell that will make your handmaidens forget they ever met me, they will go back to being your devoted followers. That is my offer.” Lilith added.

“You are out of your damn mind, you won this round, but Avarice International will make its mission to destroy you, like the way we are destroying Charon.” Aphrodite said.

“I am sorry to hear that, I know you find me appealing, and you are the sexiest woman I have ever encountered. We could have a time worth remembering through the ages. So be it. Here accept this gift as my condolences on you losing this round.” Lilith said as a polish black box with purple ribbon appeared in her hands.

“A gift, you are insane! Take me back now.” Aphrodite demanded grabbing the box from Lilith, After she grabbed the box she was teleported back to her office at Avarice International.

Avarice International’s Aphrodite’s Office

Aphrodite fumed at her handmaiden’s predicament. The normal and reserved Aphrodite, who normally exuded positive energy, cursed aloud in her office, “That fucking arrogant bitch! That pompous evil little Hellcunt!” Aphrodite even took a figurine from her desk and threw it across her office smashing it into the wall. She had no idea how to get them back.

She decided to change into her toga and go to her private serenity pond. The beauty did not wear any shoes, she simply sat on the soft grass and sat with her legs folded and closed her eyes. When she did, she saw the lovely pale skin of Lilith. The woman’s purring voice echoed in her head. She thought about the look of sheer bliss on all her handmaidens, kneeling at the feet of her enemy. The intense orgasm Ariel had; her body literally quaked with absolute pleasure. No matter how hard she tried she could not stop thinking of Lilith’s dungeon. So much so that she decided to go back to her office and look at the gift that Lilith gave her.

Inside the box was a simple black collar and an outfit. Inside was a letter.

Dear pet,

I left you this collar and a nice outfit to wear if you ever decide to take me up on my offer. Know this, you have until sunset tonight to decide or the offer is off the table. I will now add time for each rising and setting of the sun afterwards. Also, if you look outside, you will see my minions have acquired more of your employees. They are making excellent playthings. I will let them know you will not even give me two Earth Days for their return.


Your New Goddess, Lilith.

Aphrodite sighed and picked up the collar and she felt the collar strum with magic. She was scared of what would happen if she snapped it around her neck. She went outside and noticed her entire vice president’s floor was empty, oh dear, this is bad Aphrodite thought to herself. Two days, if I take her up on her offer, she will basically give me Dis Financial, she could break the back of debauchery and despair in this realm. It would be a paradise and she would get her people back. Two days, but what if she wins? She never told me what happens if she wins the bet. Aphrodite finally realized.

Aphrodite decided to go to a separate room in her office building and walk into a room where a purple crystal fountain was the centerpiece. She walked up to the pool and looked into it and ordered it to show her Lilith. The water erupted with ripples to show Lilith sitting on a throne somewhere, her sleek alabaster legs were in a pair of sheer black stockings. She was flanked by what looked like vampires. Although it is hard to tell with Lilith, she was the mother and creator of all vampires, succubae, and incubi after all. Where Dionysus corrupted behavior so people wanted only to live in constant revelry, Lilith and her company harvested souls. She looked to use sex to enslave and dominate people. She gasped as the sight of Avarice International’s Vice President of Security, an amazon who pledged herself to Aphrodite thousands of years ago. The VP was currently in the process of licking one of Lilith’s high heels while a demon was entering her from behind with complete abandoned. Aphrodite quickly pulled away. Aphrodite did not want to admit it, but she was incredibly turned on. She decided to do a little self-care and masturbate. The Goddess came hard at the thought of being ravished like the women in the fountain vision were. She bit her lip and started thinking for two days, she can last two days, it will take more than getting screwed to enslave the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite smirked thinking of what she gets if she wins the bet.

Aphrodite looked at the outfit, it was a fishnet bodysuit. The heels were glossy black as well. She has dressed sluttier for some of her trysts, Aphrodite would walk anywhere nude if she wanted to, but as mankind evolved so did their puritanical habits, so she had to conform to the dress convention while on Earth and most certainly in the corporate world that she now inhabits. Aphrodite decided to put on the fishnet bodysuit. She quickly stripped and got dressed and was shocked slightly as the bodysuit had a leather part that went over her sex, she was sure it would be exposed, it did have a zipper right down the middle however. The back side of the suit was bare as she noticed before, the straps did nothing to hide her ass, in fact the straps on the back simply molded her ass upwards. The body suit ended right on her ankles, leaving her feet bare. She stepped into the high heels and smirked as she looked in the mirror. She waved a hand in front of her face and her face was made up. She closed her eyes again and pulled the zipper open and started furiously playing with herself for a second time. She continued to wear the fishnet costume and masturbate for a third, fourth, fifth, sixth time, until she was covered from head to toe in a nice sheen of sweat. It was after that sixth orgasms that a panting Aphrodite realized she was holding the collar in her hand, but worse, it was NIGHT. Damnit ... she lost track of time. Aphrodite looked at the collar and was so lost in arousal she did not think her actions through. The Goddess put the collar on. The second she clicked it around her neck. She was teleported to Lilith’s office.

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