Family Game Night - Cover

Family Game Night

Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican

Chapter 16

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Every Friday night the Cunningham clan would gather to play games and share fellowship. For more than a decade it was board games, or card games or some of those outlandish plastic constructions, like where hippos would try to eat everything in sight. But the twins grew up and soon they would be going on dates. Their parents wanted them to be prepared to date responsibly. So game night changed to discussions about sexual games.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Father   Daughter   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

“Darling?” Julie opened when she entered Bob’s home office. He was peering at his computer monitor and tapping keys.

“Hmm?” he responded.

“Do you have a minute?” she asked.

“Give me a sec,” he said, and continued tapping keys. Perhaps a minute later he leaned back and looked at her.

“I need to talk to you about something, and it’s going to take a few minutes,” she said.

“Okay,” he said. “Is something wrong? Are the girls okay?”

“Nothing is ... um ... wrong. I’m not sure how to say this.”

“Say what?” he asked.

“The girls say you aren’t responding to their ... um ... advances. They say you’re avoiding them.”

“I’m not avoiding them!” he reacted.

“When was the last time you spent some intimate time with them?” asked Julie.

“Well, since Paul got here and they started living with him I haven’t ... well ... I mean they’re living with him, now. He’s going to marry Beth. They don’t need me anymore.”

“That’s not true, Darling,” she said.

“How can that be not true?” he said. “They’re living with him, for Pete’s sake!”

“That doesn’t mean they don’t still love you and want to be with you.”

“Julie, they’re grown women. What I used to do with them was because they were teenagers, or because they missed Paul. I mean, how can I do that now? It could really screw things up with Paul.”

“What if it wouldn’t screw things up with Paul?”

“Okay, now you’ve lost me,” said Bob.

“What if Paul didn’t mind them still being intimate with you?”

“Well, that’s not possible,” grunted Bob. “That’s not how the male mind works, Baby.”

You didn’t mind sharing them with him, back before he left for college. You didn’t mind sharing them whenever he could get back here for a visit.”

“That’s different,” groaned Bob. “I wasn’t their boyfriend. I wasn’t living with them.” He blinked. “Okay, I was living with them, but not in the same way he is.”

Julie moved to sit on his lap. She straddled him and leaned so her face was a foot away from his.

“Almost from the beginning of their relationship, Paul knew that the girls were having sex with someone. He didn’t know who it was back then, but they told Paul they couldn’t have sex with him because that was reserved for another man. Since then he has ... um ... apparently ... figured out who it was.”

Bob paled and swallowed.

“He knows?” he gasped.

“Don’t get excited. According to the girls he doesn’t mind. He even told them they don’t have to stop.”

Bob blinked for a full fifteen seconds as this information rattled around in his brain. It was like, in the middle of a downpour, someone insisted it wasn’t raining at all.

“This doesn’t make sense,” he said, eventually.

“I just had a discussion with them and that’s what they said. They literally said that Paul told them he couldn’t ask them to stop loving you and wasn’t threatened by it because he knows they love him, too. He said they could keep doing what they’ve been doing. I believe the phrase they said he used was if it wasn’t broken then it didn’t need to be fixed.”

“That makes even less sense,” said Bob.

“Okay, yes, maybe to a normal man; somebody outside this family,” Julie said. “But you know this isn’t a normal family and their relationship with Paul isn’t what most people would call normal, either, so why would you expect his reaction to this to be normal? Plus, he stayed in an abnormal relationship himself, while he was getting a degree in psychology. You know he had to have studied about these kinds of situations. Maybe it all makes sense to him, somehow.”

“Okay, you have a point,” said Bob. “I have no idea what to do, though.”

“Maybe the girls have an idea of what to do,” said Julie.

“Well, I know what they want to do,” he sighed. “I thought that was all in the past, though. And what about you? I thought you were happier now that you’re my only woman.”

“I love you,” she said, leaning forward to kiss him. When she pulled back she went on. “I love you to pieces, but over the years your libido has grown while mine stayed the same. It used to be that I wore you out, but now sometimes you wear me out, Honey, and I’m busy trying to take care of Megan and cook and clean and meanwhile you’re chasing me around wanting to spend hours in bed with me. I love being in bed with you, but maybe not quite as often as you need it?”

She looked for hurt in his eyes, but saw none. Instead his face exhibited chagrin.

“I know,” he sighed. “I can tell when I’m horny and you’re not. I feel guilty sometimes but I guess I got used to having sex anytime I felt like it.”

“What I’m saying, Dear Heart, is that I don’t mind if you spend a little of that passion on them, from time to time.”

“And Paul really doesn’t mind?” he asked, with something like awe in his voice.

“You need to talk to the girls and ask them that,” she responded.

“It really is okay with him,” insisted Emma.

When Bob had gone to talk to the twins, they said they wanted to talk in his bedroom. Once they got there they started undressing him. He resisted, but only vocally, saying many of the same things he’d recently communicated to his wife.

They then related to him the things they’d told their mother, and more, as they also got naked.

They made a Daddy sandwich in bed as they described the conversation they’d had with Paul and the history behind it.

“You’re Mister Mysterious,” said Beth as she climbed on top of him. “Paul knows that and he knows why we have loved Mister Mysterious since he met us.”

Bob’s mind may have been whirling but his body knew what to do when one (or both) of the twins got naked with him. He had a perfectly serviceable erection and Emma sank down on it with a sigh.

“He said he knows we can’t stop loving Mister Mysterious and that what we’ve been doing with you hasn’t hurt anything. He said you don’t threaten him.”

“But you have him to do this with, now,” groaned Bob as her familiar, hot pussy began milking him.

“And we do,” said Beth, rolling onto his shoulder to kiss him. “We sleep with him every night, but he works hard and sometimes he’s too tired to do what we need. But now he says it’s okay for us to keep seeing you, so that solves our problem.”

“Ohh, man,” grunted Bob. “I’ve missed this.”

“So have we,” said Emma, as she felt an orgasm rushing toward her. “Ohhh, Daddy, I’m gonna cum.”

As she did, he did, too. It was basically a premature ejaculation, caused by the intense passion of finding something again he had thought was lost.

Half an hour later he hunched over Beth, pounding her like she enjoyed so much. During her orgasm the noises of appreciation and joy she made pulled another load out of his balls, which he splashed in her womb.

That would be the womb that had a Liletta® brand IUD in it, lot number D58604, an IUD that was identical to the one implanted in her sister. Both of them had given their last gasp of protection, which up to this point had been very good. At this point, however, they were just two pieces of plastic in the otherwise fertile wombs of twin sisters.

That night Paul also flushed them full of sperm, and the night after that, too.

Over the next two weeks the twins’ reproductive organs worked normally and both released an egg into their uteruses. During that time the twins spent time in bed with both their lovers, giving and receiving love, and receiving the product of that love. Basically, their wombs were constantly swimming in virile sperm.

Once more the twins did something together, just like they had done things together in the past. This time they both became pregnant at the same time.

It would be impossible to tell without a DNA test which lover’s sperm fertilized those eggs.

When you have a full, busy life, with a good job you love, and a home life that is also busy and which you love, it’s easy to miss subtle signs that something is different.

It was Beth who actually thought about one of those subtle signs when she happened to go under the bathroom sink to get a new bar of soap and saw the tampon box next to the soap. That made her think about the last time she’d needed a tampon and she found it odd she couldn’t remember.

She unwrapped the soap and put it on the little dish and then, more out of curiosity than concern, went to the calendar on the wall in the bedroom and looked at the little circles in red, which indicated when her periods had started. She also looked at the little blue circles that indicated the same thing for Emma. Those circles were always within a day or two of each other and, sometimes there were both red and blue circles around the same date.

What she saw was that there hadn’t been a circle of either color drawn for forty-two days.

It is difficult for a young woman to contemplate that she might be pregnant when no attempt at getting pregnant has taken place. It’s one of those “It happens to someone else ... not me” moments. Beth assumed there was some other reason she had forgotten to circle the date of her last period, but the fact that Emma hadn’t done it either caused her to investigate, further. She waited until Emma got home from her shift at the hospital and mentioned it.

“When was your last period?” she queried.


“I looked at the calendar today and the last time we noted the start of a period on it was forty-two days ago.”

“What are you talking about?” groaned Emma, who was concentrating more on her feet than what Beth was nattering on about.

“I’m talking about how I apparently forgot to circle the date of my last period,” said Beth. “And you apparently forgot, too.”

“I never forget,” said Emma.

“Well, either we both forgot, or something’s wrong, because we haven’t written on the calendar for forty-two days, Emma!”

“That’s impossible,” said Emma. “We both have IUDs and they’ve been working just fine for...” She stopped, obviously thinking. “We got them put in during our junior year in high school,” she said.

“That’s eight years ago,” said Beth, helpfully.

Emma thought harder.

“How long do they last?” she asked.

“How should I know?” said Beth. “When we got them I forgot about it. They worked and that was all I ever thought about.”

Emma opened the laptop that was on the kitchen table. She tapped in a Google search and began reading.

“Do you remember what brand we have?” she asked.

“Do you?” Beth groaned.

Emma kept reading and her next words were, “Shit. Most of them only last five or six years.”

“Most of them?”

“There are different brands and they have different effective dates,” said Emma. “We need to find out what kind we have.”

“Does it say anything about missing a period while you have one in?” asked Beth.

“I don’t know. I need to do more reading. There are a zillion sites. Call Mom and ask her if she remembers the brand we got.”

Beth did that and when she asked, and explained why she was asking, there was a long silence on the other end.

“Oh my,” said Julie, finally. “I didn’t think about that. They do wear out, don’t they. Is it possible you’re pregnant?”

“What do you mean is it possible?” yipped Beth. “You know how active our sex lives are!”

“Let me go look in the file cabinet,” said Julie. “We keep medical records in one of the drawers. It may take some time. I’ll call you back.”

Beth punched her phone off and looked at Emma, who was still peering at the laptop screen.

“Anything? Mom can’t remember. She’s going to go through a bunch of medical records.”

“Hmm,” was Emma’s response.

“She asked if it was possible I was pregnant,” said Beth.

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” grunted Emma.

Is it possible?” said Beth.

Emma looked up.

“From what I’m reading, it’s very possible.”

“I can’t be pregnant!” Beth moaned.

“Why not?” asked Emma.

“I don’t know how to be pregnant,” she whined.

The long and short of it was that Julie couldn’t find anything that listed the insertion or brand of IUD from so long ago. The doctor’s office, of course, had retained that information. There was a short period of confusion about whether Julie could be given information concerning now-adult patients but eventually the doctor himself came on the line.

“The brand we used was called Liletta® and it is quite possible they have expired. If they never had them replaced then their protection could have become compromised. Our records show some visits since then, but nothing concerning their IUDs. Perhaps it would be a good idea for them to come see me.”

Julie couldn’t make that appointment so she called her daughters.

“Doctor Jordan said they’re expired and that you need to come see him,” she said.

“Mom!” Emma moaned. “What if we’re pregnant?”

“Just go see Doctor Jordan,” said Julie. “Let’s not get excited until we have all the facts.”

A week later they had the facts. Their examination had determined two things. The first was that their now-expired IUDs needed to come out. A nurse did that during the same visit because it was now important that there be no foreign objects in their wombs. And that was because the pregnancy tests done on the twins had come back positive.

Just as there is a period of adjustment when a woman finds she is with child, there is also an adjustment time required for the father to come to terms with what his sperm has produced. In this case, of course, there were two men who were potentially responsible for breeding the women. That complicated the dynamic of ... adjusting.

Paul wasn’t angry that his wives were with child. He was stunned at the concept that he was going to be a father. Initially, he didn’t even think about the possibility that Mister Mysterious may have claimed the womb of one or both women.

The fact that the women were still “meeting with” Mister Mysterious was known but not discussed or mentioned, other than in a non-specific way, such as “I went and spent some time with Mom and Dad today.” It was a sort of a don’t ask, don’t tell situation.

Now, however, Mister Mysterious had to come out of the shadows.

It was a week after they had told Paul, together, that they were pregnant. They were in bed with him at the time and what Paul had finally begun to think about came bubbling out of him.

“Mister Mysterious really is your dad ... right?” he said.

The women were half draped over him. There had been no lovemaking, yet, at that point. They were just cuddling, naked, in bed, ready to stay there and either make love or go to sleep.

“Why does it matter?” asked Emma, finally.

“Because you’re pregnant and it’s possible he’s the father,” said Paul.

“It’s also possible you’re the father,” said Beth.

“Okay, but what if he’s the father?” Paul asked.

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll raise the babies and love them and they’ll be ours ... together.

“What about birth defects?” asked Paul.

“When we found out we were pregnant we did a shit ton of research. As best we can tell, the incident of birth defects under these kinds of conditions cannot be separated from all other birth defects. What I mean is that babies conceived in ... um ... that fashion, don’t have any more problems than any other baby.”

“Really!” said Paul. “That’s interesting. Can you show me?”


Beth reached for his penis, which had been “trained” just like Bob’s had been. When the women got naked, Paul got hard.

“I guess it could wait until tomorrow,” he said.

“Good,” said Beth. “I get to go first, tonight.”

“Do I need to suck him and get him ready for you?” asked Emma.

“He’s already ready,” purred Beth as she pulled him on top of her.

She spread her legs and let out a happy groan as Paul slid his longer, thinner (than Mister Mysterious’s) cock into her pussy.

“I love you so much,” she moaned, running her hands over his back.

“I love you, too,” he panted. “I hope I’m the one who got you pregnant.”

“You probably were,” said Emma, right beside them. “You do this with us ten times more than he does.”

“I’m gonna be a father,” he groaned, pushing deep and kissing Beth.

“I’m so glad you got me pregnant,” Beth panted.

When Paul got around to having the twins show him the research they had done on birth defects, he was relieved to find that, unless there had been generations of repeated incest, the rate at which incest babies had problems was no different than that of other babies. They had to dig for this information because there had been no actual studies done on incest babies. That made sense because to do that kind of research they’d have to recruit women who knew they were pregnant by incest, and the number of women who announced that to the world and then didn’t get an abortion was too small to populate a study.

Of all concerned, the twins were most cognizant of the potential for emotional conflict, now that Bob had been “outed”. Their approach was to do the same thing with both men. The next time Beth was with her father she used the same line on him.

“I’m so glad you got me pregnant, Daddy,” she whined, as he thrust into her lustily. “Remember when I used to tease you about that? Well now I can’t, because you did get me pregnant.”

“It could be Paul’s,” grunted Bob.

“I’m sure it’s yours,” she whimpered. “I can just feel it. Paul can get me pregnant next time.”

Her words had electric effect on Bob. One of the reasons his libido had increased was the birth of Megan. There is nothing like knowing he got a woman pregnant (with her approval)to make a man feel like he could conquer the world. Now he had that feeling again. More than once he had fantasized about getting his daughters with child. He knew full well that Paul had donated a lot more sperm than he had, but it was still a wild fantasy that was easier to believe because the girls had, in fact, been bred.

There was no conflict. By now Paul’s acceptance of Mister Mysterious being in their lives had gelled and, up until now, he hadn’t even thought about it very often. The women were always avid in bed with him, always ready and eager to make love. Had his sex life waned, he might have wondered why, but that never happened so he didn’t wonder. Slowly, over the next two months everyone adapted to the new dynamic. After their initial trepidation about being pregnant, the twins were no longer worried about becoming mothers. Talking to Julie and helping take care of Megan had resulted in them feeling like they had a handle on what to do. Paul was less prepared, and worried that he might not be a good father. Julie and Muriel worked on that, once the twins informed them of his concern. Without him even knowing it they boosted his confidence. Muriel told him stories of the foibles of his father when he was young and Julie related Bob’s frustrations in trying to deal with twins.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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