The Enchantress, Book 1
Copyright© 2023 by Dee Muircastle
Chapter 2
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Mysterious things always happen to and around Lily. Duncan is finally pursuing his goal of being an athletic trainer. Sex is the magic.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Ma Mult Consensual Mind Control BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Restart Magic Sharing Wife Watching Anal Sex Cream Pie Double Penetration Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Safe Sex Sex Toys Squirting Tit-Fucking
Still on a high from her shower orgasm, Lily awoke as the sun started peeking through her window. She stretched like a cat as she sat up and smelled the aroma of the coffee coming from her automatic maker in the kitchenette in her loft apartment. Kissing her favorite Bad Dragon dildo, she quickly dressed in a yellow peasant blouse that flowed over her curves, showing off the orange bralette that barely contained her bountiful breasts and paired it with tangerine linen Capri pants. She slipped into a pair of lemon yellow heels that showed off her shapely ankles as she fastened a pair of citrine and amber earrings to go with her gold hoops. A matching necklace and bangle bracelets completed her outfit, along with several amber and citrine rings on her fingers. Putting on some light foundation and minimal make-up, she pulled her long auburn locks into an orange and yellow scrunchy on the top of her head, grabbed her lemony yellow straw hat with the orange bow, and picked up her mesh bag as she headed to the door.
Samuel, her cat, looked balefully at her and meowed pitifully until she put some canned food out for him. He acted as if she starved him, when anyone could see that his bowl was always at least half full, and his water dish was never empty. Such was life with a cat. At least she didn’t have to take him out for a walk. Catching a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror, she decided that while she would never again be thin, the excess weight she was carrying looked more Rubenesque than obese.
The first floor of the three story building was not more apartments, but a collection of small businesses. Lily lightly ran down the short flight of stairs to the outside door. Living over the coffee shop had its perks. She stopped in at the coffee bar, where her friend, Trina, waited to give Lily her second cup of coffee, a frozen concoction of coffee, chocolate, and cream.
“Morning, Trina, it’s a wonderful day!” Lily exclaimed when she saw her friend.
“Indeed it is! You look like a bright ray of sunshine today. You must have had some hot action last night.” Trina winked at her.
“No, not actually.” Lily answered thoughtfully. “Although, my imagination went into overdrive in the shower last night.”
“Mmmmm, I know that imagination of yours. I’m sure you took him for a ride and broke him to the saddle!”
“No, I’m just feeling full of life today, and thought I’d spread it around. Not every Monday has to be gloomy, just because the weekend is over. Where were you?” Lily queried.
“I had to run over to Adams. My sister had her baby!”
“Ooh!” Lily squealed. “Was it a girl, like you thought?”
“Not exactly,” Trina’s soft brown eyes twinkled.
“Wait, what?! How can it be ‘not exactly’ a girl? And hold on, she wasn’t due for another month, was she?” Lily babbled.
Trina laughed at her friend’s confusion. “She had twins! Not ‘a’ girl, two girls! Yes, they’re a little early, but that’s not uncommon with twins. I can’t believe my sister kept it from me! No wonder she hasn’t been out of the house much the last month. I just thought that the pregnancy on top of three year-old Thomas made it too hard to come out in the heat.”
Lily laughed with Trina as she absorbed the news. Trina was an aunt, three times over. She was happy her friend had such a nice family, but it made her a bit wistful. She’d been on her own for a long time. Trina whipped out her phone and started scrolling through the pictures she’d taken. The girls oohed and aahed over the cute little bundles of fluff. They couldn’t decide if they looked more like their mother, Luanne, or their father, Dwaine. One girl had an emerald green bow and blanket, the other had a ruby red bow and blanket.
“The one in red is named Ruby,” Trina announced, “And the one in green is named Eden.”
“Powerful names for future powerful women,” Lily pronounced. “We’ll have to go see them when Luanne is ready for visitors.” She hugged Trina and headed across the street to The Bohemian Gallery, an old quadrangle of buildings that had once been part of the fort complex on the cliffs, overlooking the river. Washington Heights had nearly become a ghost town after the need for military protection passed about a hundred years back, but slowly a thriving town had sprung up around the old fort, and had been further revitalized a decade back by the introduction of the artists who now made up the core of business and industry.
Lily worked as a gemologist in The Tiger’s Eye. She had been saving up to buy it from the owner, an older man who no longer lived in town. She hummed a happy tune as she unlocked the door and flipped the sign to “open.” Technically they weren’t open for nearly an hour, but Lily figured that if she was there, she might as well be open for business. She continued through the displays as she made her way to the back office. She turned on the soft music before unlocking the office door. She grabbed her laptop and placed it on the sales counter next to her coffee. Next she flipped on the display lights and started the hot water in the corner for tea.
Strong masculine arms came around her waist as soft lips started kissing the back of her neck. The pleasant scent of bergamot wafted over her, and Lily leaned back into the arms of her friend, Anders.
“Mmmm, you smell good enough to eat,” his deep voice murmured in her ear, as he nibbled and made her giggle.
“Anders!” Lily hugged his arms and leaned back into his broad chest. “So good of you to drop by.” She let her body relax against him, and rubbed her butt gently into his groin. Her actions were met with a groan, as Anders immediately came to attention, and pushed her up against the counter, letting his hands come up to cup her breasts. Her nipples came to attention as he licked her neck and gently squeezed her mounds. Lily worked her hands between them to squeeze Anders’s already hard member.
“I think I’m going to name you ‘Whopper’ because it takes two hands to handle you!” Lily started to undo the button at the top of his jeans. Anders bit her softly as he slid his hands under her shirt and pulled down the demi bra.
“Oh, you have some mighty fine mounds here, you delicious candy bar. I’m going to eat you up. I can scent your arousal, and it’s totally got me addicted to your sweet pussy.”
Lily successfully lowered the zipper and pushed Anders’s jeans down to free his raging cock. She then pushed her slacks down over her hips and bent over the counter, pushing the tea caddy out of her way. She wiggled her ass over Anders’s hard length, and positioned them so that he was lined up with her dripping entrance. Slowly he started to push into her, still holding her tits in his hands. Lily put her hands on the counter, so she could push back against him, taking him into her fully. She moaned and he groaned in unison.
“Fast and hard, Andres, please,” Lily begged.
“As my lady commands.” Knowing that he had not locked the door, Andres kicked into high gear, grabbing Lily’s hips and plunging in mercilessly. The faster he pounded, the louder Lily got, begging him to go even harder, faster. He pulled half way out and teased her by sliding slowly back and forth before filling her again. By now Lily was frantic, racing Andres to the finish. She thought about her shower vision, and came nearly instantly, squeezing Andres’ cock with her pussy so that his cock started its happy dance, filling her passage so that it started running down her legs, joining her own juices. He pushed himself deep into her well, getting his spunk and her spray on his own balls.
He lay there, curved over her back until they could both breath again, then slowly let his semi-soft shaft slide out. He reached down and pulled up her slacks, and buttoned his jeans. Lily slowly rose and turned to face him. He thought that he’d never seen anything as beautiful as her sex flushed face smiling up at him.