The Tempest Tamed - Cover

The Tempest Tamed

Copyright© 2023 by Scribbles Orchestra

Chapter 6

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After a surprisingly onesided battle, a druid tribal leader Keyleth is imprisoned by the mysterious warrior Otohan Thull. She doesn't know what Thull's plans are, but she is determined to find out and so begins a game of cat and mouse, where the power dynamic between the two women shifts and changes rapidly. While this story is originally fanfiction, one does not need to be familiar with the source material to understand the story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   Sharing   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

The sun was scorching this close to the surface. Keyleth slowly rose the last couple of steps and emerged out of the pit. She was at the surface campsite, where Thull trained the Vanguard’s soldiers in the morning sun. She just wanted to take a look around, because she has so far avoided this part of the camp for fear of someone stopping her, or questioning her. Now she was all sweaty and tired and already thirsty from the heat. Up here it was almost unbearable. A nearby unattended tent offered some shade and she snuck into it without hesitation.

Looking out she saw Otohan Thull training a group of around a dozen of Vanguard’s soldiers. She had just her trousers and white shirt on and was in the middle of explaining some technique with the sword. Her was shirt wet with sweat and sticking to her slender torso. Her nicely shaped breasts were bandaged to her chest to not be in the way during training, but Keyleth could still make out some of the beautiful shapes. She lay on her stomach, her head on her hands and watched. Something about watching Thull teach was exciting. She was ordering and screaming, slapping and shouting. Keyleth instantly wanted to be there. To hold a sword clumsily and be the worst in her unit. To be punished and humiliated and used by Snowtops. Just the thought of that made her aroused. She spread her legs slightly and pushed her right hand towards her pussy. Feeling her moisture, she started playing with herself, just a little bit. Gently, just playing, passing time watching Thull.

By the time Thull gave the trainees a break, Keyleth was soaking. Thull wiped her brow and moved to a tent not too far away. This was her chance! Keyleth quickly shapeshifted into a small beetle and flew there. It was so nice to have her magic back. It made things so much more convenient. She flew into Thull’s tent, before reverting back into Keyleth and biting Thull’s butt. Thull gasped, turned around and pushed Keyleth to the ground and rising her clenched fist before recognizing her assailant.

“What are you doing, Tempest? I could have hurt you!” she laughed. Keyleth wrapped her legs around her “I was watching you teach, Snowtops, and I thought, that it would be so nice if you taught me tonight, what do you say?” she said, pushing her hips up against Thull’s.

Thull laughed again “You are insatiable, Keyleth! Tell me,” she asked, as she slid her hand towards Keyleth’s nethers “Do you want to be taught a hard lesson tonight? A lesson in lust, in control and release? A lesson in pleasure?” as she asked her questions she started to slowly insert her fingers into Keyleth, while her other hand pushed her bra aside. Keyleth moaned as Thull started to move the fingers in her rhythmically. She licked Keyleth’s nipple.

The pleasure was almost instant, her hips moving in tandem with Thull’s fingers, she felt her climax approaching, her moaning getting louder and louder, before suddenly Thull’s fingers exited her, as she bit her sensitive nipple, hard. She screamed, but Thull put her hand over her mouth.

“You will get what you want, tonight. Now I want you to stand up, and go about your day. Oh, and it appears, that your little, hungry pussy started leaking through your clothes.” she said rubbing Keyleth’s wetness with her loincloth. “Not get up and go, or I might have to punish you harshly.” she said planting a long, wet kiss on Keyleth’s lips. Thull got up, took her training sword and said “My break is over, see you tonight.” before exiting the tent.

Keyleth was furious. She wanted to cum so bad, but at the same time, she was looking forward to whatever Thull might plan. She adjusted her bra and left the tent, not even bothering to magically dry her moist loincloth. She wanted Thull to see that she listened, that she is ready.

She walked to the stairs before turning. Thull was instructing the soldiers, but she noticed her and gave her a faint smile. Keyleth smiled as well and continued to the stairs.

Stalagor couldn’t believe his luck. Not only he got the promotion and position of captain, he even got assigned his own private chambers and his pay increased tenfold. He was quite happy these past few days. Using his new position to put the so-called Vanguard into shape. They weren’t bad, but they weren’t amazing either. Together with Thull, they devised a training program to improve the Vanguard’s ability. He was just heading to his chambers for a nice bath when he noticed the flame-haired druid. He felt his breath quicken.

Keyleth noticed the dwarf on a gallery beneath her. He looked nicely put together, with a silver ring at the end of his braided beard and clean armor. She remembered how rock-solid he got when she showed him her butt last time. She stopped and leaned on the railing, pretending to be looking somewhere else she stood there, resting her foot against her knee, as if absentmindedly. Her loincloth moving with that motion dangerously. She stood there like that, adjusting her bra, before running her hands through her hair and looking at the dwarf. She smiled at him and moved on.

When she moved her foot Stalagor could swear he saw a glimpse of red, between her legs. So it is true – he thought – she is indeed red even down there. His cock got hard almost instantly. She was looking off somewhere, almost absentmindedly adjusting her bra, moving her breasts in such a way, Stalagor had to remind himself to close his mouth. Looking at her thighs, her feet, her bosom, he felt as his now throbbing penis expelled a droplet of lubrication. She ran her hands through her hair and looked straight at him. And then she made something completely unexpected – she smiled! Stalagor swallowed as she moved away from the railing and his sight. He touched his hard cock, adjusting it, before briskly walking off. Red in the face, he wanted to just hide in his chambers before he explodes.

Keyleth slowly looked back at the gallery and saw the dwarf moving briskly. She smiled, shapeshifted into a small beetle and followed him flying through the air. His face was red and the tent in his pants was still visible – he was so distracted he didn’t even notice Keyleth-beetle quickly enter his chambers before he closed and locked the doors behind himself. Keyleth was surprised by the fact, that he had his own chambers with one sleeping room, one living room and an actual bathroom, with a wooden screen and a tub full of fresh water. He must be some sort of officer – thought Keyleth as she flew across the rooms.

Stalagor was glad his water was ready. He usually didn’t mind getting sweaty, but training the recruits on the surface and then watching Thull for a bit, he could feel the desert sand stuck to his neck and ears with sweat. He also really wanted to get rid of the wet sensation in his pants from his arousal just now. He started unbuckling his chainmail, tossing his axe to the side as he walked straight into the bathroom. The water was nice and still lukewarm, just as he asked them.

Keyleth watched with surprise as the dwarf started undressing. She flew into the bathroom and slowly crept her way behind the wooden screen. She hoped he would not see her there, as she transformed back into her half-elven body and looked on through a small hole in the screen.

Stalagor finally undid his armor, tossing it on the pile with the sword. He had a decent amount of time before the night shift would begin. Long enough to bathe and get some sleep and food, maybe even read a bit. Last time he was in the city he bought some dirty books and hasn’t had time to read them yet. Well now he did ... he was an officer, he could read on duty and no one would dare to say a word.

Keyleth, hiding behind the screen, her eye almost stuck to the little hole, watched as the dwarf took off his armor, his boots, his shirt and his leather pants. He was just average height for a dwarf, Keyleth guessed a little above 4 feet, but his broad shoulders and strong, muscular arms and legs made him seem bulky. Black hair on his chest and a puff of it between his legs, right above ... By the gods – thought Keyleth – are all dwarfs this thick? His member, still half erect, while not the longest of penises Keyleth ever saw (not that she saw many of them) was certainly the girthiest. It was even much thicker than any of the toys Thull used on her so far, veiny and strong. Keyleth never really found cocks to be inherently attractive, but this one ... this one was just hot.

The dwarf started to wash himself, his muscles rippling underneath his tanned skin. He even washes with a relentless demeanor – thought Keyleth as the dwarf scrubbed his body with soap, sitting in the tub – What are the chances he fucks so relentlessly as well? – she thought. Suddenly he took a deep breath and sank under the surface of the water. Keyleth immediately got this crazy idea, that she could just pop out from behind the screen and jump in there with him. He wouldn’t know what happened before she would have her fingers around him. She obviously won’t do that, but the image made her feel even hornier. Just to hold that huge cock of his ... how would that feel? How would it feel if he fucked her? She smiled. She was truly such a lustful creature now, but after a lifetime of solitude and self-denial, she wanted to embrace this side of her, this naughty, horny side of her. At least for a while, to see where it would lead. The dwarf in the meantime rose from the water – he was under the surface for a solid two minutes, thought Keyleth.

Rising from the water he felt refreshed, cleaned. He almost forgot about the hellish desert on the surface. He took a deep breath, standing in the still soapy water before an image appeared in front of him. An image of a cute, red bush between two pale thighs. He felt himself hardening again, only this time, he would not deny himself. With a deep breath, he stepped out of the tub and sat on its edge. His hand slowly stroked his rock-hard cock as the other hand gently played with his balls.

Keyleth couldn’t believe her eyes. He was really just going to jerk off. I shouldn’t be looking, she thought. I shouldn’t be just looking. Her hand reached for her pussy, gently rubbing it as she looked at his now fully erect dwarven cock, imagining it stretching her with its girth. Oh, what a pleasure that would be, she thought. The dwarf’s breathing quickened, and his strokes became more experienced and rhythmical. Keyleth looked on, watching carefully to absorb as much of the image as she could. Now both masturbating furiously, the dwarf on the tub, Keyleth hiding behind the wooden screen. Was he thinking of me, thought Keyleth and hoped he was. She pressed two of her fingers into herself, silencing the moan with her other hand, but it wasn’t enough. After a while, she added a third one and her pleasure achieved unknown levels. She knew these three fingers were nothing compared to him, but unless she steps out and starts riding his cock, this was the best she could do. She was so close to cumming, as she looked at the dwarf now with a rhythm that made her head spin. He had closed his eyes, stroking himself relentlessly – that answers that question I guess, thought Keyleth. How much she wished he was thinking about her while doing this. Suddenly the dwarf tensed up, his cock jumping up three times, each time exploding with semen, that spilled onto the floor as the dwarf sighted heavily. She saw as the first load flew through the air, hitting the screen just a couple of inches next to her little peephole. She imagined herself running there, lying on the ground with her ass up and licking up all this spilled seed. He would smile at her, before using his thick fingers on her little pussy. It was at that moment, she finally came herself. Forcing herself to be quiet, only a tiny squeak escaped her mouth, but the dwarf didn’t seem to notice. She shook with her orgasm, shattering everything around her as she felt her arousal and ecstasy slowly drip onto the floor. She licked her fingers clean, but she still wasn’t satisfied. She wanted to taste him. Looking through the peephole, she thought about the ways she could get to the tub unnoticed, but her crazy thoughts were cut short by the dwarf standing up suddenly. He washed his hands and cock and left the room, still naked. This was her opportunity – no, wait. What was she doing? Was she really that desperate and that aroused? She didn’t have time to finish that thought as the dwarf returned, this time heading straight for the wooden screen. She noticed neatly stacked clothes next to her – oh no, she dripped on them as well – and she started to panic. He would come here and see her and think she was a pervert and he would ... the images, the thoughts. Too many to count and too foul to even think about, she shook her head and shapeshifted back into the small beetle. Silently she crept beneath a cabinet and watched as the dwarf picked up his clean clothes, frowning at the few drops of moisture he noticed. His cock was still leaking as he turned and headed to the bedroom. Luckily one of the windows in the living room was slightly ajar, letting in the heat of the day. She flew through and went straight into her chambers. She had so much to think about ... and to imagine as well.

After a couple of hours, Keyleth once again left her chamber and wandered for a bit. She dared to reach the bottom floor, to examine the machine closer. No one seemed to mind so she looked around and noticed that the machine’s power cores were all external, attached by long cords that lead to separate chambers even lower underground. One of these was blown up, most probably from the battle that took place weeks ago. She was satisfied with her new findings, so she went back to her chambers to prepare for dinner with Thull.

Thull took her to her private chambers. They were very similar to those of the dwarf – one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, but a little bit bigger and there was a spacious balcony as well. Clearly this operation in the pit was going on for years. All the rooms were nicely furnished and the living room had a special piece of furniture in the center of it. “Prepared just for us,” said Thull as she showed Keyleth the table. It had shackles and straps of all kinds and in all different places. Keyleth smiled, she had almost forgotten what Thull promised her for today. After eating they sat by the window in the living room, looking out into the enormous chasm and eating Figgs.

“I really love Figgs,” said Keyleth with her mouth full. “Yeah, I thought you might,” smiled Thull “Listen, I was thinking, about yesterday ... you know I hope it wasn’t too much.”

“What are you talking about, it was beautiful. I am happy to know that side of you, to understand you a bit better, and I know it will take a long time before you want to talk about all the stuff that happened in those days, but just know, that whenever you want, I am here.” Keyleth smiled and gently touched Thull’s chin.

“I am glad to hear that ... I mean it.” smiled Thull noticing how Keyleth rested her foot pressed against Thull’s leg. “Well, anyway, are you ready for your lesson?” she smiled and gave Keyleth’s arm a little pinch.

“Absolutely,” Keyleth’s eyes brightened “There is just one thing, I wanted to ask you about.”

“Well ask it,” said Thull impatiently, when the silence was too long. I need to control myself, how am I this horny already?

“You see, it may be an odd request, but I thought that maybe, if I will be good, maybe...” Keyleth stopped again. She couldn’t believe she was actually about to ask that. Well she wanted it, but she wanted Thull more she wanted Thull to approve. She just hoped Snowtops would see it like the fun thing it really was. “You know,” she continued “I was just thinking ... well in short ... how do I,”

Thull was quite amused at this. The Tempest was stumbling over her words like a nervous little girl. With one impossibly quick movement, she grabbed Keyleth by her left nipple “Spit it out” she said.

The pain was exciting, she felt herself ready for what is to come. If Snowtops denies her, she will at least punish her, if she accepts, she will test her, either way, this evening was about to be great.

“I was just thinking if you would let me fuck a guy from the camp, you could maybe even order me around, telling me what to do with him, or what he is to do with me!” she yelled through the pain in one quick sentence.

Thull let go of her nipple “Which one?” she asked.

“The dwarven guy, I don’t know his name,” said Keyleth, rubbing her pained nipple “The one with silver eyes and black braided beard. He has private chambers like these on another floor.”

“Stalagor?” Thull raised her eyebrows. She didn’t swing that way, but she could understand her wanting him. Hells, even Thull herself wondered about that guy sometimes. “Wait, how do you know his chambers?” she asked, feeling her cheeks flush. Was she jealous? No, certainly not ... well maybe a little.

“I followed him there,” admitted Keyleth “I was just curious, because I have been teasing him a little, and I heard how he talked to one of his friends about me.”

“Followed him how?” Thull was not sure how should she feel about this whole situation, but she was certain the entire camp talked about Keyleth like that.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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