The Tempest Tamed - Cover

The Tempest Tamed

Copyright© 2023 by Scribbles Orchestra

Chapter 4

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After a surprisingly onesided battle, a druid tribal leader Keyleth is imprisoned by the mysterious warrior Otohan Thull. She doesn't know what Thull's plans are, but she is determined to find out and so begins a game of cat and mouse, where the power dynamic between the two women shifts and changes rapidly. While this story is originally fanfiction, one does not need to be familiar with the source material to understand the story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   Sharing   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

“Why is she still alive?” asked Ludinus Daleth. Otohan was just about to leave the study he built for himself in one of the larger chambers behind the machine. She originally wanted to ask the elven wizard what was taking so long. The machine was working for days and yet nothing happened. But the elf did not intend to answer her questions, instead asking about the Tempest. Thull felt cold sweat run down her spine “Why would I kill her?” she asked.

“Am I to understand that she is going to join us?” Daleth looked up at Thull. His piercing eyes looking through her, cold, calculating. He studied her with the intensity that she didn’t believe the stoic elf could muster. At that moment, with just a glimpse of that stare, she knew, that he would kill her in an instant if he needed to. He didn’t care how long they were working together, he didn’t care about anything else but the goal ... This elf was ancient and he surely saw hundreds of lives pass into nothingness, what was one more? Her, or Keyleth’s. She clenched her fists, then released.

“Not yet” Thull looked down at her boots as if there was something interesting or new about them. She wasn’t used to being afraid, in fact, she wasn’t afraid for such a long time, that she almost forgot how does it feel, but this elf was something else.

“Well,” Daleth clicked with his tongue “so you keep her as a pet then, right? Maybe I will stop by next time you play with her. To see if it’s worth it.” he said, turning and giving Thull the single creepiest smile she ever saw.

After their first private interrogation, Keyleth was left alone for days. The food was brought in, her chamberpots taken out and once a day a tub of hot water and soap was brought for her to wash herself. She enjoyed those moments, washing and cleaning herself with such diligence one would think she was to meet royalty. In truth, it was just an excuse for her to touch herself a little bit, without having to admit her arousal to herself.

Keyleth thought this was Thull admitting defeat and that made her very happy ... and intrigued because she felt that it was too easy. Carefully, over the next few days, she investigated every part of the chamber, keeping the most exciting things for last. All the cabinets and the closet were locked. The wall had no cracks, and the floor underneath the furs was solid stone. She quickly became bored, being stuck in there with nothing to occupy her, but her thoughts ... and a faint scent of Thull that she sometimes felt.

On the third day, she discovered that the closet door had a small hole she could peep into. Excitement at the prospect of something happening was immediate. She jumped up with joy and looked into the hole. Inside was an impressive assortment of dozens of odd items like small leather whips, straps, chains and gags of all sorts, everything neatly stacked on the shelves. Keyleth let out an audible gasp. She wasn’t surprised, nor disgusted. She was excited. Keyleth immediately imagined Thull tied and whipped, but the thought brought with it too much heat. She had to repress that image, she had to focus. But when she turned around and noticed that the table had leather straps attached to the bottom, she could not help herself. The images flooded her mind and she, still naked as she was not given any clothing, lied down on the furs on the ground, closed her eyes and started to gently and slowly run her fingers across her body. She reached her breasts and started to repeat the same motions Thull used on her just a couple of days ago, but she lacked the patience. Before long her hand reached for her pussy, and started massaging around her clit.

The room filled with her breathing and a faint odor of sweat as she pleasured herself, raising her legs slightly and biting her lips. She imagined Thull tying her up, gagging her and using her fingers on her as she did before. Her stomach was on fire as she held her legs high, she started to moan loudly. The sound of her wetness and her moans filled the room, before suddenly slowing and turning into labored breathing as she arched her back upwards, finally finishing, glistening with sweat.

She lay there for a while, just breathing, before standing up to get some water. As she was drinking, still wet and aroused, satisfied, yet thirsty for more, the door suddenly opened. It was Thull, stepping in with a faint smile, she tried to cover up by frowning. “I hope you are not too bored yet, Tempest.” she said.

Thull was surprised by the fact, that this time, Keyleth didn’t even try to hide her nudity. She was even more surprised when she noticed that Keyleth was not only a bit sweaty but also ... wet. She reached out and touched Keyleth’s flat stomach to feel her sweat. “Having fun without me?” she asked as she licked the salty sweat off of her hand “So maybe you are a little bit bored, eh?”

Keyleth was feeling powerful after their last meeting, and she wasn’t going to give that power up, certainly not because of one careless moment of passion.

“Maybe if I could leave this room I wouldn’t be so bored.”

“Well” smiled Thull “that would need a bit more trust between us, don’t you think?”

“How long will I be kept here?” Keyleth wanted to push Thull a little bit further.

“Are you so anxious to return to your people? Don’t you like being free from them? Don’t you realize how much stronger they get, depending on themselves instead of on you?” Thull was trying to sound harsh, or threatening, but Keyleth saw the softness in her eyes. What was going on here?

“Is this part of your interrogation?” she asked.

“Interrogation? No. I came here just to talk ... well to talk and maybe a bit more, if you are up for it. Thull smirked.

This was a new side of Thull. Keyleth didn’t expect that and frankly, it startled her a bit. On the other hand, just seeing Thull and smelling her skin got her wet again. But it was not only pleasure. If their first sex had this profound effect on Thull, what would the next one do? Keyleth felt very sure of herself, very confident, which surprised her, because she didn’t consider herself an overly sexual person. However, throughout her stay here, even that was changing. Keyleth smiled “I saw your toys in that closet,” she said, “You bring a lot of your friends here?”

“Ah, not so many. What, did they get you all excited? I could show you more.” said Thull and unlocked the closed. Keyleth felt her heart tremble and instinctively covered her mouth. There was so much more than what she saw through the hole. The masks, gags, ropes and whips, shackles and leather, and many various ivory, glass or wooden smooth phalluses. Many things were so bizarre that Keyleth had no idea of how would one use them, or what were they for.

“You are excited, aren’t you?” smiled Thull “I can see you are getting wet again.”

Keyleth felt it too. A small droplet of her juices slowly ran down her thigh. She smiled and approached Thull and the cabinet “So, which ones do you like to get tied up with?” she asked as she was dragging her fingers along the various ropes.

A spark of anger appeared in Thull’s eyes and suddenly, with an impossible speed, she jumped forward. Keyleth didn’t expect that and before she knew what had happened she was lying on the table with Thull sitting on her flat stomach. “Oh that is not how this will go,” said Thull through gritted teeth “Now tell me: Should I stay in this chamber and go on, or do you want me to leave?”

Keyleth gambled. She pushed Thull too far and too quickly. But the battle has just begun and she was prepared.

“Stay” she whispered and Thull smiled.

“So be a good girl and don’t move from the table, alright?” she said turning towards the closet “I brought you a gift ... if you behave, you might get it.”

Keyleth smiled, stretching her body. She was excited, full of fire and soaking wet. There was no shame, just anticipation.

“Firstly we have to do something about that pretty mouth of yours,” said Thull “You cannot be talking back and moaning like a whore now, you need to focus on what is about to happen.”

No one has ever called her a whore. No one ever dared to. Keyleth didn’t know why, but hearing that word from Thull’s lips made her shiver. She closed her eyes and focused.

“You are so cute, Tempest.” smiled Thull and ran her hand through Keyleth’s red hair “Now open wide.” she said as she brought out a dark leather ballgag attached to a leather strip with a buckle at the end. The gag fit snuggly into Keyleth’s mouth and she immediately felt the rush as her mouth salivated. Thull buckled the gag at the back of Keyleth’s head and smiled “Is it okay? Nice? You look so cute with your big green eyes staring at me. Is this the first time you have one of these?”

Keyleth noded. She only saw one before, a long time ago. It felt like a different life now.

“Well you are a natural!” smiled Thull “But since you were very rude to me, you will have to be punished, you understand?”

Keyleth tried to make it look like she nodded reluctantly, but in truth, she was eager. She was excited. Thull must have noticed, because she smiled at her before rummaging through the closet again “And I have just the thing.” she said, turning back.

In her hands Thull held a short silver chain with small clips at the ends “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

Keyleth shook her head, but she felt another wave of wet arousal pulsating in her nethers. Her nipples were stiff and sensitive when Thull loomed over her.

“It will sting a little, but you should be able to enjoy it. Anyway I don’t think you are a quitter, are you?” asked Thull.

Keyleth frowned and shook her head “Nhpf, ach mmm khat a chithch!” she tried to say. She was no quitter, she was the Tempest! Thull would do well to remember that.

“I thought so,” said Thull and opened one of the clips “I am sure you will love this.”

The clip pressed around Keyleth’s left nipple, squeezing it sharply. The sting of pain made Keyleth gasp, but this was not just pain. She felt the cheeks on her freckled face blush and she had to admit that this was different. The second clip grasped her right nipple and a new wave of pain pierced Keyleth’s mind. Pain and pleasure. Her nipples were always so sensitive, sometimes all it took was for them to get caught up on a piece of her leather armor and she would get aroused. She had been successfully ignoring it her entire life, but Thull opened the floodgates of her pleasure, and now there was no closing them.

She felt tears forming in her eyes. “Is this too much, Tempest?” asked Thull. Keyleth shook her head with such a conviction that even Thull raised her eyebrow. “Good,” she said “because this is just the beginning and if you don’t listen and behave...” she tugged at the silver chain connecting Keyleth’s nipples “There will be consequences.” she smiled when she heard Keyleth squeal.

“Now we move on,” she said turning once more towards the closet.

When she tugged at the chain Keyleth thought she would faint. The pain was surprising ... the pleasure even more so. She felt how her wetness started to drip onto the table below. Her hands were still free. She could unclip the chain, but that thought didn’t even cross her mind. She wanted to touch herself, to spread her juices all over herself, but a single glance from Thull made her stop. All she could think of was how desperately she wanted Thull to pay some attention to her pussy ... her little firepit as she liked to call it back in that long-forgotten life she once had. But she wasn’t thinking about that, she wasn’t thinking about anything but her arousal and the pleasure she wanted to feel.

She wasn’t even thinking of him. She let go of all thoughts and let herself just be present, here and now.

Thull turned with a length of silken rope in her hands “Bend your knees and spread your legs.” she ordered and Keyleth obeyed in an instant. Thull approached, scratching Keyleth’s inner thigh with her short fingernails. Keyleth shivered again. The anticipation was too much to bear.

Thull put down the rope and pressed both of Keyleth’s legs upwards, lifting her butt off the table to a point, where Keyleth was looking straight at her own, wet pussy.

“Grap your ankles and hold them like this.” ordered Thull and once again, Keyleth obeyed without hesitation. Thull smiled, readied the rope and slowly started to tie Keyleth up in this position, hands to ankles, feet in the air.

Looking up at Thull concentrating on the rope and feeling it tighten, Keyleth felt her wet arousal slowly trickle – first, it trickled down, over her taint and around her butthole, and she shivered at the wet sensation touching her there, but after a while Thull adjusted her position and her juices started to drip on her stomach. Droplet by droplet Keyleth was slowly losing her mind from arousal. If only Thull would touch her, just for an instant, she was sure she would orgasm within seconds. But Thull had no such intentions. Concentrating on the ropes and clearly enjoying Keyleth’s raising desperation.

Finally, Thull was satisfied and tied the last knot. She smiled and kissed Keyleth’s feet as they dangled up in the air. “Now before I teach you some manners I should change as well,” said Thull and started to strip. Her boots, armor, trousers and shirt all getting slowly removed before finally, even her undergarments flew across the room. She turned and showed Keyleth the white shock of hair in her nethers ... her small, but nicely shaped breasts ... her strong and slender body.

Keyleth wanted to jump, to grab Thull, to taste her again, but the ropes were too tight. She could not move. She was getting more and more excited, saliva running down her chin, her wetness slowly pooling near her belly button, she was unable to control herself and when Thull, almost absentmindedly, touched herself, Keyleth started to beg.

“Oh you want my attention already?” she asked.

“Hfs, hfs phpvvss” answered Keyleth.

“Well as you wish,” said Thull approaching the closet. Keyleth strained her neck to see just a bit more. She was both curious and glad to just look at Thull’s shapely butt and strong thighs. She wished for Thull to squeeze her with them. What was she doing, she thought. This isn’t her, these perversions, where did they come from? Thull bent over, still looking into the closet and Keyleth felt her wet pussy tremble. Or maybe she was always like this. Maybe it just slept underneath the surface and Thull woke it up. The devouring beast in her loins that wanted, no, demanded to be satisfied ... to be fed. Keyleth closed her eyes for a moment. Her mind raced, looping in her anticipation. Even with closed eyes she still saw the image of Thull’s thighs. This was becoming too much and they haven’t even started with anything. A small tingle of pain reminded her of the silver chain. She opened her eyes again, her emerald green eyes, begging for satisfaction.

Thull turned, holding something that looked like a short whip, but instead of a single leather cord, it had a dozen short leather stripes attached to a nice carved handle.

“We will begin with ten and if you behave, we will move on, right? asked Thull resting the leather stripes on Keyleth’s flat stomach.

“Mhhmm, hmmm.” nodded Keyleth.

“Try not to enjoy it too much, Tempest” laughed Thull and swung her hand with force. The stripes fell on Keyleth’s flat stomach. She squealed. The sting of pain reminded her of her binds and of her precarious position. It was exhilarating.

One hit after another, she was getting whipped and with each hit she was reminded to behave like a good little slut.

Ask for permission to speak – crack! The leather bit her thighs.

Ask permission to cum – another bite, this time the leather bit her breasts.

Call Thull “Mistress” and nothing else – another sting, now straight between her legs.

She screamed, but she didn’t want Thull to stop. She will endure. She will get what she wants. She will conquer Thull even if she has to endure ... this. After ten whips both women were glistening with sweat. The pain subsided, Keyleth’s skin slowly turning from red back to its original pale coloration.

“I am impressed, Tempest” smiled Thull once more. Keyleth noticed how wet Thull was getting. Good.

“Are you ready for your gift?” asked Thull.

“Hmm mhhh” nodded Keyleth.

“I don’t hear you” Thull frowned and shook her arm, still grasping the leather whip.

“Yefs, miftrfssh” strained Keyleth enthusiastically.

“Good girl” Thull caressed Keyleth’s cheek and with a single, fast motion unbuckled her gag. Keyleth swallowed. So much spit. She still felt it on her neck. Thull caressed her again “Now, the gift,” she said and from the pile of her clothes pulled a smooth red crystal, about five inches long, with a little loop at the end, as if to stick one’s finger through it. It looked phallic, like a very expensive dildo, until Keyleth noticed the magical runes carved along its surface. She peered questioningly at Thull.

“First I need you to hold on to it for a while,” said Thull “Open your pretty mouth and be careful not to spit it out.” ordered Thull and pressed the crystal against Keyleth’s lips “Get it nice and wet.”

The crystal slid in and hit the back of Keyleth’s throat. She gagged and felt tears forming in her eyes, but she didn’t want to give up. She couldn’t give up. Using all her willpower she pushed through and let Thull slide all five inches of the girthy thing into her throat so that only the loop at the end was emerging from her lustful lips.

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