The Tempest Tamed - Cover

The Tempest Tamed

Copyright© 2023 by Scribbles Orchestra

Chapter 3

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3 - After a surprisingly onesided battle, a druid tribal leader Keyleth is imprisoned by the mysterious warrior Otohan Thull. She doesn't know what Thull's plans are, but she is determined to find out and so begins a game of cat and mouse, where the power dynamic between the two women shifts and changes rapidly. While this story is originally fanfiction, one does not need to be familiar with the source material to understand the story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   Sharing   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

They took her into a different room. It was much nicer and cleaner, with a single window that stretched across the entire room near the ceiling. The room was about ten feet tall adorned with simple furs on the ground, cabinets and a table with some chairs pushed up against the wall. A couple of candles provided gentle illumination, but they were not necessary as the light of the red moon gently trickled in through the window.

Keleth’s hands were shackled again, this time they were chained to a hook up on the ceiling. So there she was. Her hands chained together high above her head and only a short burlap cloth to cover herself with. When they tied her hands she felt, as the short cloth slip upward revealing what little it could hide before.

Standing on fur with her bare feet gave her some comfort though. Fur meant animals, life and nature and that meant safety. Her breathing shallow she suddenly realized that she isn’t afraid. She was curious. Maybe because she had already accepted that Otohan Thull will give her no quarter and made her peace with it. Maybe because she expected to learn more about Thull. Or maybe it was just her tired mind becoming numb to fear ... for now.

Thull entered carrying a large silver tray, which she set down on the table in front of Keyleth.

“I hope you are comfortable. Your legs don’t hurt? You must be hungry, I brought you something.” said Otohan uncovering the tray. There was a colorful assortment of fruit – oranges, grapes, mangoes, watermelon slices, apples, figs and others – right next to two cups and a single carafe.

“Do you want a grape, or maybe a bit of water?” asked Thull “This one will be free, you just need to tell me.”

Keyleth just now realized how long it has been since she last ate. Despite her strength, seeing the fruit made her aware of her hunger. She nodded.

Otohan smiled, took out three grapes and approached Keyleth. She held a single grape between her fingers and said “Open up.”

Of course, thought Keyleth, she still wants to break me. Keyleth smiled and opened her mouth. Thull slowly pushed the grape into her mouth squeezing her lips between her thumb and index finger as she released. “Now chew,” said Thull watching intently every move Keyleth made.

The taste of the grape was exhilarating. Sweet and juicy, Keyleth felt goosebumps spreading through her body. She was hungry. She wanted more.

Thull repeated the same ritual for the next two grapes as well. Each one slower than the last, each one sweeter than the last, each one making her hungrier.

“Now some water, right?” said Thull and poured glistening water into a small silver cup “Drink slowly, Tempest, the next cup will cost you something.”

She gently touched Keyleth’s cheek as the put the cup against her lips. Keyleth hesitated, she didn’t like that she so easily accepted Thull’s game. She didn’t like it, but she was thirsty. As long as she keeps her wits about her, she can endure. She drank. Icy cold water ran down her throat, sending shivers down her spine. The dry, hot air of the desert on her skin became a nuisance for a few moments. This refreshing coldness spreading through her reminded her of the healing potion from Thull. Never before did she taste water so good. She drank almost without breathing, only catching her breath when the cup was empty.

“There is more where that came from” whispered Thull “But now we have to talk. You should talk, at least a little bit.”

“What should I say?” asked Keyleth. She was amused by the surprise on Thull’s face. She can appear weak, cooperative and desperate. Anything that will make Thull feel safe ... anything that will make her lower her guard and make a mistake.

“I just have a couple of questions, that is all.” continued Thull “For example: How many of your tribesmen are here?”

Keyleth looked straight into Thull’s eyes “Do you think I would betray my people to you? That I would tell you anything, that would put them in danger?”

Thull frowned “No. But I hope that you understand why I have to know. You will not let our work continue, so we cannot release you. And while we have you, your people will try to free you.”

“I will not tell you anything,” said Keyleth defiantly.

“I thought so” nodded Thull.

“What did you expect? That I will let you do, whatever it is you are doing here? After what you did in our village?” accused Keyleth.

Thull’s eyes went dark “That was unfortunate.”

“Is that all you will tell me?” Keyleth was in control now. She didn’t fully understand Thull’s motives for all this, but somehow, she had some sort of power here.

“Do you know, what we are doing here?” asked Thull “What that machine down there is for?” Thull didn’t wait for an answer “It is a key. Key to unlocking the prison of some forgotten entity that makes even the gods quake with fear. A Devourer that will set us free.”

“Free?” Keyleth knew some parts of this, but not all of it.

“Yes. Take you for example. You are a leader, a hero to your people, right? When your people meet an obstacle they cannot overcome, they will call you, to help them. To fix their problem. As long as they have you, they live in comfort. They don’t have to strive for anything because you will do it for them. That’s what the gods are for all of us mortals.” Thull spoke with fervor, as if preaching.

“That’s not true!” shouted Keyleth.

“Isn’t it? The gods want to protect us, but by protecting us, they take away our freedom. Our freedom to become whatever we want, to strive, to aim as high as possible, to reach for the stars, should that be our wish. Don’t you see? By protecting us, they are halting our progress. We are fish in a tank. Protected, but every aspect of our lives is completely fabricated.” Thull was circling Keyleth, slowly, like a beast watching its prey “We live in a world, where every little psychopath with a smudge of magical talent can create something to upset the order of normal society. And these little psychopaths get stopped all the time, by heroes, the agents of the gods or whoever. Unless, of course, these psychopaths just so happen to work for the gods, in that case, they can work. How many of their most devout followers are like that? How many strive for power? Why is there a difference between one man using magic to control and amass armies, and another, who goes on the path of conquest in the name of their god? When I say I want to free us I mean it. Without gods, nothing will hold us back.”

Keyleth shivered “And how many will die?”

“But it will be our mistakes, not theirs! We will have to stop blaming higher powers for our fortune or misfortune and face the ugly truth: That we, mortals have to strive to be better. Have to stop relying on a single leader, because just as a god, a single leader could be benevolent, like you, or malevolent, like Ludinus. Killing the gods is the first step on the path to freedom. It will teach every single person, every one of those who live in poverty or oppression, that there is no power that we mortals could not destroy. Only after that realization will we truly be the masters of our destiny.” Thull’s eyes were almost pleading with Keyleth.

“And you believe, that that thing in the sky will keep its word?” said Keyleth stunned a little by Otohan’s passion.

“I believe that Daleth is clever enough to have some sort of failsafe. He is a rat in the end.” smiled Thull “Do you see now? Your people believe in you and their faith is not misplaced. But can you be sure, that no future leader of your tribe would lead them to ruin? To war or fanaticism or something else? They need to learn how to rely on themselves and how to help each other, not because some leader tells them, but because it is the right thing to do! Everybody needs to learn that.”

Was it possible for Thull to be sad? No, Keyleth must have just imagined that.

“So you won’t let me go, and I won’t betray my people. Are we to stay in this room forever then?” asked Keyleth hoping to provoke Thull into doing something reckless.

Thull almost jumped to stand face to face with Keyleth, their eyes locked. “I guess so,” said Thull coldly.

Keyleth saw an unexpected opportunity. It was an odd thought, but something told her it was the right choice. She leaned forward, as much as she could and met Thull’s lips with hers. She opened her mouth, pushing her nimble tongue into Thull’s mouth before she could have resisted and suddenly there they were. Locked into a kiss and unable to escape it. Their tongues battling for control, their breathing becoming shallow, they could not let go. Turning and twisting as if locked into an endless battle. Keyleth felt Thull’s hand on her waist. She felt how Thull wanted to recoil, but couldn’t as she was tensing and releasing, capitulating and fighting, caressing and pinching. The kiss took minutes until Otohan Thull finally stepped back. Wide-eyed and shaking. Keyleth knew she had her. She was the one with power here. She felt weak in her knees, but she didn’t pay any attention to it. Her gaze fixed upon the white-haired warrior in front of her.

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