The Tempest Tamed - Cover

The Tempest Tamed

Copyright© 2023 by Scribbles Orchestra

Chapter 12

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 12 - After a surprisingly onesided battle, a druid tribal leader Keyleth is imprisoned by the mysterious warrior Otohan Thull. She doesn't know what Thull's plans are, but she is determined to find out and so begins a game of cat and mouse, where the power dynamic between the two women shifts and changes rapidly. While this story is originally fanfiction, one does not need to be familiar with the source material to understand the story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   Sharing   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

The bustle in the village was now in full swing as Thull walked through it with her tiefling companion. She attracted many looks. Some curious, others hateful. Both were deserved, she knew that. Zephrah was truly beautiful. Cherry trees in blossom filled its outskirts with their fragrance and every house looked as if it naturally grew from the terrain around it.

There was undeniable tranquility in the way life seemed to move around the village. She understood why Keyleth fought so hard for this place.

“So what is your name?” asked Thull.

“I don’t think that would be necessary.” Replied Navari coldly, still trying to hide her blushing whenever the images of last night appeared in her mind.

“Oh come on, don’t be so cruel!” exclaimed Thull “Don’t make me beg you cutie.”

She gave her a look over, before winking at her. Navari felt her face blush even further.

“Navari.” she said sheepishly.

“That’s a cute name,” said Thull “Tell me Navari, do you always wear such fitting outfits, or is it just something special for me?”

Navari felt her heart reach her throat. She didn’t even think about the fact, that her tight robes hugged her strong figure so tightly. Thull clearly enjoyed tormenting the young woman. “Relax, if you have it show it, right? And by the gods, do you have a lot.” she said smiling at Navari before continuing on her walk.

Navari swallowed and walked after her. This teasing, combined with the things she saw last night made this assignment unexpectantly difficult. She caught herself staring at Thull’s ass and blushed even deeper. Her face must be burgundy by now.

“Now try again.” said Keyleth patting Lathiel on his back. They were in her grove, in front of her house, where she wanted him to show her the extent of his magical prowess.

“Can we take a five?” he said, sweat running down his face. They were practicing for hours now. Keyleth was mostly just curious about how much has he improved and so far she was impressed.

“Sure, let’s get a drink.” she said and walked over to her large cherry tree, where she stashed their waterskins.

Sun was high in the sky and it was getting hot. Lathiel was dripping with sweat from the exertion of magic he displayed. It was impressive, not nearly powerful as her, but the improvements he made since she last saw him were unexpected.

He sat down on the ground, breathing heavily between gulps of fresh water.

“Oh, come on! We haven’t even started yet.” laughed Keyleth and pushed him with her boot. The look he gave her was a mixture of anger, amusement and tiredness. His gaze lingered on her a second longer than it should.

Keyleth turned her back to him so that he wouldn’t notice her smirk. She wore her usual leathers, but the ones she picked for today underlined her curves quite beautifully, putting everything on display as she bent over to pick up her waterskin. She knew he was still looking.

“So, are you ready for another round?” she said, turning abruptly and catching his gaze “Let me show you how it’s done.”

Stretching her arms out, she focused briefly on a patch of grass nearby, before suddenly a pillar of stone rose up from the ground, magically summoned by her spell. It rose to about twenty feet high, ten feet wide and with a slight movement of her hands, the wall of stone started growing in multiple directions, spreading between the trees, creating a small maze.

She looked back at him, concentrating on the spell “And now, when it is no longer of help to you, you can just drop it.” she said, breaking her concentration and letting the wall fall to the ground and crumble. Within minutes, as the magic fades there was nothing left of the tall wall, even the ground looked undisturbed.

“Easy, right?” she said “Now you know the technique, you just need to concentrate. Try again, the ability to change the battlefield on a whim is extremely handy.”

He stood up, sweat still covering his brow, as he stretched his arms out and focused.

After a couple of moments of silence, he let out a frustrated sigh and with a single motion he took off his wet, sweaty shirt and closed his eyes to focus.

Keyleth guided him toward the spell with silent whispers. Encouraging him, reminding him of the proper technique as she absentmindedly watched his muscular upper body, glistening with perspiration in the sun.

Thull reached the edge of a cliff and sat down. From here, she could see not only Zephrah but the vast, flat plain that spread from the base of the mountain to the horizon. “What a beautiful place.” she exclaimed, looking over at Navari who stood just a couple feet behind her “Must have been nice growing up here.”

Navari caught herself right before she smiled at that. Instead, she just nodded and continued to pretend to be on guard duty. She had no weapon to busy her hands with because her body was her weapon, so instead, she straightened her shirt.

“Tell me,” continued Thull, standing up and approaching Navari “Do you pretend to be bored every time you see something you would like to take, or is it just with me?” she asked and grabbed Navari by the hips, pushing her towards her. Before Navari could realize what was happening, she felt Thull’s lips touch hers, her hand moving down slightly and gently squeezing her sculptured ass.

“Come on, let’s go back. I am starving.” said Thull pulling away abruptly and walking off toward Zephrah before Navari could react.

Navari should protest but ... she didn’t. Instead she just silently followed Thull, trying to ignore her pumping heart. She pushed her excitement aside, to let herself be distracted like this would be foolish ... but still the images of last night ... of what Thull did to Keyleth ... she couldn’t push those out.

The wall stood firm and strong, twenty feet high, its panels ten feet wide, spreading through the grove. Its placement was a bit rudimentary, but that’s just a matter of practice and a little finesse.

“I did it!” shouted Lathiel “I fucking did it!”

He jumped up with joy, exhausted, but filled with excitement as he finally managed to get the spell out properly. He looked at Keyleth and without a thought planted a kiss on her cheek. He immediately jumped back and blushed.

“I ... I am sorry, Tempest, that was inappropriate of me ... I don’t know what...”

Keyleth rushed to him and grabbed him by the waist of his pants. “Yeah ... you are pushing it a bit, right?” she said, pretending to be angry “I ought to punish you then, right?” she said.

Keyleth didn’t plan for this, but she wanted to get an opportunity. This little guard has been eyeing her ever since he got her from that chamber back in the desert. She enjoyed it, but he never did anything more, so she began teasing him. Still, he did nothing ... well not he would have to do something.

“You can start with this.” she said as she pushed him on his knees. Her tight armor came off in an instant as she already untied the knots before when he wasn’t looking. She hoped this would come. Now she stood before him, naked and proud, with only her mantle of the Tempest to cover her.

“Or you want to tell me this isn’t something you want?” she asked him, and circled her hips slowly before his face “So get to it ... and who knows, maybe there will be more for you to do today.”

He hesitated, but only for a short while, before putting his hands on her thighs, and running them back around to her firm ass. He kissed her inner thigh and she let out a soft moan.

Suddenly in a heat of passion that made her gasp, he struck out and kissed her wet pussy. She felt his tongue circling her clit, then assaulting her gates, then again at her clit, while his hands still gripped her ass. She pushed her hips forward and started to move gently up and down around his mouth as he continued his work. There were no words she said, for there were no thoughts she had. There was just her lust, once again released and realized.

Navari and Thull walked side by side up the steep walkway towards the mountain peak, where Keyleth had her home. The air was cool up here even in the summer’s heat.

As they walked Thull, without even trying to hide it, sometimes glanced at Navari, looking her over before looking away.

Navari felt the tension, both from Thull and her own loins, which were asking for release as her mind was constantly bombarded by the images of last night.

They came up to the top and headed toward the grove, where they stopped. It was the sound that they heard first. Moaning. Keyleth’s moaning. And truly, just about a hundred feet in front of them they saw Keyleth, naked, only in her mantle, with both of her hands on Lathiel’s head as he pleasured her with his mouth.

Navari gasped and wanted to turn away ... wanted to but didn’t. She felt her breath become shallow. She looked to the side, where Thull stood, only to not find her there.

Suddenly she felt a hand reach from behind her and wrap around her neck, pushing her backward.

“Don’t turn away, just watch it. You want to watch it, don’t you?” she heard Thull’s voice in her ear. The pressure on her neck was not enough to be painful or to stop her breathing, but just enough to show her the strength of her opponent. For a brief moment she looked back at Keyleth in her pleasure and all she wanted to do, was to touch herself ... or to run over there and help.

She shook her head and focused. There were ways to get out of this position and turn it against her opponent. She started to slightly adjust her stance, shifting almost imperceptibly. “Are you sure, you want this, Thull?” she asked, to keep her opponent busy.

“I thought that this is something you would want.” was Thull’s reply. They were almost the same height, maybe Thull was a bit taller, so all Navari had to do, was focus and use her weight to force Thull to lose her stability.

But Thull had her own plans. “Doesn’t it look beautiful? Enticing? Don’t you want that as well? To be there as well?” she asked, as her free hand landed on Navari’s flat stomach. It started moving down slowly, and Navari froze up. Thull’s hand reached her nethers and stopped there. She started gently rubbing her, irritating her pussy to the point where Navari let out a silent moan.

Why am I allowing this? Am I truly this depraved?

With a sudden flash of activity, she moaned louder, before bending over, kicking one of Thull’s legs to the side, causing her to lose balance and flipping Thull over her shoulder. Thull landed and before she knew what had happened Navari sat on her stomach, pushing both of Thull’s hands upward, and keeping her legs down with her own.

“You are a feisty one, aren’t you?” smiled Thull.

Navari thought about what she was about to do ... then she looked up at Keyleth and saw her shaking with orgasm and screaming with pleasure.

“You have no idea, Otohan,” she said “Now you open your mouth and I may let go of your hands.”

She honestly didn’t expect Thull to execute her command, but she did so, without hesitation. Navari stood up and untied her pants, keeping her foot on Thull’s neck to hold her in place. Not that Thull had any intention to go anywhere.

Navari pulled her tight leather pants down and revealed that she wore no undergarments. She spread her legs over Thull’s face and squatted, keeping her dripping, enticing pussy just out of Thull’s reach.

She hovered there for a minute before Keyleth’s orgasm faded and Lathiel resumed his work between her legs. She sat down on Thull’s face and immediately felt the rush of activity and excitement flow through her entire body. Thull’s experienced hands reached under her shirt to her massive breasts and started, expertly to irritate her nipples.

With gentle thrusts, she moved up and down on Thull’s face as she felt her climax approach already. Her moans were louder by the second.

“How ... how are you this ... good ... of by the gods!” she exclaimed as the first orgasm reached her already, just minutes after they began. She doubled over, holding herself up with her arms as she left out one loud scream of blissful agony.

Keyleth was desperately trying to stay on her feet as her violent shakes engulfed her body. Lathiel now used his fingers on her pussy with his tongue and lips assaulting her clit.

Her pleasure increased her appetite and by her third orgasm, she really wanted to suck his cock. The opportunity came, with that delightful scream. Both she and Lathiel looked over and saw Navari, riding Thull’s face, lost in divine agony.

“I was wondering when you would show up!” she shouted at them and smiled at Navari’s embarrassed face, as she pulled Lathiel to his feet. His face was wet with her juices as she kissed him, undoing his pants and pulling out his cock. She kneeled by it, grasping it with one hand and looking it over. It was nicely shaped, normal sized, with a slight upwards bend. She liked it.

Stroking it gently she started sucking on his neat balls as she looked into his eyes and saw pure joy. Before long, it was the tip of his penis she kissed, and then it was its entire length she pushed into her mouth. While sucking his cock she made the most exquisite of sounds, before she noticed Navari kneeling beside her.

She pulled Lathiel’s length out of her throat and without hesitation planted a sloppy, wet kiss on Navari’s mouth. Before long they sucked him in tandem.

Thull in the meantime walked around them, like an animal of prey waiting for its opportunity.

Before long, it came. Keyleth lay on her back in the grass, her legs spread apart, her feet in the air as Lathiel gently entered her. Navari kneeled by her head and kissed her deeply, so the first moans of pleasure were traded just between them, in kisses.

His throbbing cock moved gently in and out of her and she felt her pussy grip him firmly not wanting to let go.

“Oh my ... oh please ... go ... hnnng,” she was gasping for air with each of his thrusts as if her pleasure threatened to drown her. Lathiel, however, never let go of his control. Keeping his thrusts steady, regular, intense. Only after good five minutes did he start to lose control, grabbing one of Keyleth’s legs and putting it over his shoulder as he started pummeling her with mighty thrusts, causing her eyes to roll back once more before another peak took her. But there was no stopping him, nor the caresses from Navari as both of them made the experience so intense, Keyleth was reduced to grunting with pleasure, like the wild lustful beast she was.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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