The Tempest Tamed - Cover

The Tempest Tamed

Copyright© 2023 by Scribbles Orchestra

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - After a surprisingly onesided battle, a druid tribal leader Keyleth is imprisoned by the mysterious warrior Otohan Thull. She doesn't know what Thull's plans are, but she is determined to find out and so begins a game of cat and mouse, where the power dynamic between the two women shifts and changes rapidly. While this story is originally fanfiction, one does not need to be familiar with the source material to understand the story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   Sharing   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

“How long do you think we’ve got?” asked Keyleth, chewing her chicken. They were in Thull’s chambers, just sitting, enjoying a nice lunch when suddenly Keyleth asked this.

“What do you mean?” Thull felt her cheeks blush. Why was she nervous?

“Well, that machine, Ludinus Daleth and all that. How long before it’s done?” Keyleth put the rest of her food away and poured some wine for the both of them.

“I don’t know, why do you ask?” Thull truly didn’t know anymore.

“Well, I would like to stop Daleth before that happens ... so I would like to prepare to take us somewhere when the time comes.” she said with a smile.

Us, thought Thull, so it’s us now. “I don’t know, if it can be stopped ... or if I can be saved.” she said with a faint smile. Keyleth smiled and kissed her on the cheek “Don’t talk like that. You hate him too, I know it.”

It was true. Thull spent most of her days fantasizing about the ways she would kill the insufferable elf, but she would never actually try it. “He is too powerful. There is nothing we could do.” she said.

“We will see about that.” smiled Keyleth.

“Don’t try anything, please. He has been asking about you already and trust me, you don’t want to get on that fucker’s radar. Just ... don’t.” Thull said.

Keyleth nodded and kissed her neck. “So he has been asking about me?” she said with a laugh. Thull wanted to protest, to make Keyleth swear, that she would not do anything stupid, but instead, she got lost in the forest of her kisses.

How she loved to get lost in it.

It was a unique occasion when she noticed Ludinus Daleth on the bottom floor. He was examining something about the machine. The Temult woman was nowhere to be seen for the past month or so and he was suddenly the only powerful magical user here ... besides Keyleth. He seemed nervous, despite the fact, that his face remained stoic, Keyleth could notice these things as she watched him from a gallery two floors up.

She took just her skirt and shirt today because her previous outfit was too distracting and she wanted to focus tonight.

Over the past week, she managed to locate the precise door that lead into his private chambers. Ever since that discovery, she has been waiting for an opportunity, but when none would come, she decided, that she would create one for herself.

It was surprisingly easy. She just made sure to run into Stalagor. A single wink was all it took for him to lead her into a secluded hallway.

“You have come to see me?” he said, groping her firm breasts. Keyleth played along, keeping her own lust in check. She let him touch her, moaned when she was supposed to, and stroked his girthy, enticing cock.

He pushed her up against the cold cavern wall, pulling her skirt up, half-crazed with lust. He was just about to enter her when she suddenly grabbed his penis and turned around to meet his surprised gaze.

“I need a favor Stalagor,” she said in a voice most innocent and gentle, her eyes filled with fear and need “I need you to do something for me.”

She played the role of a weak and afraid woman well, maybe even too well. It was clear that even if she ordered him, he would do as she said and then some. Only after he agreed to distract Ludinus at a given time, to keep him for as long as he could, only then she kissed him on the mouth and turned back to face the rock wall. She was still holding onto his penis, but this time, she guided it to her gate.

Feeling the unique stretching sensation, the waves of pleasure, she had to cover her mouth or her moans would echo throughout the cavern. The danger of being caught was driving both of them insane with lust. Multiple times he had to hold her up, for her legs, trembling with orgasms, had almost given up. It wasn’t long before she once more felt his seed in her mouth and on her chest. The taste exhilarating at least as much as the danger of being found. She smiled at him, cleaned herself with magic and grabbed him by the beard giving him a long, wet kiss.

This new way of commanding people truly had its benefits.

Before long her plan came to fruition. As Ludinus Daleth continued to examine the machine she saw Stalagor approach. After the two exchanged a couple of sentences they both departed, leaving for the upper levels of the enormous pit. This was her chance.

She immediately rushed down, shapeshifted as a desert mouse and went straight for the chambers of the ancient wizard. She already tested before, that her shapeshifting abilities would not get dispelled down here by some unforeseen magic.

She swiftly located his door, squeezed underneath them and turned back into herself. Now her true investigation began. She looked through his cabinets, desks and closets but she found nothing.

Only when she was about to leave, she noticed a faint glow deep within the closet. It was light, coming from the other side. Within a couple of minutes, she located the button and the entire back wall of the closet opened and revealed his private study.

Bookcases lined the room, while the light of magical candles illuminated it. On one side was a massive table with piles of papers, on the other various arcane implements and experimental equipment of all sorts that Keyleth recognized, but didn’t understand. Arcane magic was never her strong suit.

She started rummaging through the papers. Most of it didn’t make much sense to her as it was covered with arcane calculations, but she noticed some papers written in elvish and grabbed those. Her gaze then fell on a single book, almost forgotten, covered by papers. It had no title and was bound in dark red leather. She opened it and gasped.

The page she had opened had these beautifully drawn pictures of women ... tied up in the most peculiar positions and pleasured mercilessly ... she blushed. Not from embarrassment, but because some of these pictures gave her some ideas. She immediately saw Snowtops tied up like one of these drawings, suspended in the air and pleasured mercilessly. She contemplated stealing the book before finally shutting it. I need to focus, she thought and placed the book neatly back underneath the pile of papers.

She had as much as she could hope to take for now, so she left the chamber, closing the closet door behind her. Before long she was back on the gallery, the papers carefully hidden in her shirt as she made her way to Thull’s chambers.

“Hey there, druid,” she heard the icy cold voice of Ludinus Daleth behind her “I don’t think I had the opportunity to take a good look at you.” he said, and as she turned around she found him standing uncomfortably close to her, his face a wide grin of cold, calculating malevolence.

He looked her up and down and she felt as if all the clothing in the world would not be enough to hide her body from that disgusting gaze of his.

She gave him a faint smile, before looking away. He clearly thought she still had no access to her magic. “You would like to go? Well go on then, we will see each other very soon again, I am sure of it.” he said as his hand reached up and took a strand of her hair. He smelled it “Tell Thull I said hi.”

Keyleth contemplated killing him then and there. It was a foolish idea, but she liked it anyway. She held onto it for a moment, before regaining her senses. She would need help against this fucker.

Keyleth spent the next hours pouring over the papers she stole, but to her dismay, all of them were written in some sort of code, she couldn’t understand ... yet. Frustrated with her lack of progress, especially now, when she thought she was so close to figuring out something big, she decided to go for a walk.

Maybe those papers hold nothing of note, but why encrypt them then? No, they are surely important. Maybe they will reveal to her, once she can read them, something more about the nature of the machine. She didn’t need to know it all, just to be able to recognize the most important part of it, so she could destroy it with a single blow.

Suddenly she realized that deep in her thoughts she had walked all the way up to the desert and its burning sands now lay beneath her bare feet. Annoyed she kicked the sand. She could have at least stolen the red book! It seemed fun enough. She had this crazy idea of coming into his study again and stealing the book, just to prove that she could. She almost started devising a plan to get there again before stopping. What a stupid idea, to risk like that for a book of ... fun ideas. She shook her head and shapeshifting into a beetle, she headed back towards Thull’s chambers.

When, back in her own body, she opened the door to the chamber and was greeted by Thull in the hallway. “I have a surprise for you,” she said. A very interesting, spicy surprise, her eyes added.

Keyleth smiled “Ludinus Daleth says hi.”

“You met Ludinus?” Thull’s face was pure terror.

“Relax, I just ran into him, the fucking creep.” Keyleth kissed Thull on her neck “So what is it, Snowtops, I don’t want to think about that creepy fuck anymore.”

Thull smiled, kissed her and took her by her hand. She lead her into their living room where it stood. Right in the middle of the room, crude, wooden and exciting. A stockade. Keyleth squeezed her hand. Both in fear and excitement.

“It was pretty difficult to smuggle all the way here but I thought you would like it, you know.” Thull was truly in her element, it was quite cute “Here goes the head, and here the hands and it’s done. Easy right? Immobilized and ready for fun, eh?” her smile was wide and contagious. “And this little thing,” she said as she pulled out this oddly shaped phallic device with leather straps attached to it “It’s pretty curious. One end goes into the one, who will do the fucking ... the other, well you can figure that out, right? I was just thinking, you know. It could be fun.”

Keyleth had to admit all of this seemed fun to her. For a moment she forgot all about Ludinus Daleth and her grand plans for sabotage. For a moment there was once more just her and Snowtops. She grabbed Thull by her waist and pulled her towards her, planting a long, disarming kiss on her lips.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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