Finding Her People in Another Multiverse Series 2 Book 2 - Cover

Finding Her People in Another Multiverse Series 2 Book 2

Copyright© 2023 by Hunter Johnson

Chapter 22: Maslav eggs on Horti

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: Maslav eggs on Horti - Horti's team prepares to travel to the dying multiverse of her people. Saboteurs and traitors dog every step of their preparations. Frozen worlds rapidly losing power hang on desperately. Many have lost hope, and chaos reigns on some planets. They must first unify the two most prominent civilizations and then deal with kidnap, extortion, biological warfare, and rampant terrorism. The clock ticks down faster and faster to inevitable disaster.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Science Fiction  

“Craig, I feel weird; I was vomiting and am spaced out.”

“Craig put his hand on her brow; I hope you aren’t coming down with something. You don’t have a temperature.”

The door opened, and Maslav strode in.

“Come on, you two, it’s late; time is passing,” said Maslav cheerily from the door. “Change to your Colza body, leave your clothes here, and come up to the ship.”

Horti changed, as did Craig.

Maslav sidled up to Craig, “You are a handsome beast of a Colza; you are the biggest male in history. Horti, thank you for bringing him to us.”

“Can I see the doctors on the ship? I feel even worse like this. I am bloated, and my abdomen hangs down to the ground.”

“Heavens, girl, let’s get you up there quickly. I know just what you need. Craig, you are in for a treat. Come with us and hurry. There is much to do, and time is short.”

Craig helped Horti drag herself a hundred meters to the portal. Craig looked back and wondered about the guards standing in the passageway. None stopped their passage down the corridor; they only looked at them curiously.

Horti then Craig stepped through the portal and to a large room. Maslav followed a second later. There were silk sacs of eggs hanging everywhere. In the distance, there was a flutter of tiny voices on the nursery network, soft and loving. Horti felt reassured and much calmer. She didn’t know why.

Craig was wide-eyed and breathing deeply.

“Calm down, Craig, this is just like that other brood chamber, only much smaller said Maslav telepathically.

“Anything to do with the birth of babies makes me feel faint. I passed out when Sean was born, and the doctor ejected me before Harry was born. My father is the same.”

Horti lovingly placed her front claw on his shoulder and sent him a mist of pheromones.

“Come Horti; you must lay your eggs; one of the nursery helpers will spin sacs, so you don’t have to waste time. You are full of eggs; that is the reason you feel unwell.”

“You must lay eggs every day. Find some rooms on the base, big ones. I will give you a queen and some workers to help. You will be back home before they hatch in a month. The helpers will return the eggs to you before you leave and carry them across to the other side. I will be going with you, so we will have plenty of queens to help with the training and upbringing of the spiderlings. Jiskassa tells me your spiderlings can change form. That is the first thing I will do when I get to your universe, get our doctors to learn to do the body-changing thing so we, Colza, can all change bodies as you do. I want to try the human shape. Maybe I will renew my body; this one is old. Jiskassa told me about the augmentations that can be done,” said Maslav spraying her excitement into the air.

“Here you are, Horti. Craig, if you are queasy, don’t watch; go and stand over there with that group of queens.” Maslav pointed with a claw.

Several nursery helpers stood close to Horti. Maslav rubbed her abdomen. Horti pushed, and gouts of eggs poured out of her oviduct. The eggs gushed out for two minutes and then slowed.

“Stop for a few seconds, carefully move backward, keeping your cephalothorax as high as you can until the eggs are in front of you.”

Horti stepped back two meters. The drone lifted the sac and moved it to an accessible area, and attached the sac to a thread hanging from the ceiling. Above them, another drone, hanging from a thick strand, attached other lines using sticky silk that stuck to the top.

Horti again felt the urge, laid another sac full and stepped back. Maslav was doing the same nearby. She was laying fewer and smaller eggs.

Horti laid eggs for two hours.

As she finished, she became aware of her surroundings and looked for Craig. He was nearby. Five queens surrounded him. They were smaller than Maslav and much smaller than Craig. Craig began his dance again and plunged his pedipalp into one queen and several minutes later into another. He danced again and repeated the process with three more queens. The queens walked away drunkenly.

Horti felt proud. Why didn’t she feel jealous? She didn’t know. Should she feel jealous?

Maslav walked over to Craig. Immediately he plunged his pedipalp into her genital opening.

Two minutes later, Maslav returned with Craig.

“Horti, you brought us a fine King. You make an amazing queen. Your eggs are big, and you are super fertile. You laid a record number of eggs for a single brood session,” said Maslav. “Craig produces fine sperm in unprecedented quantity.”

Craig grinned telepathically.

“Craig, you will rejuvenate the Colza. Many of our queens, as have I, have laid eggs since you were with us. According to the spiderling and eggs specialists, the eggs are excellent and are developing well. I can’t wait to see what the spiderlings will be like. Jiskassa tells me your father’s spiderlings are outstanding. Your father has many empresses, and Jiskassa tells me he keeps them all satisfied. No previous Colza King has fertilized more than one queen in a day. We shift the sperm from that queen to share it with others, but you fertilized fourteen queens in one sitting.”

Horti swelled with pride. This is bizarre; she told herself from disabled tiny nerd to giant Colza Queen in another multiverse in eighteen months.

Horti giggled.

Maslav put her claw on her shoulder, and they talked chemically at a furious pace.

Horti and Maslav then stood giggling together.

“I feel like I am on another planet and in some weird fantasy,” said Craig.

Horti and Maslav laughed.

“Yes, dear; it is worse than that; you are also in another multiverse, and it is not a fantasy; you are a spider, and you have had your second spider orgy at a dance club in a brood chamber. You didn’t even know how to dance as a spider a few days ago. Today you are an expert at spider seduction.”

“It just came to him naturally - perhaps stimulated by a few clouds of female spider pheromone,” Maslav remarked.

Maslav and Horti returned to giggling.

Craig shook his head.

Spiders giggling telepathically was odd!

“How are you doing, Craig?” Horti asked.

“I have no idea. I am on a roundabout going faster and faster. I sure am enjoying the ride.

“I am knocked out and hungry,” said Craig. “I will wake up once I have eaten, I am sure. I wouldn’t mind a workout in your gym if I could. I missed yesterday, as I went swimming. Some sparring would also be good.”

“I am famished; I could eat three meals in one sitting,” said Horti.

“Horti, you use enormous energy to produce so many eggs. You will need to treble your food consumption while laying eggs. If you don’t, you will lose much weight, which isn’t good for you. How are you feeling?

“I feel like I lost half of my body weight!”

Maslav giggled, and Horti followed her almost immediately. They settled down after a few minutes.

Craig stood patiently and watched. “I must ask Jiskassa if my father has ever had a sexual relationship the Azloc way.”

“I did ask her; she says your father hasn’t thought to try it the Azloc way, and he does not directly have a sexual relationship with any of the Azloc other than Valsam. It is inefficient, according to her. Much of the sperm is wasted. She wants you to tell him to try it our way.”

Craig nodded.

“I can imagine how that conversation goes,” said Craig.

“How does it go?” Asked Maslav.

“Dad, I was talking to Horti while I was a spider, and in walks, this Queen invited us to visit her ship and check out her brood chamber. She took Horti off to lay eggs. It wasn’t my thing, so she sent me to talk to a group of attractive queens. As I said, even though it was pretty dim, these queens had some great perfume and invited me to dance. My moves were so impressive they just stood there stunned. So while they were stunned, I had spider sex with a couple of them. I was blissed out for a few minutes, but after chatting to the other babes, I did my stunning dance again and had my way with two, or was it three of them?”

“So what would you tell him about it?” Horti asked. “You know he gets freaked out by other relationships.”

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