Finding Her People in Another Multiverse Series 2 Book 2 - Cover

Finding Her People in Another Multiverse Series 2 Book 2

Copyright© 2023 by Hunter Johnson

Chapter 13: Negotiations

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 13: Negotiations - Horti's team prepares to travel to the dying multiverse of her people. Saboteurs and traitors dog every step of their preparations. Frozen worlds rapidly losing power hang on desperately. Many have lost hope, and chaos reigns on some planets. They must first unify the two most prominent civilizations and then deal with kidnap, extortion, biological warfare, and rampant terrorism. The clock ticks down faster and faster to inevitable disaster.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Science Fiction  

The Colza conference room sat fifty in comfort.

Maslav placed Horti and her people on one side of the big table and then ushered in Monra, the Supreme Queen, and several of her sisters.

Horti and her group went through the appropriate rituals of respect.

“During the challenge, we, the Queens in the brood chamber, can only connect to our patrols. We subsequently heard of your group’s impact on the league as you walked toward us. Our people reacted with acclaim to your presentations. We are eagerly waiting to see them for ourselves,” said Monra, the old Queen.

“What is the league?” Horti asked.

“The Enphaet Dominion is made up of many nations. The Enphaet unified many groups to form a dominion. We consider all the nests on a group of planets a league. All the leagues together constitute the Dynasty,” said Monra. “The league followed your activities live, but the entire dynasty knows you. They are watching the holovids and are buzzing with excitement. Many queens see you as a reincarnation of the Gods.”

“Why do they think that?” Lisirra asked.

“When the Gods told us they were leaving, they told us a few would be reborn at a time of great crisis in our lives. At that time, we must act with haste,” said Monra. “They told us they would unite us with others to achieve a monumental task.”

“That is extraordinary,” said Craig.

“Zhan came here ahead of you. We must be careful how often we use the gate as it consumes so much of our precious fuel on this side,” said Monra. “Once, it would have been a grain of sand on a mountainside; now, every tiny bit of resource is precious. Thank you for carrying so much of it over to us.”

“My parents are growing the mushrooms in bulk, and we can provide you with supplies from them and another planet in our universe,” said Horti.

“We thought you would return to us two million years ago; it would have been easy then. Zhan told us what Zyla had done to delay you. Zhan’s role was to set up the challenge,” said Monra. “Everyone else but us knew exactly where and what you were doing. The league accomplished the minimum of work during the challenge. The watchers heard every word of every conversation in the public areas.”

“We did not realize you could adopt a Colza form. You can imagine our shock to see the spiderlings running to greet you when you came flying towards us like a vengeful gunship, shaped like a mythical God, belching fire!” Maslav exclaimed.

“Suddenly, you landed on Maslav in your Colza form. It was all over instantly. We are impressed. You will make a worthy Queen,” said Monra.

“Can you tell us what happened between you and my mother?”

“Your mother and I bonded the day before you saw me. Because of the predictions of the oracles, we kept it a secret. We created the fake show you saw the next day. Secretly, your mother and I looked at many scenarios and decided on a plan to outwit Zyla and prevent civil war. Zyla has always wanted to eradicate your mother and the Colza,” said Monra. “Your mother knew Moksur Grep Zonul could govern in her stead if Zyla kidnapped her. We and the oracles could not find a way to avoid or prevent the kidnap of your and Chak’s mother.”

“Thanks to Chak, we know where Zyla has hidden them,” said Horti.

“There will be more surprises ahead of you. I promised not to forewarn you of what they might be,” said Monra.

“What is the next step?” Asked Horti.

“We will talk and then take you close to Aelorus, your home planet, and Anneanica, the capital. Today the Enphaet published the lists of those Zyla the witch intends to take with her. Moksur is implementing your mother’s plan,” said Monra.

“Can you tell us more about my mother’s plan, Monra?” Horti asked.

“No, I cannot; you must not know the plan; you must play your role without foreknowledge. Admiral Frichadarsya Lassastla, the head of the armed services, will meet you,” said Monra. “Maslav will take you to meet the admiral. We will meet again soon.”

“Maslav, this ship is amazing,” said Annjus. “It is my first view of highly advanced technology. I would love to have looked around, but the trip will be over almost as soon as we begin.”

Maslav laughed. “Once we get over to the other side or you come back before we leave, we can show you what we can do. This ship is nothing compared to the repulsers, gates, anchors, and shields.”

“The methods used by your people to move planets and take them across are truly impressive. I hope you come across to observe how we coordinate the move across,” said Horti.

“Your ship approaches. Move your team to stand beside the silken drape behind the last sensor operator.”

Horti and her group in humanoid bodies moved as suggested.

“Farewell Horti, we will meet again soon, be careful with what I gave you!”

Horti found herself standing in front of a tall woman she recognized. “Admiral Frichadarsya Lassastla, what a pleasure to meet again.”

“Horti! You look young, strong, and healthy.” The Admiral hugged Horti tightly.

“Your mother left strict instructions about what she wanted to happen after you returned.”

“Does that mean you have found and recovered her?” Horti asked.

“You are referring to the room near her office in the capital, which we saw in her memories?” The Admiral asked.


“Zyla moved them somewhere else. Someone warned Zyla. Several of her agents tried to block the publication of the lists, but they failed. We are mopping up her people as we speak.”

Horti introduced her group to the admiral and told her about each one.

Adm. Frichadarsya looked at Monty. Her eyebrows rose, and she made an inarticulate noise. She regained her composure and walked over to Monty.

“You do not look like him, but you feel like my son Montay. Your name is similar. We must spend some time together at the first opportunity to explore this. I sent him across. He was to lead the construction of the gates on the other side,” said the Admiral. “Now is not the time to distract ourselves with reunions; we must return to the surface in secret; you will meet an old friend of your mother, Horti. She will work with us to achieve what needs to be done in this next phase.”

Adm. Frichadarsya stood and gestured. “Please follow me; we will be in place in a few minutes.”

Alarms blared as they walked along the passageway.

The admiral ran back to her command room.

The group ran after her.

“A large fleet is attacking us. Zyla wants to ensure we can’t do anything even if you arrive after she leaves,” the Admiral explained.

“Do you have a psychic projector,” Lisirra asked.

“Yes, but it is a relic. We maintain it but haven’t used it for ages.”

“Can it take more than one person?” Lisirra asked.

“Yes, up to twenty people,” the Admiral replied.

“I will take our group to use it,” said Horti. “It will not harm your efforts and give us something to do!”

“Colonel, please take them through next door—do not injure yourselves. Horti, your mother will kill me if you are hurt.”

Horti looked at the hologram, as did the others. “They have a bigger fleet, but I can’t see reserves,” said Horti.

Lisirra took charge. “Horti, I have done this before; the projector can be highly effective. Please put on the headsets; it augments your powers. Use your powers as you would, and the device amplifies your mind. Hit the leaders telepathically. Kill them and go down the chain until the ship stops firing. It is fast. Use your cone of power if there is a mass attack or they are overwhelming us. I asked the AI to switch on the system. It works as I am accustomed to operating the system,” said Lisirra.

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