The Chronicles of Malcolm Harris: Fear No Evil - Cover

The Chronicles of Malcolm Harris: Fear No Evil

Copyright© 2009 by Terrance G Kilpatrick

Chapter 27: A Two-Edged Sword

February 1999

Mortis appeared in the room with a telephone. “The call, sir. Please remember, sir, we monitor the call. Will there be anything else, sir?”

I took the phone and started punching in numbers. With the receiver up to my ear, I shook my head no, indicating that I required nothing else from him. He turned and left the room. For the first time all night, I felt alone. There was nothing but quiet in the library. My home number began to ring. I tried to think of what time it was back in Miami, and how many time zones I had crossed. Then, Rachel picked up the phone, answering in a very sleepy yet polite voice, “Hello?”

“Rachel! It’s me, Malcolm!” It was so good to hear her voice. She screamed for joy on the other end. It had been so long since I had talked to her. No doubt, she had me listed as a missing person. The last place anyone had seen me was in Colombia and the last one to see me that I remember was Paul. It then dawned on me that fact might have put him in a lot of danger. I could hear Rachel crying her eyes out on the other end. Tears welled up in my eyes, too. I continued, “Rachel, before you start asking questions, let me tell you what I can tell you. First, I’m fine. I’m not hurt or injured. I will be coming home as soon as I possibly can, although I can’t give you any details regarding where I am right now. You’re just going to have to trust me. Don’t go to the police! I am ok but I cannot leave just yet. I have a few things I need you to do. Contact Lou, anyway you can. Is he still down in Columbia?”

“I don’t know for sure. He was the last time I talked with him and that was over a week ago.” I was startled to hear that I had been gone over that length of time. What had happened? Had I been drugged unconscious for that long before I had awoken in the room of the mansion? That thought disturbed me.

“He told me that he had exhausted just about every lead possible. He caught up with Paul and got some information from him. Paul said that police had reported your disappearance as a kidnapping from your hotel room in the middle of the night. The Colombian police weren’t helpful, and he said that they told him that if no one had heard from you or who might have kidnapped you, you were probably dead. Paul said something about a man called the Dragon or something, that he might be able to tell him who has you. Then he said he might get that information from Interpol. Oh God, it’s so good to hear your voice. I wish I could hold you and kiss you. The kids are so worried. They will be so glad when they hear about this.”

“Rachel be careful how you tell them that you heard from me. They can know and Lou can know, but that’s it. No one else can know about this. Not even the rest of our families. I know that all the secrecy and lack of answers to your questions only makes you that more curious, but for everyone’s safety, it must be this way. Tell Lou to look no further. I mean it! Cease and desist! Tell him that I’m fine and will return safely after I complete my work. Speaking of work, I don’t know what you can tell them. They probably fired me already. Have you heard from the station?”

“Yes, they called, wondering what they should do, and said for now that they are putting you on extended leave of absence but that they would still have to replace you in the interim. Do you have any idea how long that might be?” she asked, holding back sobs. “Sorry darling. I really can’t say. However, I will stay in contact with you. You, the kids, Lou, are all dear to me. That is why I just can’t tell you where I’m at right now. It’s for your safety, not mine. Just think of Daniel in the lions” den. How are other things at home?”

“I’m glad you asked. I’ve been paying the bills as best as I can. We will be getting low on funds in our bank account soon with you not working. I wasn’t sure what to do. I could go find a job, but who is going to watch the kids? Neither of our parents lives in Miami. That leaves daycare, and I dread doing that.”

“I agree, Rachel, but at the time, I’m not sure what I can do about that. Let’s count our blessings that I’m not hurt, first. I’m sure God will see us through this. Believe me! He has all this under control. He has protected me while in this place, and He will watch out over my family. I know this, and that’s why I’m able to make this call. Let’s have faith, darling, cause right now that’s about all you can do.”

Rachel indicated that she would trust the Lord and prayed with me over the phone. I told her that I loved her and our children so much and that I would call her again periodically, so she would not worry. Then, we said our goodbyes. It was bittersweet as I hung up. I thought of the impression that the call had made on whoever was listening. If they were interested in me for my faith and my relationship with Christ, that phone call should have blown them right out of the water.

I was tired as I struggled to decide whether I should go to bed or have breakfast first and then go to bed. I still did not have a Bible yet. Perhaps Mortis was taking care of that detail. Imagine bringing the Word of God into the house that vampires had built! When I did get my Bible, I would never let it out of my sight. I would carry it with me always, as a soldier would carry his rifle into combat. It was a soldier’s best friend, always faithful (provided he gave it tender loving care) and my Bible would be the same to me. I decided that instead, I would explore the library. There must have been over a thousand books on the shelves. There were many subjects presented, but the largest categories of these were books on philosophy, religions of the world, and other related subjects. I perused through some of these. There were some old and rare books here. It looked like a library that I would have put together. As a consultant and a journalist, this library, would make me very envious. I decided that I would not start any research until I got my Bible.

As I reached the stairwell, I could hear voices. So, I went downstairs, and as I did, the large stained-glass window at the top of the stairwell started to show the beginnings of the coming dawn. I had survived another night, showing no fear. There was no assault, violence or threat and she allowed me to call home. The scent of someone cooking had aroused my curiosity, so I stopped by the kitchen. My nose began to smell the frying of bacon and eggs however, I saw no one in the kitchen. I walked over to the stove, to check on the food. It was ready so I turned down the fire. “How do like your eggs?” I turned around to see an attractive middle-aged woman with a Scottish accent in an apron coming into the kitchen. She must be the cook. “Shade!” I stated in a surprised voice.

“Right, you are sir! And just how do you like your eggs?” she asked again, her arms folded across her apron top.

“I wasn’t planning on eating; however, the smell of breakfast is about to change my mind. How about over easy?” I asked.

She was a very cheery woman, probable about 50 years of age, with blonde hair pulled back and steel blue eyes wearing a servant’s black uniform and a large white apron. The Scotswoman prepared a genuinely nice breakfast for me and served it for me in the formal dining room. As I walked in, I noticed that I would not be dining alone. Mortis, Dread and Necro were all there, along with Talon, Moon and Leech. Shade performed the duty of introductions though she knew that I had met some already. Strangely enough, the last three looked just like regular folks. “Now this is Talon, Mr. Harris. She is Queen Tayla’s driver,” Shade stated in her usual friendly manner. Talon was a cute little minx dressed up in her chauffeur uniform that consisted of a pantsuit outfit that was solid black. She wore underneath her jacket a white blouse with a red velvet bow tie. Her feet wore a pair of black leather riding boots, shined to high gloss. Lying on the table were her drivers cap, sunglasses and black leather gloves. I suppose that with her entire ensemble, she would give the appearance of pseudo-Nazi storm trooper, who was more than eager to inflict punishment. She gave me a provocative stare, and then a nod of approval.

“How are you? Please to meet you!” I stated as I held out my hand, as I tried to blend in as part of the group. Talon did not take it and appeared afraid of me. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.”

She looked up at me with deep green eyes and stated with a flat affect, “I know you don’t. I’ll try not to hold that against you.” “You sound as though you wished that I did,” I said, and before I said another word, I realized that she was flirting with me. I felt my face flush.

“Now, now! That’s enough of that, Talon! You will have to excuse Talon’s behavior, Mr. Harris. She takes to strange men in the strangest of ways,” Shade said under giggles of delight of seeing the flirtatious woman putting me into embarrassment. Shade continued, “And this is Moon, our gardener, and this is Leech. He is our engineer. He fixes anything around here that breaks.”

“That doesn’t happen very often, I’ll tell you,” Moon chipped in as he ate. “It’s nice to meet you formally, Mr. Harris, glad to have you aboard. Sorry about the other night, sir,” he said.

“Please, all of you call me Malcolm, will you?” I asked. Aboard? I was not planning to stay here one night longer than I had to. I wondered if they knew something that I did not know. I sat down at the table while Mortis sat at the head of the table. I supposed that was proper for the Chief of the Upper Estate. I sat across from Talon.

Shade came around the table to pick up Talon’s driving hat, glasses and gloves, saying, “Talon, you know these don’t belong here!” She put them on a sideboard that was empty.

Leech had not said a word, as neither Dread nor Necro had either. Shade had sat down, after the food had been set on the table indicating that breakfast was self-serve. What an interesting display this was. It was like watching a cavalcade of characters in a movie. First, the leading characters introduction followed by the minor characters, and soon I would meet the extras. There were many questions regarding their relationship with Tayla that I was eager to ask but I felt awkward, so I kept quiet.

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