Voodoo 2 - Cover

Voodoo 2

by A Bad Attitude

Copyright© 2023 by A Bad Attitude

Drama Story: The toad learns her fate

Caution: This Drama Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fiction   Paranormal   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   .

Brian---I am loving this!!! I run my business as my white self. Agwe is learning and sometimes I transform into his shape and he gives my workers instructions on what to do for that day then he helps out. Of course they can never see us together and so far they have not questioned us on why we are never together.

At night after I play with my son and put him to bed as my white self, I go into my bedroom and lock the door. There I transform into Agwe, a six foot six inch tall 245 lb. black man. Sue loves it! Fucking a big black man with a huge cock was always one of our fantasies so this is working out perfectly.

Sue started including Marie in our love making and that is fun for all of us. Sometimes I am in my white self but with Agwe’s cock. We do everything and anything we can thank of to each other. A few times Agwe took Sue dancing at a club over in the next county. She did not want anyone we know to think she was cheating on me! Once at the Round-up we picked up Jenny, the receptionist, and had a threesome. We all enjoyed that tall blonde! No one had seen Lynn since Glenn shot himself. We think we left town.

So you get the picture. I should have been born a big black guy. I mean with my personality that body fits me better.

Marie---Like Brian just told you all four of us are enjoying this arrangement. But let’s go back a couple of months. The day of the funeral to be exact. Everyone had left the house and we were in the bedroom. As Agwe was on the bed with Sue I caught a glimpse of someone at the window! I slipped out of the bedroom without anyone noticing and exited the house by the back door. At the corner I discovered her! Lynn! Glenn’s secretary! I knew she had the hots for Agwe because I had made that happen so I had to do something. As she looked into my eyes she started to say something about what she had seen thru the window. I blew some of my special white powder into her face! She immediately calmed down and became quite docile. I followed her back to her car and I drove us to my house. There I put a spell on her and turned her into a toad. I gave her instructions that if she could get a person to kiss her she would change back. I listened to her scream for a while as I sat her in front of a mirror so she could see what she looked like. Then I put her in my front yard. I watched as two old men talked to her and one of them took her home. I thought it funny!

Lynn---Now you know who the toad is. It’s me! Lynn! For the last two months I have lived in a bird cage in this old guy’s basement. He feeds me crickets and worms! Sometimes he takes me out in the front yard and lets me hop around until he goes back inside.

I keep begging him to kiss me! I will do anything if he will just kiss me but he refuses. We watch television together and he reads me the newspaper every morning. I catch a fly every now and then and he laughs about how quick my tongue is. I try explaining that I can use that tongue anywhere he wants if he will just KISS ME! But he always refuses.

Then about two months into my life as a toad I notice him. He looks sick! Oh shit! I scream for him to let me out of the cage and call 911. I think he is having a heart attack and I don’t want to die of starvation in a bird cage. He calls 911 then opens my cage door. By the time the EMT’s arrive it is too late. The old guy is dead on the floor. I hop around the basement until the back door is open and no one is near. Then I go into the back yard. I stay out of the way so I do not get squashed by the different cars in the yard. And I keep quiet. This is not the time to reveal myself.

I find a good hiding place and settle in for the night.

The next morning I am hungry so i find a couple of crickets and a nice grub worm. I live like this for almost a week. Then one day I see Agwe!! He is with another man I do not know. They are looking thru the old man’s shed. I hear Agwe making a deal for some tools the old man kept there. I hop out on the drive and scream as loud as I can. Agwe sees me and looks down. I tell him I am Lynn and if he kisses me I will be his forever. He seems to be thinking about it. I plead with him and tell him about Marie and seeing him fucking Glenn’s wife. He grins like he understands what happened to me. But instead of kissing me he puts me in his truck! I sit on the back seat and we drive off. What is going on?!

Sue---Boy has my life changed in the last two months! First that asshole Glenn left me and my son with no insurance. His law firm did not have him on a key-man policy. I was left with car notes and a house note. Luckily Brian wanted me back so I sold the house and moved into Brian’s place out on the farm. I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I have Brian and my son living together. He is such a good father! He loves his son and spends as much time with him as is possible. But then at night! Wow! I am a black cock slut! The sex is un-believable! By the time it is over we cuddle. Sometimes with my black stud sometimes with my white husband. They usually let me choose!

The boys had transformed into Agwe’s form this morning. They were going to buy a fancy tool box that was listed for sale in the estate of an old guy who had died. It was when they returned and had the tools put away that they surprised me. Brian came in the house in his white form carrying a toad in his hand.

“Get that nasty thing out of the house!”

“This is a special toad. Let me explain. This toad is Lynn. Marie caught her watching us in the bedroom the day of the funeral. She turned her into a toad and she is to remain a toad until someone kisses her and turns her back into her old self. Then she belongs to the person who kissed her.”

“So which one of you are going to kiss her?”

“Neither of us. You are!”

“What I ain’t kissing a toad!”

“Think about it Sue. You kiss her and she turns back into Lynn. And she is yours for life. You can do whatever you want with her.”

Now I am re-thinking my objections. This could be fun. I have an evil mind filled with lots of perverted thoughts. Yeah this could work. I look at the toad.

It talks!

“Please Sue I’ll do anything. Please I can’t go on living like this. Please”

I pull Brian’s hands up even with my lips. The toads tongue laps out of its mouth and before I back out I put my lips on its open mouth. My tongue finds its tongue and whew! What is that awful taste?!

Brian drops the toad to the floor. We hear a loud roar then in a puff of smoke and there stands Lynn! She is naked, dirty and smells horrible. She grabs her mouth and runs towards the bathroom. We hear her vomiting. Then we hear the shower running. It was a good thirty minutes before she exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

“I am sorry for that. I am afraid I used all your hot water. That was my first bath in months. I had to use somebody’s tooth brush to get the taste of those worms and crickets out of my mouth.”

“Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved. I have not eaten real food in months.”

“First, drop the towel,” this is Brian talking. She looks at me. I nod so she drops the towel. Brian and I walk up to her. It is like we are examining a new mare. Brian says he likes her green eyes. I say she needs a haircut. I squeeze one tit and Brian takes the other in his hand. “I like her breasts. Full with very little sag.”

He is right they are probably the same size as mine but her aureole and nipples are darker.

“Spread your legs.” She obeys without a complaint.

“That is way too much hair.”

“There wasn’t a razor in that bathroom.”

“That is Al’s bath and he is too young to shave. I will make you an appointment to be waxed.”

“Where is Agwe?”

“I’m right here.”

It took another ten minutes to explain it to her. Then it took a transformation for her to believe it.

“So you two exist as one? Able to transform back and forth?”

“Something like that.”

Lynn accepted Agwe and Brian living in the same body much better than I had. I guess being turned into a toad had made her believe anything was possible!

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