The Fuck Room Floor - Cover

The Fuck Room Floor

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: Nessa accuses her twin brother Xander of staining their grandmother's rug. (Also an AI version of the story.) Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Masturbation   Illustrated   .

This morning I was scrolling through Tumblr and came upon a picture of a young woman sprawled on a chair. She had her eyes on something across the room, but whatever she was looking at was not in the picture. Such was the seed for the illustrated story I did just now.

Upon completion of my story, I wondered what sort of story the AI engine ChatGPT would come up with given a similar prompt.

Here is the prompt and ChatGPT’s story:

Write a 300 word story about what happens when a teenage girl discovers a stain on her grandma’s rug and accuses her twin brother of making it.

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house nestled in a quaint neighborhood, lived a teenage girl named Lily and her mischievous twin brother, Ethan. They were both full of energy and always up to some playful antics. Their beloved grandmother, Grandma Rose, was the guardian of the house and its cherished memories.

One sunny afternoon, Lily was engrossed in her book when she noticed a suspicious stain on Grandma Rose’s treasured rug. It was a vibrant, crimson mark that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Panic surged through Lily’s veins as she examined the stain, her mind instantly blaming Ethan for this mysterious blemish.

Rushing into the living room, Lily confronted her brother, her eyes flashing with accusation. “Ethan, what have you done? Look at Grandma’s rug! You’ve ruined it!”

Ethan’s eyes widened in surprise. “Me? I didn’t do anything! I’ve been outside playing in the garden the whole time!”

Lily’s skepticism persisted, unwilling to believe her brother’s defense. She stormed off to find Grandma Rose, determined to seek justice for the alleged crime. Finding her grandmother in the kitchen, she pointed at the stained rug and declared, “Grandma, Ethan spilled something on your rug! You have to punish him!”

Grandma Rose, a wise and gentle soul, observed Lily with a serene smile. She calmly walked over to the rug and knelt down to examine the stain. After a brief moment, she beckoned Lily closer. “Come here, my dear.”

Curiosity overcoming her anger, Lily approached her grandmother, who pointed out a tiny, delicate flower petal embedded within the stain. “You see, Lily, this stain holds a story. It’s not the work of your brother, but rather a reminder of nature’s beauty.”

Grandma Rose explained that the previous day, she had been rearranging the flowers in a vase, and a single petal had fallen. Lily’s accusations dissolved into remorse as she realized her hasty judgment.

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