Loren and Tommy - Cover

Loren and Tommy

Copyright© 2023 by John Darkscar

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Loren and Tommy have a second encounter... with a twist.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction  

I grabbed my quiver full of arrows and bow, and also picked up the side-opening quiver I’d made for Loren, and trotted back upstairs.

Linda was working at the counter encrusting a roast in kosher salt. As I went by I leaned over and kissed the side of her neck as I fondled her ass. She squealed and jumped six inches. You ass!” she sputtered, as she slugged my arm, not gently, then started laughing.

I chuckled and fondled her a little more. “Heya, Hot Stuff! Wanna fool around?”, I said in my best Arte Johnson voice.

“Later, Big Boy!” She said, batting her eyes like crazy. “Now get out of here and let me cook!”

I gave her one more squeeze, then scuttled out of her reach, She made a half-hearted attempt to swat me on the way out.

Loren was waiting for me back by the target. She already had her bow strung and her shooting glove and bracer on.

“About time!”, she fake-groused.

I chuckled. “Good things take time. On that note. I have something for you”, I said, as I handed her the quiver.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a side-opening back quiver. You can get the arrows out of it without making a lot of movement. They’re good for hunting, and you can always hang it if you’re in a tree stand. Let me help you get it fitted, and give it a try on the ground, first. If you don’t care for it, or it won’t work out however they want us to hunt, I tossed a couple of strap-on bow quivers in my gear bag.”

“Ok, how do I put it on?”

You can wear it over your shoulder like a regular quiver, but I find it hard to reach that way. It’s easier to take off, though. I built these with removable straps, so you can go over the shoulder, centered on your back, or strapped to something like a day pack or backpack for longer hunts on foot, as long as the pack has MOLLE straps and loops”, I explained, “Turn around and put this on like a knapsack, and I’ll help you adjust the straps and belt.”

Obediently, she turned around and shrugged into the shoulder straps as I held it out for her. “OK, now turn back around, and I’ll show you how to get it to fit.”

Loren faced me. “OK, now fasten the belt. You can adjust it with the slider on the right hand strap.” Loren did as I asked.

“Now, give me your hands.” I took her hands and put them on the ends of the pull straps. You pull down on these to tighten the shoulder straps. If they’re too tight, you can lift up on these little metal tabs to let them slide back through.” I touched the tabs, as she looked down to see where my hands were.

“Last, there’s a chest strap that keeps the straps from sliding off your shoulders.” I picked up the ends and clicked them together, right above her rather nice cleavage. “You can adjust that, too.”

“You made this, Tommy?” Loren asked. “Must have been a lot of work.”

“Yeah, I made this one, and mine. It’s similar to something called a catquiver, but not exactly. I’d been thinking about building something like this for a while, and when you called me about this hunt, The idea sort of gelled. It wasn’t really much work, really took me a couple of evenings.”

“Well, it turned out nicely. It’s pretty comfortable. Of course it might be fun if you messed with that chest strap a bit...” Loren gave me a big wink.

I chuckled. “Maybe later, when we’re not standing in eye shot of the kitchen. Anyhow, let me show you how it works, so you can play with it some. Let me put mine on.”

I shrugged into my quiver, and got it adjusted. “OK- I already have some arrows in it so here’s how to get them out.” I reached behind the small of my back, into the opening of the quiver, pushed up, against the springy foam at the top, to get the broadhead out of the hard foam at the bottom, then pulled it out at an angle and around to the front.

“It takes a little practice, but you can see it’s not as likely to spook game as reaching over your shoulder, and it doesn’t clutter up the bow like a bow quiver. Also, the way I built them, you can attach a pouch for stuff like spare parts, a broadhead wrench, a small file to sharpen the heads, etc. You can also put the arrow back in, just push up against the top, push the arrow in, and then pull it down to seat the point in the foam.” I demonstrated putting the arrow back.

“I get it, and I think it’s a pretty cool design. Why don’t you load my arrows into my quiver, and let me practice taking them out and putting them back in.”

“OK.” I got some of her arrows out of the pvc pipe she’d been keeping them and loaded them into the quiver. “There you go.”

Loren reached back like I’d shown her and got an arrow out, brought it around and nocked it on her bow, then took it off and put it back. “Cool!” She grinned. “I like it! It’s smooth and easy.”

“Glad you like it! Now, let’s go up on the hill to the tree stand and do some shooting.”

“Lead on MacDuff!”

I laughed, and led the way across the creek on the little footbridge my Dad had built so many years ago, and up the hill to where I had put up my ladder stand.

It was a twelve-footer with seats for two. I’d picked it up on a whim at an estate sale for a small song a couple of years ago, and gone over it with a fine-toothed comb, tightening up all the bolts, and replacing anything that showed much wear. I’d also replaced the straps and gotten two new safety harnesses. It had sat in the rafters of the garage for a good while, since I’d never had a use for it until now.

I’d practiced with my climbing stand, but I didn’t want to try to coach Loren to use it, and it would be easier to coach her shooting when I could sit or stand beside her.

“OK, now before you climb into this stand, or use a climbing stand, or just climb a tree to sit in, you always want to keep safety in mind. Lots more hunters are hurt in falls than are shot. You always wear the safety harness, and you don’t climb with a gun or arrows. You leave them on the ground and use a line to pull them up, and lower them back down.” I took off my quiver and strapped my bow to it. Loren did the same. I took a carabiner out and tied everything together, then attached a piece of paracord to it. I tied the other end to my belt, making sure that it would pay out smoothly.

I showed Loren how to hook up the harness to the climbing lifeline, and how to push the prusik loops up as she climbed. We went over some more safety stuff, then I told her to go ahead and climb up to the platform and sit down.

Once she was up, I hooked in and climbed up. I showed her how to hook in to the fall arrest system, without ever unhooking from the climbing line, Then I hooked in myself and pulled our tackle up.

“Let’s go ahead and hang our quivers to the side here, where we can reach into them, and they are out of the way.” I showed her how to do it. “Now, I’ve set a couple foam targets, one at fifteen yards, and one at about twenty- two or so. The trick to shooting from a tree stand, or anywhere above (or below) your target, is that because of the elevation, the trajectory of the arrow is different. I can go into a lot of detail you probably don’t want to hear, but basically you need to hold lower on the target to compensate. Since you shoot instinctively, you’ll need to shoot enough to develop the eye-hand memory to make the shot. I can’t coach you much in that, you’ll just have to shoot and see where the arrow goes, then correct your aim. I’m going to shoot my arrows, then climb down and get them. I’ll stay down to get your arrows and bring them back so you can keep going until you’re comfortable.”

“OK, Tommy. Before we start shooting, I want to do something...” Loren said, with a serious expression.

“OK ... whats that?” I began.

“This!” With that, she threw her arms around me and gave me a big kiss on the mouth. Her lips were insistent, tongue probing, and demanding.

Reflexively, I responded taking her in my arms and kissing back. Our kisses got even more passionate. I grabbed her ass and kneaded, it pulling her jean-covered crotch against my stiff dick. We both groaned.

“Oh God Tommy, I needed that. I’m so fucking horny I can barely think! I was worked up shooting that muzzleloader, and then listening to you two going at it like fucking rabbits got me crazy. I’ve finger-fucked myself raw, and it barely takes the edge off!”

Loren slid her hand between us and fondled my cock through my pants. “I can hardly wait to get this back in my pussy!,” she purred.

I put both hands on her breasts and caresssed them gently. Her responses were so much different from Linda’s. “I want you too, Loren! I couldn’t believe how crazy Linda got last night. It had been over a month since she had any interest, and that was nothing like last night.” I could feel her stiff nipples through her light bra.

“God, yes Tommy! Here, suck them for me!” She pulled one side of her t-shirt down and popped a breast out of her bra cup. I leaned in and took her nipple in my mouth and began tonguing and sucking it. Loren wiggled around and got the other breast out.

“Squeeze them, baby! I want you to suck them both at once like you did before!” I pushed them together, so her nipples were nearly touching, then took them both in my mouth. I gave them both a lot of quick licks before I sucked them. Loren shuddered.

“Yeah, just like that, Tommy!”

I grinned to myself and kept up the action,. I could feel Loren tense up. Her hips began thrusting at me. “God yes, yes, Tommy!” I kept going until I felt Loren’s climax coming. I slipped on hand down between her legs and massaged her pussy while I gently bit her nipples with my lip-covered teeth. Loren let go. Her crotch pounded my hand and she moaned a long shuddering moan as she came. She started to come down, but I gave her a hard kiss and renewed my attention to her pussy. She came again, even harder than the first time. “I can’t take any more, Tommy!” She half-moaned, as I felt her legs collapse. I relented, and put both arms around her and eased her back onto the bench.

“I needed that so bad! Thank you, Tommy! I think I can make it until we leave now,” she giggled. “You want me to help you with that?” She grinned at my tented slacks.

“Well, since you mention it...” I winked.

“I’m not going to taste Linda on you am I?,” she said with a wink, as she unzipped my fly and deftly extracted my stiff cock. “Oh, I missed this thick boy!” She pumped up and down the shaft, bringing a gush of precum, which ran down her knuckles until she licked it up. “Yummy!,” she purred.

I chuckled. “No, I showered this morning.”

“Actually, the idea is kind of exciting.” Loren giggled as my cock lurched. “Apparently it’s exciting to you too, stud!” She ran her tongue around the head of my cock and put the tip in the slit. I groaned from the intense sensation

“My college roomie and I fooled around a few times, so I know the taste.” She winked up at me. “It’s OK, but I much prefer cock!”

Loren had apparently had enough fooling around, as she took my cock in her mouth, and began sucking as she tongued the head and slit. I groaned again. “Baby, I’m not going to make it for long!,” I managed to grit out.

I could feel Loren chuckle, as she began bobbing her head up and down, taking my full length in her throat. It felt incredible! It wasn’t long before I knew I was going to let go. “Not long, baby!” I managed. Loren looked up at me and pulled off until just the head was in her mouth. I could see the grin in her eyes. She pulled a furious suction, and butterflied the tip of her tongue over the head and into my slit. I groaned and tried to hold on to enjoy the sensations, but it was too much.

I grunted as I let my cum fly into Loren’s mouth. My eyes actually grayed out a little from the release. Loren patiently waited me out and then jacked my cock a few more times to wring out any leftovers. She slowly pulled her tight lips back along my cock, until I popped out. Loren grinned, then opened her mouth wide to show me my load, rolled it around with her tongue, then swallowed. She gave me a big grin. “You taste good, Tommy! I needed that, too!,” she winked. She gave the tip of my shrunken cock a kiss, then tucked it back inside my fly, and zipped me up.

Loren stood up, tucked her boobs back into her bra, and wiggled around until her boobs, bra and harness were back where they belonged. “All better now!” she chuckled. Suddenly, she grinned. Leaned forward, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a huge French kiss, with plenty of tongue. For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, I tasted my own juices. “Thank you, Tommy! Now, let’s do some shooting!”

I took a few seconds to adjust my own clothes, then grinned at her and picked up my bow. “Right you are, my dear! Let me fling a few first.”

I nocked an arrow, drew, anchored and got my sight picture, then released. My arrow flew to the near target, thunking in an inch or so from the center. My second shot went to the far target, and nicked the edge of the center spot. My third and forth went within an inch of the second, I must have pulled my fifth, since it was all by itself a couple inches away. “Always one that doesn’t play well with others.” I winked. “All yours, Milady Huntress.”

Loren picked up her bow, nocked, drew, anchored, set, and released. Her arrow flew to the near target and embedded itself at the very top edge. “Shit! I thought I’d corrected enough!”

When it’s close like that, the correction you need’s actually bigger, since you’re closer to shooting vertically. You won’t need as much for the far one, but of course, it’s also further away.”

Loren tried glaring at me, but I just grinned at her. She finally couldn’t t hold the glare any longer, and started laughing. “Ass! You’re some coach!”

“I never claimed to be a coach ... Anyhow, who’s the 3D archery champ here? You ought to be coaching me!”

“Butthead! OK- lets try this again.” She went through her shot process, and let fly. This time, the arrow was a trifle below center. She switched to the far target, shot low, then put three more right in the center.

“Whew! I feel better now!, : Loren joked.

“Good shooting, Tex!” I applauded. OK, let me climb down, and get our arrows. I’ll send yours back up on the line so you can practice some more. I’ll move the targets around now and then, too.”

I hooked myself into the lifeline, and unhooked from the fall arrestor, then climbed down to the ground. I collected the arrows, and sent Loren’s up on the lifting line.

She fired them off, doing very well. I retrieved them again, rearranged the targets, and Loren practiced some more. After a while, she called down. “I think I’m done. My arms are getting tired, and I don’t want to start messing up.”

“OK, Hon. Send your bow and quiver down on the line, and then I’ll come up and we can unhook the harnesses and stuff, and take them with us. This is my private property but you never know, especially since there won’t be anyone up here for the better part of a month.”

“Gotcha- bow coming down!” She lowered her bow. I set it aside, and hooked up and climbed up. I helped her unhook from the arrestor and then we lowered the arresting system to the ground, then climbed down.

It was a bit of a load to carry all the gear, but we managed between the two of us. “How’d you get this all up here to start with, Tommy?”

“Took a few trips. I took the safety gear up the other day, since I knew we’d need it. Mostly I’ve been using my climbing stand, and I just put it away after a session. It’s kind of tricky to use, and it only holds one. If you stick with this, you might want one eventually.”

“I see.”

We carried everything off the hill and put it away in the garage. I’d actually neatened it up some so there wasn’t dust and shavings everywhere. Loren looked around after we put stuff away. “Is that my boat there you’re working on?”

“Yep. I’ve been cutting, scarfing and fitting the strips to the forms on the strong back there, a little at a time.” I smiled, “I might have been further along if I wasn’t going on a long hunting trip.” I gave Loren a wink.

“Hey, whatever it takes. I’d like to have it for springtime, though.”

“It won’t take too long. I have a lot of the strips done already.”

“I’m looking forward to it. We can do some paddling someplace when I come get it.”

“I’d kind of wondered about how you’d get it home.”

“Actually I was thinking about putting a trailer hitch on the Outback and getting a little trailer. There have been a few times I could have used one down home to get stuff like mulch and compost from Home Depot, and the like. Bob’s car isn’t as capable as mine for that stuff. I ended up paying for delivery.”

“Not a bad idea. You could even get a little camper, like a teardrop, or a popup camper that you could take anyplace.” I smiled.

“I like it! It would save me some bucks when I go to these tourneys, for one thing. “Probably never pay for itself, but the convenience would be great.”

“You could even carry your kayak on top of the camper, if you had the right rack.”

Loren laughed. “I think my rack’s just fine. I didn’t hear you complaining!”

I had to laugh. “Oh, yeah, that rack of yours is great!” I reached out to fondle her, but got my hand smacked.

“Ah, ah, ah! Gotta wait til the time’s right!,” she chuckled “Naughty boy!”

I chuckled back. “Well, OK then! I guess there’s nothing to do but go have some lunch.”

“OK, lets.”

We walked back in the kitchen. I started setting stuff out of the fridge. Linda heard us and came in as well.

“Did you all have fun?,” she asked.

“Yeah, Loren got in some good practice. She picks that stuff up real fast.”

“That tree stand is a lot different that anything I was able to do at home. I can see why Tommy wanted me to practice. I think I can adjust my shooting pretty well now.”

“That’s good. I expected that you might take longer.”

“Well, I didn’t shoot much, I already was dialed in, so to speak. I let Loren shoot, and stayed on the ground, and fetched arrows.”

“That makes sense. So what are you going to do the rest of the afternoon?” Linda asked.

:I thought about it for a bit. “No idea. We ought to do something together, besides hang around the house. It’s a nice day, and we’re liable to not have many more of them.”

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