Loren and Tommy - Cover

Loren and Tommy

Copyright© 2023 by John Darkscar

Chapter 11

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Loren and Tommy have a second encounter... with a twist.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction  

I awoke sometime later, still spooned against Linda. I couldn’t see the clock across Linda’s shoulder, but the light seeping in around the curtains told me the sun was up.

I knew it was impossible, but I tried easing my arm out from around her waist. I made it partway before she stirred. “Ughhhh ... what time is it?” she murmured.

“Don’t know Babe. I can’t see the clock from here.” I slipped my hand back around and fondled her breast.

“Sex fiend! Let me get my eyes focused”, she said, with a chuckle.”

“Your sex fiend, Sweetheart!”

“Yeah, yeah ... anyhow, it’s nearly 9 o’clock! I can’t remember when we’ve slept that late!”

Well, I can’t remember the last time we went to bed tired, and then woke up in the middle of the night to make love, either ... but I’d bet we slept in a bit then, too.” I teased. I tickled her armpit a bit.

“Jerk- you know how ticklish I am!”

“That wasn’t what you called me last night.” I tickled her again. “Ass! That was then, this is now. Now stop that!” She giggled.

I had to laugh.”That wasn’t what you said last night, either!”

We both started giggling helplessly.

When we finally started running down. “Tommy, I love you, but if we don’t get up, I think I’m going to wet the bed from giggling.”

“Well Babe, We’ve already messed it up, but let’s not ruin it.”

We started to roll apart. I could feel the dried semen pulling against my skin and the fine hair on my belly. The smell of raw sex permeated the air.

“Jeeze, Tommy. I guess I should have taken you up on the offer of a washrag. My thighs are stuck together and my pussy hair is all matted, it reeks of sex in here, and I love it! It’s been way too long since we woke up like this, darling!”

“I agree, Linda! When I get back, I’m going to cut back more at work, and we’re going to have fun together!”

“That will be great, Tommy! It’s time we started living more and existing less. Thank God for that new medicine!”

“Oh, yes, indeed! Now we’d better get our sticky selves into the shower.”

“Lets strip the bed, Tommy. The sheets needed changing after yesterday anyhow, but now all the bedding reeks”, she laughed.

It had been far too long since we’d shared that sort of laughter, and for some reason, it made me a bit choked up and teary. Linda picked up on it right away, of course.

“What’s wrong, Tommy?”

I sat down on the side of the bed. “Nothing, nothing at all, now. I was just struck by good this is! I love you, Baby. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don’t think I say it enough.”

Linda crawled across the bed and put her arms around me. “Don’t you dare think that, Tommy Dunn! You do more than tell me, you show me! You’ve stuck with me when things were tough. You took care of me when I couldn’t do for myself, and you never stopped working. You hardly ever do anything just for you, you always try to include me!” she hugged me hard. “I love you more than words can say, Tommy. I can’t imagine being married to anyone else”

She grabbed my head, turned it to face her, and gave me a scorching kiss. “Now, let get this bed stripped, and hit the shower. The day’s getting away from us.”

She turned to stripping the bed and bundling up the bedding. I walked to the other side and helped. I started to pick up the bundle, but she grabbed it and started out of the room.

“Open the door for me, please, Tommy.” she said with a smirk.

“Don’t you want to put on a shirt or something, Hon?”

“Why bother, we’re just heading to the shower, and Loren’s seen it all anyhow.” She gave me an exaggerated wink.

“Well, OK then.” I laughed as I opened the door for her.

I grabbed the clothes I’d been wearing yesterday, and her night clothes, and followed her into the bathroom, enjoying the rear view as she walked, and when she bent over to stuff the bedding in the hamper. When she started to straighten up, I goosed her with the hand I had free from the clothes. She gave a little squeal, and straightened up fast. “Perv!” she said laughing, as she shook her finger at me.

“Guilty as charged, Hot Stuff!” I winked at her.

“So, quit playing with my ass, and get in the shower! You’ve got stuff to do.”

“So I do!”

I stuffed the clothes in the hamper and followed her into the shower. We took our time washing each other, and drying each other off, with only a moderate amount of fooling around.

I left Linda to dry her hair and got dressed in fresh clothes. I was tying my shoes as Linda came in and got dressed herself. As she finished, I came up behind her and turned her to face me. “Babe-are you sure you’re good with all this? I mean Loren and me on our own for a couple weeks?”

Linda kissed me gently. “I’m good with it, Tommy. Better than I’ve been in a long time. I’m back, we’re back, it’s all going to be better.”

I kissed her back. “OK- It’s always been good Hon, even at it’s worst. Now it’s going to be great.”

“Let’s get going- I’m hungry and you all need to get on the road before too long.”

“All righty, then.” We walked into the kitchen, where a fully-dressed Loren was reading the morning paper. “I was beginning to wonder if you two were going to sleep all day until I heard the shower start up.” She grinned at us. “I made coffee, just in case you needed a jump start.”

“Ah yes, the elixir of life. Do you want some too, Hon?”, I said, as I poured myself a cup.

“Yes, I’ll have some while we decide about breakfast.”

I fixed one for her, too, and took a seat at the table, between the ladies.

“Ahhhh! About breakfast, I thought we could just go to Windsor’s. That way we wouldn’t dirty up a bunch of dishes.”

“Sounds good to me!” said Linda,

“Me, too.” chimed in Loren.

We chatted a little longer as we all sipped our coffee. Finally, the coffeepot was empty, and our cups nearly so.

“Tell you what-, lets do the car shuffle now. We can put the camper on the truck, move the truck to the street, park Loren’s ride next to the garage, back the truck in so it’s easy to load, and get Linda’s Escape out front so we can take it to Windsor’s.”

“OK, as soon as I finish my coffee, I’ll get my keys.” said Loren.

“I’ll go ahead and get the laundry going before we leave”, Linda chimed in.

We all drained our cups and stood up. I took the cups and put them in the sink to wash.

“Hon- let me drag that heavy laundry hamper around. You just clean up the coffeemaker and cups.”

“Sounds like a deal to me”, Linda winked

We all went our separate ways, and in a few minutes we were shifting cars around. That finished, we piled into the Escape.

Windsor’s was not much of a drive, so it wasn’t long before we were seated in a booth awaiting our breakfasts, and nursing yet more coffee. ‘Linda, I was thinking as we were shuffling the cars around, there’s no need for me to drag my car keys and fob around, and you might need to move mine, while we’re gone. Make sure to remind me ... no, wait ... let me just give them to you now, so I don’t forget.” She was digging around in her purse as she was talking and finally came up with her keys. She separated the car keys and handed them to Linda. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Loren. I doubt if I’ll have a reason to move your car, but you never know.”

At that time, our server, Shay, arrived with the food.

“Lets see, Tommy, here is your Western omelet, Mrs. Tommy, here’s your Denver omelet, and ma’am, I have your pancake platter. Do you need anything else?”

We all looked at each other and shook our heads. “I think we’re good, Shay. For the record, this lady here is our good friend Loren York, who’s visiting with us.”

“Nice to meet you Mrs York.” Shay said with a smile. “I’ll try to remember for the next time I see you.” She took her serving tray and hustled back to the counter.

I laughed at the expression on Loren’s face. “She’s not kidding. Shay will almost certainly remember your name next time, even if it’s a year from now. She has that knack.”

“Wow, but why didn’t she remember Linda’s name?”

Linda chuckled. “She knows my name perfectly well, but she’s been calling me Mrs. Tommy for years. It’s just a little joke. Shay’s a sweetie. She been working here what, Tommy, five years or so?”

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