Loren and Tommy - Cover

Loren and Tommy

Copyright© 2023 by John Darkscar

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Loren and Tommy have a second encounter... with a twist.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction  

One early September Sunday afternoon, I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper, while my wife, Linda, was seated across from me reading another section, when my cell phone rang. I probably jumped no more than six inches off the chair, before I settled down, pulled it from the case and glanced at the screen. “Loren” was on the screen.

I hit “OK” and put the phone to my ear. “Hi Loren, what’s up?”.

“Tommy! I won! I won, I won, I won, I won!” Loren shouted into the phone. I pulled it away from my ear a bit.

“Won what? I asked.

“Oh, my God, Tommy, I can’t believe I actually won!” she replied.

I chuckled. “I think Loren’s excited about winning something or other.”, I remarked to Linda.

“I guess so! I can hear her from over here!” She said, drily.

“Slow down a little, Loren! You sound like Ralphie’s Dad from “A Christmas Story”.” I chuckled into the phone.

I heard her take a deep breath. “I guess I do, don’t I?” She laughed. “OK, here goes. Today was the finals of the Florida Bowhunter’s Association’s 3-D Championship. I made it through the first two rounds yesterday, and won my flight in the first round today. That got me to the finals, where I tied with the current champ, Sam Turner. We went to a shootoff, and it took two more rounds, but I WON!!!!”

“Wow, Loren! That’s really great! Let me tell Linda- she’s sitting right here.”

“OK, I heard you talk to her earlier.”

“Hey, Hon- Loren won the Florida Bowhunter’s Association’s 3-D Championship, in a shootoff! That’s amazing for someone who only took up the sport a few months ago!”

Linda smiled. “That’s really cool!”, she said, “I’m happy for her.” I could tell that she wasn’t all that excited, but then, she doesn’t shoot.

I smiled back at her. “It’s a big deal for the people that participate.” I winked.

Linda winked back. “I’m sure it is. Tell her I said Hi, and when are she and Bob coming up for a visit?”

I put the phone back to my ear. “She’s happy for you! She wants to know when you and Bob are coming up, too.”

“I heard her. I can tell she’s underwhelmed, but she just doesn’t understand, I know you do.”, she said, quietly. “Anyhow, it won’t be before Thanksgiving, most likely and maybe right after Christmas. Bob’s band is booked up pretty well for late Fall.”

“She says it will likely be Thanksgiving, or after Christmas, depending on Bob’s bookings.” I said to Linda.

“Oh, OK. I was hoping to see them sooner, but at least I know they’re coming.”

I nodded, and spoke to Loren. “She’s looking forward to seeing you guys.”

“We’re looking forward to coming back up, too. Maybe we can get the neighborhood bunch together for an evening while we’re up.”

“That would be great. I’ll get the word around, when you have some dates.”

“Cool! Anyhow, that isn’t all the hot news. The winner of the Championship, also won a trophy whitetail bowhunt in Kansas for TWO, for this fall!” Loren almost squealed with excitement.

“WOW, indeed! There are huge whitetail in Kansas. That’s a great prize! Those hunts aren’t cheap! You’ll have the trip of a lifetime, I bet!” I smiled at the thought of Loren hunting big game, after just taking up the sport.

Loren was laughing like crazy. “I told Bob you’d say exactly that.”. She laughed a little more. “Tommy, don’t be any denser than you need to be! The trip is for TWO. I want you to go with me! You got me started in this, you gave me my bow, and I want you to be on my first hunt, too!”

I was a little stunned (and bemused at how slow I’d been to take the hint).

“Let me talk to Linda.” I managed to get out.

“No, let ME talk to Linda! Please, Tommy, it will be fine!”

“Um ... OK.” I swallowed a silent gulp. “Honey, Loren wants to talk to you.” I handed over my phone.

Linda listened for a bit. “Uh huh ... wow, really? ... That’s cool! ... Sure! ... Why not? Uh huh ... When will you be going? ... Uh huh ... uh huh ... yeah ... Where exactly is this place? ... Why fly out there? Uh huh ... Why don’t you come up here and drive out? You’ll see the country and have a vehicle ... Wait a second, I’ll ask him.”

She turned to me. “Do you think you could borrow Randy’s motor home? It’s not all that big, and you could drive out and save on hotels.”

I did my best not to look astounded. “I don’t see why not. It would only be for a week or so. If not Randy’s, then I’m pretty sure I could borrow Bob Ellis’s mini-motor home. He doesn’t use it much any more.”

Linda put the phone back to her ear. “OK then, it’s settled. Tommy will get an RV, you come up here and drive out together. I know Tommy would want to drive, anyhow. He says it’s a hassle to fly any more. I bet it’s even worse with a lot of hunting gear. OK Hon! ... Good talking to you, too! Looking forward to seeing you, and Bob too, of course, whenever you come up ... Bye Loren!” She handed the phone back to me.

“Well, I guess you two have it settled.” I said with a laugh. “Look, we’ll need to work out lots of details, but one thing you’ll need is a heavier bow and arrows with some good broadheads to hunt with, and you’ll want to practice with them a lot between now and then. I’ll get something together that’s around 45 pounds pull and matching arrows with practice broadheads, and ship it out to you tomorrow or the next day.”

“OK, Tommy but I’m paying for it this time!”

“Not on your life! I’ll let you pay for the shipping, but this is on me! You’re giving me a trip to remember, so this hunting bow and arrows are on me! I’ll also get you a hunting quiver. I don’t much care for bow quivers, so I’ll make up a couple of side-opening back quivers for us to use. I’ll have them ready in plenty of time.”

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