Inhumane Resources
Copyright© 2023 by OmegaPet-58
Chapter 4: Bungalow
Drama Sex Story: Chapter 4: Bungalow - Lara and Celia work together managing a Human Resources office. At a BBQ, Lara meets Celia's husband Davis, and the attraction is immediate and compelling. Soon, Lara moves in with them and they become a nudist poly triad. Lara eventually agrees to bear a child for all three of them to raise together, but the birth is traumatic. Will their relationship survive? Will Lucy, their baby, have both mothers and her father together, to raise her? And a sibling?
Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Fiction Tear Jerker Sharing Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Double Penetration Masturbation Oral Sex Pregnancy Big Breasts Nudism
Taking heed of Celia’s admonitions, Lara arrived carrying only a bouquet and rang the doorbell.
“Oh, these are lovely, thank you, come in, come in! I’ll just get a vase. Follow your nose to the kitchen. Davis might ask you to help him open the wine or something.”
“Lara, so great to see you again. I’m making steaks, how do you want yours: rare, medium, well done?”
“Medium is fine. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Nope. Please leave your things on the sofa, Celie will hang up your coat, and the bathroom is down that way on your right so you can wash up. We’ll be ready to eat in five minutes.”
After Dinner
“That was fantastic.” Lara put down her spoon. Davis made a pasta salad to go with the tri-tip steaks he had marinated and then broiled. Dessert was some kind of decadent ice cream that was extra-dense and smooth.
Lara couldn’t help herself. “Your husband looks like that, and he COOKS too? Damn, Celia, you must have rescued drowning children in a past life, or something, to be so lucky.”
“Please, Lara,” said Davis. “Like my grandfather used to say, I put my pants on one leg at a time, like everybody else.”
“That is, when he bothers to WEAR pants,” added Celia.
“Oh, I get it now. You keep those other women off you by saying you have a closet full of dresses that you wear at home. You’re a, uh, transvestite, Davis?”
Davis laughed heartily. Celia continued, “No, Lara, no pants, no dresses. Neither of us have a lot of clothes, actually. Let me clear away the table while you two get comfortable in the living room, I’ll join you in a few minutes.”
While Lara and Davis were chatting, Celia loaded the dishwasher and put the broiler pan to soak. When they were all comfortable together, Celia began speaking.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about you, Lara. That has been since the barbecue, and particularly today, once we could begin ironing out what was coming between us.”
Celia took her hand, smiling.
“I am really fond of you, I like you. We work so well together, like a team. We’re the same age, Lara, the same size and build. I bet we could swap clothes with each other, even bras. Come to think of it, Davis, would you please unhook me?”
He reached under her blouse and unfastened the three hooks, so her bra was loose across her back.
“Ahh. I ask him to do that first thing every night after work. I’ll bet yours are uncomfortable too. Wouldn’t it be nice if, when you came home after work, a pair of warm strong hands reached out and unhooked you, Lara?
“I’m sorry for being so direct. But I think I know you better than anybody else. And when you were distant from me this week, it was making me feel anxious and unhappy. Because I like you, and I want to see you enjoy life more, and not be so solitary.”
“Celia, thank you for caring. I know it comes from a good place. But I’m OK, really. I have my routines, my quiet life, everything is fine.”
“For a little bit, let’s talk about Davis. When we got home after the barbecue, I asked him what he thought after finally meeting you. Yes, I probably influenced him, some, but he picked up on that impression too.
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