Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor Story
Copyright© 2023 by Commissum
Chapter 7
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Lord Peter Bentencourt lives on both Earth and the magical world of Kreven. Kreven is a harsh, magical world where power and magic determines who will rule or be ruled. Earth is Earth, where mostly wealth dictates who rises or falls. Peter must balance one against the other if he is to survive and thrive. Utilizing a rare portal to travel between worlds, he seeks to exploit each world to gain power and influence in the other. Fire and Ice is the first story from the world of Lord Bent's Manor.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual NonConsensual Slavery Heterosexual Fiction Magic non-anthro Cream Pie Fisting Oral Sex Squirting Size
The winter afternoon sun was now very low and the tall pines to the west were casting long shadows across the conservatory. Against the increasing darkness, Peter lit the fae-lamp globes lining the greenhouse. He was just about to resume his imprinting of the male when the conservatory’s door opened revealing Tevi. The slender girl looked as if she had just woken after having slept all afternoon.
“Master,” she said deferentially. “How are they doing?”
“Taylor is recovering as expected.” Peter replied. “She is sleeping and will likely remain so until morning. The worker male is also doing well. I am still in the process of conditioning him to my control.”
“Can I watch?”
“Sure,” Peter replied with a smile. “I always enjoy your company. Just remember to keep an eye on the plant. It’s exhausted but still has enough energy to harm you if it decides it’s threatened.”
The worker had dozed off again and Peter lightly slapped his cheek to bring him awake.
“Wake up, little worker ... wake up!”
The man opened his eyes and stared at Peter for a moment. He then switched his gaze to Tevi. Peter caught the man’s nostrils flaring. Apparently, the plant had left some of the man’s base desires intact.
“You are calling him ‘little worker’?” Tevi asked with a smirk.
Hearing it put that way made Peter realize that it was a stupid name.
“He does need a better name I guess,” he said, “What would you like to call him?”
He saw the young woman looking up and down the muscular dark man with interest. Had she just licked her lips?
“Um ... no, we won’t be naming him Yummy,” Peter quipped.
Tevi grinned and Peter imagined her blushing.
“How about ‘Reed’?” she asked while looking at the man’s junk.
Reed? That was a pretty good name even beyond the clear anatomical reference.
“Perfect!” he replied, causing her to grin again. “I like the name. Let’s teach ‘Reed’ his new name, shall we?”
He then resumed his slow monotone delivery of verbal commands. Most of the phrases were to reinforce that he was to obey Peter. Peter also began instructing the man that his name was now ‘Reed’. He also repeatedly explained that Tevi was Peter’s friend and that she should also be obeyed and not harmed. While he did that, he had Tevi touch and stroke Reed’s arm, keeping the man’s focus on his words and her actions.
Ten minutes later Peter noticed that Tevi had progressed her touch far lower down Reed’s arm and was now also rubbing the six-pack abs of his lean, muscular torso.
“Tevi,” he warned, pointing at the pupadominus plant’s passive manipulator tentacle laying just below Reed’s genitals. “Before you inevitably move lower in your subtle molestation of Reed, let’s first restrain the plant. It could hurt you if it managed to get that stalk around your wrist.”
Together they got a restraint shackle placed around the tentacle’s end nob. Peter then cranked in the capstan, which slowly pulled the tired manipulator away from the vicinity of Reed’s prone body. When that was complete, Peter took advantage of Tevi’s presence to also attach a shackle to the manipulator stalk that was still wrapped around the man’s head. Instead of waiting until morning, he’d decided to completely free Reed tonight.
With Tevi present and available to help, it made sense to go ahead and similarly restrain the two tentacles near Taylor. First, they used the capstan to pull the crotch-attending tentacle away, but after attaching the shackle to the second, left the head tentacle in place like they had with Reed. Before returning to releasing Reed, Peter had Tevi hold Taylor’s bent legs apart so he could give her a quick gynecological exam.
Using a polished hardwood speculum and his fae-light headband, he carefully inserted and spread her opening. Then, with the help of a mirror, Peter verified the sap plug seal left by the plant on Taylors sundered cervix had mostly dissolved. The women’s inner gate had contracted back to almost normal size and looked undamaged. Taylor should be able to retain the seed even if she had to run or exert herself unexpectedly.
Good! This meant that they would be able to begin the journey tomorrow as planned. Exam over, Peter motioned Tevi to allow Taylor’s legs to relax and returned his attention back to freeing Reed both physically and mentally from the plant.
“Tevi,” he instructed. “We need to keep him fully awake and stimulated while I get the final tendril out of his other eye socket. Normally I would just talk to him while pinching him occasionally. Why don’t you see of there is a better way to keep him ... stimulated.”
Tevi grinned like a little girl receiving candy and fell to her knees beside Reed’s torso. She carefully lifted the man’s cock and inspected it.
“Oh! He’s mostly all healed,” she exclaimed.
Peter nodded. It was ironic that the plant would have made such a great healer. Its secretions worked amazingly fast and healed so many different types of ailments. If only for the fact that while performing such miraculous healing, the plant was also actively destroying the patient’s mind and sentencing them to the gruesome death of being eaten alive from the inside.
Tevi pulled Reed’s cock to full extension and rolled back the man’s foreskin. She then leaned over and gave it a close sniff.
“He smells clean! Almost like a newborn baby.”
Peter almost snorted as he pictured Tevi sniffing a baby’s penis. That was probably not how she meant her statement.
“See if you can get him erect,” he told his young assistant.
Tevi scowled briefly at his challenge but began stroking the man’s cock. Slowly Reed responded and his cock began to grow. She had to switch her grip to allow her more range to fully stroke the man’s long, slim member. Peter was close enough that he could not avoid the show even if he wanted and he had to admit that Reed’s cock was truly, reed-like. By estimating its length from the size of Tevi’s fists, Reed must be packing at least nine inches, possibly even ten!
“Reed! Feel that?” he said loudly into the man’s ear. Reed was now fully awake and aware and Peter saw his hips beginning to move slightly under Tevi’s ministrations. With the man now properly stimulated, Peter used his metal retrieval hook to begin putting tension on the remaining brain tendril.
As the tendril was extracted, Reed’s back arched as the plant tried to force its drone into action to stop Peter from fully severing its control. The two unoccupied-but-restrained manipulator tentacles also began to thrash back in forth against their confining ropes. Peter put still more tension on the resisting filament and began yelling into the man’s ear, “Reed! Resist the plant! You must obey me! Fight it!”
Peter kept the steady pressure while repeating the commands into the Reed’s ear. Soon the man’s struggles lessened and the tendril withdrew faster as the last filaments connecting to the man’s brain began releasing.
“Tevi, really get him going now. I need him diverted while the plant severs its final mental link.”
The half-elf adjusted her grip and began to work Reed’s cock like she was sanding a chair leg. He groaned at the new sensation and his eyes rolled back into his head. Tevi then leaned forward and engulfed the walnut-like knob of his cock into her mouth. Reed’s hips thrust forward and remained locked at full extension.
“Good!” Peter said. “The plant has almost fully released him. You can back off if you like.”
Tevi ignored him and instead continued downward until a third of his long, narrow shaft was in her mouth and throat. Peter stared amazed as her cheek’s collapsed from the suction. Her hand was now a blur as she stroked Reed even faster.
Peter leaned down and began speaking into Reed’s ear again.
“Reed! That feels good right? Fight the plant’s control! Feel what Tevi is doing to you!”
The man groaned and his hips began to spasm. Behind them, the pupadominus plant quivered and shook with greater intensity, clearly upset at Peter and Tevi’s actions. Peter kept pulling on the small retractor and felt the tendril suddenly come out completely. The filament-covered end was exposed and Peter quickly snipped if off rendering it harmless like he had the first.
Fully-freed, Reed now thrashed and bucked on his own as his orgasm arrived. Tevi continued her impressive motions, bobbing faster and even deeper onto the man’s cock, and Peter had to admit the show was arousing. He returned his focus onto Reed and resumed chanting.
“I am your master! Tevi is your friend! You must obey both of us!”
“Gahhha!” Reed cried out, hips stiffening as he came. Tevi half coughed and gargled at either the pressure of Reeds cock knob in her throat or the likely gouts of semen that were suddenly flooding past her tonsils. She back off slightly and Peter could see her swallowing quickly trying to handle the flow.
“Good job Reed!” Peter said to him as the man’s orgasm trailed off and he relaxed. Reed was blinking as if he were confused at what was happening. This was exactly what Peter hoped to see from the man because if the plant’s conditioning remained in full force, Reed’s attention would have only been focused on seed-carrying Taylor.
Tevi pulled her mouth off of Reed’s member and inspected her handwork. She gave the quickly shrinking organ a few licks sucking up any missed spunk and then lay her cheek on the man’s taut abdomen just staring at his member. Peter could not help but smile at her contented look. He had no doubt that the half-elf had selected the man to attempt her impregnation.
“Reed! You can rest now,” Peter chanted softly. “Go to sleep. Go to sleep.”
The man blinked at him confusedly for a few moments before closing his eyes and relaxing. Good, his conditioning had successfully transferred to Peter. Peter stood and after directing Tevi to also stand aside, used the capstan to pull the plant’s now-unoccupied head-wrapping tentacle away from the slumbering man.
Now only Taylor remained secured to the Plant. Peter would wait until morning to break her conditioning and release her from the plant’s tendrils. With her having taken much less of the plant’s poison, her imprinting was far shallower and breaking it would be much easier. Also, allowing her to remain secured until the last minute would help keep Reed passive if he should awaken during the night.
“Come, Tevi,” he said to his ward. “Let’s go have supper and get you fed before you start your nightly patrols.”
The next morning Miranda assisted with Taylor’s final extraction and imprinting. They began just before dawn, before the plant became fully aware in the increasing sunlight. First, they removed Reed from the conservatory and his proximity to Taylor. The lean man was able to walk normally and obeyed Peter’s verbal commands as he led the man out of the from the conservatory to the workroom where Tevi waited.
She would help him dress and then begin training him on the simpler tasks needing done around the Manor. The first being hauling in firewood and cleaning the fireplaces. Peter watched long enough to ensure that Reed was compliant and obeying Tevi’s commands. Before he left the pair, he reminded her to be wary. If Reed broke free, she was to quickly cut his throat or put an arrow though his eye. If the altered imprint had not taken, with the tendrils now removed, there was no way of trying again.
He then returned to the greenhouse, where Miranda had prepared his gear for Taylor’s extraction procedure. Peter first carefully cut away the leaves covering the woman’s eyes and ears. He then began extracting the first eye socket tendril, all the while chanting his repetitive calming imprinting commands.
While he worked near Taylor’s head, Miranda washed the woman’s genital area one final time and dressed her in small clothing for modesty. After the first filaments had been removed from Taylor’s brain, she came awake fully and seemed to be aware of her surroundings. She tried to tilt her head up to see what Miranda was doing.
“What are you doing to me?” Taylor asked, blinking rapidly as her eyesight was slowly restored.
“My executive officer is washing you and covering your privates,” Peter explained. “I am trying to fully free you from the pupadominus plant.”
Peter then went on to explain about the plant and what it had done to her. Peter also explained that Taylor was no longer on the Earth and briefly summarized the magical world of Kreven. Thanks to the plant’s mental and chemical influences, Taylor accepted Peter’s explanations with neither doubt or fear, a fact that Peter greatly appreciated.
“I have the plant’s seed inside of me?” Taylor asked after his condensed explanation. Her hands were rubbing her swollen abdomen. “It’s not my baby?”
“No, Taylor,” Peter explained patently. “The plant has implanted a melon-sized seed inside you. It won’t hurt you unless we leave it inside you for more than a week.”
“You will take it out before then?” she asked next, finally showing a bit of fear.
“Yes, after we travel to where the seed needs to be delivered, I will remove it.”
“Why did you allow the plant to put its seed inside of me?” Taylor asked.
Peter sensed Miranda’s gaze upon him as he considered how to best answer the woman’s insightful question.
“Three reasons,” He replied. “First, I need a living host to transfer the plant’s seed to my buyer. Second, being from Earth means that you have no imbued magic and can safely carry the seed much longer than someone borne on Kreven. Finally, being in the late stages of addiction, your Earthly life was almost over. Because the plant has removed your addictive tendencies, you will now have a chance to start over.”
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