Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor Story
Copyright© 2023 by Commissum
Chapter 5
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Lord Peter Bentencourt lives on both Earth and the magical world of Kreven. Kreven is a harsh, magical world where power and magic determines who will rule or be ruled. Earth is Earth, where mostly wealth dictates who rises or falls. Peter must balance one against the other if he is to survive and thrive. Utilizing a rare portal to travel between worlds, he seeks to exploit each world to gain power and influence in the other. Fire and Ice is the first story from the world of Lord Bent's Manor.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual NonConsensual Slavery Heterosexual Fiction Magic non-anthro Cream Pie Fisting Oral Sex Squirting Size
“Has it begun?” a tired-looking Tevi asked.
“Very soon,” Peter replied, motioning her to approach.
He noted that the half-dark elf was wearing a light robe and sandals. Good. The area around the plant would soon be slippery. Tevi approached and stood next to him, leaning forward to inspect the woman and then the man.
“They look much better.”
“Yes,” he replied. “The plant’s secretions are very efficient and fast-acting. It’s too bad that such good comes from such a dangerous creature.”
“But this plant doesn’t seem so bad?” Tevi replied.
“This plant,” Peter began, emphasizing that first word, “—is not as dangerous as a wild plant because of its stunted size. Also, it’s been hobbled and I am constantly pruning away new growths. Imagine stumbling across a full-sized, fully mobile specimen in the wild. It would have dozens of much-longer-range poison thorn tentacles. And without the confining chains, they would move quickly enough to stab you before you even knew the plant was there. Then, if you tried to escape before falling, it would ensnare you with its three-times-as-many manipulator stalks.”
Her brow furrowed as she considered his words.
“Add in the fact that a wild pupadominus plant is also mobile, able to move about on its leg roots. You’d could be camped out somewhere and, in your sleep, the plant would quietly creep in close and sting you. You’d never even wake up as it seeded you and when you did finally wake up, you would be wondering how you’d gotten pregnant. Finally, your first real warning that something was wrong would be the pain in your belly as the seed began eating you from the inside.”
That last made Tevi visibly shudder and she rubbed her upper pelvis, just where her womb lay.
With perfect timing, the two manipulator stalks abandoned their attempt to capture me and were now instead wrapping themselves around the addict’s ... no, former addict Taylor’s ankles. The plant’s ovipositor spasmed, stretching itself and moving forward several inches. When it paused, the strong clenched bundle of leaves surrounding its deposition orifice released, unfurling to their full length of almost four feet each. The now-exposed rubbery ring around the sphincter began oozing lubricating slime.
“Oh! It’s about to do it!” Tevi said excitedly, forgetting her previous revulsion. “Look at the size of its cock!”
“It’s called an ovipositor, Tevi,” he explained. “And yes, it is very big.”
Tevi took being corrected without umbrage. The uneducated girl had come to him illiterate but had been eager to learn under his tutelage. She’d made great progress and as long as she remained curious, Peter would continue to educate her whenever possible.
In front of them, the manipulators began pulling the woman’s legs up and apart, exposing her visibly-swollen genitals. The plant’s preparations over the night appeared to have been successful. The ovipositor resumed undulating its bulk toward the target at a faster pace with the long leaves leading the way.
Before contact was made, and with the plant’s manipulators busy holding the girl’s ankles apart, Peter quickly stepped in to do a final examination. Keeping clear of the ovipositor’s grasping leaves, he quickly and carefully reached between them and swiped up a glob of slime now copiously oozing from the spasming orifice at the tip.
Retreating again, he smeared the viscous fluid around his right hand and fingers while repositioning himself to one side of the suspended woman’s waist. Peter then pointed his fingers and smoothly spread the swollen vulva of the woman. Once he had all five digits inside Taylor’s opening, he steadily plunged his entire fist inside the woman up to his wrist. She responded by arching her back and letting out an audible ‘oof!’ at the sudden, forceful intrusion.
“What are you doing, Master!?” A clearly shocked and wide-eyed Tevi hissed from behind him.
“I need to verify that the plant has properly prepared her cervix,” he replied.
He quickly worked his fingers into a deeper position until they penetrated the now-loosened rubbery ring of Taylor’s cervix. Bending his wrist slightly, he was easily able to get a good portion of his hand inside the woman’s uterus. Good, the plant’s temporary modifications were complete. Even better, Taylor had not cried out in pain indicating the area undergoing his brutal examination had been numbed sufficiently.
His test now complete and feeling the plant’s leaves brushing his elbow, Peter quickly yanked his fist out with an audible “plop” of displaced air. Peter chuckled as he returned to Tevi’s side who was now clutching her groin while alternating her slightly-horrified look between him and the plant.
“Please fetch me a towel from the bench,” he ordered the half-elf.
As she did, the heavy oak door opened and Miranda entered the conservatory.
“Did I make it in time?” his XO asked. “Good! I did,” she continued, answering her own question.
Tevi returned with the towel and Peter wiped the slime off his hands. Miranda joined them as they waited patiently for the plant’s final act.
“The woman looks healthy enough,” Miranda finally commented, breaking the silence.
He caught the tone which hinted that Miranda had noticed the former addict was younger than she was. She should know better than to feel insecure and Peter put his arm around the woman in an attempt to reassure.
“Taylor,” he replied quietly. “She was awake a few minutes ago and was able to give me her name.”
“Well, Taylor, ” she said, emphasizing the name, “ ... looks much better than when you brought her through last night.”
“Yes, the plant is thorough,” he replied, ignoring her mood. “Did Gerston make it to the workshop?”
“Yes, Lord Bent,” his XO said, remembering herself. “Neverlate rode up from the dock with him. I instructed Bella to send down lunch for three and explain that you would likely be delayed an hour. I also sent Klup to help with the unloading of the cargo.”
“Good girl,” he said, catching the brief smile his comment triggered.
The ovipositor’s long leaves were now entwining themselves around Taylor’s hips. As they did, the weight of the heavy swollen organ was pulling the woman’s torso downward unnaturally. The plant compensated by raising her ankles higher and splaying her legs even further apart. With the plant now fully engaged in the seeding and again utilizing all its manipulators, Peter guided the two curious women closer for a better vantage.
The long leaves gripping Taylor’s hips now had enough purchase to pull the heavy, bulbous end of the ovipositor high enough to nestle into her crotch. Just before the tip was hidden from view, the now-copiously wet sphincter could be seen pulsating rapidly, protruding in and out as it flexed its fist-sized snout forward, trying to reach her opening. The surrounding leaves contracted even more, pulling the rubbery wet mouth of the organ tight against Taylor’s vulva. Her hips jerked as the inner snout of the ovipositor forcibly wedged itself into the mouth of her cunt and began working its way deeper inside.
“Ooohhh!” Taylor cried out.
Her body heaved as the forceful violation continued. The rubbery outer mouth of the organ was widening and then tightening as if suction were being applied. The mass of the organ behind the mouth constricting in waves causing the lump inside to visibly advance. Almost a foot of the ovipositor was now inside Taylor before it paused to rework its grip. The sphincter’s advancement temporarily halted by Taylor’s cervix.
Peter noticed both Tevi and Miranda squirming as if they had to go to the bathroom. He wondered what Tevi thought of the proceedure? Was it revulsion or lust ... or maybe both? Miranda at least had the memories of childbirth to compare with the current intrusion. As if to emphasize what was happening, Taylor’s abdomen began swelling from the sap the ovipositor was discharging ahead of the advancing seed.
“Oh, my Lord!” Tevi exclaimed. “How can she take this?”
Taylor’s head was no longer threshing about and her mouth simply hung open, indicating she was in some sort of plant induced trance.
“The seed is about the size of a large baby,” Peter replied. “And the plant has prepared the way, so to speak. What do you think Miranda? You’ve endured both, a real birth and the plant’s seeding.”
His XO did not reply for a moment and Peter noticed that she was staring at him intently. He returned her stare calmly. Both events had been understandably traumatic to the woman but articulating her feelings about them would help her steady recovery.
“I do not remember much of the seeding as my mind had been mostly lost to the plant,” she eventually replied. “Birthing the seed later was painful, but as Lord Bent says, it was very much like when my baby was born.”
Tevi looked sad and remained silent. The girl had known that Miranda had lost her child back on Earth, but it was not a subject discussed much, if at all.
In front of us, the plant heaved as the advancing seed inside the ovipositor reached the mouth gripping Taylor’s vulva. A contracting wave moved down the mass towards the woman as the plant built up pressure to force the seed into her tunnel. The strong leaves gripping her hips contracted again, forcing the ovipositor’s tip into Taylor’s cervix and also causing the seed to begin slipping into her tightly-stretched vagina.
“Ohhh!” Taylor exclaimed out loud. The sensations or pain bringing her out of the plant’s trance.
Her head tried to thrash back and forth but the stalk wrapped around her skull pulled her head back tightly, keeping her restrained. It looked to Peter that Taylor was being bent backward almost double. The woman must have been incredibly flexible growing up.
“What ... what’s happening to me?” Taylor cried out.
“Taylor,” Peter said soothingly, taking her limp hand. “This will be over very soon and you will feel better. You are not alone. You must relax.”
He had added the last knowing that in her present, induced-submissive state, she would not be able to ignore his words. She would need to force herself to relax and even if she resisted, the exertion would distract her from the sensations below. Or, so he hoped.
There was a sudden popping sound as the seed fully entered Taylor’s vagina. An obscene gurgle and splash could also be heard as the sap and lubrication ooze was displaced by the quickly advancing seed. Taylor’s abdomen suddenly bulged even further as the seed forced more of the plant’s fluids into her uterus. The effort to advance the seed this far had weakened the plant and there was a momentary lull in its motions.
Peter took the opportunity to begin examining the host. He forcefully prodded the sides of Taylor’s fluid-swollen abdomen, probing for internal ruptures or hernias. Then he used both hands and tried to force the now-wedged seed to rotate slightly, trying to better align the oblong seed with the axis of the woman’s reproductive tract. Finally, he stepped back to where the other females waited.
“Everything seems normal,” he explained. “Miranda, does seeing this up-close trigger any new memories?”
“Not that I can recall, milord,” she responded after another long pause. “Maybe a fragment or two,” she continued. “Almost like a dream.”
Peter was curious about the long-term effects of the plant’s poison and brain influences. It seemed that after removal from the presence of the plant, and if they survived the seeding, the host slowly would recover some memories of the implantation early on, but after time passed, nothing additional.
The resting ovipositor stirred again and its base began to visibly swell as fluid built up behind the blocked seed. Taylor’s back arched and her face contracted as she clenched her jaws shut from the pressure.
“Aaaargh!” the poor woman hissed. “Fuck! That stings!”
“What is it doing to her?” Tevi asked.
“I suspect that the protuberances ringing the tip of the inner ovipositor are forcing her cervix to dilate fully,” he explained. “It’s about to force the seed into her uterus.”
“She is in pain,” Miranda said simply.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Peter replied. “By limiting her to only one initial dose of poison, most of the woman’s neural pathways remain intact. Certainly, those associated with sensation. Thankfully, as you can attest, her memories of this pain will be greatly muted.”
Tevi looked to Miranda for confirmation.
“Lord Peter is correct. I remember little pain ... at least from the initial seeding.”
“Taylor’s outburst is notable,” Peter explained. “It’s remarkable how the pain allowed her repressed consciousness to slip through. She must have been very strong-willed before she became addicted. An interesting contradiction.”
The strong leaves holding the woman’s hips contracted even further pulling the outer mouth of the ovipositor even tighter against her vulva. Another muscular wave began at the base of the thick tentacle moving towards the lodged seed. A loud gurgle could be heard inside as the pressure of the liquids behind the seed rose even higher. This was it!
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