Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor Story
Copyright© 2023 by Commissum
Chapter 3
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Lord Peter Bentencourt lives on both Earth and the magical world of Kreven. Kreven is a harsh, magical world where power and magic determines who will rule or be ruled. Earth is Earth, where mostly wealth dictates who rises or falls. Peter must balance one against the other if he is to survive and thrive. Utilizing a rare portal to travel between worlds, he seeks to exploit each world to gain power and influence in the other. Fire and Ice is the first story from the world of Lord Bent's Manor.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual NonConsensual Slavery Heterosexual Fiction Magic non-anthro Cream Pie Fisting Oral Sex Squirting Size
The meth-addicted woman was next. Peter grabbed her iron cage and dragged it to lay within range of the pupadominus plant’s poison thorn tentacle. He set the cage down more carefully than he had the pimp’s and motioned Tevi to undo the clasps which held it shut. Since the woman was still unconscious from her sedation back on Earth, they simply dumped her out of the cage without worry that she would resist.
Peter considered skipping the plant’s poison injection but he realized that the Earthly drugs he had given the woman many hours ago would wear off soon. It would be better if she remained fully unconscious for what was going to happen to her next. The poison’s other side effect which caused short-term memory loss would also help cover his recent illegal activities back on Earth in kidnapping her and the pimp.
Tevi pulled the woman’s much-cleaner cage clear of the work area and then quickly returned to position the addict’s head correctly, kneeling on her back in case she reacted to being stung. While Tevi did that, Peter carefully released the tentacle and uncorked the needle-like thorn tip. He then positioned the thorn near the back of the woman’s skull. This time the stabbing was almost gentle with the plant somehow sensing that its second victim was currently unresponsive.
After just one pulse of poison, Peter quickly pulled free the needle thorn. He needed the woman subdued but with her mind left mostly intact. While he still held the thorn tentacle, Peter directed Tevi to retrieve his milking vial from the potting bench. After she returned with the vile, Peter forced the thorn to penetrate the vial’s tightly-stretched, soft membrane covering.
He then slowly massaged the swollen poison gland at the base of the thorn, causing it to contract rhythmically. After seven such pulses, the poison flow ceased as the pupadominus plant’s supply was temporarily exhausted. Tevi then returned the now-half-full vial to its holding stand on the bench while he resecured the tentacle. Later, Peter would have twenty hours to subdivide and preserve the vial’s contents to keep the valuable doses sellable.
With the woman now stung, Tevi grabbed an arm and began pulling her closer to the plant’s manipulators. Peter gestured to her to stop and motioned that they needed to spin the woman around and present her to the plant feet first. He grabbed one of the woman’s bruised legs and directed Tevi to take the other. As they lifted and pulled, he caught Tevi staring at the addict’s stubble-covered snatch. The half-elf wrinkled her nose and frowned at the odor and the leaking discharge that became noticeable with the addict now held spread-eagled.
“Yes, also not the safest environment right now,” Peter said, chuckling. “I would eat elsewhere until the plant is finished cleaning and healing her thoroughly.”
Tevi was not offended by the comment. Peter had known that she and Miranda had enjoyed each other orally many times over the years. Hell, Tevi had often joined him and Miranda in bed just to watch and had happily licked the fully-human woman’s cunt clean after Peter had deposited his semen. Once this woman was healed and again somewhat mobile, he knew Tevi might take advantage of the submissive state the plant would leave the addict in.
They pulled the splayed woman into the reach of the pupadominus plant’s main manipulator leaves then stepped back to watch the show. Peter had learned the hard way years ago that he needed to present prospective female hosts to the pupadominus plant crotch-first. Doing so head first, as Tevi had first attempted, often resulted in the plant ripping the body into edible-sized portions before discovering that the captive was implantable. Crotch-first gave the plant a better opportunity to sense that the prey was an adequate female vessel before its hunger overwhelmed its urge to reproduce.
Now, they just had to watch the plants progress long enough to verify that it wasn’t going to attempt to eat his hard-won captive. He sat down cross-legged on the heated stone floor to wait and was joined by Tevi who sat in front of him, leaning back into him for support. Peter did not mind the intimate contact and wrapped one arm around the girl’s slender form. He noticed her slightly musky scent. Tevi did not bathe often but like all elf variants, she was naturally clean. He found he enjoyed her scent and felt the effect on his cock as it gave a twitch.
Peter felt the slender girl tremble and realized that the half-elf was likely becoming excited. She had only watched this procedure once before and that had been from outside the glass-walled conservatory. Now with this much-closer point of view, and being able to hear and also smell the action, the girl was becoming aroused. Peter glanced around Tevi’s neck to see her face and saw her open-mouthed and staring raptly at the slowly extending manipulator leaves of the plant.
Two of the plant’s manipulator stalks reached the woman’s feet and slowly entwined themselves around her ankles. Once they had a secure grip, the woman was abruptly pulled in closer to the plant. The action caused Tevi to jump and even surprised Peter a little as the plant had acted much faster than he’d remembered from previous, similar instances.
Was the plant growing quicker? It was another thing to worry about and he’d need to perform experiments to verify the plant’s new abilities soon. With the woman now pulled in close enough, the twin stalks gripping her ankles spread the addicts’ legs apart and elevated her ass high above the floor. This allowed the other two stalks to begin inspecting the addict’s feet, ankles, knees, and upper thighs.
One stalk reached the addict’s groin and paused as if noticing the new conditions. It began rubbing and twisting its leaves through the woman’s folds, even extending past her perineum and down below around her anus. It vibrated occasionally as if sipping or sampling the fluids and aromas emanating from the woman’s cunt and nether regions.
All four stalks began twitching and their leaves continuously writhing as the pupadominus plant became excited. The inspecting manipulator leaves became slick and shiny as they began to secrete a viscous liquid. Peter was unsure of all the effects of the liquid but he did know that it acted as a powerful cleanser and had incredible healing properties. He’d even used it on himself a time or two and found it worked fast. It was likely the addicts’ scabs and bruises would be gone in the morning.
The secretions were one of the many resources he periodically collected, but with healing potions rather common on Kreven, the profit from the substance was far less than the mind poison he’d already extracted. Peter felt Tevi stiffen and suck in a breath as two of the longer slick leaves coiled into tube-like cylinders and wormed themselves inside both the woman’s cunt and ass.
Slowly but steadily, more and more of the plant’s manipulator leaves slid into the addict’s body. As they did, they slowly writhed and coiled around, as if scrubbing the interior surfaces of the woman’s reproductive tract and colon. The bulging movements were easily visible on the outside of the woman’s malnourished abdomen and it was fascinating to follow the plant’s actions inside her.
“Oh, Master!” Tevi moaned, “Look at how deeply the plant is inside her!”
The half-elf in his lap was squirming now, her actions causing new twitches in Peter’s awakening cock. Tevi was so enraptured at what she was witnessing that she didn’t notice his growing erection. The plant’s double leaf-rape continued, and the actions of its internal leaves began to trigger reactions in the unconscious woman. Occasionally her hips would jerk or spasm and the movements could have been from pleasure but might as easily have been from pain.
Peter had no idea as all other females he’d subjected to similar probings had awoken with no memories of the event. Any guilt he may have felt was lessened by the plant’s actions occurring so carefully and deliberately. It made the rape seem less violent and almost erotic. As the unconscious woman slowing arched her pelvis rhythmically in response to the plant’s actions, Peter had to admit that he was becoming aroused just like his half-elf ward.
Peter felt a similar rhythmic movement coming from Tevi and he looked over her shoulder to confirm that the half-elf was actively rubbing her own glistening sex. She was getting very-turned-on watching the plant-rape proceeding only a few feet in front of her and Peter wondered if the visual stimulation might trigger an unscheduled heat upon the half-elf girl.
Seeking to help, Peter reached around Tevi’s hip and ran his smallest finger down the soft, silky fur covering her cleft. Once he slipped his pinky into her wet folds, he carefully probed back and forth until he found and teased open her tight, muscular ring. While he did that, he grazed the back of his thumb over her clit gently in slow circular motions.
Tevi sighed deeply and laid her slender neck back on his shoulder, her head beside his and now staring up instead of at the plant’s actions. Her glazed, almost glowing dark blue eyes stared up at the stars through the glass ceiling of the conservatory. Peter continued his steady clitoral manipulations for a moment before slowly pushing his pinky deep into her narrow channel. The movement increased the pressure his thumb was causing on her rapidly-swelling clit causing Tevi to hiss at the new contact.
Ohhh, Master Bent!” Tevi moaned, almost directly into his ear.
Her bent legs splayed open lewdly as he began fucking her with his smallest digit. He moved his hand rhythmically, keeping pace with the slow motions of the probing leaves. Tevi was now panting slowly and had resumed watching the woman being violated in front of her. The internal probing of the addict’s ass was over and the penetrating leaves were withdrawn.
Vein-like bulges under the surface of the stalks could be seen pulsating, the motions pushing whatever contents the plant had taken from the woman’s digestive tract back toward the main plant body. Why this was necessary was another mystery that Peter vowed to someday to study in more depth.
Peter quickened the pace of his ministrations on Tevi and added his next smallest digit, inserting it slowly to join his pinky. He knew that the added pressure would bring the girl off much quicker and sure enough, her hips began thrusting uncontrollably as his two fingers reached maximum penetration. The pupadominus plant now finished inspecting or cleaning the addict’s cunt and fully withdrew that tentacle as well. Even though he’d seen it before, Peter was impressed at the amount of stalk and leaves that were emerging from the woman’s vagina. So much came out that Peter wondered if the plant had not gone deeper and probed the woman’s entire reproductive tract.
It was unlikely, as the plant had far too little time to soften the woman’s cervix enough to safely allow penetration. If only he had access to an ultrasound machine to understand what was happening internally during this procedure. Maybe there was form of magical scrying that would work here on Kreven and mimic the earthly technology. More things to worry about in the future.
The plant’s impressive withdrawal further excited Tevi who was now rhythmically tensing her abdomen as if trying to suck his fingers deeper inside. She reached down and fumbled at his hand, attempting to force a third digit inside her. Peter leaned forward slightly, wrapping his other arm around her torso to help steady her.
“Master,” she husked into his ear. “Another! Please!”
Peter hesitated but she tapped his hand impatiently. He was torn between the desire to please her and to not cause her pain. He carefully forced his middle finger inside her tight sheath along with the other two. The added pressure, or maybe the pain, almost instantly brought Tevi to orgasm and she began to buck in his lap. She also began producing copious fluids which squelched around his sawing fingers. After nearly a dozen seconds, her thrashings slowed and Peter managed to free his cramping hand. Tevi slumped back against him, sated and exhausted.
“Thank you, Master,” she sighed with wonder.
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