Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor Story - Cover

Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor Story

Copyright© 2023 by Commissum

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Lord Peter Bentencourt lives on both Earth and the magical world of Kreven. Kreven is a harsh, magical world where power and magic determines who will rule or be ruled. Earth is Earth, where mostly wealth dictates who rises or falls. Peter must balance one against the other if he is to survive and thrive. Utilizing a rare portal to travel between worlds, he seeks to exploit each world to gain power and influence in the other. Fire and Ice is the first story from the world of Lord Bent's Manor.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Magic   non-anthro   Cream Pie   Fisting   Oral Sex   Squirting   Size  

Noises came from the outer room, which must have been Torl finally returning with the extra robes and clogs. He had been delayed long enough that Peter suspected Henri had been speaking with him. Sure enough, a very happy-looking Torl unselfconsciously entered and carefully stepped down into the large pool. From his demeanor, it seemed that Henri’s proposition had been well received. Stren would not have to share his bed with the older coachman tonight.

Also, if what Peter was witnessing in front of him were to continue, Stren would not be sleeping alone. He didn’t really have a problem with Taylor sharing Stren’s bed instead of his own, although after the afternoon activities in the carriage, he would have liked to have a ready outlet for his previous unfulfilled arousal. But a solo night was not yet a certainty, as Stren and Taylor sleeping together tonight was not a foregone conclusion.

Torl settled into a seat between Peter and the cuddling pair. He finally scrutinized Taylor and Stren closely enough to realize that they were not simply dozing. His grin widened and he smirked at Peter.

“You look happy,” Peter commented.

Torl just nodded.

“I take it that you’ve been invited to spend the night elsewhere?

“Yes, milord. The innkeeper has a few chores that she would like my help with.”

Peter just nodded. On the opposite side of the pool, Taylor rose up out of the water just enough that her nipples were exposed. She smiled at the older men’s attention as she reached back underneath her and adjusted the position of Stren’s probable erection. She next lowered herself down slowly and from her facial expressions, had just impaled herself on the lad’s cock. Behind her, Stren’s eyes shot open and he looked quickly at Torl, surprised, and then more worriedly at Peter.

Peter almost laughed out loud from the myriad of expressions that passed across the teen’s face. Panic, amazement, worry, pride, and more.

Torl did snort and said, “Are you okay, lad? You look like you just got stung in the ass by a drillwasp.”

“He’s just fine, Master Torl,” Taylor said serenely. “I’m just helping him work out a cramp.”

For the next half a minute no more words were exchanged. With smiling faces, Peter and Torl watched a happy Taylor slowly moving in the water, working away on Stren’s cramp. Once the lad realized that Peter was not upset about what the woman was doing, he relaxed and began to enjoy it, reclining back and staring at the room’s tiled ceiling.

All too soon, it became apparent that his orgasm was approaching as he became an active participant, grabbing Taylor’s hips and beginning to guide her motions forcefully on top of him. His eyes closed and he stiffened, obviously filling Taylor with his semen.

Taylor’s hand had been below the water furiously helping her own orgasm along and soon after, she leaned back into the rigid teen, quaking through her own orgasm. As she came down from her high, she sighed contentedly and relaxed back into Stren’s chest.

“I don’t know about you, milord,” Torl said quietly, but still loud enough to be overheard, “ ... but if I am not mistaken, I think that was the lad’s first time having a cramp worked away like that.”

“Maybe,” Peter replied, also loud enough to be heard by all, “But I’ve heard that my female half-elf ward has kissed his cramps away a time or two,” Peter replied.

“I’ve never had a cramp cured in a public bath before,” Torl added. “I don’t think he will ever forget this day, milord.”

“His cramp is still there,” Taylor said dreamily in the teen’s defense. “But further treatments will have to wait until later, for I have to pee and the water’s heat is getting to me. Please help me up, Stren.”

Peter almost snorted again as the lad scrambled to assist Taylor rise. When he stood to guide her up the stone steps, Peter noted that the teen’s penis was indeed still standing proudly.

“Oh, to be young again, aye milord?” Torl commented, this time in a whisper.

After Taylor had departed to relieve herself, Stren settled back down into the hot water. He looked at Torl and then at Peter, before finally just chuckling and shaking his head.

“Stren,” Peter asked quietly. “Not that it matters, but was that indeed your first time?”

Stren nodded.

“I don’t think becoming a man in a public pool with an audience is any way to pass such a milestone,” he said. “After supper, since Torl will be sleeping elsewhere, I will tell Taylor that it is okay if she spends the night with you in your bedroom. You can properly pass your manhood milestone without rushing.”

Stren’s eyes opened wide again as he digested Peter’s statement.

Peter continued, “She can’t get pregnant with the seed blocking her uterus and she is also extra-receptive right now so have fun. Just be careful that you do not disturb the seed she is carrying.”

The lad still stared at him in surprise.

“Unless you’d prefer to sleep alone?”

“Um ... no, milord!” he stammered, coming out of his funk. “But, the lady ... um, that would be fine!”

Torl snorted again. “Wise choice, lad.”

“Milord?” Stren asked. “Just how do I not disturb the seed?”

“She will let you know,” Peter replied. “Mainly, just don’t do anything to her womanhood that causes pain.”

Peter then explained about the private supper scheduled for seven bells in Henri’s quarters. He then took his leave and exited the pool. After washing off the mineral residue, he returned to his suite and shaved. As he did, he cursed himself for having forgotten to bring his kit to the bath earlier and do it in the wash chamber. He debated on dressing fully for supper but decided to just remain wearing the heavy robe, although he did exchange the bath clogs for his indoor slippers.

He saw that Taylor had been in the room and had gone through the clothing which had been packed for her but had also only selected slippers. Stren arrived at a quarter before seven just as Peter was leaving. He showed the teenager the hidden panel that led down to Henri’s quarters and reminded him to not be late.

Peter went down using the main stairs to maintain the façade of only one way out of his suite and also because he was not sure if Henri had yet told Taylor of the back way. If not, he expected her to be waiting in the Inn’s main room while Henri finished overseeing the public meal.

The private supper was delicious: roasted chicken, potatoes, and a canned vegetable that resembled string beans. The table talk was dominated by Henri, Taylor, and Bemi. Torl likely felt out of place or was wise enough to just remain quiet, focus on the good food, and let the women talk. Stren was still too shy to start any conversation on his own, but he did respond to a few questions from the women.

Taylor was keeping close to the teenager. Peter had spoken with the woman before supper and had indicated that he would like her to sleep with Stren tonight. She was just fine with the idea and even spared his pride slightly by pouting that she would miss Peter’s company tonight.

Peter could not quite figure out who intimidated Stren the most. Was it Taylor who he’d just been intimate with, and who he dared not risk upsetting and lose all hope of an amazing evening? Or was it Bemi, a beautiful and talented sexy girl near his own age? Regarding the latter, Stren was likely dissuaded somewhat by the fact that Bemi had chosen to seat herself next to Peter instead of the open spot next to Stren. Taylor had diplomatically chosen to place herself at the end of the table between Peter and Stren. Torl sat near the head end which had been reserved for Henri.

Henri’s cook cleared the main plates and served dessert, which looked to be a lemon cobbler still warm from the oven and slathered with freshly whipped cream. Bemi occasionally attempted to engage Stren about something or other but was not getting much response. On the third attempt at making a joke at his expense, Peter flinched as below the table he felt the girl’s hand snake inside his robe and work its way up his thigh.

He managed to continue chewing on his bite of lemon goodness without coughing but did glance sideways at the girl. Bemi pretended to ignore him but Peter caught the tiniest smirk. Peter then glanced at Henri who was occupied laughing at a comment Taylor had just made. What the hell was her daughter thinking?

Peter considered how to casually reach below the table to extract the teenager’s hand but such an action would surely draw attention. While he debated on what to do, Bemi’s wandering hand reached his cock. The girl carefully probed the area before gripping his manhood and squeezing gently. He felt himself swelling rapidly. Peter unconsciously caused his cock to spasm to full rigidity which caused Bemi to emit a gasp upon discovering his girth.

“Bemilda!” Henri said suddenly, interrupting her conversation with Taylor. “Get your hand off Lord Bent’s cock and finish your supper!”

Bemi dropped Peter’s cock as if it were a burning coal. Her face looked like she’d gotten caught pilfering from the town magistrate. Torl and Taylor burst out laughing while Henri just shook her head.

“Really, Daughter! You can have Lord Peter’s attention later but not until after supper.”

“Sorry, Mom,” the blushing blond girl muttered.

Peter just shook his head and kept eating. Stren looked confused and then slightly sad. The young man’s education about all things women had just been expanded in ways he’d never imagined. It was a harsh lesson but probably one best learned early. Taylor patted the lad’s arm without saying anything. She understood some of the emotions he was experiencing. Stren seemed to calm at her touch.

“Lord Pete,” Henri said loudly as if to brush aside the awkward moment. “I’ve been thinking about your reasons for having Stren join your party. You should know that the shuttered smithy located on the trail heading to the old Yerin Mine has been reopened as of late last fall. The new leaseholder is a Master Loral recently from Port Helm. He has been keeping busy servicing many of the closer southern mines and may now be in a position to take on an apprentice.”

Interesting, thought Peter. The smithy was just a half-mile northeast of the Inn as the crows flew. There was even a walking path from the inn that led up and over the intervening hill.

“This Master Loral would be needing an apprentice so soon after going out on his own?” Peter wondered.

“Possibly,” Henri replied nodding. “Or, if not a full-time apprentice, maybe a trial run for a year as a half rate. If that were the case, I could certainly find ways to keep the lad busy here at the inn the rest of the time. This way, he could receive training in innkeeping as a benefit.”

Peter looked to Stren who seemed interested.

Henri picked up on the teen’s expression. “Good, I took the liberty of sending word to Master Loral an hour ago. If the smith is interested, I invited him to be here at first light to assess the lad and speak with you, Lord Peter.”

Peter nodded. “That would work. We won’t be leaving until the sun has been up long enough to melt the night frost from the pass.”

After dessert, they retired to Henri’s parlor to enjoy a digestif of a well-made Kreven whiskey. Henri had insisted that Peter sit next to her on one of the smaller two-person divans.

“Pete, Bemi wishes to sleep with you tonight,” she said softly into his ear.

Along with Miranda, Henri was one of the few on Kreven who he permitted to forgo using his title. Miranda usually never did so but Henri seemed to enjoy the privilege, calling him Pete or worse. At least she did so only occasionally and when they were out of earshot of others.

“We have talked; I have no problem with it,” Henri continued.

“But she is so young—” Peter started.

“Oh please,” Henri interrupted. “You never had any problem fucking me when I was seventeen.”

She had him there. When Peter found Henri on Earth, she had just given birth to Bemi a few months earlier. After having given up her daughter, the then-suicidal woman had been a good candidate for the death plant. Peter had been delayed returning with Henri to Kreven because of bad weather. Until the late season blizzard passed – and bored, stuck in a cheap motel – they had enjoyed each other many times.

“You have me there,” Peter whispered back. “But it’s hard to see her as a grown woman. I keep remembering her as the eight-year-old girl I rescued nine years ago.”

“Bemi has been having regular sex since she was fifteen,” Henri explained. At his look, she explained. “Well, not regular regular, but about every few weeks, give or take, whenever a decent candidate was staying at the inn. So far, she has handled herself maturely.”

“Her abuse?” Peter asked.

“She has mostly gotten over it,” Henri replied, even softer, “ ... well, as much as she ever will, probably. That is another reason I support the two of you sleeping together tonight.”

At his raised eyebrow she continued. “I want your judgment on how she handles sex. From a male’s point-of-view.”

Peter frowned.

“Oh, I don’t want details!” Henri explained, loud enough to catch the attention of the others.

She quieted, “I’m not worried if she has any weird kinks or anything like that. I just want to know if she will be alright moving forward. Her tastes in bed partners have been ... eclectic.”

Peter did not see anything wrong with that. Horny teens were notoriously generous in who they bedded.

“I’ll consider it, Henri,” he replied. “Bemi and I will have to discuss it like adults if and when the time comes.”

The time came just ten minutes later. Taylor, claiming exhaustion from the day’s travels, pulled Stren along with her and retired to the suite. Henri snorted at Taylor’s excuse and predicted that we would see real exhaustion in the morning when the two came downstairs.

Bemi jumped up and grabbed Peter’s hand, pulling him up as well, “Come, Lord Pete!” I have something I need to talk to you about in private.”

Henri just met his look with a wry smile. She then dismissed him and her daughter as she rose and faced an amused Torl. Peter was impressed at how fast the older coachman jumped up and followed when the innkeeper gave him the come-hither gesture and headed toward her bedroom.

Bemi directed Peter up the back stairway to his suite instead of taking him to her room. While they walked, she looked up at him occasionally as if expecting questions or argument but Peter remained silent. Once in the suite, he saw that the door to the front bedroom was closed. Taylor and Stren had wasted no time in getting going. They reached the larger bedroom where Peter stopped an eager Bemi who’d immediately begun to undress. She frowned but complied with his command.

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