Girl in the Shed - Cover

Girl in the Shed

Copyright© 2023 by LEBEC

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Naive young couple discover novel places to have sex, including a dark shed which leads to confusion and trickery.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Fiction   School   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   White Couple   First   Facial   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Public Sex   Size  

Over the next couple of months, a pattern began to develop in the teen couple’s lovemaking. Jamie got better and better at her handjobs and let Jeff cum all over her, occasionally sneaking a taste of his jism when the boy wasn’t looking. Each month she got her period right on schedule, and was soon even more relaxed about having his cock near or in her pussy. Most of the time, she used it as a dildo to rub on her clit. On the occasions when she let the boy put it inside of her, it was just for a moment or two and he always pulled out before cumming on her ass.

Also, their trips to the shed continued as well. Jamie liked these because she felt more freedom to play with his dick without him looking at her. Inside the shed, she would often lick his cock and balls too. She also felt freer to scoot her ass against the wall and rub his dick around her pussy. It wasn’t much different than when no wall was there between them but, somehow, Jamie’s orgasm was more intense when she knew he couldn’t see her. As a result, their trips to the shed increased to about three or four times a week. Before long, Jamie’s pussy was conditioned to get soaking wet the second she stepped into the shed.

Jeff liked it too and encouraged her to stay in the shed longer and longer each time. At his young age, he found he could get hard again within about ten minutes. Being a typical teenager, he always wanted to top himself. Most of the time, he could cum twice in a row. On one occasion, he had even made it up to three.

Therefore, Jamie’s endurance in the shed was soon up to about 30-40 minutes. She really didn’t mind it though. In fact, she was having a blast, plus the extra time she spent inside gave her the opportunity to cum, since she rarely came during Jeff’s first round. Often, she would put his dick up inside of her on that second round - just a little bit, and just for a moment, and just before she came. Jamie found that she liked to feel him inside of her while she orgasmed. After so many repetitions, complacency set in and that brief moment grew longer and longer. Jamie still thought it was only about twenty or thirty seconds at most but, actually, it often lasted as long as two minutes while Jeff grunted and struggled not to cum.

Also, there was some disagreement as to how far he was inside of her. Jeff could swear it was inside deeper, penetrating her about three inches but Jamie denied it, maintaining that it was only in an inch. In fact, the boy was correct but, without visual confirmation, he couldn’t dispute the point with her. He knew she wasn’t ready to fuck yet and didn’t want to push matters and scare her off. Still, he couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t just suck his dick for him.

Jamie couldn’t understand why she couldn’t bring herself to do it either. She knew she wanted to make him happy. She even knew she liked the taste of his cum. Somehow, though, she couldn’t bring herself to take the final step and wrap her lips around it. Somehow, THAT was too “dirty” for her.

Eventually, Jeff grew cocky and “the blowjob issue” became a real sore spot with him. No matter what rationale he gave her, he just couldn’t convince her to give him head.

The ensuing argument was nasty and dramatic and lead to a breakup. For the whole first day, he shunned the girl at school, avoiding speaking with her and even making eye contact. After school, he sat down and told his best friend Rob the whole story, including the part about The Shed and how often they used it.

Rob had to stop him, saying, “What are you Nuts?! You’re getting your balls drained two and three times a day and you want to break up with this girl just because she won’t give you head! I wish I had your problem.”

Jeff knew he was right and started thinking that maybe he should patch it up with the girl. Still, he couldn’t resist the urge to take a stand against Jamie, maybe just for a few days - just enough to make her miss him - just to enough to make her suffer a bit.

Rob gave him some sympathy but shook his head the entire way home. Once inside the house, he saw his older brother, Gary, and told him the whole story as well. Gary was nearly two years older than his brother and even he was amazed. He remembered watching Jamie grow up, even helping his mom babysit her so many times when the girl was very young. He couldn’t believe how far she had come and, as Rob spoke more and more, Gary began to see her in a whole new light. He was particularly interested in the whole “shed” part of the story and pushed Rob for every detail.

Gary was not as sympathetic a person as his brother. In fact, he was known to be an absolute asshole at times. He sensed an opportunity and decided to check out the shed for himself. It was private enough. The lighting was poor enough. The hole was large enough. It was just perfect.

The next day, he watched Jeff leave the school grounds and waited for Jamie to finish her cheerleading practice. When she was alone, he approached her. After saying Hello, he said, “I have a message for you from Jeff. He told me to give this to you.” He handed her a sealed envelope.

“What is it?” she asked, but Gary walked on, holding his hand up and saying, “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. I’m just the delivery boy.”

Jamie opened it quickly. The typed letter said that he was considering giving her another chance if she’d go to the shed at 8PM tonight. It also said that she had better not try to contact him before then, and that she should be inside the shed waiting for him and not come out until after he said it was OK, and that she’d better not disappoint him this time, if she had any hopes of getting back together again with him. Finally, it was simply signed, “J”.

Of course, Gary had written the letter but Jamie had no way of knowing that. Besides, the young girl had been so distraught over the past couple of days since their breakup that she would’ve believed anything. She also was willing to do anything this time, so at 8PM sharp she was inside of the shed, wearing only a cotton sweat suit, panties, and her tennis shoes and socks, waiting for Jeff’s dick to poke through the hole.

Outside, Gary and his best friend Lavar spied Jamie as she entered the shed from behind a tree. Lavar was a friend of Gary’s from the basketball team and he told him the entire sordid story. He was tall and Black and looked a year or two older than Gary, though they were the same age. Gary told him to just watch and follow his lead and Lavar struggled to keep from giggling out loud.

As soon as they saw that the girl was safely inside the shed, Gary walked up to the hole and dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles. Then, he walked right up close to the wall and stuck his dick through the hole, blocking out most of the light.

Still, Jamie’s eyes adjusted to the faint light enough to make out the silhouette of the semi-hard cock hanging no more than a foot in front of her. She wrapped her hand around it and squeezed it firmly, as if she hadn’t held it in ages. Then she began to stroke it lovingly and felt it spring to full hardness within seconds. She traded hands briefly as she struggled to pull her sweatshirt off. As soon as it was tossed aside, she resumed her steady stroking. She leaned in close and rubbed the head of Gary’s cock against one breast and then the other, working it back and forth, until both of her nipples were swollen.

The cock felt fuller than normal in her hands. Gary was a full inch longer and thicker than his younger brother Jeff but Jamie just attributed it to him being more excited than usual. Also, she hadn’t had the chance to play with him for a couple of days, which probably explained why his balls felt heavier than usual as well. She stroked it some more and then rubbed it against her cheek bones, nuzzling it lovingly. Then she pulled away and rubbed it all over her nipples again, this time smearing fresh precum on them.

From the other side of the wall, Gary was loving this, made particlarly sweet by the knowledge that he was getting away with something really naughty. Still, it was, physically, a bit frustrating for him. He knew the whole story of her breakup and expected that she would be blowing him by now. As he strained forward in the hole, he figured she needed a bit of encouragement. He got up the nerve to speak with her and, using a generic, loud whisper he said, “Come on! Suck me already!”

Inside the shed, Jamie stopped and held the cock still, directly in front of her face. She sighed, realizing that she wasn’t going to be able to get out of her problem with Jeff unless she did what he asked. “OK, I’d better give him what he wants,” she said to herself. Taking a deep breath, she opened up her mouth, squinted her eyes, and brought her face towards it.

At first she chickened out and only licked the underside of the cockhead, snapping her head back and away from it immediately. The cock strained in her hands more insistently, so she came in for another pass. This time she licked it again, but dragged her tongue over the bottom cleft of the cockhead more slowly and deliberately than last time before pulling away. The next time she did it, she allowed her lips to wrap partially around the tip of his cock before swirling her tongue around the lower cleft again.

As she did, Gary strained forward but was not able to get any more of his cock inside of her mouth. The girl was clearly afraid to committ and was obviously laying back. Instinctively, he drew back from the wall an inch or two and waited for her to come in for another pass. He waited for her lips to make a seal around his tip, then pushed his hips forward, jamming his entire head plus about an inch of his shaft into her mouth.

Jamie was surprised and stunned for a moment but did not let go, keeping her lips wrapped around it. She took a deep breath and exhaled and realized it wasn’t so bad. Then she wrapped her tongue around the head, swirling it around for a moment. As she did, Gary’s cock rewarded her with a burst of precum that landed on the back of her tongue. Her eyes opened and she salivated, instantly swallowing both fluids down. Wanting more now, she wrung her hands up and down the shaft, trying to coax more semen out.

On the other side of the wall, Gary swooned and bucked his hips in appreciation. He looked over at Lavar and gave him a thumbs up just as his balls shot more precum in her mouth.

Jamie increased her suction and began to stroke his cock more steadily now. She was getting the hang of it and in the privacy of her cramped little room was even beginning to enjoy herself. Gary started matching her strokes and they were soon in a good rhythm together. Jamie was now taking in about three or four inches into her mouth with every stroke, working her tongue all around the swelling head, swallowing whenever their combined fluids got too much for her.

After a couple of minutes, Gary couldn’t hold back any longer. He rocked on his heels, lifting up slightly. His balls drew upwards and he fired several volleys of cum into the back of Jamie’s mouth.

Jamie was only slightly surprised this time. Having tasted and swallowed cum on numerous occasions, she already knew she liked it. Also, by now, she was swallowing all of Gary’s precum on a continuous basis, so when his real cum hit the back of her throat, she barely flinched. After the first two seconds, she started to swallow and soon caught up with his modest flow. Then she sucked and sucked until the boy had no more to give.

Overstimulated and sucked dry, Gary swiftly pulled his cock out of the hole.

Through the hole, Jamie sweetly spoke, “Was that OK?”

Huffing and puffing, Gary whipered back, “Yeah ... that was great ... But don’t leave yet.”

Jamie said, “OK.” As she waited for the next round, she sat back on her haunches and thought about what had just happened. She mouthed the words, “That wasn’t so bad.”

Somehow, she always thought she would be feeling very “dirty” afterwards but, in fact, she felt nothing. It was such an amazing non-event that she wondered what she had been so scared of. Of course, it did help that she was in her own little “safe” place. She still wondered if she could suck his cock while looking him in the eye but, at least, for now, she knew this worked for her. It was even kind of fun. And soon, she realized that it was not only fun but also making her really hot.

Without thinking, she brought her hand down inside her sweat pants and slid her fingers past her panties. When she reached her pussy, she discovered that it was an absolute dripping mess. Too depressed to masturbate since the break up, she now realized that her pussy had been without any physical contact for two whole days. She hungered to feel his cock rubbed against her pussy again and couldn’t wait for him to put his cock back through the hole so that she could play with her favorite toy once again.

In preparation, she stripped out of her sweat pants and panties and started to gently finger herself, working herself up even more. She was getting so excited that she didn’t notice the penis coming through the hole, that is, until it bumped her right in the forehead.

“Geez, is he ready already?” she wondered to herself. She reasoned that she had bumped into it because she must’ve been leaning forward. In the dark, it was hard to tell anything. But, in fact, it was Lavar this time who had stuck his cock through the hole. Whereas Gary’s cock was about the same length as Jeff but thicker, Lavar’s was about the same thickness as Gary’s but a good two inches longer and he was only semi-hard.

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