The Convention - Cover

The Convention

Copyright© 2023 by Desolation Arts

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The Foundation holds its annual client convention, and a week of obscene debauchery begins. Evan learns his membership status may be in jeopardy. He schemes of ways to secure his position, desperate to keep the lust filled benefits of Foundation membership, but he only has until the end of the week to do it.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Sadistic   Torture   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

Evan barely suppressed a moan as the object slave’s moist lips slid over his hard cock. Her tongue caressing his frenulum as his cock passed through her warm mouth. He tilted his head back as she made the return trip back to his tip and then down again.

“I assume you signed up for the scene demonstration contest again this year,” Beverly said. Evan grunted as her voice threatened to break his blow job induced euphoria.

“What? Oh, yes, of course, one of these years I intend to actually win,” he said, laboring through his distraction. He should have waited until he was alone with the slave before making use of her, but he could not help himself. He and Bev had not been very physical lately. Besides, among Foundation members sex with a slave held no more meaning than sex with a couch cushion.

“Yes well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Now that my father is gone, and I have taken full control of his company, things are going to have to change,” Bev said, tilting her cheek upward so the worker slave applying her face paint could do her job.

Evan took a moment before responding as he reached his climax. His cum filled the slave’s mouth and she swallowed without hesitation as her training demanded. Once his ecstasy abated, he pointed to the corner wordlessly. The slave, known as Object Jenna, placed herself at attention in the corner of the room until needed again. “What do you mean by change?” He turned his attention to Bev who by now had nearly completed her face paint. Female members of the Foundation always wore elaborate face paint to obscure their real-world identities. Male members would wear masks for the same reason. As such paint, or masks, were required in any common area of the facility. Slaves didn’t count, of course, no one cared what they saw.

“This is the last one of these Foundation conventions we can attend. After this year I will be resigning both of us from our memberships.”

“Why would you do that? You know how hard, and how expensive it is, to become a member of this exclusive organization. How long it took.”

“Belcom Technologies is too exposed having it’s CEO and COO connected with a group that traffics in women from all around the world. Something like this, can never last forever, you know that.”

“You were never bothered by it before. Don’t tell me you are growing a heart suddenly.”

“I’m not concerned about the morality of it. Some are lucky in life, and others less so, these girls are just the unlucky ones, that is all. What bothers me is the legal ramifications when this operation is exposed someday. Before I took over the company my father had plausible deniability.”

Evan looked at Bev shocked by what he was hearing. She looked back at him waiting for him to speak. Her face paint gave her the look of a Fox with a blue, black, and white color scheme. Her blonde hair, still wet from a shower, hung to her shoulder blades, and would be done up into a complex braid before the night’s events. “The Foundation takes every precaution to protect its members. You know that.”

Bev sighed, and crossed her legs. Protruding from a silk robe, her legs appeared long and smooth, toned, but not overly muscular either. It had been far too long since he had the pleasure of getting between those exquisite appendages. “I didn’t make this decision lightly. And my informing you is a curtesy not a debate.” She crossed her arms in front of her, “Now, I suggest you visit one of the orgy dens, or torture pits, while I get ready for tonight. Because this weekend will be the last time The Foundation will get to see Bluefox and Tartarus in action.”

He stared of Bev for a long time wanting to argue but he knew her well enough she wasn’t going to get any more reasonable. Finally, he punched the bed and headed for the door. “Object Jenna, follow,” he ordered, as he stormed out.

Evan stepped into the hallway almost forgetting to slip his mask down. His mask was black with a red burning skull. When he wore it, he went by the name Tartarus. He picked a direction and started walking. He heard Object Jenna’s bare feet scampering over the tile flooring to keep up with his gait.

He didn’t know where he was headed, he just needed to think. Bev’s announcement caught him off guard. She always enjoyed their Foundation membership, it was one of the only things they enjoyed together, most of the time. Apparently, he misjudged her enthusiasm for what The Foundation had to offer them, or else, she would not be able to give it up so easily.

What could he do, now that she inherited her dads fortune and company, she had all the money? He was only the Chief Operating Officer, an employee with a fancy title. He knew Belcom technology better than anyone, and with Bev’s money, it made for a convenient partnership until now. Without her, he could never afford to remain a member of The Foundation. The first membership fee is a million dollars and another quarter million per year to renew. That doesn’t include the normal fees of buying time with the objects for regular visits which could cost thousands each session.

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