Laura Norton - Cover

Laura Norton

Copyright© 2023 by MaryS

Chapter 3: Matt

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3: Matt - Laura works in the church foster care program.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The next morning Laura got up early, had breakfast and went to the church facility to have time to pull Matt Harper’s file and study it before bringing him home with her.

The boy was both pleased and nervous at being singled out to spend the day alone with the attractive Mrs. Norton. He was so stiff and cautious when they first arrived at the house he made Laura smile.

“Look, Matt,” she laughed, “get over the feeling that you’re somehow on trial here. I’m not assigned to your case at all. Yesterday, you seemed so eager to learn how to swim, I just thought that we might get further with a day alone.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And please don’t call me ma’am,” Laura chuckled. “Mrs. Norton, okay?”

“Okay, uh, Mrs. Norton,” the boy responded nervously.

“Maybe you’re not comfortable with me because I’m white,” Laura said, hoping to open the boy up.

“Oh, it’s not that at all,” Matt said quickly.

“I thought you liked white people.”

“I do,” the boy insisted.

“Okay, then. Relax,” Laura laughed. “If there’s anybody at the facility you can relax with, it’s me. Nobody pays much attention to what I have to say, so let it all hang out.”

Gradually, as the morning wore on Matt began to relax with Laura. They talked as he helped Laura clean house, something she had been too tired to do the evening before, and Matt began to tell her things about himself.

“After what you’ve been through,” she remarked, “I don’t blame you for not wanting to go back.”

“Do you understand that?” Matt asked quickly. “I mean, really?”

“Of course.”

“Gosh, I sure like you, Mrs. Norton,” the boy said intensely.

“I like you too, Matt,” Laura responded, “but only when you’re relaxed and honest like this with me. Just be yourself. You’re a nice, handsome boy.”

They finished the housework by ten-thirty and Laura suggested that they change and work on Matt’s swimming lesson.

“I know that you’re a little afraid of the water,” she said, “but if you learn how to swim then you’ll never have to be afraid again. Now why don’t you go into the bathroom and change into your swim trunks and we’ll take our time teaching you today?”

Laura closed the bedroom door and undressed. When she reached into the drawer in her bureau, she unconsciously picked up her string bikini. Laura looked at the skimpy garment in her hand and wondered why she had chosen it. She remembered the day she had worn it with Joey and the wonderful things that had happened. Was that why she picked it out? Was it because it was filled with pleasant, exciting memories? Or was it the result of some subconscious desire on her part? Did she want to excite Matt? Laura shook her head. She’d never even imagined herself making love to a black person.

Matt’s voice through the door broke Laura’s reverie. “I’m ready, Mrs. Norton,” the boy called.

“Okay. Go out by the pool and I’ll be right with you,” Laura called back. She decided that as long as she had the string bikini in her hand she’d go ahead and wear it.

Matt’s eyes doubled in size when Laura joined him at the pool in her very revealing bikini. He’d had only recently begun to develop an interest in the opposite sex. Until this moment he had not even looked at Mrs. Norton as a female, but with her big tits almost hanging out and her smooth crotch, he became aware of her sexuality. Laura noticed the boy’s glance and a tiny tremor swept through her body. It made her feel good to be looked at like this.

“Okay,” she said in a businesslike tone, “let’s see if we can teach you how to swim. Do you remember how to float from yesterday?”

“I don’t know,” the boy responded with a sheepish grin. “It sure wasn’t easy for me.”

“It’s all in your head,” she laughed. “Floating is easy. Come on, I’ll show you.” Laura lowered herself into the water and assumed a floating position.

Matt tried hard to concentrate on what she was showing him, but his eyes couldn’t seem to leave her big tits. When she told him that it was his turn to float, he jumped into the water and tried his best. He was able to get his body to the surface, but he couldn’t hold it there for more than a few seconds and his feet would sink to the bottom.

“That’s much better,” Laura said encouragingly. “The secret to floating is to relax completely.”

Laura stood next to the teen and placed her hand on the small of his back for support, all the while encouraging him to relax his body completely. After several false starts, Matt was able to float for almost a full minute without her supporting hand. The knowledge that he could do it excited him and he tried hard. Patiently, Laura took the black boy through the fundamentals of swimming. She found it hard to believe that he was 16. He was so big.

Several times, Laura caught herself looking at his crotch. He was wearing skintight, green swimming trunks that were cut in the jockey style. The inexpensive knit material when it was wet clung to his genitals and she could see the clear outline of his cock and testicles. She shook her head each time she caught herself staring at his crotch and quickly looked away. Matt learned the proper kicking technique quickly, but seemed to have trouble coordinating his arms.

“Watch me,” Laura said as she did a slow lap of the pool with an American crawl.

Matt watched carefully and then tried to imitate what he had seen the older woman do, but after the first two strokes, he began thrashing at the water with his arms and began to go under.

“Let’s try it up here on the cement,” Laura suggested.

She had him stretch out on his tummy on the side of the pool and taught him how to move his arms. Kneeling beside him, she held his wrist in her hand and guided his arm through the proper stroke. Laura saw the muscles in his shoulders tense and she reached down and placed her hand on his back and told him to relax.

“That’s better!” she said when he managed to take his arm through a complete stroke without tensing the muscles in his shoulder. A tingle raced down Laura’s spine when she felt his muscles ripple beneath his ebony skin and she quickly removed her hand from his back.

“Should I try it in the water?” Matt asked.


Laura climbed back into the pool with the boy and watched him. He pushed away from the edge of the pool with his legs the way she had taught him and began kicking immediately. The first three strokes went well enough, but then he began thrashing again and started going under.

“I think I know what’s wrong,” Laura said patiently. “Do you trust me?”

“Sure, Mrs. Norton,” the boy replied, shaking the water out of his ears.

“Okay, then do what I tell you and trust me,” Laura said. “I’m going to be right beside you and I won’t let you go under. Okay?”


“Your problem is that you’re trying to go too fast. Your whole body is tense and you’re kicking your legs much too fast. That in itself won’t hurt, but what’s happening is that you’re trying to stroke your arms as fast as you’re kicking your feet. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” he replied slowly.

“What I want you to do is relax, and I mean really relax,” Laura continued. “I’ll be right beside you. Kick your feet slowly and move your arms slowly. Okay?”


Matt kicked himself away from the edge of the pool and followed her instructions to the letter. He relaxed his body and kicked his feet slowly. He stroked his arms in what seemed to him like slow motion. On the sixth stroke of his arm his hand hit cement and he pulled up short to find himself on the other side of the pool.

“I did it!” he cried.

Before Laura could say anything, he turned, kicked away again and swam back to where he began. The triumphant look on Matt’s face warmed Laura’s heart. His pearl white teeth slashed his face in a sparkling smile.

“Can I do it again?”

“Sure,” Laura laughed.

She climbed out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water and watched him swim back and forth. His excitement was infectious and she encouraged him on. He crossed the pool a total of fifteen times before he stopped to rest. When he did stop, he stood in the water directly in front of Laura looking up at her.

The beautiful white woman’s thighs were apart and Matt found himself looking directly at her crotch. His pulse quickened as his eyes fastened on her crotch. That patch of material between her legs didn’t cover anything. He could see the outline of her cunt in the cloth. Laura saw him staring at her crotch and a tingling sensation coursed through her system. Beneath the water she could see a bulge growing in his swim trunks.

“Come on up here and dry off,” Laura smiled.

It was all Matt could do to yank his eyes away from the tantalizing sight of the pretty white woman’s crotch, but he managed to get on the ladder and climb out of the water. Matt saw her eyes go to his groin when he emerged from the water and he blushed.

Laura decided to go for it. “Say, you are quite a young man, aren’t you?” she said as she stared at the pointed bulge at his crotch. “I like your body. Do you like mine?”

“Well, um, you sure are pretty,” the boy said haltingly.

“That looks like a full size cock to me, Matt,” she laughed, boldly reaching up and placing her hand on his hard-on. She fondled it for a moment and felt it quake beneath her hand. “Why don’t you pull those trunks down and let me see that nice cock of yours?” Matt hesitated. “Don’t be embarrassed,” she chuckled.

“I’ve never, done, um, anything like well, like...”

“Don’t you want to?” Laura teased. “Or maybe it’s because I’m white.”

“No!” the boy cried, summoning up the courage to hook his thumbs beneath the waistband of his trunks and work them quickly down his muscular thighs.

“Oh, shit!” Laura cried when his prick bobbed free of the restraining trunks. “That is a nice one, Matt!”

She was surprised. Matt’s cock was much bigger than Joey’s and her husband’s. It was longer, 10 inches at least, and thicker. The shaft was the same color as his skin, gleaming ebony, but the head was a contrasting dark pink color. His large balls hung directly below the rigid shaft in their tight little sac. His sparse pubic hair was kinky like the hair on his head. Laura felt a burning itch between her legs when she reached out and wrapped her fingers around the boy’s hunk of hot meat.

“Would you like to see my body?” she asked, squeezing his black cock lovingly in her hand.

“Yes,” he replied in a tiny, faltering voice.

Reluctantly, Laura released the teen’s hard cock and pulled herself to her feet. Staring directly into his excited eyes, she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra. She pulled it off her shoulders and dropped it to the cement, watching his eyes bulge as he was treated to a full view of her big breasts. A tremor raced through Laura’s veins and she quickly untied the string that held the bottom patch of her bikini up. She pulled the cloth away and dropped it on the cement to stand stark naked before the black teen. His eyes were like saucers and his jaw hung limp as he stared at her smooth cunt.

“Do you like my tits?” she asked softly.

“Wow, yes!” the boy gasped.

“Would you like to touch them?”

“Can, can I?” he asked eagerly.


The boy hesitated and Laura reached out and took his hands and guided them to her chest. The sight of his jet black hands on her creamy white breasts made her pulse quicken. As he began to gently probe her flesh, Laura reached down and once again took his hard piece of ebony in her hand. She felt it tremble with excitement when she touched it.

“I like you, Matt,” she said softly. “You’re quite a man.”

Matt was both excited and confused. The older woman had to be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen and her hand on his cock felt so good. He loved the firm feel of her tits in his hands. Gaining confidence by the minute, the boy dropped one of his hands from her thrilling chest and brought it to the smooth crevice between her legs.

“OOOooohhh! Oh, Matt, that feels good.” Laura moaned when his hand began probing her cunt. “I’ll bet that you drive the girls crazy! Oh! Ooh! You know what I’d like?”

“What?” Matt asked quickly. He wanted to please her in any way he could.

“I’d like to feel your mouth where your hand is,” Laura said softly. “I’d like to feel your tongue in my nasty cunt.”

“Gee!” the boy gasped, his balls rumbling when she said those words.

“Would you like to do that?” Laura asked teasingly.

“Sure!” Matt replied instantly.

“Good,” she squealed. “Let’s go in the house then.”

Laura held onto Matt’s jet black rock hard cock and led him into the house. She squeezed his straining prick every few steps and felt it throb in her hand. When they reached the bedroom, Laura led him to the bed and pushed him down.

“Stretch out on your back,” she said.

Laura’s flesh tingled as she watched the ebony toned teen lie down on his back. She wanted to try what she had seen Candy do with Jack. She wanted to sit on the boy’s face and have him eat her cunt. As soon as he was settled, Laura climbed on the bed on her knees and straddled Matt’s head with her thighs. She faced his feet so she could see his darling cock and then slowly began lowering her cunt to his mouth.

Matt’s heart was pounding in his young chest. He had never seen a woman’s cunt before and now he was being treated to a real closeup as Laura lowered her snatch to his face. It was smooth and it had a strong aroma. Hell, he could even see her puckered brown asshole. He had no idea what was expected of him. She’d said that she wanted to feel his tongue in her pussy, so he surmised that he should lick her crack. He pressed his tongue out between his dark lips and darted it into her moist cunt.

“OH! OOOooobhh! That feels good, Matt.” Laura gasped when she felt his warm tongue slide into her slit. She allowed her weight to fall and crushed her cunt against the precious black teen face. His tongue moved freely in her crotch, caressing every inch of her slit with long, warm swipes that sent sparks flying through her system. Laura glanced down through the valley between her breasts and watched the teen’s pink tongue working on her cunt. The pearl white of her thighs contrasted with the ebony skin on his cheeks and seemed to add to her excitement.

Jack hated blacks. He called them niggers, even in this day and age, to his closest friends. Laura knew that Jack, the church leadership, and others in the congregation kept their attitude towards blacks amongst themselves, as the church had to be tolerant of minorities if they were going to run a foster care program. During closed meetings the church leadership would refer to the minorities as black skin kids, brown skin kids, yellow skin kids, and red skin kids. The last one always elicited laughs. Minorities in the church foster care program brought in money from the local government and private Christian charities. Money that could be used for lots of other things. There were 18 minorities in the church foster care program and Matt was oldest at 16. Laura smiled as she thought the church would shit if they saw her squatting on a black boy’s face.

“Oh! AAAaaahhh! Oh my fucking god!” she mewled when he found her clit and began licking it with his electric tongue. “That’s my hottest place. Oh! Yes, lick it and suck it!”

Matt’s tongue had a slightly coarse quality that was driving Laura wild. It was like having fine sandpaper rubbed against her cunt. And how she loved this position. No wonder Candy had been in such sheer ecstasy. Laura ground her hips and crushed her cunt against the boy’s mouth. She could even feel the tip of his nose pressed against her asshole when she moved.

Matt felt like he was being smothered in pussy. The way she kept squirming on his face it was difficult to breathe at times. But he loved it. She had a juicy cunt and he licked it like it was covered with honey. The flavor of her sex was strong and very salty and it excited every ounce of his being to swirl it around in his mouth. Equally exciting to him was the fact that he was pleasing her so much. There was no doubt about that, not with the way that she was moaning and squirming around. She loved what he was doing to her, and he loved doing it.

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