Laura Norton - Cover

Laura Norton

Copyright© 2023 by MaryS

Chapter 2: Joey

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: Joey - Laura works in the church foster care program.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Laura was pleased to see her home didn’t overly impress 14-year-old Joey Lind. Not that her house was that impressive. She and Jack had bought the large two story house in an exclusive neighborhood when they got married. It had 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, and a 3 car garage and was 3500 square feet.

The fact they had a swimming pool in the back yard didn’t set the Norton’s apart from their neighbors. Ten years ago it would have, but lately a number of the houses in their area had added swimming pools.

What so often concerned Laura was, while her home was terribly average in today’s world, it could appear to be a palace to an orphan of humble origins. And this in turn could serve to intimidate the child, which often resulted in a nonproductive situation. Joey’s background had been middle-class and he seemed to accept the house readily.

When she opened the front door and they walked into the living room, Joey remarked, “You have a nice house, Mrs. Norton.”

“Why, thank you, Joey.”

Laura liked Joey the minute she met him. He was slender, of medium height, had an open, pleasant face and a ready smile. His hair was pale blond, cut short to give him a neat, clean look. His eyes were light blue. Laura found them almost hypnotic if she stared into them for any length time.

They talked and did things together all morning. Laura taught the nice young boy things without seeming to. She noted quickly that Joey’s manners were excellent and Laura was a little disappointed to find that there was actually very little that she could help the boy with. He had obviously been raised in a nice family and would have little, if any, trouble adjusting to a foster home.

Several times in the course of the morning Laura caught the boy staring at her chest. She smiled when she remembered that his report indicated a new-found interest in the opposite sex.

Laura prepared hot dogs for lunch. This was something the boys did not get at the church dormitory and almost always loved. Joey was no exception. He ate two and then let her talk him into a third.

After lunch, they sat outside by the pool and talked. Laura asked the cute young boy what he wanted to be when he grew up.

“Gee, I guess I’m sort of grown-up now,” Joey replied. “I mean, with my mother and father gone, I’m my own family.”

“Well, sure,” Laura smiled, “but you’ll still need help and guidance from adults. Have you thought about what kind of career you’d like?”

“My dad was an electrician,” Joey responded. “He taught me some things about electricity and I sort of thought I might do what he did.”

“Do you plan to study electricity in school?”

“Yeah, as soon as they’ll let me. Pastor McGrudder said I can start as soon as I’m in high school this fall.”

“Are you reading books on electricity now?” Laura asked.

“Well, no,” the boy admitted.

“You could, Joey,” Laura suggested. “You could take books on electricity out of the church library and start studying now.”

“They don’t have any,” Joey said. “I looked.”

“That’s great, Joey,” Laura said.

“What?” the boy asked in a confused voice. He liked Laura. She was real nice and so easy to get along with. She was also very pretty. And did she ever have a big set of tits! But sometimes he couldn’t understand her.

“That you’ve looked,” Laura smiled. “That shows that you’re interested and serious about wanting to learn. Also, the church has a very limited budget for science type books. So I’m not surprised that you didn’t find anything on electricity. The place to go for that would be the public library. There’s a branch library just a few blocks from here. Would you like to go there?”

“Sure.” Smiled Joey.

Laura and the boy climbed into the EV and drove over to the branch library. She talked to the librarian and got Joey a temporary library card. The librarian then suggested several books on basic electricity and Joey chose one and checked it out. He was obviously impressed with having his own library card and he carefully put it in the thin wallet he carried.

It was almost one o’clock when they arrived back at the house and the afternoon sun was quickly turning the day into a scorcher.

“I understand that you like to watch diving competitions on the internet,” Laura remarked as she turned the air conditioning temperature down several degrees. “Do you like to swim, Joey?”

“I, I don’t know how,” he admitted with a light blush.

“Would you like to learn?”

“Yes, that’d be great!”

“Well, why don’t we go swimming then?”

“Gee, great! Oh! I, I didn’t have swim trunks,” the boy said in a dejected tone of voice.

“Well, we won’t let that stop us,” Laura laughed. She looked at the boy and decided to go for it. “With that hedge and those trees in our backyard, nobody can see in. I often swim in the nude myself.”


The 14-year-old boy’s cheeks flushed bright pink and Laura knew that she was embarrassing the child.

“I’ve seen plenty of boys naked, Joey,” she smiled, “so it won’t bother me. But if it bothers you, you can swim in your undershorts. Come on, let’s get in the water and cool off. Then, if you want, I’ll teach you how to swim.”

“Okay,” the boy responded after a moment’s hesitation.

Laura told the boy to undress and leave his clothes in the kitchen and she went back to the bedroom to change. She undressed and tossed her clothes on the bed. Then she opened a drawer in the bureau and chose a two piece.

She smiled to herself when she realized which bikini she’d chosen. It was a string bikini, one Jack had bought her several years ago. Laura had only worn it once because it was so revealing she felt a little uncomfortable in it. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about putting it back and taking another, then shrugged and slipped into the bikini.

“If he’s just developed an interest in girls,” Laura said softly to herself as she hooked the bra behind her back, “it won’t hurt to give him a little eye candy.”

Laura had to force back a smile when she saw the young boy’s eyes widen the minute she walked out by the pool. His pale blue eyes were like saucers as he stared at her chest.

Joey Lind could hardly breathe! His lungs cried for air, but his throat was constricted. Mrs. Norton was wearing almost nothing. Her tits were sticking out like big balloons. All that covered them was two little triangles of white material at the very tips.

Perspiration broke out on the boy’s brow when he dropped his eyes to that place between her legs, what the other boys called a girl’s cunt. This, too, was covered with nothing more than a small triangle of white cloth. He could tell that Mrs. Norton was shaved down there, the small piece of cloth smooth against her skin.

There was a tension growing in the boy’s groin and he was afraid to look down to see if his prick was sticking out. He was dressed in just his underpants and she’d surely see it.

“Come on, Joey,” Laura laughed, “let’s get in the water!”

“But, I don’t know how to swim,” the boy protested.

“Well, you can’t learn if you don’t get in the water,” Laura chuckled. “You’re not afraid of the water, are you?”

“No,” the boy replied.

“All right, let’s start out down in the shallow end,” Laura said. She eased herself into the water. “Gee, this feels great. Climb down the ladder, if you want.”

Laura caught herself looking at the boy’s crotch and quickly turned her head away. He had a hard-on. His prick was bulging in his undershorts. She wondered if she should’ve worn this suit. Well, it was too late to change now.

Joey climbed down the ladder and eased himself into the water. It was nice and cool and felt good.

“You can stand up here, can’t you?” Laura asked.

Joey placed his feet flat on the bottom of the pool and found that his head and shoulders were above water.

“Good. Now the first thing to learn is how to float.”

Laura explained how the human body would float naturally if it was relaxed and then demonstrated the proper floating technique to the young boy. Placing her hand against the small of his back for support, she patiently taught him how to assume the proper position and relax.

After several failures as a result of panicking and tensing his body, Joey learned how to float. Laura was relieved to see that his hard-on had disappeared while he concentrated on what she was teaching him. To give him confidence, Laura kept supporting his body with her hand against his back. Then, when he was perfectly relaxed and floating, she carefully removed her hand and backed away.

“See, you’re floating, Joey,” she remarked from across the pool.

“Hey! You’re not holding me up!” the boy cried excitedly.

“You don’t need me now that you’ve learned,” she laughed.

Joey managed to remain afloat for a full minute after he learned that Mrs. Norton wasn’t supporting him.

Next she taught him how to hold onto a rung of the ladder and stretch his body out and kick. Laura explained that kicking provided at least fifty per cent of a person’s propulsion in swimming and that kicking properly made swimming easy and fun.

Laura sat on the edge of the pool with her legs dangling in the water and watched Joey practice kicking for ten minutes. The boy was panting when he pulled himself out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool next to her.

“You’re learning fast, Joey,” she commented encouragingly.

“Really?” the boy asked.

“Sure. I’ll bet you can swim the next time.”

“Not today?”

“Well, we can try if you want,” Laura chuckled, “but aren’t you tired?”

“No,” the boy replied quickly. “I just have to catch my breath. Teach me, today, please!”

“Well, maybe we could try the dog paddle,” Laura said. “Sure you’re not too tired?”

“No, let’s get in the water.”

Laura had the boy watch as she demonstrated how to dog paddle. He tried to copy her eagerly and started to go under. Laura reached out quickly and placed her hand on his tummy for support.

“Don’t move your arms so fast,” she said, “and remember to keep kicking.”

Joey heard what she said, but in his eagerness to learn he thrashed his arms about. His thrashing threw Laura off balance and her hand slipped down his body. Her fingers slid beneath the elastic waistband of his undershorts and she suddenly found that she had his semi-hard cock in her hand.

The moment she touched it, Joey’s prick became as hard as a rock. Everything happened in what seemed like a fraction of a second. Laura knew that she should remove her hand from the boy’s crotch immediately, but the months and years of frustration seemed to come crashing down on her.

She was holding a hard cock in her hand, and her entire body trembled with excitement. In that one instant she knew that she was going to seduce the 14-year-old boy. She knew that it was wrong, but she didn’t give a damn.

Laura also knew that she had to go easy with the boy and not scare him out of his wits. She fondled his rockmhard prick gently as he dropped his feet to the bottom of the pool.

“My, my, Joey,” she said softly, “you’re grown up. That’s a man’s cock you have. And a nice one from the feel of it.”

Joey was so embarrassed he could have died. The older woman was holding his aching, throbbing prick in her hand and caressing it.

“Really?” was all he could say.

“Oh, yes, Joey,” Laura said softly. “You have a nice cock. I’ll bet the girls love it.”

“Well, um...”

“Can I see it?” Laura asked, leading the embarrassed young boy to the ladder by his cock. “I’ll take off my suit if you take off your shorts. Would you like to see me naked, Joey?”

“I, well, um, well...” the boy mumbled. Did she have any idea how he ached to see a naked woman? And with her body?

“Come on,” Laura said climbing out of the water and pulling the boy after her, “let’s go inside where nobody can see us.”

Laura moved quickly across the patio, dragging the boy behind her by the hand. She led him through the kitchen and down the hall to the bathroom.

“We’ll dry each other off first,” Laura smiled, handing the boy a towel. “I’ll take my suit off and you dry me.”

Laura carefully avoided the young boy’s eyes as she reached behind her, unsnapped the bra of her swimsuit and slipped it off her shoulders. She didn’t have to watch his eyes. She could feel them burning her flesh.

Without hesitating, she untied the knot that held the bottom part of her string bikini together and pulled the material free of her wet skin to stand stark naked before the boy.

“Now dry me, Joey,” she said with a smile. “And rub me. I love to be rubbed dry.” She turned her back to the boy and waited.

Joey’s heart was pounding in his ears as he stared at the older woman’s pretty naked body. His eyes had feasted on her tits and her pointed nipples. Her breasts were so big and round. And he had seen for the very first time a woman’s cunt when she pulled the bottom part of her suit off. It was so smooth like he thought.

And now he was staring at her ass. Joey thought that Mrs. Norton was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her ass was so round and firm on her slender body. She really wanted him to touch her, to dry her off with the towel she had handed him. His hands trembled with excitement as he stepped close to her and brought the towel up to her back.

“Um, Joey, that feels good!” Laura said encouragingly as she felt the boy begin rubbing her back and shoulders with the dry towel. She had chosen to let him dry her back first to get him used to touching her. “Oh, yes. I love that. Now dry my legs, Joey.”

The teen bent down and began rubbing the towel over her firm legs. She had her feet slightly apart and he could see her smoothness between her thighs. His body was so excited his hands trembled.

“Now dry my bottom, Joey,” Laura said. “Get the towel inside my crack. OOOooh! Yes, that’s it!”

When the boy followed her instructions and ran the towel up and down her crack, Laura’s body quaked with a building desire.

The only thing that separated Joey’s fingers from the flesh of her ass was the damp towel and a fire swept through the boy’s body. She was so pretty.

Laura felt the tremor in the boy’s touch and knew that it was time to turn around. She turned slowly until she was facing him.

“Now dry my front, Joey,” she said with a warm smile.

Joey felt his cheeks flush as he reached up and brought the towel to her shoulders. He rubbed them with trembling hands until they were dry.

“Now my tits, Joey,” Laura said softly. “Do you like my tits, Joey?”

“Um, fu..., sorry, yes!” the boy gasped.

Laura looked at him. “You can say nasty words if you want. I don’t mind.”

Joey bit his lower lip and nodded.

“Now, rub my tits. I love to have them rubbed, dear.”

The boy’s hands remained on her shoulders until Laura reached up and gently guided them down to her chest.

Joey felt an ache in his groin when he felt the firm flesh of her gorgeous tits beneath the towel. He took a deep breath and began rubbing them gently.

“I can hardly feel that, Joey,” Laura laughed. “You won’t hurt them. Rub them. OH! OOOooohhh! Yes, Joey, like that.”

Joey moved the towel briskly over the firm mounds that stuck out from the woman’s chest. He felt her nipples pop erect and bard beneath the towel and her body seemed to quiver every time he touched them. The tension at his groin was almost unbearable. His prick ached and felt like it was going to rip his wet shorts.

Laura closed her eyes for a moment and let her body ride on the wondrously electric cloud the boy had created when he caressed her breasts. She hadn’t been this excited or felt this good in a long time. She wanted to grab Joey, rip his shorts off and fuck him, but she took a deep breath and imposed an iron will on her body. She couldn’t take a chance on scaring the boy half out of his wits.

“Oh, Joey, that feels so good.” she moaned. “Now why don’t you dry my legs and cunt, darling?”

Joey almost popped off in his shorts when he heard the pretty older woman use that word. She was the sexiest thing in the whole world. He brought the towel down to her tummy and rubbed her dry. Then he ran it up and down her firm legs.

“Now my cunt, Joey,” Laura gasped. He was driving her crazy by rubbing her everywhere but where she burned. “And make me feel it.”

When she parted her legs, Joey slowly brought the towel up her thigh until he was touching her pussy. He passed the towel gently over the dew covered garden.

“Rub my cunt, Joey.” Laura moaned, barely able to control herself. “OOOooohhh! Yes, like that. Oh, my god yes!”

Joey saw the woman’s body shake when he firmly pressed the towel between her legs and began rubbing briskly. Even the muscles in her thighs and tummy were quivering.

“Does that, does it feel good?” he asked, wondering if he was hurting her.

“Oh, Joey, it feels, fucking wonderful!” she gasped.

It did. Laura’s clit was erect and protruding between the lips of her cunt and each time the boy rubbed it with the towel she thought she was going to lose her mind.

“Is it dry now?” he asked.

“Yes, darling,” Laura sighed. She could have let him rub there until she exploded, but she had to play the game. “Now it’s my turn to dry you. Take your shorts off, honey.”

“Do, do I have to?” the boy asked, his cheeks flushing. She’d see his hard-on.

“Of course you do, Joey,” Laura said. “Here, I’ll help you.” She slipped her fingers beneath the wet elastic band of his undershorts and quickly jerked them down around his thighs.

The boy’s rigid cock jutted straight out from his crotch and it was all Laura could do to keep from reaching out to take it in her loving hands. Instead, she reached for a fresh towel.

“Now step out of them and turn around so I can dry your back,” Laura said softly.

The boy did as he was told and Laura began rubbing his shoulders and back briskly with the dry towel.

“Doesn’t that feel good?” she asked as she let her hands caress his tender, young skin with the towel.

“Yes,” he replied honestly.

Laura dried his legs quickly, then rubbed his precious little bottom dry.

“Now turn around,” she said.

Joey hesitantly turned slowly until he was facing her. His cock was still hard and at full attention and nothing he could do would will it down.

Laura began rubbing the boy’s shoulders and chest briskly, then dried his tummy and ran the towel up and down his slender young legs. She dropped to her knees on the floor in front of the young boy to dry his ankles and feet.

Then, when she could stand it no longer, Laura reached up with the towel and began caressing the boy’s quivering genitals. She held his darling hard cock in the towel and stroked it gently. It was at least 8 inches and a little bigger than Jack’s cock.

“Oh, Joey,” she said softly, “you have such a lovely cock!”

Laura meant it. The boy’s cock was beautiful. She allowed her hungry eyes to feast on it. The shaft was long for such a young boy, Laura thought. It was slender and curved gracefully upward to the swollen head that looked like a rosebud ready to bloom. His prick was as smooth as polished ivory. Laura could see the blue veins.

Joey was afraid he’d pop off in the towel as she held his prick and examined it affectionately. Beneath her cradling hand, Joey could see her big tits swaying on her chest as she knelt before him.

Joey had only discovered the joys of his body in the last month and had been masturbating at least once a day since that delightful event, but this was the first time anyone else had ever touched his prick. And the way she was doing it, rubbing it in the towel like that.

“Your cock is so pretty I want to kiss it, Joey,” Laura said. “May I?”

“I, um, well...”

Before Joey could stutter his reply, Laura dropped the towel on the bathroom floor, took his hard, trembling cock in her hand and brought the swollen head to her lips. She kissed it lovingly and then slipped her tongue between her lips to start licking his shaft.

The flavor of the young boy’s fresh, virginal sex, exploded on her taste buds and made her entire body rage with lust.

“I know it’s naughty, Joey,” Laura looked up at him, “but I just have to suck your pretty cock!”

Joey didn’t know what to say when he saw the older woman purse her lips and capture the aching head of his prick between them. He saw her draw his cock into her warm mouth and for a moment he was afraid that she was going to bite him. Instead, he felt her lips and tongue working on his root and his young balls began to quake.

Laura could feel the excitement surging through the young boy’s virginal body as she sucked his sweet prick in her mouth. It was so good. And what difference did it make if he was just a boy? If Jack could play around with young quail, why couldn’t she?

She ran her tongue round and round the child’s delicious shaft inside her mouth and felt her body shake with excitement as a churning began in those darling little balls She held in the palm of her hand.

Joey Lind was beside himself as he stood staring down at the pretty woman taking his aching prick in and out of her mouth. It felt so good. Better than anything he had ever done to himself.

The 14-year-old boy was worried that his cock would explode in Mrs. Norton’s mouth. He could feel that familiar thrill in his nuts and he knew that he was close. She would get mad it he shot off in her mouth, wouldn’t she? What could he say? How could he tell her?

“Hey! OOOooohhh! Mrs. Norton,” he gasped as she sucked and sucked on his hot rod. “I’m, I’m...”

Laura knew that the teen was close. She could feel it in his balls and in the trembling, quaking, surging prick she held in her mouth. She wanted to taste the boy’s virginal honey. She wanted him to fill her mouth with his sweet come.

“Aaahhh! OH! OOOooohhh! Fuck!” the boy gasped when without warning his cock exploded and began shooting its load in her wonderfully exciting mouth.

“UUUuuummm!” Laura moaned as she sucked and sucked on the boy’s prick while it kept splashing its warm juices into her throat. The minute he came, Laura experienced a small orgasm of her own, and that was the first time anything like that had ever happened.

She sucked and sucked until the juices stopped oozing from the small slit at the tip of the boy’s still rigid cock.

“Um, Mrs. Norton, I’m, I’m sorry about.” Joey began, feeling a desperate need to apologize for shooting off in her mouth.

“Oh, Joey.” Laura said, standing and hugging the boy’s tender body affectionately. “That was wonderful. I loved having you come in my mouth like that.”

“You did?”

“Oh, yes!” Smiled Laura. “Did you like it?”

“Fuck, yes!” he smiled.

“Your prick is so delicious!” Laura said as she took the boy’s hand and began leading him into the bedroom; “I just love the taste of cum. I’d love to suck it every day if I could.”

“You, you would?” Joey asked.

“Sure, but only if you liked it.”

“Yes, sure I liked it!” Joey responded.

Laura was serious. She liked doing that to him. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the boy down beside her. She noted that his cock was still as hard as a rock. Were all young boys like this? Did they have perpetual hard-on’s? Laura wondered.

“Everybody likes to be sucked and eaten, Joey,” Laura said softly, reaching over to once again take the boy’s cute prick in her hand. “I love it myself.”

“But, but you don’t have, you don’t have a cock,” the boy blurted out.

“No, but a girl likes to have her boy lick her nasty cunt.”


“Didn’t you know that?” Laura teased.

“Would you like to do it to me, Joey?” Laura asked almost breathlessly. She’d never had her cunt eaten in her entire life, not even by Jack. Ever since she’d seen the expression on Candy Delany’s face she knew that she had to try it.

“Well, sure, but, well, I don’t know how.”

“I’ll teach you,” Laura replied.

Laura stretched out on her back on the bed and spread her legs wide apart. She told Joey to get between her legs and when he was in position she reached down with the tips of her fingers and spread the lips of her already moist cunt.

Joey felt the ache in his groin again as he knelt between her legs and stared into her open cunt. Her cunt was smooth and he could see the lips of her vagina and even her hole.

“Now just put your mouth on it, Joey, and lick it,” Laura said with her heart pounding in her throat as she watched the darling boy stare into her cunt.

Joey lowered his head and brought his face to her waiting crotch. The odor of her sex, a strong salty smell, waft to his innocent young nostrils and made them flare wide open. He liked the strong smell of her sex.

He brought his mouth to her pink meat. He kissed her with his lips and then began running his tongue over her juicy cunt.

“OOOooohhh! God damn, yes, Joey! That’s it!” Laura gasped when she felt his warm young tongue moving up and down her slit.

Her cunt tasted almost as strong as it smelled, the boy found, but it was an exciting flavor that made his balls twitch as he licked her wet crack. Even more thrilling was the way her body quaked and trembled with every stroke of his tongue.

“AAAaaahhh! OH! Joey! There! Right fucking there! Lick that part, sweetie! OOOooohhh!!” How could she have done without this all of her life? Laura wondered. When Joey’s eager, probing tongue licked her quivering clit, Laura thought she would faint with joy.

She damned Jack for denying her this all of their married life. Particularly when he didn’t seem to mind licking Candy’s pussy.

Wave after wave of passion swept through Laura’s body as the teen licked her cunt. Her nipples burned like coals on her breasts and she reached up to caress them as the tension continued building in her body.

Joey’s tongue was getting tired, but he kept on licking the little button nestled between the lips of her cunt because it was giving her such pleasure. She acted like she was going crazy. Her hips were grinding on the bed now and her thighs were shaking like hard Jello.

“OH! OH, Joey!” Laura gasped. “Oh my fucking God, that’s so fucking good! Now, Joey, Now! AAAaaiiee!”

It felt like a bomb had exploded inside Laura’s body. A tidal wave of passion swept through her system and engulfed every facet of her being! Through misty eyes she watched the boy’s darling face grazing in her garden. She could see his pink tongue darting in and out of her nest and her chest expanded with a throbbing love.

“Oh, Joey,” she sighed when her orgasmic quakes at last subsided, “that was so fucking wonderful!”

“Did I do it right?” Joey wanted to know.

“God damn, if you had done it any better, I would have died!” Laura sighed. “You were perfect!”

“Come up here and stretch out beside me,” she sighed.

Laura smiled when she saw the lovely boy’s cute prick standing straight out from his crotch. She reached out and took it lovingly into her hand as he laid down beside her.

“We sure have fun together, don’t we?” Laura sighed as she gently stroked the boy’s delightfully ever-ready cock.

“Oh, yeah,” Joey said. “Can I, can I touch your, your tits?” he asked haltingly.

“Why of course, sweetie!” smiled Laura. Joey hesitantly reached out and placed his warm hand on Laura’s closest tit.

“Play with my tit, Joey,” she encouraged the boy. “I love that.”

Joey found her tits exciting. He ran his fingers over and around the firm mound on her chest and then touched her nipple.

“OOOooohhh!!” she moaned. “That feels good!”

Laura gripped the boy’s delightfully hard cock more firmly in her hand and began stroking him faster. She loved the feel of his probing hands on her breasts.

“Do you like my tits?”

“Wow, yes!” Joey replied, running his fingers back and forth across her now hard nipple.

“I love the way you play with them.”

“Really? Gee!”

“Why don’t you take my nipple in your mouth and suck it?” she suggested with a tremor running through her body. It was incredible the way this boy could turn her on almost immediately after he’d made her come.

“Okay,” Joey responded eagerly. He pulled himself up and placed his mouth over the pointed nipple of her right tit.

“Yes, like that! OOOooobhh! That’s so fucking goooooood!”

The moment the innocent teen sucked her hard nipple into his hot little mouth, sparks began sweeping through Laura’s system and she felt her clit come alive and erect.

“Nibble on it with your teeth. Gently! Oh, yeah.”

Joey’s body began quaking with excitement as the older woman’s hand pumped his already aching cock. Sucking her tits was thrilling. They were so big and she squirmed so when he did it.

“Are you hot, Joey?” Laura asked as she kept pumping the child’s throbbing shaft in her hand. “Your cock feels hard and hot.”

“Yes,” the boy responded.

“Do you know what would be fun?”

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