Mr. Lee's Jail - Cover

Mr. Lee's Jail

Copyright© 2023 by thecsm

Chapter 2

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Boys High School prank ends up with my mom and three other MILF Teachers in Mr. Lee's jail. Mr. Lee blackmails them into being his inmates for six months.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student  

The next day I went down to the kitchen for breakfast. Mom was drinking her morning coffee. Mom: “Dad had to go to work early today. We need to talk.”

I got me some cereal and sat down across the table. I didn’t say anything. I started eating.

Mom: “Young man what you did last night was the worst thing you could ever do to your mother.” First thing I notice she didn’t call me sir.

Me: “I wasn’t thinking. Everyone else took a turn and when Mr. Lee pointed at me, I got behind you. You did try to stop me. With the guys chanting, I guess I thought with my little head instead of my big head. I do want to add you seemed to have enjoyed yourself.” I knew as soon as I said it, I knew I was wrong.

Mom gave me a nasty look: “I don’t care, you should have stopped. As for enjoying it, I cannot control my body. That still does not remove the fact that you raped your mother.”

She stood up and left to go to school. Leaving me there with my thoughts. Mom and I have always been close. I hope what I did doesn’t drive a wedge between us. I also know our relationship has changed forever. I will never look at her the same way and she will never look at me the same way. I might be in the doghouse, but she didn’t say she was going to tell dad. He would kill me, son or not. I had to get to school.

During lunch Coach came up to me: “I hear you had a lot of fun this past week. Especially last night. Mr. Lee is proud of you. He couldn’t stop talking about you last night, when he called me.”

Me: “Thanks Coach, but mom is very upset.”

Coach: “Don’t worry about her. It will work itself out, trust me.” As he walked off giving me a thumbs up.

It snowed that night. We still had to be at Mr. Lees Saturday morning. When we got there, he had us boys shovel his driveway. The four female teachers stayed inside. When we finished with the drive, we went in. The four sluts were again just in their bra and panties. They got us some hot chocolate and made snacks and served us. Brad, Brandon and Dave made sure they cop a feel from the women when they were close to them. I stayed away from my mom. I did notice her staring at me from time to time. Don’t get me wrong I did feel up the other three women.

That was about all that happen, but before we went home for the day Mr. Lee had the women on their knee’s in a line. Coach was standing next to him as us guys stood around the women. “I’m glad you all have decided to follow the rules. Before your time is done here in my jail if you haven’t already figured it out, you’re going to learn pleasing the males while your here is the whole goal. So, sluts get use to the fact that cocks are king here. Before you’re out of my jail you’re going to learn that enjoying kneeling and kissing our cocks is what your place in this world is for.”

Coach added: “Mr. Lee and I, plus these boys are the masters of you four. You’re going to learn, if you haven’t yet, to obey them. Holly also goes for your son.”

Mom started to say something, Mrs. King stopped her. “Holly not here. Talk to them after the boys leave.”

The women stayed behind as the guys, and I left for the day. Mr. Lee, decided to cancel tomorrow’s scheduled jail time because he had to be somewhere. The four women staying behind, I knew mom wanted to talk with Coach and Mr. Lee about us being their Masters. I’m not sure what happen, I never heard anything about what was discussed, at least not for the time being.

When I got home, dad left a note saying he was out getting a drink with the other husbands of the four female jail inmates. I wondered if Mr. King was going to tell the others what was going on in jail?

When mom finally got home, mom was again looking at me: “Sir, where’s your dad?”

Me: “He left a note saying he is having a drink with the other three husbands.”

Mom with a worried look on her face: “I see sir, well it gives us time to talk we need to clear the air.” She sat down on our couch. I sat next to her. I noticed she was calling me sir again.

Me: “Okay mom you go first.”

Mom leans over pulling me to her giving me a big hug. Taken by surprise I hugged her back. We held the hug, seemed to last forever; the hug finally ended.

Me: “Thanks mom for that.” Mom still close starts to rub my cheek affectionately, she seemed happy. For a moment I was dumb shuck.

Me: “Mom, I do love you. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me throughout my life. You are the most wonderful mother in the world. You’re right I did go too far the other night.”

Mom: “Sir, thank you for that comment. I love you too. I know we both are in a very weird situation. I guessed I knew that sooner or later we were going to end up having sex. I was hoping it would never happen, but it did. I didn’t like the way it happen, but there is nothing I can do about it now. We got to move on from it. Unfortunately, it will most likely happen again. After talking with the other girls and being a teacher, I understand a teen boy always what’s sex. After thinking about it, you were right. With the others taking me and cheering you on, you didn’t think. You just acted. It still wasn’t right.”

Me: “Yes, I need to learn to control myself.”

Mom: “Sir, the main thing right now is your dad can never find out. I don’t know how much the other three have told their husbands. I sure hope they don’t make things worse for us.”

Me: “I won’t say a word.”

Later in the day Mom got a text from Mrs. King, she needs to change her weekday at Mr. Lees. Mom didn’t see a problem with it. They got with Mr. Lee, and he had no problem with it.

Mom was dressed in her maid’s uniform and was getting ready to go to Mr. Lees. Just as she was walking out the door, dad stopped her. Dad: “Let’s do a good job cleaning tonight. Let’s see if you can make it home without being spanked.”

Mom: “Ha, ha. Now that I know he does a white glove inspection, I’ll make sure and do an extra deep cleaning.” She looked at me as she started walking out the door.

Me: “I’ll be there if and when I finish my homework.” She didn’t answer as she continue walking out the door.

I finally finished my homework about an hour after mom left. I told dad I was headed out. He didn’t give an answer. After Brad let me in his house: “She’s in the kitchen.”

Of course, I walked into the kitchen to see what she was doing. Again she was still in her maid uniform without the panties. She was washing dishes. I’m guessing Monday is dish day. Mom saw me and gave me a weak smile. I walked back into the living room and sat down to watch T.V. with Brad. I didn’t ask about last week where Mr. Lee was when the women were here, but I was curious what he was doing. It was always just me, Brad and the guys. I know he’s there somewhere, because Brad always went and got him.

Me: “Brad where’s your dad?”

Brad: “He’s in his room face timing the other three women making sure they know what to wear tomorrow.” I believe he was doing what Brad said, but why in his bedroom. He is usually around when any of the women were there. I let it go, guess I didn’t need to know.

It was another 30 minutes before mom came out: “Sirs, I’m done cleaning the kitchen.” It took her a long time, I guess she had more to do than just the dishes.

As with last week, Brad: “I’ll get dad.”

Mom: “Sir, hope, he’s happy this week.”

Me: “We’ll find out soon.”

Mr. Lee walked in and looked at mom and proceeded to walk into the kitchen with mom following close behind. I heard Mr. Lee yelling: “I don’t know where you learned to clean, but this kitchen is still a mess.” Mom mumbled something, but I didn’t understand what she said.

Brad: “I think you’ll like tonight.”

I just looked at him. Mr. Lee came out of the kitchen holding mom’s arm tight as they walked into the living room. Mr. Lee: “Take that maids uniform off!!” Mom did as she was told. “Get off the couch boys.”

Mr. Lee continues: “Holly have you ever had anal?”

Mom: “No sir, my rear end is an outie not an Innie.”

Mr. Lee: “So you’re have a virgin ass?”

Mom: “Yes sir.”

Mr. Lee: “Holly lay down on the couch. Pull your knees back so your ass is up.”

Mom did what she was told, then it hit her: “Sir, please not my ass.” She started to get off the couch. Mr. Lee grabbed her legs making sure her knees were touching her shoulders.

Mr. Lee: “Brad grab the tube of lube on the table. Put some in her ass and then your cock.” Brad grabbed the lube and put some on his finger. He then began to rub it into and around mom’s ass.

Mom: “Sir! No! I don’t want this. Please sir stop!”

Mr. Lee smiled an almost evil smile: “Slut, you know you never forgot your first time. I know you remember who took your virginity and where. After tonight you’re going to remember my son Brad, because he is going to take your anal cherry. That’s right the high school football player you let film you in the school’s shower. You’re a teacher and he’s a teenager. You are going to be looking him in the face as he takes that cherry. You won’t just remember who, but you’ll remember his face.”

Mom: “Sir, I beg you don’t do this!” Mr. Lee just chuckled.

I watched as Brad put lube on his cock. He looked at his dad when he finished. Mr. Lee nodded for him to go ahead. Mom was struggling trying to get away, but Mr. Lee had firm grip on her as Brad lined up his cock to mom’s ass. I didn’t know what to do.

Before I could think anymore Mr. Lee: “I want you to look into his eyes as he takes your virginity. I want it burn into your memory that he was the first. I’m doing this because you’ve been so rebellious about everything. Hell, if you went along with everything this most likely would have been over by now.” Brad enters mom’s ass as Mr. Lee was talking to her.

Mom yelled out in pain as Brad’s cock began penetrating her ass. Mom’s eyes were big as saucers as Brad slowly pushed his cock into her, as mom kept yelling out to please stop, but her eyes never left Brad’s. It took almost a minute for Brad to get most of his cock in to mom’s ass. But once he had his cock in, he started slowly pumping in and out of her, going deeper and deeper each time, until he bottomed out in her ass. By that time, mom must have adjusted to his cock buried in her, because Brad began to pick up speed. I looked at mom, she was making some of the ugliest faces I ever seen her make. But at the same time, her screams of pain were getting fewer and further apart, and were replaced with moans.

Mom was moaning constantly when we heard this: “Hmm, yes, oh my GOD YES.” Mr. Lee wasn’t holding her anymore, he had backed away and Brad now held her legs back as he fucked her now.

Mr. Lee: “Well look at that! This slut is starting to get off on having her ass fucked.”

Brad: “She feels great dad. It’s so tight.”

I was spellbound watching my mother sodomized by Brad. At first I wanted to rush in and save her, but now I couldn’t take my eyes off of mom now starting to beg Brad to fuck her harder.

Mom: “Ooooohhhh, yes, fuck yes! Please Brad fuck me, fuck me harder!”

Brad: “Dad I think she’s going to cum. Her ass is squeezing my cock so hard.”

Mr. Lee: “Go ahead slut! Tell the world what you are! Scream it out that you are loving having your ass taken by your student. A teenage boy taking your ass and driving you to an orgasm!”

I couldn’t believe my ears when mom began screaming: “OH GOD YES!! I AM A SLUT! TAKE ME BRAD, I’M YOUR SLUT NOW! YOU OWN MY ASS SIR!!! GOD, I NEVER KNEW IT WOULD FEEL LIKE THIS!”

When Brad heard mom’s cries, he really started thrusting into her ass hard and fast. Mom was still making faces, but they weren’t faces of pain. Her mouth was open, her tongue was out and she was drooling down her cheeks. Her expressions were of pure lust. It was only a few seconds later when mom’s body erupted as she climaxed. Her whole body started to tremble, then started to convulse, as her climax morphed into a massive orgasm. Fascinated, I couldn’t tear my eyes off of her, as her pussy gushed out a massive amount of cum, sliding down her ass and coating Brad’s cock, still pumping away. Mom looked like she was only semi-conscious, as when her first orgasm started to fade, Brad would push deeper and gave her another.

From then on, it looked like mom was having either multiple orgasms, or one very long one. It wasn’t long after that, when Brad’s eyes closed, and his body started to shake. A second later he grunted as he shot his cum deep into my mom’s bowels. Brad collapsed on top of mom. They both lay there, their body still entangled, Brad’s cock still buried in mom’s ass for almost a minute, before mom turned her head and kissed Brad deeply, her legs wrapped around him hugging him. It almost looked like two lovers instead of a slut and her student. Brad finally got control pulling himself off of mom.

Mr. Lee quickly broke the lover’s mood and bringing everyone back to the real world when he barked: “Brad put your cock into her mouth. Make her clean you off.”

Brad looked at his dad first and then nodded, before moving beside mom’s face and shoving his cock into mom’s open mouth. I don’t know if she even knew what she was doing because she took his nasty cock which was just in her ass and started sucking and licking it until it was cleaned. From the look on her face, it almost looked like she was enjoying cleaning his cock.

Things went quickly back to normal after that. No one really said anything. After a few minutes, mom regained her senses as to what had just happened to her hit home. She couldn’t look at anyone in the eyes, especially me. Mr. Lee allowed her to get dressed and minutes later she was ready to go home. I didn’t get to fuck her, after what had just happened, I don’t think she could have handled it anyways. I was a little disappointed, but after mom’s anal virginity was taken it was most likely a good thing.

As we were getting ready to leave, Mom: “Sir, we’re going to have a very bad cold snap. The temperature going to be almost zero, with the wind chills minus 20. It’ll be too cold to wear a dress. Please let us wear something warm.”

Mr. Lee: “You will wear what I tell you. As always I tell you what to wear the night before.”

Mom wasn’t really happy with his answer. I made it over to Mr. Lees every day that week. The next day I was at Mr. Lees. It was Mrs. Fisher night. When she had finished, she was spanked as usual, for not doing a good job, but no one fucked her. On the way home, the cold front was moving in. The temperature was dropping. I didn’t give it much thought.

The next morning, when I got up, mom and dad were already up and ready for work. Mom was wearing jeans and a sweater.

Me: “I guess Mr. Lee decided you were right. Letting you wear something warm.”

Mom: “It’s too cold outside to wear a dress. I don’t care what Mr. Lee wants.”

Dad: “I thought he told you could wear that?”

Mom: “No he didn’t. I’m not freezing my rear end off for him. Besides I think Coach won’t be at school today. He mentioned the other day, he was visiting the Middle schools this week.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I begged her: “You know he will find out. Mom, you have been doing so well. The time has been coming off and faster than it should. Don’t mess it up by rebelling today. It’s not worth it mom.”

Mom: “I’ve made my decision.”

I didn’t say anything more but watched her walk out the door heading for school. I knew that Mr. Lee would hear about what mom was wearing and the punishments would be harsh.

Later, during lunch Brad: “Kyle, what’s up with your mom?”

Me playing dumb: “What you are you talking about?”

Brad: “She’s not wearing what my dad told her.”

Me: “Really, I saw her in jeans, but I thought your dad gave her permission.”

Brad: “No he didn’t. Coach isn’t here today to tell him. My dad must have suspected something as he sent me a text for me to check.”

Me: “I’m guessing he is going to be pissed!”

Brad: “I don’t know, but I know he doesn’t like it when his orders are ignored, especially from your mom.”

That night while at Mr. Lee’s, Mrs. Little was doing her task. I could hear Mr. Lee raising his voice. I didn’t hear any other voices, and I could hear what he was saying but, from what I was hearing, I’m sure he was talking to mom. When Mrs. little was done Mr. Lee took her off to the side and talked with her before he let her go home.

It was still very cold outside the next day. Mom again wore jeans and a warm pullover. From my understanding Coach tried to talk sense into mom. The other three teachers also tried talking with her. Mom was sure pushing all of Mr. Lee buttons. Again, that night Mrs. King did her task. When she was finished Mr. Lee talked with her and let her go home.

Friday it started to warm back up but mom still wore jeans and a warm top. That night I got a text from Mr. Lee letting me know we will be going to some farm and will spend the night. To wear work clothes, we would be doing chores on the farm. This will count for a week of jail time.

I went to the living room to watch some T.V. Dad was there also.

Me: “Dad I got a text from Mr. Lee. He said we are going to be doing some work on a farm and I need to plan on spending the night. We should be home late Sunday. I need to be at his place by 8 A.M.”

Dad: “Your mom got the same text, but she has to be there at 7. Hey, how pissed is Mr. Lee at your mom for not wearing what he told her?”

Me: “You know this started on Wednesday her disobeying him. I know he’s pissed, and I know he hasn’t taken any days off our jail time this week probably because of it. He might add more onto it, and I think our trip to the farm is also because of her refusing to obey him.”

Dad: “What do you think her punishment will be?”

Me: “I don’t know. He was trying to end this faster. He was taking more days off then he had to. Hope mom didn’t mess that up. Mr. Lee can be pretty creative when it comes to punishments.”

Dad: “Let’s hope it’s not too bad. Maybe he’ll just work her to death on the farm.”

Me: “Whatever it is. I know she will not be a happy camper. The other three teachers won’t be happy either, since they all will receive the same punishment.”

Dad: “Yeah, I hate that. But that was part of his rules. They all knew about it.”

When I got up mom was already gone. I ate breakfast. Told dad I was headed out and will see him late Sunday. When I got to Mr. Lee’s, Coach was outside standing by his car. I was the last one to arrive. Coach just looked me: “Get in.”

I got into back seat, by being last one there I had a window seat. Dave was in the middle and Brandon had the other window. Brad was up front with Coach. As we headed to the farm, I looked out the window watching the scenery go by. I wasn’t really thinking about anything just watching the houses go by. As we drove out of town it seemed to take forever. Wherever we were going it was way out in the country. We finally turn down a two-lane road with nothing but farms after farms. We finally pull into a dirt driveway that ran a long way back to a house set far back from the road. We parked outside a big old farmhouse that had seen better days.

I got out of the car looking around I saw the four female teachers. They were off to the side of the farmhouse, near the barn. With them were four men each had a real big dog sitting next to them. The women were each petting one of the dogs. I didn’t think much about it as I knew my mom love dogs. even though we didn’t have one, she always paid attention to any dogs when they were around. Being this was a farm, I didn’t think it was a big deal that there were four dogs and one near each woman. Each dog was on a leash with a young man holding the it keeping the dogs under control. I did notice the dogs seemed to be very happy the women were petting them.

Mr. Lee was also standing close to them, but he was on his phone at the time. I looked around some more and noticed there were four large men standing near the barn. Coach motioned us to follow him and we walked over to where the women and Mr. Lee were.

Coach: “Glad to see everyone seems happy. I thought you might have had a bad trip here.”

Mr. Lee: “No sense in making things bad. The four sluts are in a good mood. It was rocky at first. They’re looking forward to a pleasant weekend working on the farm. Just going to go with the flow. While we were waiting for you guys, the sluts have picked the dog, they like best.”

Coach chuckled: “They don’t know what’s in store for them. I really hope you change your mind.”

Mr. Lee: “Holly has to be punished, she knows it. She deliberately disobeyed my orders. Now she and the others are going to learn a very big lesson. She and the others are calm now, but that won’t last. That will change when they learn what their punishment is. I have to make it like this. I don’t like it either. But it has to be something that will make her get in line. If this don’t work, then I’ll take the next step. Eventually I’ll break her. When it’s all said and done, she will be the submissive slut she was born to be.”

Coach: “When are you going to do this?”

Mr. Lee: “I told them it would happen when you guys got here. Then we will assign the tasks done that need to be done.”

Coach: “They look a little nervous. I guess we should get on with it then.”

Mr. Lee: “I know it’s cold out here. Let’s move everyone to the barn where the ladies can take their clothes off.” We all started walking towards the barn. The guys who had the dogs walked away from us, and behind the barn out of sight.

I looked at mom, I’m sure she wanted to tell him to go to hell. But this was one battle she didn’t want to fight. She already knew she and her fellow ladies were in for a punishment, all because of her, and she didn’t want to make things worse. Besides, Mr. Lee could just call the cops and send them to a real jail I think deep down, mom knows that she had already pushed things too far. What happens here this weekend is most likely her and the ladies last chance not to go to jail.

We enter the barn, in the middle, between all the stalls lining the walls, there was a small stage, it looked almost like a circus arena. There were four coffee tables, you know the kind, they were similar to what you would find in a living room. The differences were they were slightly narrower, and they had straps on each leg. There were six chairs facing the tables. On the other side of the arena were four large T.V.s facing the chairs. I noticed that each table had a camera pointing towards it. Whatever was going to happen today, Mr. Lee was going to record it. This was a major difference from every other punishment or task so far. Up until now, the only video, or pictures, were of the women in the showers or changing clothes. Depending on what happens today, it could get far worse for everyone.

Mr. Lee announced: “Sluts take off your clothes. Guys take a sit.”

The women all gave Mr. Lee a look. All were clearly nervous seeing the tables, and cameras. But they didn’t complain as they started taking off their clothes. As I watch the women take off their clothes, I reached the conclusion whatever was going to happen was part of the punishment from mom not wearing what Mr. Lee told her too during the cold snap. Coach stayed up by Mr. Lee and the four of us guys took a seat.

After the women had removed their clothes Mr. Lee: “Sluts on your knees!!” So far this was nothing new. Mr. Lee had the women kneel all the time, and after kneeling they usually gave blow jobs.

This time after the four women got on their knees he continued: “I’m tired of my orders and rules not being followed. I told you in the beginning the punishments will be mass punishments. You can thank Holly for what will happen today. I’m hoping that after today it will end any and all of your rebellious attitudes. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what will. Which means the cops will be my only option left. I hope with what happens today, you will hate it so much that I will not have any more trouble out of you. And we can get thru the rest of your jail time with no problems. I thought about adding more time but that hasn’t work in the past.

Mom: “Sir, I don’t know what you have planned. It was my fault please just punish me.”

Mr. Lee: “Don’t think I haven’t thought of that. But one of the rules is it will be mass punishment and mass rewards. My thought with that rule was because I was hoping for peer pressure would help keep the group in line. Since you’re being punished for not following the rules. I cannot just punish you. If I want you to follow the rules, then I have to follow those same rules.”

He nodded at Coach and they both walked over to my mom. Taking her by the arms they pulled her up and walked her over to one of the tables. They slowly bent her down where she was laying on her belly. They strapped her arms and legs to the table, so she couldn’t move. Her head hung down over the end of the table. After mom was secured, they did the same with the other three women.

I heard Coach: “I think you’re taking this too far John.”

Mr. Lee: “I don’t see any other way to get this bitch’s attention. The other three will just have to endure it. One thing I can guarantee is that after today, there will be a lot of peer pressure. Plus, this may not work, they might just enjoy it.” Coach just shook his head and stepped away.

We all sat there watching for a few moments, until Mr. Lee whistled. The next thing we noticed were the dog handlers, entering via a side door. They each stepped up behind each woman with the dog each woman was petting just a little while earlier. I looked at each woman, strapped to the tables. Apparently, they hadn’t heard the men and dogs come in and still didn’t know what was going to happen. The dog handlers slowly walked the dogs upfront letting the women see the dogs, only this time with their heads lowered, what they failed to notice, were the large cocks dangling below each massive dog.

Mom: “Hey, there.” The dog immediately started licking mom’s face.

Mom: “Sir is this my punishment. The dog going to lick my face to death...” she began to say when she caught sight of the dog’s cock in front of her.

It must have hit her like a ton of bricks: “Are you fucking crazy!! You fucker! I’m sure you’re not going to do what I’m thinking.” The other three women also started yelling out in protest.

The dog handlers didn’t say a word. They simply pulled on the leashes and walked the dogs out of the women’s sight. The four teachers started to calm down a little. I’m guessing they were thinking Mr. Lee was just messing with them.

I’m not sure what was going on in the other guys minds, but I was completely flabbergasted. I couldn’t move or speak. I watched as the dog handlers pulled something out of their pockets, before bending down next to each dog. They began putting booties on the dogs’ paws. After the booties were on the dogs, they slowly moved them right between the teachers’. As soon as the dogs were in position, the T.V.s came to life. Each T.V. was focused on one of the teachers. It was a split screen display. You could clearly see both their faces and asses. There must be two cameras on each the women.

I heard Dave mumble under his breath: “I don’t believe this!”

Brandon: “Wow!”

As the dogs near the women’s pussy, they started licking them. The dog handlers took the leashes off of the dogs and stepped back. Mom and the other three women screamed out, each caught off guard by the rough tongues assaulting their most private parts.

Mr. Lee Looked at Coach. Coach walked over with Mr. Lee who now had something in his hand. They got in front of mom, Coach grab mom’s nose and pulled up. In her current position, there was no way to keep her mouth closed, when her mouth opened, Mr. Lee put a red ball gag into her mouth and fastened it behind her head. The dogs were still licking their pussies with a vengeance. It didn’t take long before all women mouths were stuffed with the ball gags.

I turned my head to watch the T.V. to get a closer look. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. Each dog was rapidly licking the pussy in front of its face. I could see each lick, enter each pussy, going deeper with each lick. I watched mom’s pussy open up like a flower, allowing the wet rough tongue easy access. In seconds, the grunts of protest were replaced with moans of pleasure.

I wasn’t sure if I was angry or feeling sorry for them. I started to get up to see if I could stop this shit. But as I stood one of the large men put his hand on my shoulder pushing me back into my seat. I could see tears running down my mom’s face on the other side of the screen, but there was nothing I could do about it.

The dogs behind each woman all moved at the same time, jumping up on them, putting their paws on their backs as they all moved into position. I looked back at mom’s screen. She was laying under the dog with fear in her face. As I was watching her eyes shot wide open. I looked to the other side of the screen just as the large dog’s cock was entering her pussy. She looked like she was in pain as the dog started pushing his large cock inside of her. Once he was in, he started thrusting into her at an incredible speed. I’ve heard of women fucking dogs, but I never even see a picture of it. Now for the first time I’m watching a dog fuck a woman right in front of my eyes. Not just one woman being fuck by a dog, but four. And most importantly, one of the women is my mom. It is so unreal, like a dream. I almost feel like I’m in another universe and this is all a dream.

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