Mr. Lee's Jail - Cover

Mr. Lee's Jail

Copyright© 2023 by thecsm

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Boys High School prank ends up with my mom and three other MILF Teachers in Mr. Lee's jail. Mr. Lee blackmails them into being his inmates for six months.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student  

I feel very lucky to be part of my high school varsity football squad. My name is Kyle Nix, I’m a sophomore in high school. My best friend Dave Holon and I made the Varsity football team. We’ll most likely sit on the bench most of the year, but who cares. Right now, I’m sitting in the locker after our first practice. It’s a few weeks before school starts.

Coach Stevens walks in: “Listen up!! We had a good practice today Two weeks from now we will be playing the annual seniors against the teacher’s game. Since we have only six seniors this year, there will only be six teachers playing. That’s if they can find six teachers in shape enough to play. Get this they want their own cheerleaders. I know in years past they use the junior varsity cheerleaders. Since there are four senior cheerleaders, they will have to come up with four teachers, if not then the junior varsity will be back. You will all be there, no excuses.”

During dinner that evening I was getting ready to tell my folks about the annual senior game when mom spoked up: “I got an interesting call from Mark Pile today. They want me to be part of the senior football game. He’s in charge this year to make sure the teachers have enough players for the game.”

Dad laughing: “They want you to be on the team?”

Mom: “No silly. This year they are also going to have some teachers to be cheerleaders. Mark knows that I was a cheerleader back in high school. He was asking if I would like to be part of the cheer team for the teachers this year.”

Dad: “They never had teachers be cheerleaders before. I think you should do it. You’ll have fun.”

Mom: “Yes, it is something new this year that he wants to add female teachers, instead of using the junior cheerleaders. He wants to make it an all-teachers thing. I already told him I was interested. I guess the junior cheerleaders will be helping us learn the school’s cheers.”

Dad: “You’ll have fun. You know who else he got to be cheerleaders?”

Mom: “I don’t.”

I finished up my meal and excused myself from the table. A few days later coach announced to us who the four teachers were going to be cheerleaders. It was Mrs. Holly Nix (my mom), Mrs. Nickie Light, Mrs. Kelly King, and Mrs. Carol Fisher.

Brandon Smith: “Can’t wait to see them four in a cheerleader uniform!!”

Coach: “Okay Brandon, show some respect. They are teachers.”

Brandon: “Yes coach.” Looking at his buddy Brad Lee: “You think we can get Kim to do us a favor?” Kim Bolds is Brads girlfriend on the junior cheer squad.

Lee: “What kind of favor?” They both start to whisper to each other.

A few days later the female teachers started practicing cheers for the big game. When school was out the teachers went to the women’s locker room to change into running shorts and a t-shirt to work out in. After practice they took showers at school before they went home. Kim and two other junior cheerleaders helped the teachers learn some cheers.

The big Senior versus teachers’ game was a close game. Of course, the seniors won, Mom and the other three teachers looked like they had a great time cheering.

About a week later I notice Brandon and Brad looking at Brads phone laughing. They noticed me and Brandon called us over: “You want to see some pictures of your mom?”

Not knowing what he was talking about I said “Sure.”

Brad, smirking, passed his phone to me the first picture was of my mom taking off her top. As I looked thru the pictures on his phone, mom was in various stages of undress. They appeared to be when she was changing her clothes from what she wore during school into her practice outfit to cheer. They even had a few good pictures of her in her bra and panties. It wasn’t until I saw the pictures of her and the other three teachers in the locker room shower that it bothered me. Here were pictures of my mom and three other teachers completely nude taking a shower.

Before I could say anything my best friend Dave: “Wow, what do we have here? Nice pictures!” Dave was looking over my shoulder as I looked at the pictures.

Brad: “Was just showing Kyle some pictures I acquired.”

Dave: “Nice, can I get a copy of them?”

Brad: “No way. I don’t want the person who took them to get into any trouble. Trust me the pictures are not fake.” Dave and I both looked at him in disbelief.

Brandon: “Look really close you know they are real.”

Dave and I looked really hard at the pictures. The pictures were real. I don’t think the four teachers knew the pictures were being taken. They seem to be talking to someone as the pictures were being taken. As I look at the pictures my cock was getting hard. That’s right my cock was getting hard looking at my mom nude.

Dave: “Wish I was there. Are these the only pictures you have?”

Brad: “I have a lot more, plus video with sound.”

Dave: “So can we see the videos?”

Brandon: “Not now maybe another day. You two can’t tell anyone. You would be in just as much trouble as we would be if we got caught with them.”

Me: “Okay I won’t tell a soul, but you can’t show anyone else. That’s my mom.” I was annoyed with myself; I knew I needed to tell someone about the pictures, especially my mom.

Dave: “Okay I won’t tell.”

Brad: “I’ll download a video or two and let you two check them out Monday. You’ll know they aren’t fake after you hear their voices.”

Monday came and Brad wasn’t at school. I went looking for Brandon. I didn’t catch up with him until football practice. “What happen to Brad?”

Brandon: “All I know is he’s in some kind of trouble with his dad. His dad has a meeting with coach in a few minutes.”

Coach didn’t make today’s practice. He was busy with Mr. Lee. After practice I notice coach was still talking with Mr. Lee who was very upset. I kept walking.

Next day coach made practice extra hard for Dave, Brandon and I. When I got home, mom was already there talking with dad. As I walked in mom yelled: “Young man get your behind in here now!!” As I walked into the room, they were both in, I notice mom was very upset and dad looked like he wanted to kill me.

Dad: “Why does Mr. Lee wants to talk with us?”

Me: “I don’t know.”

Mom: “Seems Brad has some pictures of me. What do you know about them.”

Me: “Brad did show me some pictures of you along with Mrs. Light, Mrs. King, and Mrs. Fisher in the women’s locker room changing clothes. I thought they were fake and didn’t think anything about them.”

Dad: “You should have told someone.”

Before dad could say another word mom: “Do you know how he got them?”

Me: “No I don’t.” I wanted to say you should you were there. But I kept my mouth shut.

Mom: “Get to your room, I’ll call you when everyone is here. I don’t know why he wants you here for the conversation.”

While in my room I heard noises and voices downstairs but didn’t know who they were. Finally, mom called for me to come into the living room. As I enter the living room, I notice Dave and his dad, Brandon was with his dad, Mr. Cook the assistance football coach on one side of the room. On the other side of the room was Mrs. Light and her husband, Mrs. King and her husband, Mrs. Fisher and her husband, plus my mom and dad. I went and stood by my parents. No one was talking.

The doorbell rang and dad answered the door. Entering the room was Mr. Stevens the football Coach. With him was Mr. Lee and his son Brad. Dad closes the door returning to stand next to mom. Everyone was looking at Mr. Lee.

Dad: “There are enough chairs for everyone. Please take a seat.”

After everyone took a seat, all eyes were still on Mr. Lee. He smiles as he looks around the room: “I’m glad everyone I asked to be here showed up. I found some videos and pictures on my son’s phone which are very disturbing to me. In my opinion I believe it concerns everyone here. I put some of them on this tablet. I hope it’s big enough for everyone to see.”

Mr. Lee looks around stands up moving towards the end of the room. Holding up his tablet: Can everyone see the picture on it?” It was a picture of the school nothing more. Everyone nodded their heads. “Good, I will turn the sound up so we all can hear the voices.”

Before Mr. Lee showed anything more, my dad spoke up: “I really don’t know why my son needs to be here.”

Coach: “Mr. Nix, your son saw the pictures that were on Brads phone. He didn’t tell anyone about them. Therefore, he is just as guilty as Brad. This is also why Brandon and Dave are here.”

Mr. Lee: “Here is the video that I found.” He started the video. First thing you see was the four teachers removing their clothes. The next thing I heard was Brads voice: “You sure you don’t mind me here filming?”

Mrs. Light was the next voice: “We don’t mind.”

Mrs. Fisher: “Your just fine.”

The video continues filming the teachers undressing. They were changing from the outfits they worn to practice in. After they were nude they were walking off to the showers.

Brad: “Glad you had a good practice. Think you’ll be ready for the big game?”

Mom’s voice was next: “Oh we will be ready.”

Mom: “Just glad your around to help.”

Not on the video Mrs. King yells: “Turn that off!!”

Mr. Lee looks at her: “It’s almost over.” The video was short. It didn’t last much longer. But before he turns it off, the video was showing the women showering and Brad speaking: “I’m really glad you’re letting me film you in the shower.”

Mrs. King: “No big deal.”

The video was followed up with a few still photographs. That was the last thing we saw on the tablet as Mr. Lee turned it off. Mr. Lee: “I didn’t show you the whole video. Just parts of it. Trust me, there is a lot more to the video. Plus, there is a video for each day you four were practicing for the game and game day.”

I couldn’t stay silent any longer: “I never saw any of the videos!!’ I shouted out. Everyone looked at me.

Coach: “You may not have seen the videos, but you did see some pictures. You’re still in trouble.”

Me: “Yes sir.”

Mrs. Light: “You know darn well those videos and pictures were doctored. I don’t know who took those pictures but it sure as hell wasn’t Brad.”

Mr. Lee: “You may be right. I don’t know. All I know is what I see. That’s why I’m here to see if we can come to an understanding and put this behind us.”

Dad: “What do you want Mr. Lee?”

Everyone was looking at Mr. Lee as he sat back down: “This is how I see it. One, I could call the cops and ruin these four teachers’ life. Even if they can prove the pictures are doctored. They would still lose their jobs and never teach again. Two, if they can’t prove the pictures were doctored, well there is a very good possibility they will go to jail. Not sure for how long, but long enough to ruin their reputations and careers. Or three, the four teachers and the four boys do time in Mr. Lees jail.”

Mrs. King: “What is Mr. Lees jail?” All of the female teachers were looking at him now.

Mr. Lee: “My jail would last at least six months give or take. By that I mean it starts off as six months. If you follow all of the rules, follow all of the orders given to you, finish all of the task and projects. If you do that, time can be taken away for good behaver. If not, time will be added for bad behaver. Now this is a group thing. All four of you will have to behave. It will only take one person to mess up for all four of you to be punished. At that time, I’ll decide if time will be added to all four of you. That’s right, its mass rewards and mass punishment. Let me be clear, I will be in charge. I decide on the tasks, projects, punishments, and rewards. I will be in total control. There will be no debate, discussion, or choice. You each will be required to follow any and all instructions. If any one of you decides to disobey, I can and will punish you all. I will dictate what you wear, and you will wear what I decide. In all probability you’ll most likely have to buy new clothes. This also includes these four young men. Don’t forget, Brandon and Brad will lose any chance of any football scholarships. All four boys could be expelled, but most likely be put on probation. Their lives would forever be tarnished.”

Mr. Fisher: “Buying new clothes will be very expensive.”

Mr. Fisher’s comment took everyone by surprise. He wasn’t questioning Mr. Lee’s demand of complete and total control over his wife but complaining about the cost of new clothes. I heard a few gasps around the room, mostly from the women.

Mr. Lee: “That’s why I’m going to give you all until Monday evening, let’s say six P.M. to decide what you want to do. You all have to be in agreement. It’s all or none. My guess your answers will be based on how desperate you are to stay out of jail. Regardless of if option one or two happens, you will lose money. The four female teachers are going to lose their jobs at the minimum. They would also lose their reputations as well as their careers. The odds are they will also do jail time. I’m guessing buying new clothes will not be as expensive after all. With choosing option 3 of doing time in my jail, means they will still be able to work, come home if all of their tasks or projects are finished, keep their careers and reputations, at least in public. Among our group, maybe not so much. With all of that said, I don’t think six months give or take is that long or too high of a price to pay.”

Dad: “I will not stand for my wife to be some kind of sex slave!!” All of the husbands nodded in agreed.

Mr. Lee: “I don’t remember saying anything about sex. A matter of fact I didn’t even consider it until now. But whatever happens in my jail will stay in my jail. In other words, no one will spread any kind of rumors.”

My dad jumped up. Looked like he was ready to hit Mr. Lee. Coach got between the two before it got out of hand. Mr. Lee: “Guess that’s my answer. Looks like I’ll be calling the cops.”

Mom: “Hold on. You said we have until six P.M. Monday. We all need to talk.”

Mr. Lee standing up: “I’ll wait until six P.M. Monday. If I don’t hear anything from you, I’ll be calling the cops. Remember you all have to agree. So, I can stop on by or we can video chat. Let me know.” Mr. Lee walked out of the house.

Everyone sat there in shock. No one said a word. The men looked like they wanted to hit someone, the women were blushing down their chests and were looking at each other. I couldn’t quite make out was my mom was thinking, but she looked flushed. It seemed like forever, before coach stood up and faced us all.

Coach: “Please let me explain what happened. I got a call from Mr. Lee on Monday, he told me what he had found on his son’s phone. He was irate and really wanted to just call the cops. It was all I could do to calm him down and begged him to reconsider doing that. I finally managed to calm him down and meet with me before he ruined everyone’s lives and livelihood.”

No one said a word as everyone was digesting what Coach was saying.

Coach continues: “I met with Mr. Lee that afternoon. He was still very upset but had calmed down from his earlier call. We talked for almost two hours, discussing every potential outcome if this should become public. Believe me you all would not be the only casualties with this fiasco. Not only would you fine teachers and families could be ruined, but myself, the school, and even the school district.”

This time when I looked around the room, the men had calmed down some, and even my dad looked almost defeated.

Coach continues: “I don’t think that would be good for any of us, including me. It is, of course your decision, but remember it has to be unanimous. It’s all or none. I Guess it comes down to how badly you want to stay out of jail. I myself think Mr. Lee has come up with a weird but fair option instead of going to jail. As for sex Mr. Nix, hopefully nothing like that happens. However, I can’t in good faith tell you it won’t happen. My guess is as long as the ladies obey, that will not happen. However, if they don’t, it’s up to Mr. Lee to decide on the punishments. We need to find a good way to get passed this. I don’t want anyone going to jail over a kids prank. Not a good prank, but still a prank. Remember when you were teenager. Plus, the boys will be in Mr. Lees jail also. I’ll get Mr. Lee to make sure I’m part of what’s going on. That way I can keep things from getting out of control.”

Dad: “Thanks Mike. If we decide that’s the way we’re going it will help give me some peace of mine.”

Coach: “Looks like you all have a lot of talking to do. I’ll be heading out.” The assistant coach didn’t say anything and left with coach.

Dave’s Dad: “Let me know what you decide. You four teachers have more to lose then Dave.”

Brandon’s Dad: “I agree.” And with that they left. This left the four teachers and their husbands still at the house. Dad gave me a nasty look while pointing to my room. I understood what he wanted and went to my room.

By Friday the decision was made to take Mr. Lee’s option and do time in his jail. All of the adults got with Mr. Lee. Saturday the four female teachers and the four of us guys were instructed to be at Mr. Lee’s by 9 A.M. As we gathered at Mr. Lee’s he had coffee and sodas for us.

Mr. Lee: “I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision for you to make. So, let’s get to it. First here are some rules:” He looked around before continuing.

“One, what happens here or anywhere while we are spending time in my jail, you will not talk about to anyone. I don’t need an upset husband or parent getting upset and I end up calling the cops sending you off to jail. I mean it boys do not talk about this to anyone or what happens here to anyone. Ladies it’s up to you how much you tell your husbands. Ladies you will call Coach and me sir from now on.”

“Two, No one gets a haircut without my permission.”

“Three, you will dress the way I tell you. I’ll tell you what to wear from now on. I will be coming to your homes going thru your clothes. If you don’t own the right clothes, you will be buying them. I will be giving you a list of what clothes you can wear. If you don’t have them then you need to go shopping. You have until next Saturday to acquire the clothes.”

“Four, you will be where I tell you to be and on time.”

“I think that’s enough for now. Coach will hand out the clothing list. Coach’s and my phone numbers are on the list. Before you leave, I need to know when I can go thru your clothes. you might not want your husbands around. You boys just make sure you have what’s on the list.”

Mrs. King started to ask a question; Coach holds his hand up: “If your question is to clarify something ask. If it’s to complain about something stop. Inmates have no say into the rules. Remember you’re in Mr. Lees jail now.” Mrs. King just smiled.

Mom: “Sir, Jeff is out. Now would be a good time for you to stop by.”

Mr. Lee: “Good Mike and I will follow you home.”

As soon as we got to our house Mr. Lee and Coach followed mom up to her room. I took the time to read my clothing list. I already had most of it. It was slacks and a nice shirt. I might need few more shirts to have a clean one every day. I was going to go get me a drink when I heard mom: “My son is in the other room.”

Mr. Lee: “I really don’t care. Now do as you’re told, or everyone will be punished. I will even add more days to everyone’s sentence.”

I heard Coach chuckled. “Don’t worry about Kyle. Before this is over, he will see a lot of things.”

Instead of getting a drink I moved slowly towards mom’s room. The door was open, so I had to be careful not to be seen. Mom’s clothes from her closet and dresser were thrown all over her bed. She was on her knees facing away from me. Mr. Lee saw me, he didn’t say a word, but nodded towards me. Coach looked over and smiled.

Mr. Lee: “Now remove your top and bra.”

Mom: “You said no sex! sir.”

Mr. Lee glared at her: “No, I said I didn’t think about it until your husband brought it up. He had a good idea. You and your follow slut teacher cheerleaders will be spending a lot of time on your knees from now on. I don’t like saying things twice. Now remove your top and bra. Or do you want me to call your son to watch? Plus, you’re one hot little bitch.”

Mom forcing herself to take a few deep breaths, trying to stay in control, but yells: “I’M MARRIED!! DON’T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! I”M NOT GIVING YOU A BLOW JOB!! IT”S TIME FOR YOU TO LEAVE!!” Mom shook her head; I could tell by the way she was acting she regretted her outburst.

Mr. Lee look at coach and chuckles. He ignores her hostility and in a very low voice: “Your yelling is only going to bring your son up here to see what’s going on. I’ll leave, then as soon as I’m outside I’m calling the cops. You and the other three teachers will be arrested by Monday. Now bitch do as you’re told.” He glared at mom for a moment I think he was waiting to see if she was going to continue to argue with him.

Mom just looked at Mr. Lee for a while before she answered him in a low voice: “Okay sir. Please don’t call my son, sir.” She looked behind her to see if I was around. I ducked back just in time. “Please close the door, I don’t want to be humiliated beyond belief if Kyle saw me giving you guys a blow job.”

Mr. Lee: “Your wasting time. Let’s get this over before Kyle does show up and gets a good show. As for you being humiliated, I don’t care.”

Standing there I watch what these two men were making my mom do. It suddenly struck me the realization that mom is going to submit to them. Mom reaches down slowly pulling her top off. Just as she had it around her head coach grabbed it pulling it off her hard and fast. Mom just looked at Coach giving him a nasty look. She reaches behind her unfastening her bra taking it off. I could tell Coach wasn’t amused by mom’s plain white bra.

Coach grabs her bra: “Until you get some sexy bras you will not wear one. This should help motivate you to get them sooner than later. Understand?”

Mom: “Yes sir.”

At the moment I couldn’t see mom’s breasts. All I could see was her bare back. Mr. Lee reached down grabbing mom’s tits. He played with them for a while.

Coach: “Well Holly you do have a nice rack.” He leaned down and stated rubbing one of her boobs. while Mr. Lee played with the other. Mr. Lee smiled at Coach taking his hands way from moms’ boobs. Coach removed his also.

Mr. Lee took his hand placing under mom’s chin raising her head to where she was looking right at him. “Holly you’re going to give us both a blow job. Then you’re going to clean this mess up. You have clothes everywhere. Then you better start shopping for new clothes. Read your list and get the right stuff. Call your fellow inmates. Go shopping together. now unzip my pants and get busy.”

Mom did as she was told. All I could think at the moment was how obnoxious Mr. Lee was. He was also very inconsiderate of my mom by not caring if I watch. Don’t get me wrong my cock is hard as a rock watching all this. I notice coach looking at me. He waved me into the room. His finger to his lips making sure I stay quiet. As I moved to where he told me to move, I got a much better view of mom’s tits swaying as she sucked Mr. Lees cock. His cock I guess was average.

Mr. Lee smiled at me as he talked to mom: “Listen up, you make sure you swallow all of my cum. You need to get me off fast before your son wonders what’s taking us so long and comes looking.” He moves his hands behind mom’s head and starts face fucking her. It didn’t really take him long. He grabs moms head shoving his whole cock into her mouth and he begins cumming down her throat. He holds her head making sure she swallows it all.

He pulls out: “It’s your turn Mike.”

Coach moves to where he is now in front of mom. Mom waits to be told before unzipping his pants pulling out his cock. She seems to have some difficulty getting it out. When she finally does, she gasps. Damn coach had a large fat cock. Mom looks at coach smiles. She began by lick his large, long rod.

Coach: “We don’t have all day.” He grabs the back of her head and started face fucking her just like Mr. Lee. Mom would gag every time his cock hit the back of her throat. Mr. Lees phone rang. He steps past me out into the hall to take it. Coach just snickers at her as he fucks mom’s throat.

Mr. Lee stepped back into the room: “Hurry up Carol is ready for us. She said we had a short window to do this.”

Coach: “Almost done.” He fucked moms face faster. It wasn’t much longer until he shot a large load of cum into mom’s mouth. He looked at me nodding his head for me to get out of the room.

I walked out of the room and back into the living room. It wasn’t long before Coach and Mr. Lee were walking down the hall laughing. Mr. Lee loudly: “Kyle your mom needs help cleaning the mess in her room.”

I know he spoke loudly to scare mom. I watch them walk out of the house before I headed to mom’s room. She already had her top back on. I notice she wasn’t wearing her bra. “What do you want me to do?”

Mom: “Just put my shoes back on the shoe rack. I got the rest. I can’t believe the mess they made.”

When mom was finished in her room, she got on her computer to start looking where to buy or order the outfits she needed to buy off of the clothing list.

By Friday mom had all of the clothes that were on the list Mr. Lee gave the women. Dad took me shopping and I now had enough clothes from the list. Saturday, we had to be at Mr. Lee’s by 9 A.M. I was riding over with mom. Dad and I waited in the living room for mom. I had to yell: “Mom hurry up we don’t need to be late.”

Mom finally came out of her room, when she enters the living room, she was wearing a form fitting dress. She had nylons on and wearing high heels.

Dad: “You look great.”

Mom: “Thanks hun” She looked at me: “Let’s get this over with. I don’t know when we will be home. I’m sure it will be late since this is actually the first day of our sentence.”

We arrived at Mr. Lee’s on time. We weren’t the last ones there that honor belongs to Dave. The women all sat in a chair so they could keep their modesty. While us guys sat on the couch and love seat. Coach and Mr. Lee also sat in chairs.

Mr. Lee stood up: “Okay guys stand up and move over and stand in front of the fireplace.” We moved and stood where he told us.

He continues: “Good, let’s get a good look at what you’re wearing.”

Coach: “It looks like they are dressed the way they were told. Ladies you can go up and inspect them if you want.”

The women all looked at each other, Mrs. Light: “Sir, we can see from here. They are all are dressed well.”

Coach and Mr. Lee both laughs. Mr. Lee: “Okay boys go sit back down. Ladies it’s your turn.” It was a little crowded as we all moved at the same time to get where Mr. Lee wanted us.

We all finally got where we needed to be, Mr. Lee: “Ladies you all look very lovely today. Boys if you want you can move up and inspect the women.”

Brad and Brandon jumped up walking towards the women. Dave looked at me as I sat there, he shook his head and joined the other two. Since the women were all in a line Brad was first, walking up to Mrs. Light. I could see the big smile on his face as he started at her feet slowly moving his eyes up her body.

Brad: “You look very nice today.” He did to each lady before he sat back down. Brandon and Dave followed suit, basically saying the same thing.

Dave was sitting next to me: “What’s your problem? You had a chance to check these sexy teachers out without them getting mad.” I didn’t answer him. I just smiled.

The women started to go sit back down. Mr. Lee: “Stop!! Line back up I’m not done with you four.” The women lined back up.

Mom made a comment which only the ladies could hear and smiled. Coach: What Holly, we didn’t hear you?”

Mom: “Sir, it wasn’t anything important.”

Mr. Lee: “Well ladies we need to see if you’re wearing the right under garments under your dresses. Not take off your dresses.”

Mom: “Sir, my son is here along with a few classmates, and you want us to remove our dresses. I don’t think so. This is so illegal.”

Mr. Lee: “In Mr. Lee’s jail I determine what is legal and illegal. The first thing you need to learn is you must follow all orders. But if you would prefer to go to real jail then don’t. I have no problem going to the authorities!” Coach and Mr. Lee just stared at the four female teachers.

The four women all stood there staring first at Mr. Lee and Coach, then one by one looking over at me and the guys. Then mom leaned over to the other women and began to whisper among themselves. It was only a few moments before Mrs. Kelly spoked up: “Sir, you both know this isn’t right. You both know we have no choice but to obey all your stupid rules, but guess we don’t have any choice.”

Mr. Lee: “Your damn right you don’t have a choice, unless you want me to call the cops. Otherwise, your asses belong to me. And I thought you understood this. So, this is the last chance you have to do as you’re told or go to jail. I don’t want to hear any more about you’re not going to do this or that. In real jail you do as you’re told. Same here. Boys this goes for you four also.”

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