Ten Year Reunion - Cover

Ten Year Reunion

by WittyUserName

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Romantic Sex Story: A lost childhood friendship is restored.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   White Male   White Female   .

The ten year reunion for the local High School was being held on a Friday night at a nearby function hall. The main event was taking place in a large room with enough space for about a hundred people. The darkened atmosphere and pumping music gave the hall a club-like feel. Decorations were sparse, except for a banner with the school colors. Most of the hall was dominated by a large dance floor. However, one side of the hall had a number of round, wooden tables that were near a small bar. Sitting at the bar, Chloe Baker was drinking a glass of white wine.

At 28, Chloe was as gorgeous now as she was ten years ago. Her lightly tanned skin, cute face, and lovely smile gave her the perfect girl next door look. She was a short girl, standing barely over five feet tall in her heeled shoes, but her black cocktail dress only fell to her knees and accentuated her toned legs. The dress left her smooth arms bare and was low-cut enough to show a hint of her C-cup cleavage without being scandalous. A black clutch purse completed the outfit. All in all, Chloe had a classy look; seductive and beautiful, without being overly revealing.

Chloe pushed a strand of her long, dark hair behind her ear as she took a sip of wine and surveyed the room with her brown eyes. She saw her friend Sarah dancing with a guy they all knew back in high school, but hadn’t talked to since. Katie was nearby, dancing with her husband. Katie and Sarah had insisted she come to the reunion, that it would be fun. Chloe argued at first, saying she if she hadn’t talked to someone in ten years, there was no reason to now, but after enough badgering, Chloe acquiesced.

As Chloe sat there, watching the dancing while lost in thought, a guy slipped into the stool next to her. He rested his elbow on the bar as he looked over at her. Chloe turned to face him and noticed his eyes immediately dropped to her cleavage as he smiled. She remembered Mike well, the two of them had actually gone to senior prom together. Chloe had thought he was nice, but he turned out to be all hands. Chloe had actually slapped him when he tried to have sex with her in the back of the limo.

“Hi, Chloe.” Mike said.

“Mike.” she gave a forced smile.

“Nice to see you again.” he winked at her.

“You too.” Chloe lied.

For several minutes he attempted to flirt with Chloe. Mike was just another in a long line of guys who just wanted her to spread her legs. He didn’t look at her and see a person. He didn’t look at her with genuine affection. Just another guy in a long line of losers. When she turned him down, he scoffed, shook his head, and muttered under his breath as he left.

After finishing her wine, Chloe hopped up and headed out onto the dance floor. The petite woman headed over to her two friends and started dancing. She may not have been interested in talking to any old acquaintances, but she could still have a nice time with her friends.

Of course, a girl as beautiful as Chloe can’t dance for very long without being noticed. The eyes of many admiring men lingered on her brown eyes and raven hair, on her delicious cleavage, and on her toned legs.

The first guy came over and asked her to dance. Chloe remembered him from their math class together. He had trouble with math, just like she did. She decided to be social and agreed to the dance. The guy looked down at her cleavage the entire time and, after the first dance, asked her to go someplace more quiet. Chloe politely declined and resumed dancing by herself.

A second man asked Chloe to dance and she said yes. They danced to one fast song and, when a slow one came on, he held out his arms. Chloe bit her lip but still wrapped her arms around his neck as his found her waist.

While swaying to the music with a guy whose name she didn’t even remember, Chloe’s brown eyes locked on a pair of gorgeous green eyes. Eyes she remembered well. Jason Andrews was dancing with a pretty blonde woman and he just happened to look over at the same time as Chloe.

Jason and Chloe have known each other since they were three years old. His mother ran a daycare out of their house and Chloe’s parents had her stay there while they worked. The two of them had been inseparable. She remembered playing with blocks with him, she remembered the cat his family had, she remembered fighting with him at the age of four and saying that she wouldn’t marry him someday.

They were in the same class the first couple years of elementary school, and often got in trouble for talking too much with each other. Unfortunately, they weren’t in the same class for fourth grade and started to grow apart. By the fifth grade, they didn’t talk at all.

Then came the sixth grade, the first year of middle school. Jason and Chloe ended up in the same classes again. The two of them even sat next to each other during a lot of classes. Their friendship was rekindled. Chloe would even talk about Jason at home.

With middle school came school dances, and partway through the year, shy Jason worked up the courage to ask Chloe to go with him. As much as Chloe liked Jason, she thought of him as more of a brother and said no. It was obvious Jason was devastated, still he made it clear that he was happy to keep being her friend.

Chloe actually winced and closed her eyes while dancing as she remembered how poorly she treated him. She stopped talking to him completely. She had been out shopping with her mother and ran into Jason and his mother. She just walked away without saying a word to him.

She ignored him at every turn, all the way into high school. Yet, Jason didn’t seem to think less of her at all. Not that she bothered to talk to him to find out, but junior year he did ask her to another dance. Chloe told him she had to work, but the truth was, she thought she was better than him. She was little miss popular and he was a nobody. Why should she bother going on date with him?

The truth was, a part of her did want him. A part of her wanted him back in her life. The problem was, she was so obsessed with popularity and her social standing at that time, she just blew him off. He respected her wishes and tried to save their friendship and she wouldn’t hear it, never thinking of him again after graduation.

Now, here he was, ten years after high school. He was wearing a nice pair of slacks and a button-down. He actually looked really handsome, with his short-cropped beard and light brown hair. The two of them hadn’t spoken in ten years, everything that happened was in the past. It was the behavior of two immature kids who had yet to get a handle on life. Despite that, she still felt some regret over how they had grown apart.

The song ended and Chloe barely heard the guy she had been dancing with ask her to go someplace more quiet. When he asked a second time, Chloe just shook her head and waved him off. He walked away, looking rather upset. Chloe didn’t care.

Jason left the cute blonde he had been dancing with and walked over to Chloe with a confidence that she had never before seen in him. As the next song began, he looked her right in the eyes and held out a hand. He didn’t once glance at her cleavage.

“Would you like to dance?” Jason asked in a soothing voice.

“I-I think I would.” Chloe replied, surprised to realize how nervous she was.

She reached out her tiny hand and placed it in his larger one. He gave her a small smile which sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Chloe actually stumbled a bit in her heels as the two started dancing. She soon found out, he really knew how to dance. The song was fast and he kept pace with it perfectly.

Neither of them spoke. No words were needed as they gazed into each others eyes, ignoring everyone else as they swayed to the music. Chloe hadn’t thought of him in about ten years, yet now here they were, something different between them this time. Or was it? Was this always here but she was too blind to see it? She could see the affection in his eyes, the same way he always looked at her. Only now, she was mature enough to recognize it for what it was.

They danced to three fast songs before a slow one came on. “Would you like to keep dancing?” he asked.

“Yes.” she answered simply.

He placed his hands on her thin waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. At first, they danced at arm’s length, but over time they moved closer and closer. Soon her large, firm breasts were pressed against his chest as he held her close.

“You are just as beautiful as I remember.” he whispered in her ear.

Chloe felt herself shiver as she heard the sincerity in his voice. Other guys just wanted her to spread her legs, and sure, he was definitely attracted to her in that way, but there was something else as well. He was looking deeper. The blonde he was with was gorgeous, but he only had eyes for her. After all this time, his affection for her as a person hadn’t changed.

“Thank you.” she whispered back with sincerity.

For several minutes, the two of them swayed to the music without speaking. She lay her head against him and enjoyed the feel of being in his arms. They had known each other for over twenty years, yet this was their first time dancing. It was so special, Chloe wished she had danced with him sooner.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Jason asked when the song ended.

“I’d like that.” Chloe answered with a smile.

The two of them walked over to the bar and each ordered a drink. Jason paid and tipped the bartender. Chloe thanked him and took a sip of her white wine. Jason had a sip of his beer and the two of them just enjoyed each others company for several minutes.

“So, what do you do for a living?” he eventually asked.

“I’m a lawyer.” Chloe answered. “You?”

“I’m a physicist.” Jason responded.

“I knew you’d end up doing something with a lot of math.” Chloe giggled, remembering how good he was at math and science.

“Lawyer is pretty prestigious, too.” Jason said.

“Yeah, I love all that stuff about the law.” Chloe explained, “I loved reading up on cases in school.”

“I’m glad you’re doing something that makes you happy.” he said, making her smile.

“Thank you.” Chloe responded.

For several minutes the two of them talked, asking questions about each others lives. It turned out that Jason lived nearby, never having strayed far from the hometown after high school. Chloe lived in an apartment a few towns over. Since they both had good careers, they were each able to live alone and didn’t have roommates.

“You’re here alone?” Jason eventually asked.

“Well, I came with my friends Katie and Sarah.” Chloe answered, “But I didn’t bring a date. What about you? Am I coming between you and the blonde?”

“No.” Jason said with a chuckle, “You don’t remember Christine? We went to school with her!”

“That was Christine!? Chloe said, “I didn’t realize! Oops!”

“Yeah, she and I actually had a bit of a crush on each other in high school.” Jason explained, “Nothing ever came of it, but we met tonight and thought we’d enjoy a nice dance. Then I saw you and just had to talk to you.”

“Oh?” Chloe asked, “Why is that?”

“I feel bad that we grew apart and I wanted to apologize.” Jason answered.

“Oh.” Chloe said in disappointment. She was also surprised, it was all her fault that they grew apart. “It’s okay, people grow apart. It happens, right?”

“Yeah, it does.” Jason agreed, “I still feel bad about it. Then I saw how amazing you looked tonight and I decided to ask you to dance.”

“I’m glad you did.” Chloe said with a smile.

“Me, too.” Jason smiled back.

The hours went by with Jason and Chloe barely noticing the time passing. They talked for awhile, then went back to dancing, then returned to the bar and talked again. Conversation flowed easily and it felt like they had been a part of each others lives the entire time. Soon they both knew all the big details about each other. Both of them were single and had never been married. They both had their dream job and had a lot of friends.

At one point, Sarah, Katie, and Katie’s husband came over to talk to Chloe while she was sitting at the bar with Jason. Sarah and Katie did not run in the same social circle as Jason, so they only vaguely remembered him. However, soon the five of them were chatting and sharing a drink. They talked about what they all did now and reminisced about high school. Chloe was actually a little annoyed; she had been enjoying her privacy with Jason.

The end of the night comes far too soon for Chloe and Jason. People start to trickle out over the last hour or so before the DJ announced the final song. Jason asked Chloe to dance and she happily accepted.

After the final song, the group of five gather to say goodbye. Realizing that Chloe and Jason want to be alone, Katie and Sarah grab Katie’s husband and make their exit. Jason and Chloe laughed when they realized what the other girls had done.

“That was nice of them.” Jason laughed.

“Whatever do you mean?” Chloe teased, while batting her eyelashes.

“Nothing at all.” Jason grinned.

“Liar.” Chloe winked.

“I was wondering if maybe you wanted to exchange numbers?” Jason asked with confidence.

“I would like that.” Chloe said.

The two of them exchanged numbers and agreed to text each other later. Then they hugged before going their separate ways. Chloe loved how good his arms felt when he hugged her. She was floating as she headed over to her car.

On the way home, Chloe felt her phone buzz but didn’t want to check it while driving. Once she got home, Chloe saw she had a couple of text messages from Katie and Sarah. Both wanted details about Jason, since they could tell that the two were attracted to each other.

Katie: Details! He’s cute!

Sarah: Jason couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, girl! Tell me you’re staying in touch!

Chloe replied to both of her friends, telling them that Jason was an old friend and that they grew apart. She even told them that he had a big crush on her back in school. Finally, she acknowledged that, yes, they would be staying in touch.

Soon, Sarah and Katie started a group chat with Chloe and peppered the petite girl with question after question. Chloe never dated very much, which is why her friends were so excited to see her hitting it off with a guy. The cute lawyer just kept texting her friends back, answering their questions patiently. That’s when her phone went off again because of a different contact.

Jason: I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time. Have a good night!

Chloe: I did, too! Have a good night and talk soon!

Telling her friends that Jason sent her a text, caused another round of questions about him. Chloe just laughed and replied that her friends were acting like high school girls. They answered that they just had their high school reunion, so they’re entitled to.

Putting her phone down, Chloe got ready for bed. The beautiful woman climbed into bed wearing a t-shirt and a pair of panties. She then plugged her phone in to charge before pulling the covers over herself and going to sleep.

The rest of the weekend went by without any communication between Chloe and Jason. Both of them just went about their regular plans without texting at all. By Sunday night, Chloe couldn’t wait any longer and started a conversation.

Chloe: I hope you had a nice weekend!

Jason: I did, thanks! You?

Chloe: Yeah, it was fun and relaxing.

Jason: Do anything exciting?

Chloe: You mean other than dance with a cute guy Friday night?;)

Jason: Oh, really? That’s interesting, because I just so happened to have danced with a lovely lady on Friday, myself.

Chloe: What a coincidence!

Jason: Indeed!

Neither of them knew it, but they were both laying in bed. Chloe was wearing a t-shirt and panties, while Jason was bare chested in a pair of lounge pants. They were both holding their phones while they anxiously awaited the next text.

Chloe: And to answer your question; on Saturday I went kayaking with my family. Sunday I did some chores and errands. Then I lazed around the house.

Jason: Oh, kayaking sounds fun! I hope you had a nice time?

Chloe: I did! I love to be active. What did you do this weekend?

Jason: Nothing too exciting. Went hiking on Saturday with some friends, then saw a movie. Sunday I was pretty lazy and stayed in playing video games.

Chloe: Ooooh, I love hiking! And I’m not surprised you still play video games. You were always a dork;P

Jason: Yeah, yeah, I’m a dork! I guess that means you don’t want to go hiking with me?

Chloe: Why, Jason, are you asking me out?:)

Jason: I am. What do you say?

She couldn’t stop smiling as she stared at her phone. Jason was her best friend once, and their friendship fell apart. Maybe things could have worked out differently had they both been more mature. Now there was a second chance and she wouldn’t blow it.

Chloe: I say yes!

The green-eyed man stared at his phone with a huge grin. He had always had feelings for Chloe, he couldn’t believe she said yes. He had been so shy and quiet when they were in school, he had screwed everything up. Things might actually work out though. At the very least, he wanted his friend back.

The two of them made plans to meet up at a nearby hiking trail on Saturday. They were both really excited and talked for another hour so. Once it got late enough, they said goodnight, put their phones down, and went to sleep.

Chloe and Jason spent the next week texting every day. During breaks from work they would send texts, they would talk about their days, and they would flirt. They flirted a lot. By Friday, they were texting good morning and good night every day.

Saturday finally arrived and Jason got in his car to go pick up Chloe. He was wearing regular clothes with hiking shoes. To try and be romantic, he packed some snacks and a blanket for a picnic in his backpack. In addition, he bought Chloe flowers. He also brought a water bottle so he would have something to drink if the hike got hot. Jason was nervous, but also incredibly excited as he pulled up to Chloe’s apartment building and sent her a text that he was outside.

Chloe smiled at her phone as she headed out the door. She looked amazing in her hiking outfit, with her cute boots. Chloe took the elevator down to the main floor and exited her apartment building. Upon seeing Jason, her heart fluttered. At the same time, their gazes met and she could see his green eyes light up. ‘Wow’ he whispered under his breath.

“Hi.” Jason said with a smile as Chloe walked up to him. He held out the flowers.

“Hi!” Chloe replied, “They’re beautiful!”

“For a beautiful woman.” Jason responded.

“Thank you.” Chloe smiled cutely as she took the flowers. She then wrapped Jason up in a hug.

Jason hugged her and rubbed her back before releasing Chloe. He then walked with her to his car as they chatted amicably. Upon reaching his car, Jason smiled at Chloe and held the passenger side door open for her.

She got in the car and he shut the door. Chloe placed her flowers in the backseat so she could grab them later. Then Jason got in and started the short drive over to the hiking path. When he parked, Jason got out first and went to the passenger side. He opened the door for Chloe and held out his hand.

“Milady.” he said.

“Why, thank you, kind sir.” Chloe chirped as she took his hand and let him help her out of the car.

The two of them started their hike. It was such a nice day and they enjoyed their time together. They walked along the path, exploring nature and hearing birds chirping. Jason held Chloe’s hands and helped her cross a small stream.

Eventually, they stopped at a small clearing to relax. Sitting on a small rock, they chatted and flirted, taking pleasure in each others company. Both of them were having a great time, but they still felt like their past was causing some awkwardness.

“I’m sorry I was kind of a bitch in middle and high school.” Chloe suddenly blurted out.

“What?” Jason asked, as he looked at her “You weren’t a bitch.”

“Yes, I was.” Chloe said, “I mean, if I had just turned you down, whatever, but I treated you horribly for no reason.”

“And I was a shy, awkward teenager who was too afraid to come out of his shell.” Jason said.

The two of them looked at each other for a long minute, neither of them saying anything. It was true, Jason was an awkward kid and Chloe was kind of a brat, that led to the end of their friendship. All these years later, they both regretted it.

“I’m sorry.” Chloe said.

“I’m sorry, too.” said Jason, “Why don’t we acknowledge we were both just stupid kids who made mistakes. Now that we’re somewhat mature adults, we’re trying again.”

“Somewhat mature?” Chloe asked with a giggle.

“I was talking about you, of course.” Jason teased as he wrapped an arm around her and squeezed her upper arm.

“Jerk.” Chloe said as she stuck out her tongue. “That was a ‘yes’, by the way. We were both stupid kids, and now we know better and are trying again.”

“New friends?” Jason asked.

“New friends.” Chloe nodded.

The conversation flowed easily and soon the two of them decided it was time for lunch. Jason spread out a blanket and brought out the food he had prepared. Chloe teased him about not knowing what food she liked, so he responded by revealing he brought options. Soon the two of them were eating sandwiches and chips while chatting.

After lunch, Jason packed away the blanket and the two of them resumed their hike. Only this time, they were holding hands while walking. Jason would glance at Chloe and admire her sun-kissed skin. When he looked away, Chloe would look over and love how handsome he looked with his beard.

The way he looked at her was different from every other guy she had known before. Chloe could tell he genuinely meant compliments. Jason was so handsome. He had piercing green eyes, a sexy beard, and a soothing voice. He listened, he looked her in the eye. He was smart and funny and kind.

She was so special, his best friend since they were four year old. He loved the way her smile lit up her entire face, the way she walked and the way she talked. She had the cutest little giggle which always made him smile.

The two of them stopped beside a stream and sat down on another rock. Jason wrapped an arm around Chloe and she nestled in happily. She looked up at him with affection as he smiled at her and squeezed her upper arm.

“You’re so beautiful.” Jason whispered.

He looked at her, not her cleavage. He didn’t just want her to spread her legs, he was looking at her as a person. The sincerity in his voice caused butterflies in her stomach. At first, Chloe was feeling regret for not having found him back in high school, but then it was replaced with the sheer bliss of having him with her now. He was feeling the same thing.

“Thank you.” she replied in a low voice, before she continued nervously “A good first date should have a good first kiss.”

“And is this a good first date?” Jason asked as he looked down at her and their eyes locked.

“Yes.” Chloe whispered in a voice thick with emotion.

Jason leaned down at the same moment that Chloe leaned up. Their lips met in a soft moment of intense affection. Jason loved how soft Chloe’s lips were, Chloe loved how Jason’s arms felt around her as their kiss deepened.

Soon, tongues started probing as the two of them could hear the small stream flowing in the background. The sounds of nature were all around Jason and Chloe as they softly made out. It wasn’t urgent, it wasn’t rushed. It was light and affectionate. The kind of kiss that drowns out the rest of the world and leaves nothing but the two people involved.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for that.” Jason whispered when he broke the kiss and gazed into Chloe’s doe eyes.

“I’m sorry we waited so long.” Chloe replied in a soft voice.

“You were worth the wait.” Jason said with sincerity.

Chloe leaned forward and lightly pressed her lips against his again. He rubbed her back with one hand as his other rested on her knee. She buried a hand in his soft brown hair as her tongue caressed his. Her body was against his and she could feel her breasts squishing against his chest.

Twenty minutes later, they returned to earth and the kiss ended. Their foreheads touched as they looked into each others eyes and grinned. Chloe slipped her hand into his and he laced their fingers. They both squeezed three times before standing up and continuing their hike.

The trail eventually looped around and came back to where they started. Jason opened the car door for her and she happily got inside. The two of them held hands the entire drive back to Chloe’s apartment.

“I think this is the part where I ask if I can see you again.” he said when he parked the car at Chloe’s apartment complex.

“Only if you actually want to see me again.” Chloe teased.

“I would like to see you again.” Jason said as he looked into her pretty brown eyes.

“I’d like that, too.” she said with a nod.

“Dinner and a movie Friday night?” he suggested.

“I tend to work late on Fridays, can we make it Saturday?” she asked, annoyed with her high stress job.

“That’s fine with me.” he agreed as he squeezed her hand affectionately.

The two of them shared a goodbye kiss before Chloe got out of the car. She opened the back door and took out her roses. She then waved goodbye to Jason and headed inside her apartment building.

As soon as she got inside her apartment, Chloe closed the door and pressed her back against it. She leaned her head back until it touched the soft wood as a huge smile broke out across her face. She giggled happily before walking into her kitchen and putting the roses in a vase. Her only thoughts were of Jason as she went about the rest of her day.

Jason listened to music on the radio as he drove home with a huge smile on his face. That had been a great first date. He was so happy to finally have kissed Chloe, something he had fantasized about since he first started liking girls.

When he got back to his apartment, Jason changed into a pair of lounge pants so that he could relax for the rest of the day. He tried playing video games for awhile, but he was distracted by thoughts of Chloe. He spent the rest of the day thinking about her.

The two of them went about their days until the evening. They both got ready for bed and went to their respective bedrooms. Coincidentally, both of them were laying in bed at the same time when Jason decided to send Chloe a text.

Jason: I had a great time today.

Chloe: So did I. And you’re not a bad kisser;)

Jason: All I get is ‘not bad’? Should I be insulted?:P

Chloe: Fine, fine, no more sarcasm. That kiss took my breath away.

Jason: Mine, too. Any chance I’ll get another?

Chloe: If you play your cards right;)

Jason: I’ll keep that in mind!

Chloe: Good!:)

Jason: I’m gonna head to bed. Goodnight, Beautiful.:*

Chloe: Sweet dreams, Handsome.:*

Sunday morning, the two of them woke up and sent a good morning text. Then they went about their days. Jason spent the day playing video games and doing chores, while Chloe went over to her sister’s. Throughout the day, they both sent texts to each other, talking about their days and flirting. That evening, they wished each other a good night and went to bed.

The work week was similar, with Chloe and Jason both sending good morning texts and flirting throughout the day. Both of them were clearly looking forward to their date on Saturday. It couldn’t get here soon enough!

Finally, Saturday arrived. The two of them spent most of the morning and afternoon flirting. Then Chloe and Jason both got ready for their date. Jason changed into a nice pair of pants and a button-down shirt. After that, he got in his car and headed for Chloe’s apartment complex.

Jason sent Chloe a text saying he was outside. She responded that she would be right down and headed out of her apartment. She was wearing a beautiful spaghetti-strap black dress, heels, and dangling earrings. Jason smiled when he saw her and she returned the expression.

“You’re beautiful.” Jason said as he opened his arms for a hug.

“Thank you.” Chloe replied as she happily fell into his arms, “You’re very handsome.”

The two of them hugged and then pecked each others lips before Jason held the door open for her. She got in the car and he shut the door. He then got in the car and started it up. Soon, the two of them were chatting in the car on the way to the restaurant.

They were going to have dinner in one of the nicest restaurants in town. Jason had made reservations, so they were shown to a table right away. He held her chair out and pushed it in when she sat down. She smiled at him when he took his seat.

Jason and Chloe immediately ordered drinks and an appetizer. Then they started chatting as they snacked and perused the menu. When the waitress came back, they placed orders for entrees and had their drinks refilled.

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