Birthday Pool Party
Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName
Chapter 7
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual NonConsensual Rape Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Incest Sister Father Daughter Gang Bang Group Sex Harem Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Cream Pie Double Penetration First Facial Masturbation Oral Sex Tit-Fucking
My head is spinning, this can’t be real. This video can’t be real. I’m not watching a recording of my boyfriend David fucking my friend Lexi. Except, I am; David is right there on the laptop screen, fucking Lexi up the ass while another guy uses her mouth. I can’t breathe. My chest rises and falls as I desperately try and catch my breath. I want to turn it off. I have to turn it off. I can’t move, I can’t look away.
Lexi is likewise frozen, and the two of us watch the video in stunned silence. The guy Lexi is being forced to suck is holding the camera and he keeps switching the angle in order to get as much as possible in the video. They are both being so rough with her. Keith, the guy in Lexi’s mouth, pulls his cock from between her lips and slaps her across the face. Lexi’s eyes are so glazed over, I don’t even think she knows what’s happening to her, or who is inside her.
“Take my cock, you dumb slut!” David groans as he grips Lexi’s hips and buries his dick all the way up her ass.
Lexi’s mouth is hanging open and she is staring up at the phone camera with a blank look on her face. Keith uses his grip on her red hair to force his cock back in her mouth and all the way down her throat. Once again, Lexi is being taken at both ends. Keith slams his hips into Lexi’s face, fucking her mouth as if it were a pussy, all while David is fucking her up the bum.
“Ah, fuck!” David groans as he buries his dick up Lexi’s ass and holds it there. I can tell he is blowing his load up Lexi’s back door.
As soon as David finishes cumming, he pulls out of Lexi’s ass and gives her butt a rough slap. “Thanks, Bitch.” he says.
Lexi stays on her hands and knees, completely nude, while Keith fucks her face. He doesn’t last much longer and soon pulls out of Lexi’s eighteen year old mouth. He releases her auburn hair so he can stroke his cock and aim it right at her face. A rope of cum shoots from his tip and splatters up Lexi’s face, landing in her hair. A second shot goes in her open mouth. Keith’s cock squirts twice more, coating Lexi’s face. She is absolutely covered; semen is dripping down her nose while another rope has plastered her eye shut.
Keith zooms right in on Lexi’s face as he speaks from behind the camera. “I give you, Alexis: The Cum Dump!”
Drool and cum are running from Lexi’s lips as she stares vacantly up at the camera with her green eyes. For several seconds, the camera stays on Lexi’s face, before the video finally ends. Lexi reaches over and closes out of the video player on the laptop before looking over at me in horror.
David, my boyfriend of over six months, had sex with Lexi. He took my virginity once I turned eighteen. I thought he was a virgin, too. In the couple weeks since, I’ve given him a lot of sex. Even sent him nudes. Now I find out that he probably paid Keith to fuck Lexi, like so many other guys. That is how Lexi got her reputation; Keith got her high on pills and took money to have sex with her. Lexi’s self-esteem was non-existent and she even started fucking guys on her own.
Everything changed when Lexi hooked up with my dad, Steven, at my birthday pool party last weekend. He showed her that she was more than three holes and a pair of tits. I was against their relationship at first and even confronted her at a party. Over time though, I came to realize that Lexi is a good person and would never hurt my dad.
Lexi ended up telling Keith to fuck off, and he was not pleased. In revenge, he sent a USB flash drive full of pictures and videos of Lexi having sex to her parents. Her parents then kicked her out of the house, so Lexi moved in with us. Good thing my dad is so wealthy, it makes everything easier.
David has been against my dad’s relationship with Lexi since the beginning. I couldn’t understand why. At first, I thought that he just believed it to be creepy; an age difference of twenty-two years. I guess I can understand that, but David was so against it, that didn’t seem right. Now I know the truth; David has been against Dad’s relationship with Lexi because he never wanted me to find out that he fucked her!
I can hear my name being called in the distance, but it’s so far away that I don’t respond. This isn’t real, none of this can be real. I am lost in my own world and don’t respond to anyone or anything. At least until I can feel someone shaking my shoulder.
“Kayla!” Lexi exclaims, tears running down her face.
“When was this made?” I ask.
“I-I don’t know.” Lexi admits, “Probably about three months ago. It can’t be more than six months old, since that’s when I turned eighteen and all of this started.”
“So, David and I were definitely together when this happened.” I am forced to admit.
“Yeah...” Lexi trails off.
“Did you know?” I ask Lexi in a raspy voice.
“No!” Lexi insists as she shakes her head rapidly, “I swear, I had no idea! I was so fucked up, half the time I had no idea who was using me! You have to believe me!”
“It’s okay.” I mumble as I lean over and rest my head on Lexi’s shoulder. “I believe you.”
Moments later, I am sobbing in Lexi’s arms like a little girl while my entire body shakes. She runs her fingers through my raven hair as she tries to soothe me. For about half an hour, I am completely inconsolable. Eventually, I calm down enough to wipe the tears from my eyes and look up at Lexi.
“I thought he loved me.” I say with a sniffle.
“I know,” Lexi replies as she brushes a lock of hair out of my face, “I know.”
“W-what now?” I ask.
“Well, I’d suggest breaking up with him.” Lexi says with a sad smile.
I let out a sad giggle as another tear slips from my eye and runs down my cheek. “He was my first. My first and only.”
Lexi leans in and kisses the top of my head “And he wasn’t who you thought he was. I understand that pain.”
“I know you do.” I reply, my body shaking slightly.
“Do you need anything?” Lexi asks.
“I think I need to be alone right now.” I answer.
“Okay,” Lexi says, “I’ll let you get some rest.”
I slip out of Lexi’s arms and shakily get to my feet. Reaching behind my back and under my shirt, I unhook my bra. I pull my bra out of my sleeve and toss it aside. Next, I unbutton my pants and push them down my legs. Wearing just a t-shirt and panties, I climb into bed.
“I’ll see you in the morning.” Lexi says as she leans down and kisses my forehead, “Are you going to school?”
“Yes.” I say, “I have to dump David in person.”
“Right, sorry.” Lexi mumbles.
“None of this is your fault, Lexi.” I answer as I snuggle into bed.
“It feels like it is.” Lexi says as she wipes away her own tears.
“I know,” I respond, “and I know you’ve made some decisions you regret. We all have. The worst of it was out of your control. David probably went to Keith and offered him money. You had no idea what was going on, he would just bring guys into the room, you said so yourself. None of this is your fault. I promise.”
“Thank you.” Lexi says as she takes the USB flash drive out of the computer and starts heading towards the door.
“Lexi?” I call out.
“Yes?” she responds, turning just before exiting my room.
“I’m glad you and my dad found each other.” I tell her. I mean it, too. Lexi really has become my best friend. No offense meant to Hazel, but it’s the truth.
“So am I.” Lexi answers with a grin.
“I love you.” I say.
“I love you, too.” she smiles.
After dinner, I start walking to my bedroom, intending to retire for the night. Lexi told me during the meal that she wanted some bonding time with Kayla, and I’m happy to give it to her. It makes me happy that my girlfriend and my daughter are getting along so well.
When I reach my bedroom, I kick off my shoes by the door and start getting ready for bed. I place my socks, shirt, and pants into the hamper and head over to my dresser for a pair of lounge pants. Once I’m dressed for bed, I fire up the computer to relax for awhile.
I do answer a few more emails, but my time working is short. The call of computer games is more alluring, especially on a Sunday evening. For an hour or so, I play, killing enemies and completing quests. It’s quite fun. Not as fun as sex with Lexi, but still pretty good.
As if answering my thoughts, Lexi walks into the bedroom. I look over at her and smile. My face falls when I realize there are tears on her face. I thought she had been bonding with Kayla? What could have happened?
“What’s wrong?” I ask, immediately getting to my feet and walking over to her.
Lexi doesn’t answer at first, instead choosing to bury her face in my bare chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her as she sobs. One hand rubs her back while my other buries into her auburn hair. I coo softly to her until she calms down enough to speak.
“I wanted to be free of my past.” Lexi says.
“You are free of it, my love.” I respond as I kiss the top of her head.
“No, I’m not free.” Lexi shakes her head against me, “I’m still causing pain.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
Lexi takes a step back from me and reaches into her pocket. She pulls out a USB flash drive and shows it to me. I recognize it instantly. It’s the same drive that Keith Strulk sent to Lexi’s parents. The one full of pictures and videos of her having sex. It got her kicked out of the house, which resulted in her moving in with Kayla and I.
“I wanted to watch the videos so I could see the things I did and move on from my past.” Lexi explains, “I couldn’t face it alone, and I couldn’t ask you to watch me like that, so I asked Kayla to watch with me.”
“Okay, I understand that.” I say with a nod.
“I was so fucked up, there are guys I don’t remember sleeping with.” Lexi says with a sob.
I resist the urge to draw her back into my arms and wait for Lexi to continue speaking. She looks so small and fragile, all I want to do is hold her and make all her suffering go away forever. I wish I could.
“One of the guys who paid Keith to fuck me...” Lexi takes a deep breath, “was David.”
My eyes go wide in shock “That can’t be!” Even as I say that, plans for killing David go through my mind. I imagine my hands around his neck and I can feel my temperature rising.
“It’s all here.” Lexi holds up the USB flash drive. “You can watch if you don’t believe me.”
“I believe you.” I assure her as I take a deep breath to try and calm down. “I’m just in shock. How is Kayla?”
“Upset, understandably.” Lexi answers, “She cried quite a bit.”
“I should go talk to her.” I say.”
“No, she says she wants to be alone right now.” Lexi tells me.
“I can respect that.” I nod, “I’ll leave her alone for tonight.”
“Thank you.” Lexi says.
“You’re very protective of her now, I see.” I say with a smile.
“Well, she is my boyfriend’s daughter.” Lexi smiles before wiping away her tears.
“I love you.” I say.
“I love you, too.” Lexi replies as she leans up to peck my lips.
“Do you want to stay home from school tomorrow?” I ask, “I could take the day off and we’ll spend it together.”
“Oh, I want to.” Lexi says with a sigh, “but Kayla is dumping David tomorrow. I should be there for her.”
“I understand.” I confirm.
“I know you do.” Lexi smiles and kisses me again, “You love us both.”
“I do. Very much.” I then gesture towards the USB drive “Maybe you should throw that away?” I suggest.
“No.” Lexi says firmly. She walks around me and opens a drawer in my desk. She then places the drive inside before closing the drawer. “I’ll watch the rest at some point. Just not tonight.”
“If that’s what you want to do, I support you.” I say.
“I knew you would.” Lexi says with a smile as she walks back over to me and gives me a tight hug.
“Do you want to head to bed early?” I ask as I hug her back.
“You don’t wanna fool around?” Lexi asks, looking up at me with her pretty green eyes.
My hand lowers to squeeze her ass as I smirk down at Lexi. “I do, I just didn’t think you’d be in the mood after what just happened.”
“I’m always in the mood to get fucked.” Lexi licks her lips seductively as she pushes her ass back against my hand.
“I noticed that.” I say happily. I lower my other hand so that I am now holding her butt with both hands, then I squeeze her tight ass cheeks from outside her jean shorts.
“It’s who I am.” Lexi says, “I’ve been thinking a lot about my sexuality lately.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask.
“Yes.” Lexi answers as she presses her body against mine and gazes directly into my eyes, “I love being called a slut. I love to be just grabbed and taken. Keith may have coerced me into doing things I was uncomfortable with, but I’ve always been a slut. Now? Now I’m only a slut for you. You can have me any time you want me. You can take me anywhere. Just grab me and shove it in whichever hole you want. I’m yours.”
Using my grip on her ass, I pull Lexi tight against me. I can feel her breasts pressing into my bare chest, with only her shirt and bra between us. “Then get on your knees, slut.” I whisper in her ear.
“Yes, sir.” Lexi purrs. She pecks my lips before seductively dropping to her knees, her eyes never leaving mine.
My favorite redhead reaches for the waistband of my lounge pants with her delicate fingers. With one quick yank, Lexi pulls my pants and boxers down to my ankles, freeing my flaccid penis. She then takes my dick in her hand and leans forward while opening her mouth. I let out a breath when I feel the warm confines of her mouth around me.
Lexi massages my balls with one hand while her other sucks on my rapidly hardening cock. As sexy as she is naked, watching Lexi on her knees in jean shorts and a t-shirt is quite pleasing. I can feel my shaft elongating between her pink lips as she bobs her auburn head. She is making the cutest slurping noises, and in mere seconds I am fully erect and throbbing.
Holding my shaft in one hand, Lexi pulls her mouth off of me and slaps both sides of her face with my dick. Her lips pucker up and she kisses as much cock-flesh as she can. She then licks up, first one side of my shaft, then the other.
“Fuck, you’re big.” Lexi moans as she slaps her lips with my mushroom head.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I reply as I reach down and squeeze one of her covered breasts.
“This beautiful cock is going to get more sex than it can handle.” Lexi says as she peppers my tip with kisses. “I’m going to invite all my friends over and watch as you fuck them.” she continues before taking my mushroom head between her lips and running her tongue all over it. “Maybe someday, you’ll watch me rolling around with another girl and shower us both with cum.” she strokes me rapidly as she looks up at me with innocent green eyes “Would you like that?”
“Oh fuck, yes.” I moan as I bury my hands in Lexi’s auburn hair.
“I’ll never touch another guy.” Lexi promises as she takes the first three inches of my dick in her mouth and gives it a few quick sucks.
“But I’ll suck and fuck you every day.” she vows, “I’ll drain these balls of all their yummy cum.”
Lexi places her hands on my thighs and takes my entire dick down her throat in one quick motion. She gags loudly, drool running from her lips as she swallows around my shaft. Fuck, her teen throat feels so damn good.
She holds the deep throat for as long as she can before pulling off my dick and gasping for breath. Lexi then grasps my shaft at the hilt and slaps her face with it again. “I want your cum all over me.”
Her tiny hand finds my balls again, and she starts massaging them as she bobs her head on the first few inches of my dick before pulling off briefly “I want it on my face.” she takes me in her mouth and sucks a few more times. “I want it on my tits.” Another suck. “I want it all over my butt and back.” she takes me in her mouth and bobs her head rapidly as I twist my fingers in her hair.
“I want it in my pussy.” she says the next time she pulls off my throbbing erection. She then kisses the tip and puts me right back in her mouth. “I want it up my ass.” Lexi says, removing my length from her mouth once more.
Lexi looks into my eyes as she grips both my thighs “And I want it in my mouth.” she says before inhaling my cock once more.
I know what she wants without her saying it. I hold her head tightly with both hands and thrust my hips into her face. A strand of drool dangles from her chin as I fuck Lexi’s face. She is making the sexiest gagging and gurgling sounds while I use her face like a pussy.
“Close.” I grunt.
That is the only warning I give as I start shooting. Lexi squeals happily around my shaft, her cheeks puffing out as cum fills them. I groan and moan her name, continuing to squirt cum between her lips. Each jet seems to make Lexi moan louder and suck harder. Only when my orgasm finishes do I release her head.
Lexi pulls off my cock and tilts her head back. The sexy redhead gapes her mouth open to show me the cum on her tongue. I feel myself hardening again as I watch her swirl her tongue around the pool of semen. She then closes her mouth and gives a deliberate swallow. “Mmm, cum.” she says, smacking her lips. “I love cum!”
“Holy shit.” I grunt, breathing heavily.
I step out of my pants and boxers, leaving myself completely naked. I then reach out with both hands and help Lexi to her feet. She gives me a coy smile, which lights up her freckled face, then bites her lower lip and looks at me seductively.
“Sit on the bed.” she whispers.
I immediately comply and sit my ass down on the bed as Lexi walks over to my computer desk. Taking out her phone, Lexi starts some upbeat music playing and sets the phone down on my desk. She then sashays to the center of the room and starts her strip tease.
Lexi begins by standing sideways with her bum sticking out as she moves her hips to the music while running her hands down her sides. She then slides one hand up her body until her fingers are lightly brushing her lip. Sliding a finger into her mouth, she sucks on it like she would a cock while rolling her eyes up sexily. Holy shit, I’m rock hard.
As the song picks up, the clothes start to come off. Lexi slowly peels off her shirt before making a show of tossing it aside. She sticks out her jean short-covered bum and smacks it before running her hands along her bare sides again. Next, she reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra. She slides the straps off her shoulders and holds the cups over her breasts. Giving me a sexy wink, Lexi lets the bra fall to the floor but keeps her hands over her tits so I can’t see her nipples.
She does a sexy spin, her auburn hair flying about her face. Once she is facing me again, Lexi slowly releases her breasts and runs her hands down her sides, allowing me to see her beautiful tits. After some more dancing, Lexi unbuttons her jean shorts and slides them down her smooth legs. With a kick, the shorts go flying into a corner of the room.
I get a lap dance next and let my hands roam up to her breasts as Lexi gyrates in my lap while only wearing a pair of panties. Grabbing her ass, I lean forward and take one of her nipples in my mouth. Lexi moans as I suck on her tit and grips my head, holding it to her chest. As the next song starts, Lexi leans down and whispers to me, telling me all the dirty things that she is going to do. How she is going to suck my dick, how she’s going to bend over and spread her cheeks for me, how she is gonna hold her legs back so I can shove it up her cunt.
“I’m gonna line up three beautiful eighteen year old girls and let you fuck them each in turn while I watch.” Lexi promises as she dances in my lap.
For the rest of the song, the sexy redhead grinds on top of my erection while I explore her body with my hands. Like I’ve said before, this girl really does have the softest skin. The entire time Lexi is moaning and whispering naughty promises of threesomes and watching her roll around with another girl.
When the third song starts, Lexi hops out of my lap and walks backwards to the middle of the room. She starts dancing to the music again, showing off her tight, young body. Lexi spins around and grabs her pantie-clad butt cheeks in both hands before turning to face me again and resuming her dance.
My mouth is practically watering when Lexi hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. With a sexy swing of her hips, she eases the underwear down her toned legs. She does a high kick to discard her underwear and I see a flash of her pink pussy as her panties soar by my ear and land on the floor next to my bed. Our bed.
Lexi dances naked for another song; there is nothing like watching a naked eighteen year old bounce around for you. Her dance is amazing; she runs her hands along her body while swaying her hips, she squeezes her tits, she turns around and shakes her ass for me. When the song ends and another begins, Lexi sashays over to me. Standing right in front of me, Lexi places her hands on my knees and spreads my legs. With music playing, she gets on her knees between my legs and bends her head over my lap to suck my erection into her mouth.
“Oh, fuck.” I moan, throwing my head back as my hands bury in her auburn hair.
I can feel Lexi smile around my thickness as she starts bobbing her head in my lap. My fingers twist in her hair and I am already leaking pre-cum into her mouth. That dance got me so hot, my cock is throbbing with desire for this gorgeous creature.
Lexi pulls off my cock and holds it in her hand, “Would you be jealous if I fucked a girl?” she asks as she starts taking long licks of my shaft.
“No, I’d like to see that.” I say as my fingers stroke her face. “Do you want to fuck a girl?”
Lexi shrugs before planting a big, wet kiss on my mushroom head. “I never have before, but the idea of doing something that would turn you on so much makes me wet. So, maybe? I get the feeling Hazel would be into it.”
“Y-you have my permission to fuck a girl.” I say with a shudder as Lexi closes her mouth around me once more.
For a couple more minutes, Lexi sucks me, moaning and gagging around my shaft. The sexy minx abruptly stops, pulling off of my cock and standing up with a mischievous smile. She then straddles me on the bed while I am still sitting on the edge with my feet on the floor. Lexi reaches between us and takes my shaft in her hands. I grip her hips as she runs my tip along her labia before slowly easing her body down onto me.
“Fuck.” we both groan at the same time when Lexi is fully penetrated.
I grip her ass in both hands as she slowly begins to ride me. Her pussy is so tight and wet, I can feel her gripping my cock like a vice. I lean forward and take a nipple in my mouth as Lexi bounces in my lap. She moans and buries her fingers in my hair, holding my head to her breast.
For several minutes, Lexi gyrates on my lap before tensing up and announcing her orgasm. She throws her head back and cries out while I feel her pussy convulsing around my shaft. Over and over again she groans that her pussy is mine.
I feel close to cumming, but Lexi surprises me by pulling on my hair until I release her nipple. She then looks into my eyes with passion. The entire time she is still riding me, but I can feel the intensity in her gaze, which stops my orgasm.
“I’m a slut, I’m your slut.” Lexi says.
“You’re my slut.” I reply, squeezing her ass tightly.
“Punish me.” she whispers urgently.
“What?” I ask, surprised.
Lexi takes my face in her hands and looks into my eyes. She is still riding me, and from the increased speed of her panting, Lexi isn’t far from another orgasm. “You need to punish me!”
“Why?” I whisper back.
“I’ve done bad things, I want to be punished.” Lexi slams her hips down onto my lap, “Oh, fuck!” she groans as her eyes roll back and her pussy clamps down on my erection. She’s cumming, hard. She tenses and her mouth opens in a silent scream before she shakes several times.
Still riding the orgasmic high, Lexi runs her fingers along my face “I need you to be rough with me tonight. Please.” she begs, her eyes wide. “I need it.”
In response, I grip Lexi’s hips and lift her off of me. I then have her lay across my lap while I stay seated on the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor. I grab Lexi’s ass with both hands and play with her butt cheeks for a few moments before lifting one hand and slapping her bum.
“Harder!” Lexi cries out as her tiny body jerks forward.
I spank her other cheek, harder this time. Her butt cheek ripples from the force of the impact. I can see it start to turn red almost instantly, and at first, I’m afraid I may have hurt her.
“Harder!” Lexi grunts again.
Nodding, I immediately comply and spank her first cheek again. Lexi cries out in pleasure and I can tell she is really enjoying this. So, I spank her again. And again. And again. At the last slap, her body tenses up and her toes curl. I can hear her let out a series of gasps and realize that she’s actually cumming from this. I didn’t even go near her pussy!
She wants me to be rough? I can do that. I grab a fistful of Lexi’s hair and pull her up. She plants her little feet on the floor and lets me lift her until our faces are at eye level. I then shove my tongue down her throat. Lexi moans into my mouth as we make out for several minutes. Her hands are hanging limply at her sides as she lets me do whatever I want with her body. I maintain my grip on her hair while my other hand plays with her tits. Fuck, her skin is so soft.
After kissing for a few minutes, I stand up and guide Lexi by the hair. Then, using my grip on her hair, I toss her onto the bed. She lands on her belly with a squeal. The music is still playing as I get on the bed behind her, grab her hips, and pull her up into a doggystyle position. Then I’m inside her again.
Lexi throws her head back and moans as I start thrusting into her teen body. It’s rough sex. I spank her ass, I grab her hair and yank her head back, I hold her hips and drill her as hard and fast as I can so that her tits bounce around and slap into each other. The entire time Lexi is moaning and begging for more “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she begs loudly.
“Whose pussy is it?!” I hiss into her ear as I hold her head back by the hair.
“It’s your pussy!” she practically screams. “It’s your pussy!”
“Damn right it is!” I say as I switch my grip to her hips so I can fuck her with a steady rhythm. “And it’s my ass!”
I press on Lexi’s head and force her face down onto the bed. Her arms give out and she lays with her hands above her head and her chest pressing into the comforter. “Yes! It’s your ass!” she cries out. Fuck, she looks so sexy with her face down and ass up.
“Reach back and spread your cheeks. Now!” I order.
Lexi reaches her hands back and grabs her ass cheeks. She then spreads herself open to reveal her asshole to me. Pulling out of her pussy, I aim my dick higher and press the tip against her butt hole. Lexi lets out a loud grunt the moment I push into her backdoor. Her arms are still strewn out in front of her and her hands grip the blanket with desperate fingers.
“Fuck my ass!” she grunts as she briefly whips her head around to look at me.
I spank her ass twice before taking her hips in my hands and doing exactly what she asks for. I’m breathing heavily, struggling to maintain as I fuck Lexi up the ass as hard as I can. She is moving her ass backwards to meet my thrusts while crying out in pain and pleasure. She loves this! Drool is running freely from Lexi’s lips and onto my blanket as she takes it up the ass.
A couple minutes later, Lexi announces another orgasm. I can’t believe she can actually cum from anal. This girl is amazing. Now though, it’s my turn to cum. I don’t bother to warn her when my orgasm arrives. I just bury myself to the hilt up her bum as I start shooting.
“Fuck, yes!” she moans, “Cum in my ass! Steven!”
I grip her hips and slowly pull my cock out of Lexi. The beautiful redhead then collapses onto the mattress as cum leaks out of her butt. Lexi giggles and places a hand over her bum before sliding to the edge of the bed. She stands up and winks at me before waddling into the bathroom.
“Holy shit, that was amazing.” Lexi says when she returns.
My gorgeous girlfriend hops into bed and nestles into my arms. “Yes. Yes, it was.” I reply.
“We’re doing that again.” she giggles.
“It would be my pleasure.” I answer.
Within minutes, we are both asleep. When we wake up Monday morning, we have sex again. This time, it is different. I get on top of Lexi in missionary and we gaze into each others eyes the entire time. For several minutes we make love softly and sweetly, before we both tense up and orgasm. Then we head down to breakfast.
My alarm goes off and I slowly wake up. At first, I’m in a good mood, then reality hits and I remember the events of last night. David fucked Lexi, and today I need to break up with that asshole. Fuck, this is gonna suck. He was my first real boyfriend, I thought I loved him. I thought he loved me. Was everything a lie to get into my pants?
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