Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 44

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 44 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


A small groan escapes my lips as sore muscles and aching joints accompany my return to consciousness. Keeping my eyes closed, I slowly take stock of the various feelings as I stretch, my fingers and toes extending. A strand of hair is plastered to my face, and I can feel dried drool on my chin while my bare boobs press into the mattress.

A wild night of hours and hours of torrid lovemaking? No. Not even close. My eyes slowly open as I feel the drool-soaked pillow against my cheek. As I lift up onto my arms, the sharp pain of the welt on my shoulder reminds me of rough paintball, not rough sex. Bouncing around on every spinning, jolting ride at the amusement park doesn’t help.

I’m too old for this shit. Stretching again causes something to crack, making me groan again. If I’m this fucked up, Steven must be completely bedridden. Fuck, how does anyone even live past thirty? Now that I think about it, I’m really amazed that Steven can even walk after sexy time. Of course, sometimes I can’t walk after some Steven loving.

Smiling at the memories, I reach my hand back to pull up my panties, concealing my ass crack. Then I glance over, catching sight of my physics textbook and the notebook I use for the class. Oh yeah, my AP Physics final. I’m nervous about that one.

Throwing the blanket off my body, I stand up and stretch. I raise my arms above my head as my back arches, causing my cute boobies to push out from my chest. Admiring my nearly-nude body in the mirror on my door, I gently lift one breast in my hand and lightly caress it with my thumb.

Insecure. That’s how I’m feeling right now; insecure. Sure, I have a nice body, but I’m not unique. I don’t have Ashley’s massive tits, I’m not tall and tan like Hazel, I’m not Daddy’s little girl like Kayla, and I’m not a redhead nymphomaniac like Lexi. I’m just short, quiet Marcia.

I really am in love with Steven. I know he cares about me, but he doesn’t have that passion with me, that fire he has with the others. I’m afraid. I don’t want to get hurt. Still, I can’t blame him; there’s nothing special about me. I’m not even really the smart one. My grades aren’t that much better than Lexi’s, and I work ten times harder than she does.

Letting out a breath, I brush back my sweaty hair before walking over to check my phone. I have a bunch of texts, but I’ll deal with them later. What’s really surprising is that it’s almost 10:30AM. I realize it’s Sunday, but I never sleep this late. I need to get my lazy ass moving.

Despite the late hour, I don’t rush while going through my morning routine. The hot water feels amazing on my sore muscles as I enjoy my shower. I even take the time to jill off, the orgasm helping me relax. Then I shut off the hot water before taking my birth control pill.

Twenty minutes later, I’m curled up on the living room couch with my books and notebooks. I’m wearing pajama pants, a plain t-shirt, and a pair of fuzzy slipper socks to keep my feet warm. I can feel my nipples against the soft cotton of my shirt, but I’m home on a Sunday; I am not putting a bra on. Fuck that.

Before I get into studying, I start some music playing and finally check my text messages. I quickly respond to the good morning texts from my parents, then I read the long conversation in the Sluts’ group chat. There’s nothing that interesting, it’s mostly just talking about our Saturday adventures. There’s also a few complaints about finals, the usual mentions of sex, and some planning for the Senior lock-in and the graduation party.

I reply to the Sluts, confirming that I’m also excited for the graduation events, but that I’m going to study all morning. It does come up that I’ll be heading to the mansion with my parents once they’re home, but I am gonna get as much studying done as I can until then. I quickly close the group chat. That’s when I notice one last text message.

Kwan: Good morning, Marcia, it’s Kwan. From Ashwood Mall.

A small smile crosses my face as I read the text. Kwan seems like a nice guy, he isn’t the slightest bit upset about me shutting him down in the changing stall. So, as I study for finals, I decide to have a conversation with the cute boy.

Marcia: Good morning! How are you?

Kwan: Better now that I’m talking to a pretty girl. :)

Marcia: Would you like some wine with that cheese?

Kwan: Sorry, I’m not very good at this.

Marcia: Flirting? You trying to flirt with me? ;)

Kwan: Uh, maybe...

Marcia: A tip: it needs to feel natural. I’m a girl, not an alien. You can just talk to me.

Kwan: Thanks! So, what are you up to?

Marcia: Studying for finals. You?

Kwan: You haven’t had your finals yet? And I’m just relaxing at my computer.

Marcia: Nope. Our district is weird. We should have graduated weeks ago.

Kwan: I’m glad the local colleges aren’t like that. I came here from the east coast for school.

Marcia: You’re a long way from home!

Kwan: Yeah, but I do love the weather here.

Marcia: It’s nice. Bikini season most of the time. ;)

Kwan: I bet you look great in a bikini.

Marcia; See? You aren’t bad at this. :P

Kwan: Thanks! Any chance I can see you in a bikini any time soon?

Marcia: Add me on social media. I think I have some pictures posted.

Kwan: Added! Though I was hoping for an in-person view.

Marcia: Accepted. :) If you’re free, you can come to our graduation party a week from Friday?

Kwan: I won’t be crashing?

Marcia: Not at all. It’s at my friends’ mansion. There’s a pool. I’ll be in a bikini. ;)

Kwan: Mansion? And when is the party?

Marcia: Yup. Kayla’s dad is loaded. The party is a week from Friday. Open invitation.

Kwan: I’m kinda shy. I’ll only know you...

Marcia: I said it was an open party :P Bring Charles and his girlfriend. No one will care.

Kwan: It’s a date!

Marcia: Is it?

Kwan: Shit. Sorry. I wasn’t trying to pressure you.

Marcia: I’m just being mean. :) We’ll see how things go!

Kwan: Great! I’ll let you get back to studying. Bye, Cutie.

Marcia; Later, Handsome!

It is not a date, I assure myself as I text Kayla to let her know about the invitations to the graduation party. Sure, Kwan’s great, but he’s not Steven. I don’t think he’ll become my boyfriend, but he’s fun to flirt with, and I hope he’ll make a great friend. Fortunately, Kayla quickly responds, saying it’s completely fine if the three people come.

I make myself a sandwich for lunch since I’m not in the mood for anything big. With some chips and a soda, I watch my comfort show while eating. The break is helpful to clear my head so that I can resume studying until my parents get home.

“We’re home!” Dad announces as he walks in the front door holding the bags.

“Hi Mom, hi Dad.” I reply, waving from my spot on the couch. “You still rich, or did Mom lose the house?”

“I didn’t lose the house.” Mom answers with an eye roll.

“And we’re not rich.” Dad sighs as he walks toward the bedroom with the bags. “After taxes, we’ll only end up with so much.”

“Oh, stop complaining.” Mom calls after him. “We still have a lot of money coming.”

“And Steven will help you make the most of it.” I point out.

“It’s so nice of him to help us out.” Mom comments as she sits down beside me.

“Yeah, he’s a great guy.” I respond, a small smile on my face as I think of Steven while finishing the equation I’m working on. “How was your trip?”

“It was good. I lost the money I brought for gambling, but it wasn’t much.” Mom answers before leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “And damn, it felt like your father was in his twenties again. My legs felt like jelly after he was done with me.”

“Mm, there’s nothing like being well and truly fucked.” I comment, a dreamy look on my face. “Sadly, I had to settle for playing with myself in the shower.”

“Gross, we share that shower.” Mom says, shaking her head.

“Please, I’m sure you and Dad have done way more disturbing things in there.” I snort.

“Yeah...” Mom sighs happily.

“Does it ever get old?” I suddenly ask, feeling nervous as I struggle to put my thoughts into words. “Sex with the same person for years. I mean, I can’t imagine getting sick of Steven, it’s just, well, I don’t know. I guess I can’t imagine that long with someone, it’s terrifying, but it’s also something I really want.”

“It’s amazing, Marcia.” Mom gushes as she pivots so she’s looking straight at me. “Sometimes a girl just wants to get bent over and pounded, and that’s great! Still, making love is ... it’s indescribable. And if the guy you’re in love with can also rail you until you’re a drooling mess? That’s even better!”

“Everyone on romantic comedies agrees, I just wasn’t sure how true it was.” I admit, watching my mother closely.

“I could never get tired of your father.” Mom confirms. “I’ve been with a lot of guys, and even if you get fucked harder and faster, no one else compares to the man you truly love. It’s cheesy, but the sex really does just keep getting better. I’m not saying that you can’t get into a rut, you can, but there’s plenty of things you can do to break out of it.”

“Like what?” I wonder curiously.

“Depends on the relationship.” Mom explains. “Just don’t get into a pattern where the sex becomes routine and predictable. Never stop pursuing each other, and change things up. What changing things up looks like depends on the couple. There’s role play, dirty talk, trying new positions. Anything.”

“Threesome?” I suggest with a blush.

“That, too.” Mom nods. “If your relationship can handle it. Your father would not be able to share me with someone else, and I respect that. Just remember, every relationship is different. Just make sure you’re on the same page.”

“That’s why you’re worried about Steven and I.” I conclude, my eyes softly closing as I let out a breath.

“Yes.” Mom says. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen with his relationships, but it looks like at least a few people are probably going to get hurt. I don’t want you to be one of them.”

“I know, thanks Mom.” I reply, wanting to make sure she knows I appreciate her concern.

“I know you’re young, and you don’t need to be with the man you eventually marry.” Mom continues. “Just do what you can to protect yourself. Heartbreak sucks, but it can also be part of growing up. If things go south, just remember that you are an amazing woman, and any man would be lucky to have you in his life.”

“So, you’re saying that it’s okay to be a party girl?” I giggle cutely.

“I don’t wanna think about you doing some of the things I did.” Mom winces, but she’s still smiling. “You need a connection, you said that yourself. Remember that.”

“No rebound gangbangs if Steven breaks my heart? Damn.” I tease.

“What are you ladies whispering about?” Dad suddenly asks as he walks into the room to find Mom and I giggling.

“Nothing, Dear.” Mom answers, looking over at her husband.

“Why don’t I believe that?” Dad wonders with a raised eyebrow.

“Mom was just telling me all your secrets.” I tell him with a wide grin.

“Don’t think about it too much.” Mom suggests as she stands up and walks over to him. “C’mon, let’s go unpack. Marcia, maybe turn up the volume a bit.”

“Courtney!” Dad exclaims as Mom takes his hand and starts leading him toward the bedroom.

“Don’t be like that, Seth.” Mom insists. “Marcia is an adult, and she knows we made her.”

“Just don’t make me a sibling!” I call out after my parents as the door to their bedroom closes.

For a few minutes, I actually do imagine having a sibling after all these years. I suppose it’s possible, although my parents are several years older than Steven, so probably not. Then a small moan reaches my ears, followed by my father’s voice telling my mom to be quiet. I do shudder, as no child likes imagining their parents fucking, but I suppress it. It’s beautiful and natural. I’m being immature. If Mom can handle hearing about me taking dick, I can deal with the knowledge that she’s also a sexual being with a love of cock.

Plus, my dad really is a great catch. He’s kind, he’s loving, he’s handsome. Of course, he’s great for my mother, not for me. I am not Kayla. Her relationship with her father is special, unique. I am never having sex with my father. Gross. Not happening. Never, never, never.

It quickly becomes apparent that Mom wants me to hear everything, and Dad wants me to hear nothing. My books are forgotten as I listen to Dad tell Mom to keep quiet right after she begs for cock, or begs to be spanked. Doggystyle, really? Go, Mom! I am shocked when I realize I’m wet, and my pussy absolutely gushes when Mom says she wants cum on her face. Should I be scarred for life? Probably. I’m not, though.

In fact, I’m tempted to reach into my pajama pants, but I stop myself. That is a step further than I want to go. As my Mom continues to be vocal, I can just hear the furniture shift. I know that they are getting into position so Dad can cum all over Mom’s face, showering her with his seed.

In my mind, I’m not imagining my parents together. I’m certainly not imagining I’m in there with them. I think of Steven wanting me, taking me. His hands, his tongue, his cock. Thrusting into me over and over, taking pleasure from my body. Suddenly, a loud moan from Mom breaks me from my fantasy, and I realize I have my hand in my panties. I quickly yank it out.

Sadly, I can’t get any dick right now. Another benefit of having a life partner; a girl can get a healthy dose of cock and cum whenever the craving strikes. Granted, any slut with a pussy can get laid easily enough, but I already know I need a connection to really enjoy it. Sorry, but not sorry.

No more noises are coming from my parents’ bedroom, so I assume they are cuddling. True love. Something else I’m jealous of. I can’t dwell on my insecurities and fears right now, I need to study. I know I already have my acceptance letter, but my final GPA is very important. It’s petty, but I want to make sure I beat Lexi in this, at least.

“How’s studying going?” Mom asks, when she and Dad emerge from the bathroom a couple hours later in casual clothes. Dad is blushing, Mom is glowing.

“Eh. Fine, I guess.” I answer with a shrug before looking at Dad. I’m nervous, but he needs to realize I’m not a child anymore. “Why are you blushing, Dad? You scored with a hot babe!”

“Thank you, Honey.” Mom smiles.

“Don’t talk like that, Marcia.” Dad grunts, unable to look me in the eye.

“How do you expect to ever have grandchildren, Seth?” Mom wonders as she plops down on the couch again.

“Immaculate conception.” Dad states firmly. “After she’s at least thirty-five.”

“Keep dreaming, Babe.” Mom snorts.

“I’m always gonna be your baby girl, Dad.” I tell him when I realize he’s clearly uncomfortable.

“I know, and your mother and I trust you to make good decisions.” Dad says, confirming that he’s still telling himself I’m a virgin. “Do you want a drink, Courtney?”

“Water, please.” Mom smiles.

“I’ll let you two relax until we have to leave.” I offer as I gather up my school stuff.

“Are you sure?” Mom asks. “We won’t kick you out.”

“It’s fine, I’ll study in my room.” I respond. “You two watch a movie, then we’ll head to Kayla’s.”

Mom agrees, and I make my way to my bedroom to study. My phone does go off a few times, probably the Sluts, but I buckle down and focus on my books. It works for awhile, but toward the end I find myself reading the same sentence three times without understanding it.

Eventually, Mom knocks on my door and lets me know we’re leaving in a few minutes. Unfortunately, this means I have to put a bra on. Damn. Oh, well. I dress in jean shorts and a t-shirt, sling my purse over my shoulder, grab my phone, and am ready to go to the mansion.

“Should we bring the ticket?” Dad wonders as he paces around the kitchen, clearly anxious about the huge amount of money.

“Why? Kayla’s father isn’t cashing the ticket for us.” Mom shrugs.

“Right, right.” Dad nods, grabbing his keys. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Are you bringing any paperwork at all?” I ask.

“Like what?” Mom inquires. “Our account balances? Our bills?”

“Uh, maybe?” I answer. “I’m not a finance expert.”

“Everyone should have some knowledge of money, investments, etc.” Dad says. “It’s very important to know how to manage your money and how to make the most of it. To answer your question though, no. I can log in to all our accounts to show balances on how much money we have, how much we owe. I know our income and our retirement funds. I think we have everything we need.”

“I know, everything revolves around money.” I respond as we head out the front door.

“Yes, it does.” Dad nods as he unlocks the car and opens Mom’s front door for her. “Don’t forget that.”

I sit in the back seat as Dad drives us along the highway. It’s really sweet how Mom and Dad are holding hands. Looking out the window, I start to imagine my own future. In thirty years, will I be sitting in the passenger seat, my husband driving and our children in the back seat?

We arrive at the mansion, and Steven leads us into the main living room where we find Lexi, Kayla, Nicole, and Hazel. It looks like the four girls are in the middle of playing a game with Steven. The game is a bunch of tiles that are used to make a game board that is constantly changing.

After the game is put away, the eight of us end up in the dining room, sitting around the large table. Like always, we have a delicious meal that is beautifully prepared. Everyone except Hazel has a glass of wine, and I am pleasantly surprised that Dad doesn’t make a comment about me drinking.

“Damn, Brussels sprouts.” Lexi mutters as she pushes a green sprout around her plate with her fork.

“Aren’t you a little old to be complaining about your vegetables?” Mom suggests teasingly.

“It’s not that.” the redhead sighs, looking over at my mom. “I actually do like them.”

“Then what’s the problem?” I ask with a frown.

“Steven’s eating them.” Lexi groans, rolling her eyes. “It’s gonna be a rough night.”

“Hey!” Steven exclaims as we girls all start laughing, and even Dad smirks. “That’s not true, you’ll be fine.”

“I’m just gonna add that I’m kind of grateful I’m going home for the night.” Nicole giggles cutely before taking a small sip of wine.

“Everyone has gas, but my bedroom does not smell bad at all. Back me up, Hazel.” Steven urges, nodding toward the pregnant teen.

“I don’t think he’s bad at all.” Hazel shrugs.

“Thank you.” Steven smiles.

“Of course, I have three younger brothers, so I’m used to noxious fumes.” the tan girl follows up with, leading to another round of laughs.

“Let’s not forget about what I have to deal with!” Steven exclaims, gesturing toward Lexi and Nicole. “With you two in the bed with me, I have two gassy redheads to deal with.”

“Girls don’t fart, everyone knows that!” Lexi states in a firm voice.

“And everything that comes out of my body smells like roses.” Nicole adds.

“Right.” Steven snorts.

“Complaining about luring multiple women into your bed?” Dad asks in a judgmental voice. Still, do I detect a small amount of jealousy?

“He didn’t lure anyone.” Lexi counters. “I went after him.”

“So did I!” Hazel insists.

“I wanted to hate him, but he wormed his way into my heart.” Nicole says, a smile on her lightly-freckled face as she gazes lovingly at Steven.

“Seth didn’t mean anything by it.” Mom quickly speaks up.

“Right, sorry.” Dad hurriedly adds. “It’s just quite a unique set of relationships. I’m still adjusting.”

“No harm done.” Steven inclines his head kindly.

“Yeah, Daddy’s a great guy.” Kayla says, finally speaking up. “As long as you aren’t trapped in a confined space with him after he’s had Brussels sprouts, of course.”

“Really?” Steven asks rhetorically, glaring at Kayla as another round of laughs starts up. “With the bombs you dropped in your diaper? You can’t say anything, kid.”

“Daddy!” Kayla squeals, her mouth hanging open in shock as her face turns red.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Kayla.” Dad smiles before turning his gaze to lock eyes with me. “I’m surprised the wallpaper didn’t peel when I changed Marcia.”

“Is this really appropriate talk for the dinner table?” Mom points out as I bury my face in my hands, my dark locks falling forward to further shield me from view.

“Definitely not.” Nicole confirms. “You get used to inappropriate conversations around here.”

“They’re just words, they don’t make the chicken any less delicious.” Lexi shrugs before taking a bite of her meal.

“You’ll have to be more careful with those words soon.” Mom replies. “There will be a little one here soon.”

“Yeah, don’t teach my kid any bad words, Lexi!” Hazel glares.

“I wouldn’t do that!” Lexi insists with an offended expression. “I’m even gonna babysit! I’ll play with the cutie, hold them, love them, kiss them all over!”

“I notice you didn’t mention changing diapers.” Nicole says, looking at her younger sister.

“Isn’t that Steven’s job?” Lexi counters.

“Yeah, yeah...” Steven sighs as he scoops up some mashed potatoes with his fork. “I know you girls are gonna leave me all the worst diapers, just like Aria did.”

“I know!” Dad exclaims with an animated expression. “Courtney was the same way.”

“Did she conveniently find something important she needed to do when it was time to change the worst ones?” Steven inquires over a chorus of girlish giggles.

“Yes.” Dad grumbles, glaring at Mom. “Courtney’s mom was actually staying with us for awhile while Marcia was a baby. My lovely wife would tell me she thought Marcia peed, then run downstairs to her mother’s room. I could hear them both laughing while I gagged.”

“That’s great!” Kayla announces, clapping her hands together once as she laughs.

“I sympathize with you, buddy.” Steven says, giving Dad a manly nod.

“Whatever.” Mom rolls her eyes. “I carried Marcia for nine months. Swollen feet, back aches, vomiting, having to pee every five minutes. Oh, and I gave birth. Changing shitty diapers is the least you men can do.”

“Agreed.” Nicole speaks up. “We women do all the hard work, the guys have to step up.”

“Yup, it’s not like Seth could wake up at 3:00AM to feed a newborn.” Mom adds.

“Men’s nipples are useless.” Lexi interjects, agreeing with Mom in her own weird Lexi way.

“Well, I wouldn’t say useless.” Mom says, smiling at Dad.

“Mooooom!” I draw out my complaint. Yes, I know I’m whining, but she’s being embarrassing! I’m still getting used to knowing about my parents’ sex life.

“Let’s just say that raising a baby is a team effort.” Steven smiles, coming to my rescue. “A great partner can make all the difference in the world.”

“Amen to that.” Dad agrees happily as he reaches out and squeezes Mom’s hand.

I see Lexi and Nicole gazing at Steven, their eyes glazed over as radiant smiles spread across their lightly-freckled faces. I find myself thinking of a cartoon, where large red hearts circle the head of the love-struck person. I swear I can almost see the hearts in real life.

My gaze shifts to Hazel, and I can see the tan girl is clearly overwhelmed with emotion as tears leak out of the corners of her eyes. The table is in the way, but I can still tell Hazel has one hand on her belly as she looks at Steven with such adoration that I almost feel like I’m intruding. I can’t help but wish for such a connection. For the first time, I find myself wishing I am the one pregnant with Steven’s baby. The baby is Steven’s, regardless of DNA. He’s so loving, so caring, so supportive.

The conversation continues as we eat, and I can tell my Dad and Steven are bonding as they discuss their perceived difficulties in being new fathers. The two men get teased back as Kayla insists she’s an angel, and Mom reminds Dad how well he has it. Nicole, Hazel, and Lexi jump into the conversation as well, while I mostly observe quietly. My go-to behavior.

My heart feels so full as I contemplate my life. Steven is supporting Hazel, not caring if the child is biologically related to him. It reminds me that, while he may not be in love with me, Steven will support me no matter what. He’s family, just like Mom and Dad. Unconditional love.

Knowing I’m cared for helps a little with my insecurities, and I happily dig into the sweet dessert. Chocolate cake and ice cream, an amazing end to an amazing meal. I’m still a little down, but it is a known fact that a sweet treat can help a girl deal with her fears of never being loved romantically. Well, suppress those fears. Whatever. Same thing.

We chat for a few more minutes before cleaning up. It’s finally time to talk numbers, so Nicole, Lexi, Kayla, and Hazel all leave to give us some privacy. I offer to go as well, but Mom and Dad insist that I stay and be part of the discussion.

“Okay, let’s get started.” Steven says. “First off, we’re probably just gonna go over some basic stuff tonight. You definitely should continue to consult with a financial advisor, even if it isn’t me, and an attorney as well. You need to make sure you protect yourself and your assets, and keep your taxes in order.”

“This is so overwhelming.” Mom comments nervously.

“Yeah, it can be.” Steven nods in understanding. “Also, your names will be public record, as will the location where the ticket was purchased. Most stores tend to put up big signs announcing that a big winner was sold there. You’ll also likely have the phone ringing from people asking for money. Be prepared to say no a lot. Do you have a home phone?”

“No, we got rid of that years ago.” Dad answers. “Just our cell phones now, and Courtney and I rarely answer when a number we don’t know calls.”

“You might also have some family difficulties.” Steven reluctantly admits. “Money really can bring out a person’s true colors. Cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles; they might all suddenly reach out after years, wanting to suddenly be your friend.”

“We’re prepared for that.” Dad states carefully. “Though, it’s not like we won hundreds of millions, one million dollars only takes you so far these days.”

“That’s very true.” Steven agrees. “Which brings us to the first big decision you’ll have to make; do you want to take the lump sum or the annuity payments?”

“Annuity?” I ask with a confused frown.

“To keep it simple,” Steven begins, “an annuity is a financial product you purchase that offers a guaranteed income. For lottery winnings, you’ll likely receive an immediate payment, followed up by annual payments that increase slightly each year. I think the total life of the annuity is thirty years in California.”

“So, you won’t get all the money for thirty years?” I repeat with a raised eyebrow. “That’s stupid, why would anyone do that?”

“Well, there are a few reasons.” Steven tells me. “First, if you take the lump sum, the base amount will be a lot lower than one million. It’ll probably around six hundred thousand.”

“That’s it?” I exclaim. “I mean, that’s a lot of money, but it’s a lot less than a million!”

“And that’s before taxes.” Steven adds. “There aren’t any state or local taxes on lottery winnings in California, but the IRS will want their cut.”

“Death and taxes, the only guarantees in life.” Dad comments.

“Yup.” Steven says before continuing. “Another reason to take the annuity is that it can be tough to manage such a large amount of money, and regular payments over many years can make things more stable for you. Also, you will get taxed every year on the money you receive, rather than the full amount. This prevents you from getting one massive tax bill. A big downside of the annuity, however, is you won’t be allowed to access the rest of the money if you have a financial emergency.”

“What if something happens to Seth and I before all the payments are made?” Mom wonders. “Thirty years is a long time.”

“The remaining payments would go to the heir of your estate.” Steven answers. “No matter what you choose, you should definitely make sure you have an updated will. I did some research, and you can actually fill out a form with the lottery, designating a beneficiary in the event of your deaths.”

“This is morbid.” I wince.

“Everyone dies, Marcia.” Mom responds. “It’s just a matter of when, and it’s important to have a plan in place for your loved ones.”

“She’s right.” Steven adds.

“What are the benefits of the lump sum?” Dad asks after about twenty seconds of silence.

“You’ll get all the money up front, granting you a great amount of power over the funds.” Steven responds. “You have the option of paying off debt and still having a lot left over. While the tax bill will be huge, you’ll get it out of the way. Also, the gain on the lottery annuity generally isn’t great, while you might be able to do a lot better if you invest yourself. After careful consideration, of course.”

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