Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 43

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 43 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


What could possibly be better than wild sex on a Friday night with a hot, young, redhead nymphomaniac who is completely in love with me? Wild sex on a Friday night with TWO hot, young, redhead nymphomaniacs who are completely in love with me. Oh, and they’re bisexual sisters.

After a relaxing date night with my girlfriends, I find myself standing naked in front of my massive, four-poster bed. My dick is rock hard and sticking straight out as it throbs with desire. Both my hands are buried in the sweet-smelling auburn hair of the two sisters.

Lexi and Nicole Davis are completely nude, looking incredibly alluring on their knees before me as they each lick along the sides of my cock. They’re both so beautiful; perfect faces, small breasts, flat stomachs, freckles dotting their light skin, and enchanting green eyes. Lexi is a little shorter, with slightly smaller breasts. Nicole wears her red hair longer, and unlike Lexi, has a very sexy bush of fiery pubic hair.

The dancing tongues of the two girls continue to move along my erection, coating my entire length in saliva. Upon reaching my tip, the redheads start kissing, their throaty moans filling the air as I feel my legs shake from feeling their flailing tongues on my glans. Then Nicole slurps my knob into her mouth as Lexi slides her tongue down to my base before lowering her head so she can lick my nuts.

“Damn, you girls know how to treat a guy.” I gasp, making them both giggle cutely.

Keeping my right hand at the back of Nicole’s head, I encourage her to take me deeper as she sucks hard and moans. When a little more than half of my cock passes her lips, Nicole coughs and chokes, having to back off slightly. At the same time, Lexi slips my left ball into her mouth, her hand wrapping around my calf as her tongue plays, making me weak in the knees.

My two girlfriends make love to my manhood with their mouths. Nicole doesn’t have Lexi’s experience, and she can’t deepthroat, but the sexy accountant is a natural in the art of the blowjob. She knows how to vary her technique, how hard so suck, how fast to bob her head, and how to user her tongue to tease and stimulate me.

Lexi devotes most of her efforts to playing with my balls while her sister sucks me. The younger redhead continues kissing and licking my nuts as her fingernails lightly scratch my inner thigh. My grip on her auburn hair tightens when Lexi briefly raises her head and kisses the base of my shaft.

After letting Nicole blow me for a few minutes, Lexi runs her tongue along my prick before pulling away and kissing her big sister’s cheek. Nicole gently releases my cock and gives my tip a quick kiss. Then Nicole grasps my dick between the tips of her fingers and aims it at Lexi.

With a playful smirk, Lexi parts her lips and takes me into her warm mouth. The gorgeous high school student bobs her head on me rapidly for about thirty seconds before practically shoving Nicole out of the way so she can kneel directly in front of me. Nicole gasps, her cute boobs jiggling as she glares at Lexi.

“Lexi!” Nicole hisses in annoyance.

“Play nice, Lexi.” I admonish, giving the teenager a reproachful look, even though my cock is in her mouth.

Ignoring us both, Lexi grips my thighs in both hands and begins sliding her lips down my length, loud slurping noises escaping her lips as she takes in more and more of me. Her fingers clench my thighs as she rolls her emerald eyes up to meet mine. Then Lexi opens her mouth as wide as she can and engulfs me down to the base, making me gasp as I feel my cock embed in the warm confines of her throat.

“I can’t do that.” Nicole mumbles sadly as she watches Lexi hold the deepthroat.

“Y-you don’t have to.” I stammer, not able to come up with a better reply due to Lexi’s tongue snaking out to lick my balls while her throat massages my length.

“Hmph!” Nicole grunts, crossing her arms beneath her freckled breasts, inadvertently pushing the firm globes up and together.

“Lexi, you’re being a brat.” I state firmly as I grip Lexi’s auburn hair in one hand and pull her off my dick. “Apologize to your sister.”

“Sorry.” Lexi gasps, still breathing heavily from having had a cock in her throat. A strand of drool is dangling from her chin as I hold her up by the hair.

“She doesn’t mean it.” Nicole responds with an eye roll.

“It’s not my fault you can’t deepthro-OW!” Lexi’s smart ass reply is cut short as Nicole slaps her bare butt, hard. Lexi’s smirk turns into a strange look. “Uh. Do that again?”

“Slut.” Nicole snorts, her nose crinkling as she smacks Lexi’s other ass cheek, making the younger redhead yelp. “Oh, and it’s not my fault you sucked over a hundred dicks this year alone!”

“Just like it’s not my fault you were too scared to give it up in college!” Lexi points out, a self-satisfied expression on her face as she shifts in my grip so she can hip-check her sister. “You know, like every other woman in the country!”

“I was not scared!” Nicole insists, her mouth wide open in an expression of shock. “I went on dates, I flirted!”

“But you never sealed the deal, did ya?” Lexi asks, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“Lexi. Enough.” I interject in my most authoritative voice as I look down at the naked redheads with a small smirk.

“I don’t need you to fight my battles, Steven!” Nicole snaps before turning back to her sister. “I’ll have you know that I sucked a lot of dick in college! I made one guy cum three times in the back seat of his car.”

“So, you think you can be as slutty as your baby sister?” Lexi challenges, her hands holding her boobs together.

“I’m a Slut-sister!” Nicole states proudly.

“Well then, get sucking!” Lexi smirks before blowing a raspberry.

Accepting the challenge, Nicole hip-checks her younger sister out of the way in order to kneel in front of me. I release Lexi’s hair so that I can grab Nicole’s head in both hands as the elder redhead grasps my cock and strokes it several times. Opening wide, Nicole sucks me in, her cheeks caving in.

“Fuck, that feels good.” I groan, my fingers clenching at her scalp.

Humming happily, Nicole starts bobbing her head rapidly, her hands holding my thighs. Lexi watches as her older sister takes me deeper and deeper each time. Soon, Nicole gags and has to pull back. Taking a deep breath, she tries again, only to choke a second time.

“Relax your throat muscles and breath through your nose.” Lexi coaches, rubbing her sister’s bare shoulder encouragingly. “Oh, and just take it easy, you’re trying too hard.”

Nicole tries several more times, but she is never able to take more than about two-thirds of my dick into her throat. It’s impressive, but Lexi and I can both tell Nicole is disappointed. In the end, Lexi places her fingers beneath her sister’s chin so that the two girls can softly kiss.

“Sorry, Steven.” Nicole mumbles sadly as both girls kneel in front of me, hands on their knees.

“Sorry for what?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “An amazing blowjob?”

“I’m not as good in bed as Lexi.” the accountant sighs as she brushes her long hair back behind her ears.

“Don’t say that!” Lexi exclaims. “Look, I’m sorry for being a brat. You’re hot and desirable and a fucking amazing rug muncher!”

“Is this why you’ve been distant lately?” I ask.

“No! I mean, well, yeah, kinda.” Nicole shrugs sadly. “I really did feel left out, and then I started wondering why, and I thought that maybe I wasn’t good enough. You have a lot of hot babes surrounding you, Steven. It’s tough to compete.”

“It’s not a competition.” I insist, placing my hands on Nicole’s shoulders and helping her to her feet. I press my lips to Nicole’s before breaking away and looking into her green eyes. “I love you and Lexi. Both of you. Very much. I want to be with you. No, I need to be with you. I can’t imagine my life without you two in it.”

“And the other girls?” Nicole wonders with tears in her eyes as Lexi stands up as well.

“I love them, too, but I’m not in love with them. It’s you and Lexi that I need.” I answer carefully. “I could stop sleeping with them, if that’s what you want.”

“Wha-?!” Lexi begins before Nicole touches her shoulder.

“It isn’t.” Nicole smiles softly. “You do make me feel special. I’m being dumb. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize.” I reply, my hand cupping Nicole’s cheek. “We all have our insecure moments.”

“Even you?” Lexi asks in a small voice, her green eyes wide.

“Especially me.” I confirm with a nod and a brittle smile. “Sometimes I wake up at night afraid you all will realize that I’m just an old man. Then I’ll be alone again.”

“Oh, Baby!” Nicole cries, her tears spilling over as she pulls me into a hug. “We’re not going anywhere, unless you tell us to.”

“Fuck that, I’m not leaving even if you tell me to!” Lexi sniffles, slipping up behind me so she can cling to my back as I bury my face in Nicole’s neck.

My heart rate slows and breathing eases as I feel the two nude redheads pressed against me. Nicole’s warm body is molded to my chest, her firm breasts squished against me while my dick rests between us. Lexi’s nipples are hard against the skin of my back, her hands resting on my hips as she holds me close. Despite all the nudity, what is overwhelming me is the love and support I feel from the two amazing women.

“How did I end up with such loving girlfriends?” I ask them after a few minutes, my voice barely above a whisper.

“You’re an amazing man who has so much love.” Lexi replies as she lifts up onto her toes. A small giggle escapes her lips as she kisses the back of my neck. “Fucking us until we can’t think helps, too.”

I slowly lift my head out of Nicole’s neck so I can gaze into her shining green eyes. Nicole is so much more than just Lexi’s sister; she and I have so much in common, we can talk about numbers for hours, and our personalities mesh perfectly. Lexi’s fingers caress my thighs and her breasts rub against my back as I gaze at the elder Davis girl with pure affection and devotion.

All our emotions are running high right now; Lexi is holding herself against my back, I’m between my two amazing girlfriends, and Nicole still has tears in her eyes. Suddenly, I feel my heart rate start to increase as my affections reignite my lust. I stare into Nicole’s eyes as her breathing increases, her pupils dilate, and her lips part slightly as she feels my passion. It feels like forever, but in probably ten seconds, Nicole and I lunge at each other.

Nicole makes a loud mewling noise as our lips press together, her hands burying in my hair so she can hold my face to hers. Wrapping Nicole up in my arms, I push my tongue into her mouth as we make out with passion. Then, the lovely accountant and I move as one, heading straight for the bed without even thinking about it.

When Nicole backs into the bed and starts to climb on it, I immediately follow. Lexi squeaks in protest when I pull out of her grasp, but I barely notice as I remain lost in Nicole’s eyes. Soon, I find myself looking down at the elder redhead, her head on the pillow as she breathes heavily in anticipation.

I feel the bed shift as Lexi climbs on, but I’m still too distracted by Nicole to acknowledge the naked teenager. My fingers caress Nicole’s cheek as my other hand reaches between us to grasp my erection and swipe my tip through her soaked labia. The gorgeous woman nods her head rapidly, indicating her consent for me to continue.

Nicole’s mouth opens wide in a silent scream, her eyes rolling back as my erection pushes into her body. An involuntary groan escapes my lips as I feel her exquisitely tight tunnel gripping me. Nicole is holding my biceps, her back arching as her legs lift and spread, welcoming me inside.

With my length fully embedded in Nicole’s warmth, I shudder softly, my balls resting against her ass as I enjoy the feel of the lovely woman. Nicole runs her toes along my calf, her lower lip quivering as she coos in pleasure and love. Then we really start moving.

Our lovemaking isn’t rushed; it’s soft and gentle. I rhythmically work my cock in and out of Nicole as she rolls her hips to meet my thrusts. We continue to gaze at each other, time passing as we both moan, sharing a beautiful moment, a beautiful connection.

I can feel Lexi’s hand on my back, lightly caressing me as she kneels beside Nicole and I on the bed, silently watching us. Lexi leans in closer a few minutes later when Nicole’s face tightens and she squeaks out an orgasm, making the most adorable expressions. Feeling the elder redhead’s pussy muscles rippling around my dick is almost enough to make me cum, but I hold myself inside her to delay my release.

“Stay with me...” Nicole gasps mid-orgasm, hooking her ankles around my calves as her fingernails dig into my biceps. “Please...”

Nodding in understanding, I resume thrusting into Nicole’s convulsing tunnel. After only a few thrusts, I slam myself into her as my balls clench, making me grunt. Nicole tosses her head back and moans, her body shuddering as another orgasm washes over her. Then my warm semen starts squirting into her, making Nicole cum again. And again. And again.

“Mm.” I hum softly as I withdraw my softening member from Nicole’s snatch before carefully rolling off of her and landing beside her on the bed.

“Oh God, that was amazing.” Nicole hums as she stretches, her legs spread wide as cum oozes out of her hole. “Mm, holy shit!”

Smiling in contentment, I reach over and gently caress Nicole’s lightly-freckled breast. Just like her baby sister, Nicole has incredibly soft skin, and I love running my thumb over her pink nipple. Nicole just lays there, panting as she tries to catch her breath. The two sisters look so much alike, so beautiful, and I’ll never tire of admiring their nude bodies.

My eyes travel from Nicole’s flawless face, down to her firm breasts and flat stomach, then to her red pubic hair and pink pussy. Glancing up, I see another lightly-freckled torso and set of cute boobs before locking eyes with Lexi. She’s giving me a strange look; it’s a mixture of confusion and fear, I think.

Before I can react, the fire returns to Lexi’s green eyes as an evil grin spreads across her face. The little nymphomaniac growls, low in her throat, as she pounces. Nicole barely has the energy to grunt weakly as Lexi kneels between her big sister’s spread legs.

“Fuck, that looks tasty.” Lexi purrs as she grips Nicole’s hips and leans in to slurp my cum out of the older redhead’s box.

“Oh, no more ... no more, ah!” Nicole groans, placing one hand on Lexi’s head as her other reaches out to grab my wrist.

I shift my arm so I can lace my fingers with Nicole’s, allowing her to squeeze my hand tightly as she experiences Lexi’s talented tongue. Knowing just how skilled Lexi is with her mouth, I’m not the slightest bit surprised when Nicole starts squirming as she moans and pants. A moment later, she orgasms yet again before falling limp as she endures Lexi’s relentless attack on her cunt.

“Mm, mm!” Lexi moans as she munches on her big sister’s twat.

Laying my head back against the pillow, I close my eyes and relax to the sounds of Nicole’s desperate moans and Lexi’s loud slurping. Nicole squeezes my hand tighter, and I can feel her leg shake against mine. I chuckle softly as Nicole thrashes twice, gasping loudly while I look down and see Lexi’s head between Nicole’s legs.

“Ah! Oh God, oh fuck! Ah!” Nicole cries out as she falls limp a second time.

“I think she passed out.” Lexi giggles as she sits back on her heels and brushes her auburn hair back behind her ears.

“Really?” I laugh, sitting up and lifting mine and Nicole’s entwined hands. Releasing Nicole’s hand, I watch as it flops lifelessly onto the bed. “Yup. Out cold.”

“Guess I beat ya!” Lexi smirks.

“What? How did you beat me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“We both made her cum, but only I made her pass out from pleasure overload.” Lexi states as she lightly swats Nicole’s bare thigh, making the older girl grunt weakly.

“You used your tongue!” I protest. “I used my dick. It’s different.”

“So, you’re saying my tongue is better than your dick?” Lexi asks with a coy smile.

“That’s not what I meant!” I reply with an expression of mock rage.

“But that’s what you said.” Lexi says in a sing-song voice, still between Nicole’s legs.

“You really are a brat.” I snort.

“You’re welcome!” the teenager chirps before blowing a raspberry.

“Didn’t say thanks.” I roll my eyes.

“I know, that was very rude of you.” Lexi retorts, giving me a self-satisfied grin.

“Oh, Lexi.” I sigh, shaking my head as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Yes?” she asks with an innocent expression.

“Maybe I should make you pass out.” I suggest with a smirk.

“Think ya can, old man?” Lexi wonders with a mischievous expression as she grabs her boobs and presses them together.

“You used to get mad when Kayla called me an old man.” I point out.

“We were still getting to know each other.” Lexi shrugs, still holding her cute, little tits. “Now? Now, we can make fun of each other like couples should.”

“Oh, I get it.” I reply, rolling my eyes yet again.

“Not senile yet? Good!” the high school student sticks out her tongue.

“You’re gonna pay for that one, young lady!” I declare as I lunge for the nude redhead.

Lexi squeals loudly as I tackle her backwards onto the bed. Our motions wake Nicole, who groans weakly as I take charge. I know Lexi loves it rough, and I know exactly how to handle her smart mouth. The bratty teenager giggles and screeches as I flip her around and manhandle her until she’s laying next to Nicole, her head on the pillow.

“Knock it off!” Nicole grunts, rolling away from us and pressing a pillow over her head.

Shaking my head, I take a quick glance at Nicole’s cute bum before turning my attention back to Lexi. Hovering over Lexi, I grab the high school senior’s auburn hair and yank her head back to expose her pale neck. Lunging in, I plant my lips onto her neck and start lightly sucking on her skin.

“Mm, that all ya got?” Lexi challenges as she squirms beneath me.

“Just getting started.” I reply against her neck.

Keeping a firm grip on her hair, I kiss all along her collarbone as my free hand reaches down to caress her little titty. Lexi buries a hand in my hair, her back arching as an involuntary moan escapes her lips when my thumb teases her nipple. The beautiful redhead is trying to act like I’m not turning her on, but I can feel her shivering with arousal as my fingertips run down her body, tickling her rib cage.

“I-it’s not working!” Lexi stammers while Nicole continues ignoring us.

“Liar.” I smirk, leaning up to peck her lips before kissing all the way down to her breasts.

Lexi gasps loudly and grips my bicep with her left hand when my lips find her nipple. I start flicking the little nub with my tongue as my hand reaches between her legs. The sexy high school girl spreads her legs, allowing me access to her most intimate area.

Nicole holds a pillow over her head, facing away from us while Lexi weakly struggles beneath me. The younger redhead’s right hand clings to my scalp as I suck on her nipple and trail two fingers along her soaked labia. Continuing to tease her, I slide my middle finger along her opening, making her gasp.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” Lexi hisses when I finally push two fingers inside her body.

“I thought it wasn’t working?” I smile against her boob.

“Shut up, and finger my pussy!” Lexi snaps as she rolls her hips.

“Yes, ma’am.” I chuckle before playfully licking Lexi’s nipple.

I finally release Lexi’s hair, allowing me to stimulate her with my hands and mouth. Switching to her left tit, I suck on the nipple as my right hand squeezes her other breast. All while my fingers work in and out of her tight hole, making her moan and pant.

“Use your tongue!” Lexi groans a couple minutes later, her leg shaking.

“From what you said, I’m not sure it’s good enough for you.” I tease while kissing all over her tit-flesh.

“Please, lick me. Please!” Lexi whines while bucking her hips so she can take my fingers deep into her tunnel. “I wanna cum on your tongue!”

I decide the best revenge is to make Lexi pass out, so I begin kissing down her body, my hands going to her breasts. As I play with her tits, I kiss all around her belly button, making her giggle cutely. Then I get between her legs and plant a soft kiss on her clean-shaven pubic mound.

“Beautiful.” I whisper, my eyes locked on Lexi’s eighteen year old vulva.

Gripping the little firecracker behind the knees, I bend her legs back, spreading her wide open for me. Swooping in, I quickly kiss her pussy, making her gasp. Next, I lean in and take one long lick, tasting her arousal. Only when she’s panting with need do I finally start to really eat her out in earnest.

Lexi grabs the back of my head in both hands, holding my face to her sopping pussy. I feel Nicole shift beside us when Lexi announces her first orgasm. Then I slip a hand into her cunt and curl my fingers against her g-spot. Lexi screams as she cums twice in rapid succession while I suck on her clit.

“No more, no more...” she gasps weakly as she struggles to push my head away from her pussy.

“Is that so?” I laugh as I climb on top of her and yank her head back by the hair again so I can look into her green eyes. “You’re not unconscious yet.”

“Guess you’re just not good enough.” Lexi husks back, challenging me with her eyes.

“I was more than you can handle, and that was just my tongue.” I reply smoothly.

“Then show me what you can really do with your cock.” Lexi orders, pure lust on her face. “Be rough with me. Punish my little pussy.”

“You’re gonna regret that.” I grin evilly.

Wasting no more time, I sit up and slot the tip of my hard dick at her entrance. Then I grab Lexi’s ankles and hold her legs up and apart as I slide myself home. My sex fiend of a girlfriend plays with her boobs as she looks up at me while I start to pound her.

“Fuck me!” Lexi growls in a raspy voice, baring her teeth. “Fuck me faster, harder, deeper! I need it! Please, I need it!”

“Anything for a lady.” I respond while gripping her ankles tightly. “Hold your legs back for me.”

Lexi releases her lightly-freckled breasts so I can push her legs back to her chest. With her feet by her ears, the flexible teen wraps her arms around her calves, keeping herself bent in half and her pussy fully accessible. Her lips are slightly parted as she gazes up at me, looking both innocent and sexy at the same time.

Planting my hands on the mattress, I bury myself to the hilt in Lexi’s teen twat, making her grunt. I roll my hips to stimulate her vaginal walls, making Lexi shudder and moan my name. Then I pull back and proceed to fuck her brains out.

“Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!” Lexi grunts with each thrust. “Ungh! Fuck me! Ungh!”

“You feel so fucking good, Babe.” I groan, my leg shaking slightly.

With her feet by her ears, I’m able to see Lexi’s toes curl as she reaches the height of pleasure. During her climax, Lexi starts spewing the filthiest comments about how horny she is, and how big my dick is. Even after her orgasm, Lexi keeps up her tirade, all while clenching her well-trained vaginal muscles to stimulate my length.

“Use me, fuck me!” Lexi begs, her pussy holding me in its velvet grip. “I’m yours, Baby! All yours! God, I love your cock!”

“My dick feel good in your little pussy?” I ask in a husky voice as I focus on the amazing feeling of her warmth.

“Yes!” Lexi hisses, her arms rapped tightly around her legs. “You fuck me so good! I’m a cock-hungry slut for you!”

“I want you from behind.” I groan as I slam myself into her several times in rapid succession.

“Mm, yes!” she moans, nodding rapidly. “Fuck me like a dog! I want it rough!”

“You like rough sex?” I inquire as I pull out and grab her hips so I can flip her onto her stomach.

“I love it rough!” Lexi announces as she crouches into the standard doggystyle position, her auburn hair down her back and contrasting with her light skin. “I’m a dirty girl, a nasty slut!”

“You’re in a mood tonight.” I laugh as I get into position behind the redhead.

Glancing over, I see Nicole is now leaning back against the pillow. The elder Davis girl is watching us with wide eyes as her fingertips circle her clit. A small blush appears on Nicole’s face when we lock eyes, and I can see her other hand reach up to squeeze her left breast.

Returning my attention to Lexi, I squeeze her butt cheeks as I push forward and watch my dick disappear up her twat. Switching my grip to her hips, I start to fuck Lexi with a steady rhythm, my balls slapping her with each thrust. The little firecracker has the sexiest back arch as she takes it from behind.

“It’s your pussy, it’s your pussy, it’s your pussy!” Lexi screams over and over.

“Mm, take that dick, Lexi.” Nicole moans while jilling off.

Remembering that Lexi wants it rough, I lift my palm and spank her ass cheeks while continuing to fuck her as hard and fast as I can. When I feel and hear Lexi cum again, I reach out and grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back hard. I can tell her mouth is hanging open as she moans and pants.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Lexi gasps, her moans mixing with the sounds of our bodies slapping together and Nicole panting in the background. “Call me a slut!”

“You’re a slut, Lexi.” I groan, pulling on her hair as I slam my hips against her butt. “You’re my slut!”

“More!” Lexi pleads in a wanton voice, her pussy muscles quivering. “Please, more!”

I don’t respond at first; I just hold Lexi’s hair back as I fuck her as hard as I can. My cock is soaked with her pussy juice as I contemplate what to say. I love a girl talking dirty, but I’m not too great at the dirty talk, myself. Still, I know Lexi loves it when I’m vocal.

“You’d do anything for my cock, wouldn’t you?” I ask thickly.

“Yes, Baby!” Lexi screams, her fingers clenching at the sheets with desperate strength. “I need you in me! My mouth, my pussy, my ass!”

“Do you want my cum, slut?” I say roughly while squeezing her butt.

“I’m a cum-starved whore!” the high school senior announces as she cums on my cock, her little boobs jiggling on my chest from the force of the fucking I’m giving her. “Fuck your bitch! Fuck her hard! And cum! In me! On me! I wanna be covered in your hot cum!”

“You love cum, don’t you, Lexi?” I follow up with, my thrusts growing more erratic as my own release approaches.

“I love your cum! I need it, I need it!” Lexi screeches through clenched teeth. “I wanna swallow you! I want you leaking out of my cunt! Fuck, cum on my face! On my titties!”

“Fuck, I want your cum, too!” Nicole moans as she brings herself off with her fingers. “Oh God, cum all over me!”

“Get on your knees!” I order in a firm voice as I pull out of Lexi’s snatch. “Both of you. Now!”

I smoothly get out of the massive bed and stand beside it as the redheads struggle to follow me. Somehow, Lexi manages to elbow Nicole in the tit as the sisters hop to their feet. A few moments later, the two hot redheads are on their knees before me, wearing nothing but smiles.

“Cum on us!” Nicole begs, her mouth open and tongue sticking out.

“I want it, I want it!” Lexi coos, her fingers tweaking her nipples as she places her face next to her sister’s and sticks her own tongue out.

“You girls are gonna make me cum.” I moan as I jack off, aiming my dick at their faces.

“Can we have your cum, please?” Nicole asks in an innocent voice while holding her tits.

“Pretty please?” Lexi pleads, her lower lip quivering.

Unable to form words, I gasp and groan as my balls clench, releasing their contents. The first rope hits Lexi, half of it landing on her tongue as the rest arcs along her cheek and up to her eyebrow. Switching to Nicole, I paint her face with a shot of cum. Finally, I aim lower, switching back and forth as I coat their beautiful tits.

“Holy shit, that was good.” I gasp as the last drop clings to my tip.

“Mm.” Lexi hums as she leans in and slurps the head of my cock between her lips and sucks softly.

“Yummy!” Nicole giggles as she scoops up some cum from her breasts with her fingers and pops them into her mouth.

After she finishes cleaning my cock, Lexi pulls back and draws her sister into a cum-filled kiss. I happily watch as the two redheads swap my cum between them, moaning happily. Nicole runs her hand along Lexi’s breast as the younger girl slides her fingers through the accountant’s pubic hair.

“You never did make me pass out.” Lexi points out with a grin when the kiss breaks.

“Whatever.” I snort. “Let’s just go wash up so we can cuddle. Brat.”

“You wouldn’t change me.” Lexi insists as she shrugs and stands.

“You sure about that?” Nicole challenges, standing beside Lexi and wrapping an arm around her baby sister’s narrow waist.

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