Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 42

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 42 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


My body is rigid, my heart racing as I stand in the entryway of the living room looking down at my distraught girlfriend. It’s Tuesday evening, and I’m still in my work clothes, my purse slung over my shoulder. I open and close my mouth several times, trying to find words as I look at April, sitting on the couch in pajamas, her eyes swollen and red behind her glasses, and a nearly-empty glass of wine in front of her.

“T-talk about what?” I stammer nervously, finally able to speak.

“How fucking fucked up every fucking thing is! Uurp!” April burps out eloquently as she drunkenly reaches for the bottle of wine and pours the rest of it into the glass.

“I don’t know what that means.” I reply carefully as I set my purse down and approach the couch. “Did something happen?”

“How could you? You said he was a good man. I trusted you.” April mumbles before taking a long swig from the wine glass.

“April, sweetie, you’re not making any sense.” I whisper gently as I reach out to rub her shoulder.

“Don’t!” April yells loudly, recoiling from my touch, causing wine to dribble down her chin.

“Sorry, sorry!” I say quickly, raising my hand in a non-threatening gesture as April wipes the wine from her chin and takes another sip.

“I can’t believe you’re in love with him! He’s disgusting!” April shouts. She’s visibly shaking, eyes wild.

“Baby, you’re scaring me. What are you talking about?” I wonder, terror coursing through me as April polishes off the wine and sets the glass down.

“And I was naked in front of him. I let him watch me cum. He’s horrible ... Kayla, his own daughter, his baby ... he’s so disgusting, I just can’t...” April wraps her arms around herself, tears flowing down her face.

“Oh.” I state plainly, realizing what April is talking about.

“Did you know?” April asks, looking up at me with blurry, watery eyes. “Did you know, and are you protecting him?”

“April...” I trail off weakly, my heart in my throat as I sit down beside her and reach for her hand.

“Did you fucking know?!” she screams, yanking her hand back. “Did you know what that sick fuck is doing to Kayla?!”

“I knew.” I admit. The world dims, black flickering at the edge of my vision as I fall back against the couch. “And, I know it’s wrong, but...”

“Wrong!? WRONG?!” April cuts me off, her voice a high screech. “It’s fucking criminal! It’s disgusting and vile!”

“Baby, I know what it seems like, but...” I begin, trying again to explain.

“Don’t you fucking dare make it sound like it’s okay that he’s raping her!” April hisses, her face red with fury.

“Wait!” I exclaim, feeling compelled to defend Steven. “Raping her, how could you...”

“I saw them!” April wails, nearly hyperventilating as she interrupts me again. “Kayla was coming out of her room and I saw what he did! They didn’t notice me, but he pushed Kayla against the wall, pinning her there with his body. He smiled at her. SMILED! He asked if she was a good girl. Then he held her to the wall and kissed her! He was touching her!”

“W-what were you doing by the bedrooms?” I ask in a small voice, unable to face the actual topic. “There’s a bathroom right by the main living room.”

“What fucking difference does it make?!” April gives me a look mixed with incredulity and fury. “It’s a big house, and I took a wrong turn! I took a wrong turn, and they didn’t see me but I saw them ... I saw them ... I saw them...”

“Oh, April...” I wince, wanting to touch her, but afraid of upsetting her further.

“I was so disgusted, I ran to the bathroom and threw up.” April sighs, looking down at the floor.

“I know it’s frowned upon, but Kayla is an adult.” I swallow weakly, hoping she understands. “Your reaction seems a little extreme...”

“She’s just a baby!” April screams, burying her hands in her hair as her small body shakes. “She’s a baby ... she’s just a baby and he had her pressed against the wall, kissing her! How was she supposed to stop him? Greg is so strong, and she’s just a baby!”

“She didn’t want him to stop. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell y- wait!” I frown, finally comprehending the unknown name. “Who’s Greg?”

“How could he do that to her?!” April cries out, turning in on herself more as she pulls her legs up and curls into a ball on the couch. “Just a baby ... he’s related to her! How could Greg do that?”

“April, who’s Greg?” I ask in a loud, firm voice, trying to get her attention. “What did you see him do?”

“I thought he was so cool, and I was his favorite! Always his favorite...” April begins sobbing, her hands clutching her head, fingers buried in the yellow locks. “He was touching me! I thought ... he made me feel so grown up. And then he ... Oh, God! He ... he...”

Huge, heaving sobs wrack April’s entire body. I want to give her space, but my desire to comfort her finally overwhelms me. Siting down, I pull the petite woman to me. April struggles at first, then finally collapses against me, clutching at me desperately as she cries into my shoulder.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” I whisper soothingly while running my fingers through April’s wavy blonde hair as I try and figure out what the fuck is happening.

“He kissed me, and I couldn’t move.” April whispers, lifting her head off of me and staring straight ahead, her eyes dead as she looks at nothing. “I didn’t want that, and he had his tongue in my mouth. I tried to move, but he held me there. He started whispering in my ear, telling me how much he’d seen me watching him, wanting him. I DIDN’T WANT HIM!”

“Oh, my God!” I gasp, realization flooding me. “April, were, were you raped?”

“Greg started undressing me.” she continues her story through the tears. I’m not sure she even knows I’m here. “I called out, but no one was around. He pulled me down. He just kept telling me how good he was going to make me feel, and how long he’d been waiting for me to be old enough.”

“Y-you knew him?” I stammer, wondering who this monster is. Then, my eyes widen as my overwhelmed brain finally processes the facts. “You were related to him?”

“It hurt so much when he first pushed inside me.” April whimpers, her lower lip quivering. “I couldn’t push him off. I didn’t want him, but he took me right there. He was touching me all over. I couldn’t control my body. I responded, even though I hated it.”

“Oh, April!” I shout, tears running down my cheeks as I hug my girlfriend tightly.

“After he was done, he told me that the way I responded told him he was right about what a slutty girl I was.” April sniffles. “I didn’t want him.”

“Of course you didn’t.” I say strongly. “You were raped.”

“I’m gonna throw up.” April announces, hopping to her feet and staggering toward the bathroom with one hand over her mouth.

I run after April, entering the bathroom just in time to see her kneel in front of the toilet bowl. Crouching beside my girlfriend, I pull back her blonde hair as the small girl starts to retch. Her fingers clutch the edge of the toilet as her stomach expels its contents.

“I didn’t want him!” April cries when she’s done vomiting. The little nerd falls against me, her head against my bosom. “I didn’t want him. I didn’t want him. I didn’t.”

“I know, my love. I know.” I coo, rocking April gently as I kiss the top of her head.

I’m holding April close, my arms tightly around her as she mumbles to herself. A couple minutes later, the mumbling stops, and I realize that April is unconscious. Still, we stay on the bathroom floor as I struggle to find the strength to move us.

Carefully setting April down, I use a wet wash cloth to clean her face before wiping away my own tears. While the petite girl weighs less than ninety pounds, I still struggle to move her. With her dead weight in my arms, I manage to slowly carry my girlfriend to bed.

Laying April on her side, I bundle her up under the covers before removing her glasses. I’m hungry, but it’s still early. I figure April and I can eat after a nap. Stripping down to my panties, I climb into bed and wrap my arms around April. My bare breasts squish against her back as I fall asleep holding her, still in shock.

A loud, piercing scream rents the silence, causing me to jerk awake. April’s small body starts struggling in my arms, her head flying backward and smacking me in the face. Crying out, I instinctively release April as she pulls away, ultimately rolling off the bed and falling right on the floor.

“April!” I screech, flying out of bed to try and help her.

“I don’t want to, I don’t want to!” she blubbers, curling up into a ball on the floor.

“It’s me!” I shout, trying to make her understand. “April, it’s Stacey! I’m not Greg!”

At the mention of Greg, April whimpers softly, her body shaking. Shit. I don’t know what to do. April won’t even let me touch her. I’m so overwhelmed, I need help. Maybe it’s a mistake, considering the trigger for April’s meltdown, but I just have to reach out to the one person I can always count on. The one person who always knows what to do.

“H-hello?” Steven tiredly says into the phone when he finally picks up.

“Steven? It’s Stacey!” I reply loudly as I stand just outside the bedroom so that April doesn’t hear.

“Is everything okay?!” he asks in a panicked voice, all earlier traces of exhaustion gone. “Is it Barry?”

“No! No, it’s not Barry.” I say quickly.

“Then why are you calling at 4:00AM?” Steven wonders.

“It’s 4:00AM?!” I ask stupidly. Nine hours of sleep? Holy shit!

“It is.” he confirms. “And Lexi is staring at me.”

“It’s April!” I finally gasp out. “It’s an emergency! She’s having some kind of mental breakdown!”

“What happened? Is it about Barry?” Steven inquires, and I can hear the concern in his voice.

“It’s, um, well, it’s complicated.” I sigh, reluctant to admit everything over the phone. “I came home after work last night, and she had been drinking. She was crying. She ended up throwing up in the bathroom then passing out. I got her into bed and we fell asleep. I think it was only 7:00PM or so. I woke up a few minutes ago to her screaming. She’s on the floor now, and she won’t let me touch her.”

“Okay.” he says softly. “Okay. I’m coming over. Try and talk soothingly to her, and don’t touch her if she doesn’t want you to.”

“Thank you.” I reply sincerely. “I owe you.”

“You don’t owe me anything.” Steven insists firmly. “We’re family. Now, I’ll see you soon. Bye, Stacey.”

“Goodbye, Steven.” I respond before ending the call.

Checking my phone, I realize Steven is correct. It is currently 4:00AM Wednesday morning. My stomach grumbles, reminding me of how long it’s been since my last meal. Shaking my head to clear it, I run to the kitchen and grab April a bottle of water.

When I return to the bedroom, I find my girlfriend in the same spot, curled up on the floor beside the bed. Her head is inches from the bedside table, and we’re lucky she doesn’t have a concussion. I place the bottle on the bedside table as I try and get April’s attention.

“I didn’t want him.” she mumbles yet again, still rocking and sobbing.

“April! Baby, come on.” I say, trying to get her to acknowledge me.

“Stacey?” April whispers, her head turning to look at me.

“Yes, it’s me.” I smile softly as I bend my knees and reach toward her. “C’mon, you can’t stay on the floor all day.”

“I don’t want to.” she mutters, her eyes downcast.

“Okay, we’ll do whatever you want.” I assure her as I grab the water bottle and open it. “Would you like some water?”

“Y-yes.” April stammers, reaching for the bottle.

I give April some space as she raises the bottle to her lips and greedily drinks several mouthfuls. A small breath escapes my lips as I resist the urge to reach out and touch her. I want to comfort her, but I don’t know what to say. I also have so many questions, and so much hatred for this Greg guy. He’s causing pain to the sweetest, sassiest, cutest girl in the world.

Time passes as we stay beside the bed in silence. I’m crouching, watching April as her fingers tightly hold the water bottle while she slowly sips on it. I want to say something comforting, but I can’t think of anything, and we just get lost in our own thoughts until there’s a knock on the door.

April jumps at the sound, her eyes wide as she looks around wildly. I coo softly to her until she calms down, returning to her emotionless state. Then I leave the bedroom and walk straight up to the door. Opening the door, I see Steven standing there, his look of concern quickly turning into a smirk.

“Beautiful outfit.” he comments teasingly. “It really brings out your nipples.”

“Oh. Right! Oops!” I stammer, placing one arm over my breasts as I realize that I’m still wearing nothing but a pair of orange panties. “Sorry, I forgot my tits were out.”

“No need to apologize.” he smiles charmingly, before sighing sadly. “I’m guessing you were worried about April?”

“Still am, actually.” I sigh. “She seems barely coherent.”

“I would have thought it was about Barry, but you said it’s not him.” Steven frowns. “Oh, and speaking of Barry, you should really consider moving into a place with better security. Most modern apartment buildings at least require you to scan a fob to open an entrance. I just walked right in.”

“I know, I know.” I reply quickly. “We’re gonna look for a new place soon.”

“Good.” he nods, before glancing sideways quickly. “Maybe we should finish this conversation inside? In case some of your neighbors are early risers.”

“Right! Wouldn’t wanna give them a free show.” I say, stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter with my free hand. “Please, come in.”

Steven steps inside and I close the door behind him. Now that the door is shut, I shamelessly drop my hand, letting my boobs hang freely as Steven looks at me in concern. I swallow nervously as I try to figure out what to tell him. My thoughts are racing, concern for April overwhelming me.

“So, what is going on with April?” Steven eventually asks carefully. “You said it was an emergency.”

“It is!” I exclaim, my panic returning. “She’s crying a lot, we fell asleep last night without eating. She woke me up when she started screaming! I called you right away.”

“Okay.” he nods. “Did she give you any indication as to what’s wrong?”

“She saw you kissing Kayla, and ranted about you being disgusting. I tried to argue with her, but then she started talking about rape and some guy named Greg.” I say quickly, letting it all out at once.

“Wait. What?” Steven wonders, eyes wide as he takes a deep breath. “Okay. We’ll worry about what she saw later. Who’s Greg?”

“I don’t know!” I wail, shaking my hands frantically in my panic. “From how she reacted, I think he was a relative? I think he hurt her badly, and she repressed it.”

“Then seeing Kayla and I brought everything back?” he suggests, completing my thought.

“I think so?” I shrug helplessly.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be here.” Steven sighs reluctantly. “I might just make things worse, considering what triggered all this.”

“Please, just talk to her?” I beg, my blue eyes shining with tears. “I didn’t know who else to call, and I know you can fix anything!”

“I’ll try.” he nods slowly.

I take my time leading Steven toward the bedroom by the hand. My heart is pounding with anxiety, which is only slightly lessened by his presence. He’s standing beside me in the doorway, dressed very casually in jeans and a t-shirt. With a gesture, he indicates for me to go first.

“April?” I call out softly, grateful she’s on the side of the bed facing the door. “Someone’s here. He wants to help.”

“Who?” April asks quietly, her back against the bedside table, knees pulled up to her chest, arms around them and head down.

“Hi, April. It’s Steven.” he says gently, taking a few steps forward.

“Steven?” the petite girl mumbles, lifting her head to reveal her red-rimmed eyes.

“Yeah.” Steven smiles. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay, I guess. Wait ... wait! No, it’s you!” April trails off, her eyes widening in fear as she looks up into Steven’s face.

“April? You okay?” he asks hesitantly, his brow furrowed in concern.

“Baby?” I add, my lower lip quivering.

“You bastard!” April shrieks as she suddenly uncoils, lunging forward.

“April!” I cry out as the small woman slams into Steven.

Steven is completely unprepared for the impact, only managing to let out a small grunt as April’s body collides with his. Despite the size difference, April is able to tackle him backward, both of them crashing into the floor. April is a flurry of nails, fists, and knees as Steven holds his arms defensively, clearly unwilling to risk hurting her.

“FUCK YOU!” April screams, eyes wild as she claws at him. “I don’t want you! I never wanted you!”

“APRIL!” I yell, trying to intervene, only stepping back when a rogue elbow catches me in the face. “He’s not Greg!”

“I trusted you!” April wails, doing everything she can to try and get past Steven’s arm so she can reach his face.

“I’m not Greg! April, I’m not Greg!” Steven replies urgently, trying to get through to the distraught girl. “I’m Steven, your friend! I’d never hurt you!”

“You ruined my life, you piece of shit!” April hisses, her arms a blur as she alternates between punching and scratching.

“Get her off me!” he yells to me as I stand there in shock.

“Uh, okay! Right, right!” I nod quickly.

Taking a deep breath, I gather my strength and lunge forward. Wrapping my arms around April’s middle, I heave backwards, pulling my girlfriend off of my boss. April tosses her head, her back pressing into my chest as her little legs kick wildly. I wince when I feel her fingernails digging into my forearm.

“We need to restrain her before she hurts herself!” Steven shouts as he scrambles to his feet.

“Uh, um...”I mumble as I struggle to keep hold of April, adrenaline making her incredibly strong. “Handcuffs!”

“Handcuffs?” he inquires.

“Bedside table!” I explain, April nearly taking me off my feet. She’s tiny, but I’m not the most muscular woman out there, by any means.

“Right!” Steven says as he rushes to the bedside table closest to the door and yanks the drawer open. “I can’t find them!”

“The other bedside table!” I snap in annoyance as April’s heel painfully slams into my shin.

Steven scrambles over the bed in his haste to reach the other side. Yanking open the drawer of my bedside table, Steven pulls out my fuzzy pink handcuffs. Moments later, he’s back at my side as I follow his instructions to get April over to the bed. She continues flailing wildly, even as Steven cuffs her right wrist to the headboard, allowing both of us to back away.

“April, you need to calm down.” he whispers soothingly. “You’re safe. No one’s gonna hurt you.”

“Baby, please!” I cry, tears in my blue eyes.

“Not again.” April whimpers, her body going limp. “I don’t want you. I don’t. No. Let me go. Please, Uncle Greg. Just let me go.”

April doesn’t even try to get out of the handcuffs. She just sits there, her legs in front of her, wavy blonde hair framing her face as her tiny body shakes. A small whimpering sound escapes her lips, and she seems completely out of touch with reality.

“Steven, what do we do?!” I wonder, fear in my voice as he and I stand just outside my bedroom door so April can’t hear us.

“She’s having a full emotional break. We need to call 9-8-8.” Steven states seriously. “It’s the mental health crisis version of 9-1-1, basically.”

“Seriously?!” I gasp. “Is that really necessary?”

“April’s a danger to herself and others.” he points out. “We have to.”

“W-what do I do?” I stammer.

“First, I need to know if she has any history with mental illness, or if she’s on any medication?” Steven inquires. “I’m sure they’ll ask.”

“Not that I know of.” I shake my head. “For medication, just birth control.”

“Did she take anything?” Steven follows up with. “Anything recreational?”

“Definitely not.” I insist.

“Okay, thank you.” he gives me a strong smile. “Go stay with her. Talk soothingly, and don’t pressure her.”

“Thank you, Steven.” I mumble as I walk back to April.

I sit beside April, whispering softly as Steven stands by the door and pulls out his phone. He dials and puts the phone to his face. I soon realize that Steven and I stepping out so April can’t hear is useless; I can clearly hear Steven’s conversation.

“My name is Steven Thomson. I’m at the apartment of my employee, Stacey Martin.” he begins in a calm voice. “Her roommate, April Heidele is having a mental health crisis. She has been crying and screaming. April threw herself at me and had to be physically pulled off of me. Stacey and I believe she’s a danger to herself.”

Tears run down my cheeks as I look at my girlfriend while listening to Steven describe what April is wearing, and what she looks like. He confirms April’s age and address, explains that she isn’t on any medication, and has no history of mental illness. I actually whimper when Steven insists that there are no weapons in the apartment.

I lose track of the conversation as April starts lightly pulling on the handcuffs. She looks at me with such sad eyes, that I just break. Glancing back at Steven, I see that he’s still distracted, talking on the phone while not looking at us. I quickly rush around the bed to grab the handcuff key, then free April.

“She wants to talk to April.” Steven says suddenly, making me jump.

“Um, okay.” I nod, taking the phone and placing it to April’s face.

What follows succeeds in truly breaking my heart. The only thing April manages to accomplish is to confirm her name. Other than that, she mumbles about Greg, about not wanting him, and just starts sobbing incoherently into the phone.

Steven eventually takes his phone back as I continue trying to comfort April. I hear him saying April won’t let us move her, then he promises to meet outside the apartment building. He mentions my name before setting the phone down.

“They’re gonna send a couple of CIT officers to talk to April.” Steven tells me.

“CIT?” I frown in confusion.

“Crisis Intervention Team.” he explains. “They’ll be in plain clothes, and they’re trained to deal with this kind of thing.”

“O-oh. Okay.” I sniffle.

“I’m gonna wait outside so I can show them in.” Steven tells me before glancing at my chest. “Maybe you should put some clothes on?”

“Right! Clothes. I can do that!” I say as I hop to my feet and rush to my dresser to dig out a bra.

Steven gives April plenty of space as I place my boobs in the bra cups and hook it behind my back. Then I step into jeans and throw on a t-shirt. I give Steven a quick peck on the lips as he heads outside to meet the CIT officers.

April mumbles and cries softly, ignoring me completely as we wait. She won’t respond to her name, and shivers every time I come too close. All I can do is stare at my love, completely helpless as I try to avoid thinking about the cause of all her pain.

I have no idea how much time passes before I hear the front door open. Steven then leads in two people dressed in casual clothing, one man and one woman. They appear to be in their late-twenties to early-thirties, and have kind smiles on their faces.

Both officers introduce themselves, then they ask to speak with April alone. I’m reluctant to leave her, but Steven quickly agrees with the officers and takes my hand, leading me from the bedroom. He takes me into the living room, out of earshot.

“Are you okay?” Steven asks quietly.

“No. Not at all.” I answer plainly, arms crossed beneath my breasts.

“She’s with people who are trained to deal with this kind of thing.” he assures me.

“I should be helping her.” I insist in a firm voice, glaring at Steven.

“Neither of us are trained mental health professionals.” Steven reminds me, a small frown on his face. “In retrospect, cuffing her to the bed probably wasn’t a smart idea.”

“Probably not.” I sigh. “Still, we were afraid she’d hurt herself...”

“NO!” April screams from the bedroom. “I DIDN’T WANT HIM!”

Steven grabs my arm, preventing me from running to check on April. I glare at him as I hear hushed voices from the other room. Their words are too quiet to make out, but it’s obvious that they are doing everything they can to calm April down.

My anxiety only increases as time goes by, and I find myself pacing back and forth as I try and fail to remain calm. Just as I’m about to rush past Steven and barge into the bedroom, the two CIT officers reappear, leading a crying April. My girlfriend is still in her pajamas, the only difference now is that her feet are covered with sneakers.

“April was nice enough to agree to come with us to a nearby center.” the female officer says kindly. “They’re open twenty-four hours, and will be happy to help her.”

“We’re going with you.” I quickly interject.

“Stacey,” Steven begins carefully, “how about we pack some things for April and meet them there?”

“That’s a great idea.” the male officer smiles.

“I’m not leaving her!” I hiss angrily, my eyes flicking between the officers and Steven.

“She’s in good hands.” Steven responds calmly. “The best thing we can do is be calm and gather everything April will need.”

“He’s right.” the female officer nods. “She’s safe. I promise.”

The male officer gives Steven the address of the Mental Health Treatment Center, then both officers leave with April, whose eyes indicate she’s barely aware of the world around her. I start crying again as the door closes with a loud thud.

“April will be okay.” Steven insists as he draws me into a tight hug.

“You don’t know that!” I sob into his chest, finally letting go.

Steven holds me tightly as I cry loudly. I can feel his strong arms around me, his hands lightly rubbing my back as I break down. This is all too much. April is a rape victim. From what I can tell, her own uncle hurt her! I need to be with her, I need to be with her!

“C’mon, Stacey.” Steven eventually says, placing his hand beneath my chin to encourage me to look at him. “We need to be strong for April.”

“W-what do we do?” I ask, feeling completely helpless.

“Let’s pack some things for her, then I’ll drive us to the center.” he suggests.

I quickly agree and get to work. I pack some clothes and other necessities in an overnight bag, along with April’s purse and phone. Then I run to the bathroom to wash my face and go through as much of my morning routine as I can. Putting on my shoes, I sling my purse over my shoulder, grab the overnight bag, and follow Steven out the door.

Steven drives us to the treatment center in silence. He does attempt to make small talk, but I only reply with grunts or one word answers, so he quickly gives up. I reach out and take his hand as he pulls down a long driveway leading to the multiple buildings that make up the Mental Health Treatment Center.

As Steven parks the car, I realize the place is actually very nice. There’s beautiful scenery, and the buildings all look graceful and inviting. From what my phone says, this place has inpatient and outpatient services. I hope they can help April.

We head inside the main building and I rush up to the front desk so I can demand to see April. The poor young woman, with Steven’s help, manages to calm me down and let me know that April is in with a doctor right now. I’m not happy, but Steven drags me to the waiting room to sit down.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do now?” I ask in a huff, my arms crossed.

“Did April ever mention Greg to you?” Steven counters with for some reason.

“No.” I snap, an angry expression on my face. “She never once talked about being assaulted.”

“Is she close with her family?” he wonders.

“Kinda?” I reply with a shrug. “Her parents live in California, but they’re a few hours drive away. April moved down here for school, then never went back. I don’t think they know about her and I.”

“Maybe we should call them.” Steven suggests. “They might want to be here, and they could know more about what happened?”

“Their numbers should be in April’s phone.” I tell him as I grab the overnight bag and start rummaging through it.

“I know you’re upset, but you should probably call.” he says slowly. “They might panic if they see their daughter calling but instead hear a strange man’s voice.”

I’m nervous, but I nod in agreement as I pull out April’s phone. Fortunately, I know her pass code, so I’m able to unlock her phone. Scrolling to her mom’s number, I start the call and put the phone to my face, hoping that she wakes up to answer.

“M-morning, April.” Laura Heidele mumbles sleepily. “Why are you calling so early?”

“Hi, Mrs. Heidele. This is Stacey, April’s college roommate, and, uh, current roommate.” I nervously stammer into the phone.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Is April okay?!” Mrs. Heidele quickly asks, all traces of exhaustion gone from her voice.

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