Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 41

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 41 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


“Feel good, Baby? You like my tight, little pussy?” Lexi coos, a smoky expression on her face as she looks over her shoulder at me.

“I love your tight, little pussy, Lexi.” I reply while laying on my back and taking in the view.

What a view it is. With her shapely legs on either side of my hips, she uses the strength in them to bounce up and down in my lap. I watch as she takes me in over and over again, her juices glistening on my manhood right before my entire length disappears as Lexi slams herself back down onto me.

Slowly, my glance travels upwards. I admire her heart-shaped bottom before my eyes land on her adorable back dimples. I can’t resist; I grab her hips, my thumbs resting on those sexy dimples as I grind her down on me for a moment.

Then there’s the light spread of freckles across her bare back. They create swirling patterns that I’ll happily watch forever. Finally, the way her auburn hair hangs down her back and spills across her light skin serves to only increase my lust. I will never get tired of this view.

“Oh, I love this song!” Lexi exclaims, looking up toward the ceiling as another fast beat starts up on her phone.

“It has no words, just like the last one.” I snort while trailing my fingertips up her back.

“Shut up and make me cum!” she chants to the beat, her hands flying to her breasts so she can tug on her nipples.

Releasing a chuckle, I shake my head as I place my hands beneath my head so Lexi can use my cock for her pleasure. The sexy redhead continues riding me reverse cowgirl while roughly pulling on her nipples. Eventually, my girlfriend takes my entire length up her teen twat and grinds herself down on me as she looks straight up and lets out a series of adorable gasping noises. She’s cumming. Hard. What a way to spend a Sunday evening.

“Let me suck your dick!” Lexi begs wantonly. Leaning forward, she tightly grips my calves as she rapidly raises and lowers her butt, taking me in and out of her love tunnel. “Please! I wanna suck you!”

“Suck me, Lexi.” I encourage as I reach out and spank her tight ass cheek.

Lexi lifts her body until my erection falls out of her, treating me to an amazing view of her pretty, pink pussy. Even as I watch, her labia start to close, reminding me of just how tight she is. Then she turns her body, and the beautiful sight is gone.

Resting on her knees with her little feet in the air behind her, Lexi kneels perpendicular to me. I reach down to squeeze a hanging tit as Lexi starts planting soft kisses all along my shaft. Finally, she grips me at the base and lifts my erection before opening her mouth and taking me inside.

“Fuck, yes!” I hiss, tossing my head back when I feel the warm wetness of her mouth on my crown.

Humming happily, Lexi engulfs half of my length in one quick down stroke. She groans happily as she tastes her own juices on my cock. Then her hand releases my base, allowing her to lightly massage my balls as she begins bobbing her head. My eyes close as I listen to the soft slurping sounds, barely audible over the music.

Resting one hand on Lexi’s head, my other releases her breast as I trail my fingers down her body, loving the feel of her soft, smooth skin. Grabbing a handful of her delectable ass, I raise my hand and give her a light spank. Then I run my fingers along her labia until my digits are coated in her feminine nectar. I push two fingers into her hole, making Lexi groan around my thickness as her strong vaginal muscles clamp down.

Closing my eyes, I let out a breath and continue fingering Lexi as she sucks on me while bathing my shaft with her wiggling tongue. A few moments later, the nymphomaniac deep throats me, causing me to gasp as I feel my cock bury in the confines of her throat. Holy shit, Lexi knows how to suck dick. I love her talented mouth.

“Feels good, Babe.” I groan, my fingers clenching her auburn locks.

I can actually feel Lexi smile around my erection before she clamps her lips down on me again. Then she starts swallowing, causing her throat to massage my entire length. Fuck, I nearly cum just from this. My leg shakes as I pant heavily.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!” Lexi moans as she goes back to bobbing her head, once more taking about half of me between her lips.

“I’ll cum if you keep this up.” I warn. I don’t want the fun to end just yet.

“Mm, maybe I want you to cum in my slutty mouth.” she purrs when she pulls her lips off my dick. Then she starts trailing soft kisses along my shaft while holding the base firmly.

“I can definitely cum down your throat.” I nod, tilting my head to the side as if I’m considering all the possibilities. “I think I’d like to be inside you again first, though.”

“That can be arranged.” Lexi husks as she softly strokes me, her green eyes locked on mine. “Do you want me on my back? Or shall I bend over?”

“How about you ride me so I can watch those titties bounce?” I suggest, reaching down to cup Lexi’s cheek.

“You are so lazy.” she snorts before breaking out into a fit of giggles.

“Hey, I usually do all the work!” I insist as I give Lexi a look of mock-offense.

“Whatever.” Lexi rolls her eyes.

“I’m getting old!” I reason, my thumb caressing the soft skin of her cheek. “If you want dick, climb on!”

“I always want dick.” the redhead replies, licking her lips seductively.

My naked girlfriend sits up and brushes her hair back behind her ears. Tossing her leg over me, Lexi straddles me as she reaches between us so she can aim my erection directly at her opening. We both let out a long sigh as Lexi lowers down onto me, impaling herself on my throbbing manhood.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I moan, sliding my hands up her body so I can palm her little boobs.

“Fuck, you’re big.” she groans, her eyes closing, mouth hanging open as she focuses on the feeling of being stretched.

I smirk as I tweak her nipples, making Lexi pant and moan. Then, as the sexy minx begins to ride me, I move my hands to her hips so I can guide her movements. Lexi places her hands on my chest, applying pressure as she bounces up and down. I take advantage of the moment to lay back and relax, watching her tits bounce the entire time.

“You gonna cum again for me?” I ask a few minutes later, holding her hips tightly as my cock throbs inside the tight teen.

“Soon.” Lexi whispers, her eyes closed as she claws at my bare chest. “Oh God, soon!”

“Make yourself cum.” I order as I smile up at her adorable face.

“Mm,” she moans softly while slapping a hand to her crotch so she can rub her clit, “yes, Sir!”

Taking my entire length into her warmth, Lexi starts to rapidly stimulate her love button as she grinds on me. I can see her eyelids fluttering as her release approaches. She’s making the cutest expressions, her face scrunching up, her lower jaw quivering.

“Oh shit, I’m gonna cum!” she announces, her hips rolling as she rubs her clit. “I’m cumming! Oh, Steven! I’m cumming! Steven!”

I hold onto Lexi’s hips, a satisfied expression on my face as I enjoy the feel of Lexi’s convulsing little cunt. Damn, she’s having one intense orgasm. An involuntary groan escapes my lips as I feel my balls start to clench, their contents close to boiling over. Ecstasy is about to take over, flooding my brain with the highest pleasure, so naturally my phone chooses this moment to start ringing.

“That’s not your ringtone.” Lexi frowns, her orgasm ending as she listens to the song coming out of my phone.

“It’s the one I use for Stacey.” I explain, biting my lower lip in shame.

“She has her own ringtone?” my girlfriend asks, her hand lifting from her pussy as she looks down at me with a serious expression on her face.

“Um, well, yes.” I answer. Yeah, this is an odd conversation, considering I’m currently inside Lexi. “It’s weird that she’s calling, maybe I should answer.”

“No, you shouldn’t. She’s probably just calling out for tomorrow.” Lexi rolls her eyes before mumbling. “At least it isn’t a love song.”

“She would have just sent me a text if she wasn’t coming in tomorrow.” I reply, concern on my face.

“Steven, just ignore it.” Lexi pants as she starts to ride me again. “Ignore your blonde assistant, and enjoy your redhead girlfriend’s hot pussy.”

“I ... okay.” I reply as the call ends.

“Good.” she smirks, her breasts jiggling as she resumes clawing at my chest. “Fuck, forget my mouth, fill my slutty cunt with your hot load.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I grin, my hands returning to her boobs.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard!” Lexi begs as Stacey’s ringtone starts up again.

“Stacey’s calling right back; something’s wrong. I have to take this.” I say quickly, reaching for my bedside table and groping around for my phone.

The look Lexi gives me is saying she’s not sure whether she’s going to kill me for Stacey’s ringtone, or for the fact that I’m answering a call from a woman who’s in love with me while balls-deep inside her. As good as Lexi feels around me, my stomach is tight; Stacey is calling me twice in a row on a Sunday night, something must be wrong. Lexi’s eyes flash dangerously as she grinds down on me, not stopping as I grab my phone.

“Somebody better be dying.” Lexi mutters in frustration.

“Steven! Help! Please, help us!” Stacey screams frantically as soon as I accept the call, loud enough for even Lexi to hear. “Oh God, he’s breaking in! Please help! He’s right outside!”

“Stacey!” I shout into the phone as Lexi leaps off of me, her eyes wide. “Stacey, who’s breaking in?!”

“Barry!” Stacey screams, a loud pounding noise nearly drowning out her voice. “Help, please!”

“Steven, what do we do?!” Lexi screeches as she hops out of bed and starts pacing back and forth frantically, her naked breasts heaving as she breathes heavily.

“Stacey, call the police!” I advise while getting out of bed. “I’m coming over, but you need to call the police!”

“What do I do?” my girlfriend asks, facing me as she clenches her head, overwhelmed with indecision.

“Stacey?” I call out after my assistant screams. Then the line goes dead. “Shit!”

“Should we call the police?” Lexi wonders, looking at me with wide eyes.

“Go wake Hazel and Kayla.” I instruct as I open my contacts. “I’m calling Sarah.”

“Okay!” Lexi nods as the nude girl runs from the room.

Various thoughts and scenarios run through my head as I scroll through my contacts to find Sarah’s name. I can understand what is happening; Barry is pissed about losing the contract. Yet, as far as I know he’s still employed at his law firm, so he must be really unhinged to risk everything like this. Fuck, fears of Stacey and April getting assaulted and raped consume me as I start the call to Sarah.

“Hey, sexy man!” Sarah says excitedly when she answers the phone. “I was just thinking about you, what’s up?”

“My assistant just called me.” I respond quickly. “Someone is trying to break into her apartment.”

“Did she call the police?” my detective friend wonders, turning serious.

“I told her to, but the line went dead.” I answer. “She knows the guy. He’s a lawyer who was involved in a business dealing. I got him fired for mistreating Stacey.”

“Okay, text me her full name and address.” Sarah instructs. “I’ll send a squad car right over.”

“Thank you!” I exclaim before ending the call.

I text Stacey’s name and address to Sarah, then I try calling my assistant. No answer. Shit. Tossing my phone on the bed, I rush to my dresser to grab clean clothes. Three girls rush into the room as I’m putting on my socks. Lexi is still completely naked while Kayla and Hazel are wearing panties.

“What’s going on?” Hazel demands.

“Lexi said Stacey’s in trouble!” Kayla exclaims, her hands at her side as they clench in her panic.

“Someone’s trying to break into Stacey and April’s apartment.” I answer quickly as I reach for my shoes. “I called Sarah. She’s sending the police, but I’m gonna go over.”

“I’m coming, too!” Lexi insists.

“So am I!” Kayla announces while Hazel looks on with wide eyes. “Stacey’s my friend!”

“There’s no time, I have to go.” I respond while tying my shoes.

“I’m going!” Lexi states firmly.

“Fine.” I grunt in annoyance. “Put some clothes on and we’ll go. Kayla, Hazel, please wait at home.”

“Just let us know when she’s okay.” Kayla says, acquiescing.

“We’ll be waiting.” Hazel adds.

“Of course.” I promise. “Hurry up, Lexi.”

“I’m working on it!” Lexi snaps as she steps into her panties.

When Lexi is finally ready, we both kiss Kayla and Hazel before running out the door. The two of us get in my car and I pull out onto the street, slamming on the gas to get us up to speed. Fifteen minutes into the drive, my phone goes off so I answer it with the button on my dash.

“Hello?” I say quickly.

“The police are at your assistant’s place.” Sarah’s voice comes over the car speaker. “Barry is in custody.”

“That was fast.” Lexi comments quietly.

“Are Stacey and April okay?” I inquire, ignoring Lexi while my hands tightly grip the steering wheel.

“They’re fine.” Sarah assures me calmly. “The cops got there right as he managed to break the door down. Good thing he was so drunk, or he would have got in much sooner.”

“Thank you.” I whisper, letting out a breath as the anxiety finally starts to leave me. I know it won’t be completely gone until I see Stacey and April are safe with my own eyes. “Thank you so much, Sarah.”

“I’m glad I could help.” Sarah replies.

“Listen, I’m gonna let you go.” I say. “We’re almost at the apartment.”

“Okay, I’ll be up awhile longer if you need anything.” Sarah promises.

“Thanks. Bye, Sarah.” I reply.

“Bye.” Sarah responds, ending our conversation.

“Nice to have a detective in your contacts, isn’t it?” Lexi asks with a giggle.

“It really is.” I agree. “Even if I didn’t, we could still have called the police.”

“Like you did when Keith kidnapped Kayla and I.” my girlfriend mumbles.

“Exactly.” I nod.

There are two police cars outside the apartment building, their flashing lights indicating their presence as I park the car. Lexi and I rush toward the entrance, our feet loudly thumping on the pavement. When passing the first police car, I glance over and can clearly see there is a man in the back seat. I can’t see his face, but it has to be Barry. Two uniformed officers are standing by the car.

The entrance isn’t blocked by police, so we are able to run right in. I shake my head at the lack of security as Lexi and I enter the elevator. Once we’re on the right floor, we rush down the hall until we reach Stacey and April’s door. Lexi gasps when she sees the way the door has clearly been broken in. There is even crime scene tape over the door.

“Can I help you?” an officer asks, blocking the entrance.

“I work with Stacey.” I answer quickly. “I’m the one who called the police.”

“Steven!” Stacey squeals from somewhere inside.

“It’s okay, let them in.” a male voice comes from inside.

The officer stands aside and lets us duck beneath the crime scene tape. Stacey and April are standing together, holding hands and shaking. They’re both bare foot and wearing robes. I can see the indents from their nipples in the fabric. A second officer is standing near them, writing in a notepad.

“Steven!” Stacey screeches again, looking at me like she wants to rush to me.

“Hi, Steven.” April smiles, seeming just as relieved to see me. “Lexi.”

“Are you girls okay?” I ask.

“We are now that you’re here.” Stacey answers.

“Yeah, thank you for coming.” April agrees. “Both of you.”

“We’re here for you.” Lexi says, surprising me with the sincerity in her voice.

Lexi and I fall silent as the officer asks a follow up question. My girlfriend takes my hand while we wait for the officer to gather all the information he needs. Once he’s satisfied, he goes over the procedure for getting a restraining order, then makes his exit.

“I was so scared!” Stacey announces, running to me as her emotions finally overwhelm her.

“It’s okay, you’re okay.” I whisper, holding my assistant close as I rub her back softly. “I’m here.”

I hold Stacey for a few minutes as she sobs into my chest. My fingers run through her blonde locks while she shakes in my grasp. April walks up beside Stacey, placing her hand on my assistant’s back. I can feel another hand on my shoulder, and know it’s Lexi.

“W-what do we do now?” April stammers, looking at me from behind her glasses. The little nerd looks so lost.

“Your door will need to be fixed. Hopefully, the landlord takes care of that quickly.” I answer, looking over at the door. “It looks like it’ll close, but there’s no way to lock it right now.”

“And the cop mentioned a restraining order.” Lexi points out.

“Both of those will probably have to wait until tomorrow.” I reason.

“I don’t feel safe here.” Stacey mumbles.

“Stay with us tonight.” Lexi immediately offers.

“Really?” April asks in surprise.

“Yes, really.” I add. “We’ll take you back to the mansion. We have plenty of room. It’s safe.”

“Thank you.” Stacey whispers.

“Why don’t we get some of your clothes?” Lexi suggests. “Oh, and your toothbrushes. Plus, whatever else you need.”

“I’ll get some things for both of us.” April says as Stacey clings to me.

April and Lexi disappear into Stacey’s room as I hold my distraught assistant. I can tell tears are running down her cheeks. I coo softly to her, assuring Stacey that she’s safe and loved. Eventually, she pulls back slightly and looks up at me.

“Thank you.” Stacey says again, her hands at my waist, clenching me. “I panicked and didn’t think of calling the police. All I could think is that you’d protect me, so I called you. He was throwing himself against the door. I screamed and dropped the phone. Our call must have ended.”

“I’m just glad help got here in time.” I say, pulling Stacey back in for a tight hug and leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“You were the first person I thought of. The only person I thought of.” Stacey explains. “I felt guilty about calling you.”

“Why would you feel guilty?” I ask in confusion.

“I was worried you were gonna get hurt fighting him or something.” Stacey tells me. “I was scared for you! I’d die if anything happened to you.”

“Situations like this are why we have police. Do I seem like some idiot manly man to you?” I wonder with a chuckle. Then I pound my chest and let out a manly grunt. “Do I have to go around punching people now? I love you, Stacey, but you need to stop with the romance novels.”

“I love you, too.” she replies with a giggle. “So much. My hero.”

Stacey reaches up and grabs the back of my head, standing on her toes as she pulls me in for a kiss. Fuck. The thought of losing her, of something terrible happening to her, it’s more than I can handle. I can’t imagine life without her, any more than I can imagine it without Lexi or Nicole. I’m so fucked. Feeling so much love for three women. No, four. Hazel and our child are as much a part of my heart as the others. How do I make this all work without any of us getting hurt?

I know I should stop this kiss, it isn’t right. Yet, when Stacey’s tongue probes at my lips, I find my mouth opening, allowing her entry. Our tongues dance as we clutch at each other, her breasts squishing against my chest while we both sway softly. That’s when I hear a throat clearing behind us.

Our arms fly away from each other as Stacey and I break our kiss and each take several steps back. Facing the other two women in the apartment, I see that Lexi has her arms crossed and a small frown on her face. April looks unsure of how to handle this. We’re all silent for at least twenty seconds.

“I, um, we were just...” Stacey eventually mumbles pathetically.

“Stacey was really emotional.” I speak up. “I was comforting her.”

“With your tongue down her throat?” April wonders with a raised eyebrow.

“Sorry.” Stacey squeaks.

“Yeah, sorry Lexi.” I say to my girlfriend.

“Should I be worried?” Lexi asks plainly.

“No!” Stacey and I shout at the same time.

“It’s okay.” Lexi says after a few seconds, finally breaking into a smirk. “I did let you kiss before, and this is a really emotional time for Stacey. Still, fair is fair.”

Lexi then shocks all of us by turning and grabbing April by the back of the head. My girlfriend then pulls the stunned nerd forward and plants a big kiss on her. April lets out a surprised squeak before accepting the situation and pressing herself against Lexi so the two short girls can make out.

As Stacey and I watch, April places a hand on Lexi’s chest and starts caressing my girlfriend’s breast from outside her shirt. Lexi and April moan heavily as their tongues wrestle and they clench at each other. A minute later, they break apart, both red in the face.

“Well that was fun.” Lexi comments as she walks over to me and stands on her toes to peck my lips.

“Um, yeah!” April agrees in her cute voice.

“So, what now?” Stacey asks.

“Oh!” April exclaims before holding out the overnight bag on her shoulder. “I packed some clothes for tomorrow, our toothbrushes and birth control pills. I figured we could just put on shoes and get in the car with Lexi and Steven.”

“We’re gonna go out like this?” Stacey frowns.

“Sure, why not?” April shrugs. “We’re wearing robes, we’re covered. And we’re just going to the car.”

“Okay, let’s go!” Lexi chirps.

April and Stacey step into shoes before grabbing their phones and purses. I set the door so that it looks like it’s firmly shut. That, combined with the crime scene tape should ensure no one tries to get in. Then the four of us head out to my car. The three girls get in my car while I place the overnight bag in the trunk. Then we’re off. I call Sarah to let her know that Stacey and April are with me.

“Yeah, Sarah, everything went fine. I owe you one.” I say.

“I’m sure I can think of a way for you to repay me, hero.” Sarah purrs.

Glancing sideways, I see Lexi smirk in the front seat. Then I look in the rear view mirror and notice Stacey and April giggling in the back seat. Sarah doesn’t realize she’s on the car speakerphone. My fault for not telling her, I suppose.

“We thank you, too, Sarah!” April can’t help but be a little bratty, despite her actual gratitude.

“You’re on the car speaker, Sarah.” I tell her way too late.

“Oh, um ... I’ll talk to you later, Steven.” Sarah embarrassingly ends the conversation.

I hear a noise, and soon realize that April is leaning forward in her seat. The petite blonde runs her thin fingers along the side of my neck, finding a ticklish spot. I struggle to keep my eyes on the road as I shudder from the tickle and eroticism.

“Yeah, hero...” April breathes into my ear, “we owe you one.”

The adorable nerd then breaks into hysterical giggles as the nerves of the night overwhelm her. The giggles turn into full laughter, and soon April is sitting back in her seat with her hand over her mouth. The laughter becomes sobbing tears as I watch in the rear view mirror. April buries her face into Stacey’s shoulder. Adrenaline really is a weird thing.

“Breathe.” Stacey urges, holding her girlfriend close. “We’re okay. We’re okay.”

“I was so scared!” April wails. “What if he hurt you, Stacey?”

“He didn’t hurt either of us.” Stacey coos, trying to comfort April. “We’re both okay. We’re both safe.”

“Do either of you need anything?” I ask, trying to take their mind off their fears as I turn my full attention back to the road. “I can stop somewhere if you’re hungry.”

“I’m okay, how about you, April?” Stacey wonders softly.

“I’m not hungry.” April mumbles.

“You’re both staying with us tonight.” Lexi adds. “We won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Stacey spends the rest of the ride soothing April. By the time I park the car at the mansion, April is mostly calm. The four of us make our way through the house until we reach the hallway with the bedrooms. Lexi knocks on Kayla’s door, then Hazel’s. Kayla and Hazel both come out of Kayla’s bedroom, this time wearing robes.

“Are you okay?!” Kayla squeals as she rushes to hug Stacey.

“I’m okay.” Stacey mumbles, hugging my daughter back.

Hugs are exchanged as Stacey and April repeat their story for Kayla and Hazel. Eventually, we realize just how late it is. April, Stacey, and I are definitely skipping work tomorrow, and Lexi says she isn’t going to school. Hazel and Kayla are still planning on going in, so I kiss them before they disappear into their bedrooms.

“You two can use the room beside Hazel’s.” I say to Stacey and April as I head toward the bedroom.

“I don’t want to be away from you.” Stacey whispers, tears forming in her eyes.

“It’s okay, I’ll be with you.” April says, taking Stacey’s hand. “Lexi and Steven need to go to bed. They’ve done enough for us.”

“Wait.” Lexi says before letting out a sigh. I can see compassion in her eyes as she looks at Stacey.

“Everything okay, Lexi?” I ask with a frown.

“Yes.” the redhead nods. “Stacey and April have been through a lot tonight. We’re here for them.”

“Of course we are...” I reply, not sure where my girlfriend is going with this.

“If I had been through that, if Kayla had been through that, neither of us would be able to sleep without you being right there. Remember what happened after the kidnapping? Anyway, we have the giant bed.” Lexi smirks. “There’s room for all four of us.”

“Lexi, are you sure?” April asks slowly.

“I am.” my girlfriend nods.

“Thank you.” Stacey whispers. “Thank you so much.”

“Works out for me, I get to sleep with two hot babes!” Lexi winks as she walks by us and slips into the master bedroom.

With bemused expressions, April, Stacey, and I follow Lexi into the bedroom. We kick off our shoes and socks, then I set the overnight bag down on the vanity before Stacey starts going through it. Lexi is plugging her phone in so it can charge, and April is looking around the large bedroom with interest.

“April, you didn’t pack any pajamas.” Stacey says while searching through the overnight bag.

“Why would we need pajamas?” April wonders as she confidently drops her robe, revealing her tight body, including her cute, little boobs.

“April!” Stacey hisses, standing over the overnight bag while holding a toothbrush in one hand and a pill container in the other.

“I completely agree!” Lexi announces, whipping off her shirt and tossing it in the hamper.

“I bet you’re loving this.” Stacey crosses her arms beneath her breasts as she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

“No complaints.” I shrug, trying to pretend like I’m not interested. I’m actually watching April out of the corner of my eye. She has a hot, little body, and I’m getting hard just thinking about what I want to do to her. April looks especially cute in her light green panties.

“We can all tell you’re checking out April.” Lexi giggles, dropping her pants so that she’s clad in only her underwear. They’re cute; the white pair with pink and red hearts that she wears sometimes.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I reply, feigning innocence.

“Feel free to look!” April grins, striking a sexy pose, with her arms above her head. “Sadly for you, all of this is for Stacey!”

“Thanks.” Stacey smirks, still standing in her robe. “I’m going to go brush my teeth.”

“Bathroom is in the back.” I inform her, pointing toward the master bathroom.

“Don’t change the subject!” Lexi insists, hands on her hips. “Steven, lose the clothes.”

“And Stacey, tits out!” April adds, nodding firmly.

Stacey and I look at each other, both of us smiling as we realize how alike our partners are. Both so fiery and energetic, and of course, both perpetually horny. I’m glad that the four of us are starting to become friends. I hope that, in time, all the negativity and awkwardness will completely disappear.

My blonde assistant’s eyes start to sparkle as she unties her robe and shrugs out of it, exposing her tight body. I swallow weakly as I admire Stacey’s flawless frame. Flat stomach, large breasts, shapely legs, and she’s only covered by a pair of red panties.

“Yup, he’s hard.” Lexi confirms. “Nice job, ladies!”

“I can’t help it.” I acknowledge with a helpless expression. “All three of you are fucking gorgeous.”

“Thanks, sexy man!” April replies, walking up to me and standing on her toes to kiss my cheek. “Now, Stacey and I are going to the bathroom to brush our teeth. You’d better be down to your undies by the time we get back!”

With that, April walks over to Stacey and grabs her own toothbrush before looping her arm through my assistant’s. Both girls give me mischievous grins before turning around and heading for the bathroom. The two sexy blondes disappear, leaving me alone with the sexy redhead.

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