Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 40

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 40 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


My thumbs tap on the steering wheel as I listen to music while sitting at a red light. I may be a rich guy, but no one can tell by my car. It’s a standard four door sedan. Nothing fancy, just something reliable and practical. It gets me from one place to another, this is all I need.

It’s Friday, and I’m stuck in traffic as I drive to a local restaurant for lunch. Yeah, Stacey is sad that I’m missing our usual lunch, but she understands. At least, I think she does. After all, she and I are having dinner tonight with our girlfriends.

I sigh as I think about everything going on with Stacey and Lexi. I love both girls, but Lexi is the one I truly want to be with. Stacey is still hurt by this, but at least she is official with April now. For her part, April is still angry at me for hurting Stacey. Lexi? Lexi still has her own hang ups. Hopefully, the four of us can reach an understanding and be friends.

A loud honk jerks me back to reality. Shit, the light’s green! I take my foot off the brake and lightly press down on the gas. Looking in the rear view mirror, I see the guy in the car behind me waving his middle finger. I let out a breath as I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Several minutes later, I’m pulling into the parking lot of the locally owned bar and grill. Nothing fancy, but it’s a nice place that I eat at occasionally. Good food, great prices, nice atmosphere. Only downside is that it is always crowded.

Once I’m inside, I get a table for two and am shown to it by the hostess. When I sit down, I pull out my phone and text that I am here. The waitress arrives and sets down some bread on the table. Then I order two sodas as I wait, one of them diet. While waiting, I send a few texts; to Nicole, to Lexi, to my daughter. I even send a message to Stacey, telling her I hope she enjoys her own lunch.

“Steven! Hi!” a cute, female voice calls out, drawing my attention away from my phone.

“Hey, Sarah.” I reply with a charming smile as I stand up and open my arms for a hug.

“Thanks for meeting me.” Sarah says as she hugs me tight.

“It’s my pleasure.” I respond while squeezing her petite frame against me.

The hug breaks, and I pull out Sarah’s chair while gesturing politely for her to sit down. She smiles at me and takes a seat. She’s looking lovely today with her light brown hair in a short ponytail, revealing the entirety of her kind face. Sarah is wearing a brown jacket, which is concealing her gun and badge. I’m in one of my usual business suits.

“You look very handsome today.” Sarah comments before taking a sip of her diet soda, her eyes never leaving mine as she cutely holds the straw to her lips.

“And you’re a vision, as always.” I nod as I give her another winning smile.

“Nah, I look like a cop.” Sarah tells me.

“You do not look like a cop!” I laugh. “With your baby face, you could pass for a high school student.”

“You’re full of shit.” Sarah rolls her eyes playfully. “I’m almost thirty!”

“And I’m forty.” I snort. “You’re flirting with an old man!”

“You call this flirting?” Sarah wonders as I feel her run her foot against my calf.

“You did ask me out.” I shrug.

“I did not!” Sarah giggles. “I just asked if you’d meet me for lunch!”

“On a date.” I point out.

“I never used that word.” Sarah insists.

“Why not?” I inquire with a raised eyebrow. “You said I was handsome.”

“You are handsome.” Sarah agrees with a sharp nod. “You’re also being a brat!”

“Me? No way!” I exclaim in mock offense as I place my hand over my heart. “I’m just a guy on a date with a beautiful, young woman.”

Sarah responds by sticking out her tongue at me before taking another sip of her drink. Before I can follow up, the waitress arrives to take our orders. I ask for a cheeseburger and fries, while Sarah requests a chicken salad. The waitress makes her exit and we resume our conversation.

“So, why’d you ask me out?” I inquire, continuing to tease the detective.

“Oh, just let it go!” Sarah laughs. “I didn’t ask you out, I just wanted to have lunch with my friend.”

“Your friend with benefits.” I point out.

“Mm, they’re great benefits, too.” she licks her upper lip. “Still, this isn’t a date.”

“I know, I’m just teasing you.” I smile.

“I appreciate it.” Sarah states, her smile faltering. “I need it.”

“Rough week?” I inquire as I cut a piece of bread in half. I butter both pieces before handing one to Sarah.

“You could say that.” she answers carefully before taking a bite of bread.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” I offer.

“Maybe.” Sarah whispers as she looks down at her bread.

“Sarah,” I begin as I reach out and touch her arm reassuringly, “I take the ‘friend’ part of ‘friends with benefits’ very seriously. I’m your friend.”

“I appreciate that.” she replies. “I don’t have a lot of friends. The job keeps me so busy.”

“Well, thank you for taking the time to meet me for lunch.” I smirk.

“You’re welcome.” Sarah responds.

The table falls silent. We spend a few minutes polishing off our bread and sipping on our drinks. I don’t know Sarah very well yet, but I already care a lot about her. I’m happy to give her the time she needs, and I’m here when she’s ready to talk.

“I handle a lot of certain types of cases.” Sarah eventually says.

“What does that mean?” I frown in confusion.

“I’m the only female detective in the precinct,” she explains, “so rape victims, kids, well, I’m the one assigned to talk to them. They usually find it easier to talk to a woman.”

“I can understand that.” I nod. “I know I’m grateful Kayla and Lexi had you advocating for them.”

“It was my pleasure.” Sarah gives me a strong smile, despite the tears in her eyes. “Anyway, we got a call from the local elementary school, a kid with bruises.”

“I see.” I let out a breath, dreading where this is going.

I let Sarah tell her story, tears streaming down her face the entire time. It’s heartbreaking, and I almost start crying myself, but I stay strong for Sarah. Her small hand is in mine as she describes the horror. I want to go out and deal with those sorry excuses for parents myself.

“Okay, I have a chicken salad.” the waitress announces, causing Sarah to fall silent.

“That’s mine.” Sarah speaks up, pulling her hand out of mine to wipe away her tears.

“Here you go.” the waitress says as she sets the salad down in front of Sarah. “And I have a burger and fries.”

“Right here.” I state with a smile as I take my plate.

“Can I get you anything else?” the young woman asks.

“I think we’re all set, thanks.” I reply politely.

“Okay, enjoy!” the waitress exclaims before turning and walking away.

“How can you be in such great shape when you eat crap like that?” Sarah wonders when I take a big bite of my burger.

“I work out every day.” I answer with a shrug after swallowing.

“Yeah, so do I, and I eat healthy.” she follows up with. “And you’re probably still in better shape than I am.”

“You’re in amazing shape, Sarah.” I insist. “And your meal isn’t completely healthy. I’ve heard that diet soda is as bad for, if not worse for you, than regular.”

“Okay, fair point.” Sarah laughs. “But I only have one once in awhile!”

“And I usually eat very well.” I counter. “Sometimes a guy just wants a good burger.”

“Fine, fine!” Sarah giggles cutely as she holds up her salad-laden fork. “Thanks for listening, by the way.”

“Made me want to go out and find those parents.” I admit with a sigh.

“Yeah, the interrogation was tough for me.” she lets out a breath before popping her fork into her mouth.

“I can’t imagine doing your job.” I say with a shake of my head.

“And I can’t imagine yours.” Sarah replies. “All those boring spreadsheets.”

“Those boring spreadsheets result in big numbers in my bank accounts.” I retort.

“That’s fair.” she nods.

Sarah and I keep talking as we eat. She’s such a pleasant person to be around, and her mood seems to improve as we chat. Sarah is smiling as she continues to tease me and ask questions about my life. I’m glad I can be a listening ear for my friend, someone she can talk to, someone who can cheer her up just with my presence.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” I begin at one point, “what happened with David’s bail? I thought it would be revoked for sure.”

“It was the judge David got.” Sarah says darkly. “He’s famous for light sentences. David insisted he didn’t do anything that day in school and Kelsey wouldn’t testify. I’m sorry. I really am. I hate that Kayla has to see that bastard every day.”

“I hate it, too.” I sigh. “At least there’s only a few weeks left until graduation.”

“That’s true.” she nods. “And David can’t go to graduation, right?”

“No, he definitely can’t.” I respond.

We’re soon finished eating, and neither of us wants dessert. The waitress brings the bill, and Sarah and I argue about who is paying. Sarah wants to pay for me, I want to pay for her. We compromise and split the bill, leaving a very generous tip.

“You should have let me pay, I invited you!” Sarah giggles as we leave the restaurant, her arm looped through mine.

“And I love treating a beautiful woman to a nice meal.” I respond.

“Always so charming.” Sarah nudges me with her hip. “And sweet.”

“Or maybe I’m just trying to get in your pants.” I suggest.

“We both know it’s more than that.” she whispers as we make it to her car.

Sarah stands in front of me and places a hand on my cheek. With my hands on her hips, I lean in and capture her lips. The detective lets out a happy moan as she passionately kisses me back. I can feel her tongue pushing between my lips and into my mouth.

For several minutes, we continue making out with enthusiasm. I can feel Sarah’s gun as I slide my hands around her body to cup her tight ass. Damn, this girl has firm butt cheeks. Sarah’s fingers caress my cheek as she rests her other hand on my chest.

“I want you inside me.” Sarah husks against my lips.

“I want that, too,” I whisper, “but we both have to get back to work.”

“Let’s get in the back seat.” she suggests as she leans up to nibble on my ear. “I’ll suck your dick.”

“Anyone could see us.” I reason as I squeeze her buns.

“I don’t care.” Sarah replies urgently. “I don’t care!”

“Why, Detective McLorn,” I say teasingly, “do you have an exhibitionist streak?”

“Maybe.” she giggles and shrugs her shoulders. “Or maybe I just love your cock that much.”

We continue kissing next to her car. I feel like a horny teenager, not caring who is around, needing Sarah right here, right now. She hits the remote on her car, unlocking it. As she’s pulling the back door open, her phone goes off. Sarah breaks the kiss with obvious annoyance.

I look around as Sarah checks her phone. There are people milling about, some going into the restaurant, others leaving it. An older woman rolls her eyes at me as she passes, making me smirk. She doesn’t approve. I guess she has a point, making out and groping in public isn’t very mature of Sarah and I.

“Fuck, I’m being called in.” she hisses.

“Another time?” I suggest with a sigh as I give her bum a playful smack before pulling my hands off of her.

“Yeah,” Sarah nods rapidly, “yeah, definitely.”

“It’s probably for the best.” I reason. “You’re a cop and I’m a forty year old man, we can’t fool around like a couple of eighteen year old high school students in the back seat of a car.”

“I guess.” she purses her lips. “Still, the risk of getting caught is actually turning me on.”

“So, you are an exhibitionist!” I laugh.

“I am not!” Sarah insists, smacking my chest playfully.

“You wanna get caught going down on a guy in broad daylight.” I point out. “Sounds like an exhibitionist to me.”

“Jerk.” she smirks as she crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

“So, you don’t want me to fuck you on a balcony?” I inquire with a frown. “Maybe you’re gripping the railing as I drill you from behind. Anyone walking by could look up and see us...”

“Um, well, maybe I’d like that, a little bit.” Sarah blushes and looks away.

“I’ll look into it.” I promise as I place my fingers beneath her chin and turn her head so she’s looking at me. I then lean in and peck her lips. “For you.”

“Thank you.” she whispers as she pecks me back. Then her phone goes off again. “Shit! I really have to go.”

“Okay, talk soon?” I ask as I hug her.

“I’ll text you.” Sarah responds, kissing my cheek as she hugs me back.

I open Sarah’s front door and help her into the car. She smiles and comments that I’m such a gentleman. Then I shut the door and she waves as she backs out of the parking space and onto the street. I go to my car and start the drive back to my office.

“How was lunch, Sir?” Stacey asks when I arrive back at the office.

“It was good, thanks!” I answer with a smile as I stop at Stacey’s desk. “Yours?”

“Fine.” Stacey shrugs. “Lonely.”

“Sorry about that.” I reply smoothly. “I’ll make it up to you with dinner.”

“You better.” she smirks.

“Yes, Ma’am!” I exclaim.

“Cute.” Stacey snorts. “Anyway, I’m guessing you two didn’t have time to fuck, but did you at least get your knob polished?”

“Not everything is about sex.” I shake my head. “I had lunch with a dear friend. That was it.”

“Poor, baby.” she pouts teasingly. “Didn’t get any!”

“I’ll survive.” I reply with chuckle.

“Or, you’ll jack off to porn in your office.” Stacey suggests with another shrug. “One or the other.”

“I’m glad we can tease each other again, Stacey.” I say as I look down at my assistant, my friend.

“Me, too.” Stacey smiles before gesturing toward my office door. “Now go watch some porn. I’ll be fine.”

“Did you email Ken to make sure everything is on track with the acquisition?” I inquire, bringing the subject over to work.

“Yeah, and when he ignored the email for two days, I followed up with Brenda.” my blonde assistant rolls her eyes. “Ken is useless, Brenda really is the only thing holding that company together.”

“I’ll make sure she’s paid what she’s worth once she is working for me.” I promise.

“You better.” Stacey winks. Then she gestures again at my office door. “Go jack off, I got this.”

“I’m not gonna play with myself.” I insist, shaking my head as I walk toward my office.

“If you say so!” she calls out after me.

I chuckle and enter my office, leaving the door wide open. I do this both to prove a point to Stacey, and to allow employees access to me if they have any issues. A couple of people do come by with questions or concerns, but I’m mostly left alone to work.

I’m not just working, I’m doing more than sending emails and looking at spreadsheets. I’m also texting. I flirt with Nicole, and she even sends me a couple of teasing pictures. I don’t text with Sarah, since she’s busy with whatever work is calling her in over. However, I also message Lexi and Kayla. At one point, Kayla says something shocking.

Kayla: David’s in the hospital!

Steven: Did you bite another penis off? ;P

Kayla: No, jackass. A bunch of guys got together and kicked David’s ass this morning.

Steven: Seriously?

Kayla: Yup! I can’t believe I just found out! I didn’t even notice the absent players.

Steven: Even in your school, gossip can take a few hours to travel.

Kayla: I’m worried about the players. Can you check with Detective McLorn?

Steven: Yes, I’ll text her. Are you okay?

Kayla: Thank you, Daddy. And yes, I’m fine. I’m free of David.

Steven: Take care of yourself, baby girl.

Kayla: Of course, Daddy. :*

My daughter isn’t the only one texting me. I also have messages from Ashley and Lexi. After assuring both of them that I’m up to speed, I send a message to Detective Sarah McLorn, asking her about the incident. It takes awhile for her to respond, and I get back to work. Finally, my phone goes off.

Steven: Kayla told me David is in the hospital.

Sarah: Yes, I was just informed. I was about to tell you.

Steven: What happened? The girls didn’t have much information.

Sarah: You know I could get in trouble for just telling you things?

Steven: It’ll be our secret. ;)

Sarah: You’re lucky you’re hot.

Steven: :D

Sarah: What do you want to know? He got jumped in the morning before school started.

Steven: How bad was it?

Sarah: Pretty bad. He’ll be in the hospital for awhile. Broken arm, several broken ribs.

Steven: What’s gonna happen to the guys who jumped David?

Sarah: They’ve already been suspended, and they are now facing assault charges.

Steven: Shit. I was afraid of that.

Sarah: Yup. David may have deserved what he got, but assault is a crime.

Steven: What happens now?

Sarah: Their parents are talking to lawyers. Hopefully, they plead out to avoid felony charges.

Steven: Is that likely?

Sarah: They’re all first-time offenders, so it’s possible. They’re all over eighteen, unfortunately.

Steven: This could destroy their futures.

Sarah: It could, yes.

Steven: What can I do?

Sarah: Steven, I know your instinct is to help, but I’d strongly advise you stay out of it.

Steven: I could pay for better lawyers...

Sarah: Trust me, Steven. I know Kayla will feel some guilt, but those boys made a choice.

Steven: I understand.

Sarah: Please help Kayla and the girls understand, too.

Steven: I will. Thank you, Sarah.

Sarah: You’re welcome.

I send out various texts to Lexi, Kayla, and Hazel. I confirm Hazel is feeling okay and I remind Lexi that we have dinner tonight. In addition, I insist to Kayla that everything will be okay, and let her know that I’m gonna leave work early. Finally, I text Stacey, asking her to come to my office.

“You could have just yelled for me, I was ten feet away.” Stacey rolls her eyes as she waltzes into my office in her business skirt.

“Sorry.” I smirk as I stand up and start packing up my briefcase.

“Are you going somewhere?” she asks with a frown.

“Remember David? My daughter’s ex-boyfriend?” I inquire while putting papers into my briefcase.

“Uh, yeah?” Stacey replies in obvious confusion. “He raped Lexi and those other girls.”

“He got jumped before school this morning.” I explain. “He’s in the hospital.”

“Great, hope he’s suffering.” she shrugs.

“Me, too.” I nod. “But I’m just worried Kayla is blaming herself. The guys who jumped David are facing assault charges.”

“I didn’t think of that.” Stacey lets out a breath. “So, you’re leaving early?”

“Yeah, but don’t worry, we’re still on for dinner. I just wanna see Kayla first.” I tell my assistant.

“Okay, good.” she gives me a smile. “Go, be with Kayla. I’ll hold down the fort.”

‘Thanks, Stacey.” I say as I walk up to her and hug her.

My beautiful blonde assistant hugs me back before we both leave my office. I shut the door and make my way out of the building. Then I get in my car and drive home. The girls still beat me home. I find Lexi, Kayla, and Hazel waiting for me in the main living room, cuddling on the couch.

“Hi, Baby!” Lexi chirps when she notices me.

“Daddy!” Kayla exclaims. “You’re home early!”

“Steven.” Hazel nods.

“Hi, girls.” I say with a smile. “How are you doing?”

“Had to throw up once after lunch, but I got to the bathroom in time.” Hazel answers.

“I’m good.” Lexi responds.

“Okay, I guess.” Kayla mumbles.

“Think there’s room for me on the couch?” I ask, gesturing at the girls.

“We’ll make room!” Lexi insists. “C’mon, girls, squish together!”

The girls do make room for me on the couch. I end up with three lovely eighteen year old girls cuddling with me. I’m not able to hold all of them, it just doesn’t work, but I make sure we’re all snuggling so that no one is left out.

“I talked to Sarah,” I begin, “and the guys are talking to lawyers, but they’re probably facing assault charges.”

“What can we do, Daddy?” Kayla asks in a small, scared voice.

“Nothing, Honey.” I sigh. “The guys have lawyers, hopefully they can come to a plea agreement and avoid anything too serious.”

“What if they can’t?” Kayla whispers as Lexi kisses the raven-haired beauty’s temple.

“The guys made a choice, Kayla.” I answer. “They may have to face some consequences. I know that you feel responsible, but you’re not. You didn’t ask them to assault David. Stephanie didn’t ask them to assault David, and Kelsey didn’t ask them to assault David.”

“But David deserved it!” Lexi insists.

“Assault is still illegal.” I state firmly. “The guys are adults now, just like David and Keith. They all have to face the consequences of their actions.”

“It isn’t right that they get punished for beating up that asshole!” Hazel hisses.

“It’s fine to think that, but please, please,” I beg, “don’t do anything crazy. You have your own futures to think about.”

“I won’t do anything crazy, Daddy.” Kayla tells me. “I promise.”

“That’s my girl.” I say with a smile. “Now, how about we watch some television? As a family.”

“We are a family, aren’t we?” Hazel wonders happily.

“Yes, we are!” Lexi exclaims.

“By the way, Hazel and I are going out after dinner tonight.” Kayla says, changing the subject.

“Oh?” I follow up with.

“Yeah, we’re going to a movie with the girls.” Hazel confirms. “Ian and Josh are coming, too.”

“Have fun!” I tell them.

“Steven and I will entertain ourselves when we get back from dinner.” Lexi purrs as she runs her finger down my chest.

With a smirk, I reach over and pick up the remote so I can start up one of our streaming services. The four of us decide to watch a horror movie. We all like horror, so it’s a great choice, and I get to watch the girls jump cutely at all the scary parts.

When the movie ends, it’s time for Lexi and I to get ready. We leave Hazel and Kayla to cuddle on the couch as my girlfriend and I make our way to the master bedroom. I’m already in my suit, but Lexi puts her auburn hair up and slips into a brand new, light blue dress before stepping into a pair of delicate heels.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I breathe as she stands in front of me holding a clutch purse.

“Fuck, you’re big.” she replies with a cute wink.

I’m overwhelmed with affection for the beautiful redhead as I find myself approaching her. I take Lexi’s lightly-freckled face in both hands as I lean in and peck her lips. Then I pull back and gaze into her eyes as a smile spreads across my lips. She truly is gorgeous. I love her freckles, her cute, little nose, and every other detail of her flawless face.

“I love you, Alexis Davis.” I whisper, my voice full of passion as I hold her face and admire her.

“And I love you, Steven Thomson.” Lexi replies, her hands caressing my wrists as a smile enhances her beauty.

“You have nothing to worry about tonight.” I assure her, my thumbs gently running across her light skin. “I’m with you. I want to be with you.”

“I believe you.” Lexi mumbles. “I’m still scared.”

“Stacey is with April now.” I remind my girlfriend before leaning in to kiss her again. “Don’t be scared, everything is gonna be okay.”

“I’ll try.” she lets out a breath as she nods.

I give Lexi a reassuring smile before taking her hand and leading her from the bedroom. Our bedroom. Hazel and Kayla comment on how good we look before saying goodbye. Then my girlfriend and I leave the mansion and get into my car. I start the engine and pull out onto the street.

It isn’t long before I’m entering the lot of a nice, upscale restaurant. I recognize Stacey’s car and park a couple of spaces away from it. I’m just in time, too, as the doors open and two gorgeous, young women in nice dresses step out onto the pavement.

Both girls are unbelievably sexy in their little black dresses and matching heels. Stacey is of middling height, her larger breasts creating a delicious-looking cleavage. My blonde assistant has her hair up in an elegant hairdo, and her baby blues are sparkling. I almost sigh when I remember making love to my assistant. I have to admit that I miss the intimacy between us.

Little April shuts the passenger side door and walks around the car to stand beside Stacey. The tiny nerd is as cute as ever in her glasses, her intelligence obvious in her green eyes. Her wavy blonde hair is framing her face, and I love the way her black dress clings to her small breasts. With all the attention I get at home, it’s surprising how much April stirs me up. She’s so small; I’m torn between a desire to protect her and wanting to fuck the girl’s brains out.

“Hi Stacey, hi April.” I say with a polite smile.

“Hey, Steven.” Stacey replies.

“Steven.” April nods, and I can see her eyes running me up and down. “Nice to see you again.”

April is still looking at me with distrust, but there’s something more now. Our eyes briefly meet, before we both glance away quickly. I can feel something electric passing between us. Something intense. I can feel it lingering in me, shooting through my entire body, even after April’s green eyes leave mine.

“Hi, girls.” Lexi gives them a small smile.

“All three of you are stunning.” I comment smoothly.

“Someone angling for a foursome tonight?” Stacey suggests with a giggle.

“Keep dreaming, Buddy!” April snorts playfully. However, she does look away quickly when I glance her way. Her cheeks are flushed.

“Should we head inside?” Lexi suggests, changing the subject.

“Yeah, we should.” I respond, taking Lexi’s hand. Then I gesture in front of me toward April and Stacey. “Ladies, after you.”

“Such a gentleman!” Stacey exclaims as she and April turn and start walking.

“Yeah, right,” April laughs, “he just wants to watch our butts.”

“To be fair, have you seen your butts?” I ask, grinning.

“I have!” April exclaims, looking over her shoulder at me as her tiny hand grabs Stacey’s bum, making the taller girl gasp. “And this fine piece of ass is all mine!”

“That’s okay, I’ll take yours.” I shrug as I look directly at April.

“Steven!” Lexi exclaims, swatting me on the arm.

I squeeze Lexi’s hand reassuringly as April turns and looks away, her face red. The short blonde is clearly blushing deeply, and she’s now very interested in looking forward as she and Stacey walk. I do check out the swaying female asses as the four of us walk toward the entrance to the restaurant.

After Stacey and April walk through the door, I glance over at Lexi. The redhead looks nervous, but she is clearly watching the two girls and doesn’t notice me staring. Lexi takes a deep breath, pulls her shoulders back, and walks in with me, forcing a smile.

The reservation is under Thomson, which the hostess quickly confirms. She then shows us to our table. All four of us are smiling as the waiter arrives to take our drink orders. I order a mixed drink while the girls order wine. Lexi’s smile vanishes when the waiter asks for her ID. The redhead crosses her arms and pouts as she orders something non-alcoholic. April gets carded as well, but she’s over twenty-one.

“Guess I look old.” Stacey frowns when the waiter walks away.

“You’re my old lady!” April giggles as she wraps an arm around Stacey’s shoulders.

“Whatever.” Stacey grunts.

“Hey, I didn’t get carded either.” I add.

“Yeah, but you’re forty!” Stacey whines. “I’m only twenty-five!”

“At least you get to drink.” Lexi rolls her eyes.

“Well, back in my day...” I trail off with an exaggerated old man voice, trying to break Lexi out of her funk and make everyone laugh.

All three girls burst out laughing as I sit back with a satisfied smirk, my arms crossed. They start to calm down, then look over at me and resume their laughter. I glance around the table, loving the expressions on the girls’ faces and the musical sounds of their mirth.

The waiter returns a couple minutes later with our drinks. Lexi’s pout is back as she accepts her non-alcoholic drink. Stacey and April actually stick out their tongues before taking sips of their wine. Lexi makes a face at them. Our group then places our food orders, and the waiter makes his exit.

“So, how do you ladies like living together?” I ask Stacey and April.

“It’s amazing!” April gushes while holding onto her wine glass. “Stacey’s always been a great roommate.”

“Does she snore?” I wonder. “Lexi does sometimes.”

“I do not!” Lexi exclaims as she swats my shoulder with the back of her hand.

“Of course you don’t, Baby.” I say to placate Lexi. I shield my mouth from Lexi’s view with my hand and stage whisper to Stacey and April. “She does!”

“Jerk!” Lexi hisses as the other two girls giggle.

“I can’t speak for Lexi, but I know I don’t snore.” Stacey giggles.

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