Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 39

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 39 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


My eyes slowly open, a yawn escaping me as I wake up. I’m momentarily disoriented, unsure of where I am. I really am not a morning person. Finally, I remember everything. It’s Tuesday. I’m back from the hospital. I’m still sore from all the needles and tests, in addition to the uncomfortable bed. At least I’m in a nice, warm bed now.

I toss the covers off my bare breasts before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. As I rapidly blink, my vision clears, revealing Steven asleep in a chair propped against the wall. What am I gonna do with him? I tell him he doesn’t need to stay with me, that I’m fine, but he still somehow ends up in a chair next to the bed. I guess this is better than the floor.

Sitting up, I turn slightly so I can toss my long, tan legs over the edge of the bed and rest my feet on the floor. Lifting my hands above my head, I stretch and yawn. Wearing only a pair of cute yellow panties, I stand up and walk over to Steven.

The handsome older man is sleeping with his head slumped sideways. He looks so cute in his robe. I smile softly at him as I think about how much love there is in his kind heart. Not just for me, but for everyone in his life. Reaching toward him, I gently caress his face with my fingertips, waking him.

“Hm?” he mumbles as his green eyes open. “Oh, Hazel! Good morning.”

“Good morning.” I reply with a cute smile.

My smile broadens when I notice Steven’s eyes flick down to my exposed breasts. With a giggle, I place one hand on my hip and strike a pose. Yeah, I know I’m hot. Long, tan legs, a flat stomach, little boobies with cute nipples. My brown hair hanging down my back in its usual ponytail.

Steven’s gaze travels upwards until our eyes lock. He smiles at me, and I feel my pussy dampen. Just as lust threatens to overwhelm me, I think about how my body is going to change. Placing a hand on my belly, I bite my lower lip and find the strength to ask the question that’s plaguing my thoughts.

“Will you still want me when I’m fat?” I wonder nervously.

“Hazel, come here.” Steven says kindly as he offers both his hands.

I nod my head as I slip my hands into his. Steven gently pulls me forward, and into his lap. My pantie-clad ass rests on his crotch as I place my legs on one side of him, my feet resting on the floor. Suddenly, a horrible image jumps into my mind, an image of him groaning as I sit in his lap, him needing me to get up because I’m grotesquely huge. I blink the vision away. Then I wrap my arms around his neck and look into his eyes while he holds my waist.

“I’m sorry.” I mumble before he has the chance to speak.

“Listen to me.” Steven says firmly, looking straight into my eyes. “First, you have nothing to apologize for. Second, you are absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. If anything, you’ll be even more stunning while pregnant.”

“I’m scared of getting fat.” I admit. “I know it’s a stupid thing, I feel like such a spoiled brat.”

“You won’t be fat, you’ll be glowing.” he responds as he places a hand on my tummy. “Aria and I had a very active sex life, if anything it was more active when she was pregnant. I wanted her just as much.”

“W-what about after?” I ask sadly.

“What do you mean?” he replies with a confused frown.

“After I have the baby.” I whisper. “Will I have stretch marks, will I be saggy? I love my body so much, I don’t want it to change!”

“It is possible that your body won’t ever be the same.” Steven reluctantly admits as his thumb caresses my abdomen. “But, there are things you can do! They make cream to reduce the chances of stretch marks, Aria used it. It works! Then you work out. Hell, I can hire a personal trainer for you, if you want. That way you’ll be able to lose the baby weight.”

“I can’t do this, Steven!” I exclaim as I grab the top of my head and start to spiral into a true panic attack. “I’m so scared! I’m screwing everything up and you’re going to hate me and make me leave! I’ll have nowhere to go! I’ll have a baby and nowhere to go. What will I do? How will I, how will I...”

Suddenly, Steven grabs my face in both hands and kisses me hard. A loud gasp escapes my lips, stopping my babbling. Feeling more moisture between my legs, I moan softly as the spike of arousal stops my spiraling thoughts, keeping me from spinning completely out of control.

“First, you’re not going anywhere. It doesn’t matter if we’re having sex or not, you will always have a place here. As long as you want one.” Steven looks directly into my eyes, his hands still holding my face possessively. “Second, you’re fucking gorgeous. You’ve always been gorgeous, you’ll never not be gorgeous. Not to me. Not ever.”

Tears form in my eyes as Steven leans forward and pecks my lips again. I stare at him when he pulls back, trying to find any false praise in his face. Any lies in his eyes. I don’t find anything. No dishonesty. No deceit. All I see is love.

I don’t even realize I’m leaning forward, that I’m closing my eyes. I just feel his lips against mine as we start kissing intensely, passionately. My hand slides into his robe and rests on his muscular chest as I run my tongue along his while moaning softly into his mouth.

It’s obvious that Steven is hesitant to touch me. I understand, it’s my own fault for pulling us apart. Eventually, however, lust overwhelms him. His hands slide down my neck to my bare shoulders, his fingers lightly trailing along my tan skin. I gasp and moan into his mouth when his hands find my breasts.

My pussy clenches, moisture soaking into my panties as I have a small orgasm. Just Steven’s hands on me, his safe, strong hands, they’re enough to make me cum. He presses my little titties together, his thumbs caressing me as I shiver.

Steven and I both moan as I grind my pussy down against him. A playful smile tightens my lips even as I keep kissing him. I feel him harden beneath me. It isn’t long before he’s fully erect. So hot, so thick; fuck! I want him inside me, I need him inside me. I’m dying for him to carry me to the bed, lay me down, and make passionate love to me.

Our tongues continue to wrestle as I claw at his bare chest, my fingers sensually sliding down his muscular frame. As he holds my tits and kisses me, I feel my mind fast-forwarding, imagining him on top of me, thrusting into me, gazing into my eyes as he claims me as his own. That’s when I tense up, the thoughts of actually making love threatening to bring my panic back in full force.

I mentally shake my head, desperately trying to get back into the moment. I can feel my wetness; I’m fucking soaked. I can’t wait to get fucked. I spread my legs. A lot. I love a hard, thick cock in me, pounding me, making me scream as my entire body explodes with pure pleasure.

Pulling back, I look at Steven while licking my lips in anticipation as I struggle to catch my breath. Gazing deeply into his eyes, I am overwhelmed with love for this man. I reach out and tenderly stroke his jawline as he looks at me with a love that completely overshadows the lust.

Once again, I am shaken out of continuing. Fuck! I’m scared. I’m used to having sex to feel good, not having sex out of love. I don’t want to fall even more in love with him, but I feel it in my bones. No, I can’t do this, I can’t! I need to keep up the barriers, protect myself. I tremble as thoughts of losing him pierce my brain. To stop Steven from reading the emotions on my face, I lunge forward and press my lips back against his.

I keep kissing Steven as his hands caress my boobs. We spend several minutes making out and softly caressing each other. I shiver in both anxiety and lust. Such a strange combination. As I feel his hardness throbbing beneath me, an idea occurs to me. I’m not ready to spread my legs, but I’m ready to open my mouth.

“I wanna suck your cock.” I husk before playfully nibbling on his earlobe.

“You don’t have to.” he whispers as he reaches up to caress my cheek.

“Oh, but I love sucking dick!” I giggle as I plant kisses down his neck. “And I want to feel you throbbing in my mouth.”

“Is that so?” Steven asks as he tilts his head back and slides his hands down to cup my pantie-clad bum.

“Mhm!” I purr and nod as I pull back to look into his eyes. “I wanna taste you. So badly!”

Steven and I communicate with our eyes. He can see it; I’m not ready to make love. I am ready for this. I want this. There’s some reluctance in his perfect eyes as he gazes at me. Then I see it. Desire overwhelming hesitance. He wants me. He wants me as badly as I want him.

“Get on your knees, Slut.” he orders firmly.

“Mm, yes, Sir!” I moan as I slide out of his lap, my eyes never leaving his as I sink to my knees.

Wearing nothing but a pair of panties, I get on my knees between Steven’s legs. My long brown ponytail is hanging down my bare back and my nipples are hard. He’s breathing heavily in anticipation as I once again open his robe so I can run my hands down his chest. My fingertips trail down his body until they are brushing the edges of his underwear.

Steven lifts his ass so that I can pull his boxer briefs down, freeing the most magnificent male genitals I’ve ever seen. His cock is long and thick. Steven’s massive erection actually smacks me in the face when it flies free of its prison.

I let out a small moan, my mouth watering and pussy gushing as I reach out and wrap my fingers around his thickness. My little boobs sway on my chest while I give Steven a loving handjob. My free hand reaches up to cup his heavy balls before I glance up into his eyes.

“You’re so big.” I coo up at him while stroking. “So hard, so thick.”

“Hard for you, Hazel.” he replies.

“Lucky me!” I giggle as I slap my face with his dick while making cute kissing faces.

“Use your mouth on me, Baby.” Steven moans when my teasing finally gets to him.

“Hm, I’ll think about it!” I smirk while lifting his dick. Lowering my head, I take one long lick from base to tip.

“Oh, that feels good.” he groans as he places his hands on my head.

“You like that? Hm?” I moan as my tongue rapidly flicks his tip.

“Fuck, yes!” Steven gasps. “Please, Hazel!”

“Mm, time to suck some dick!” I announce as I lunge forward and capture his head between my lips.

Steven throws back his head and groans loudly as his fingers tighten on my head. I can feel his fingers against my scalp as he bucks his hips. Drool runs from my lips and down his cock as I begin to bob my head, my tongue bathing his shaft while I suck.

I do my best to give Steven the best blowjob of his life. My hands rest on his thighs, fingertips clenching at his skin as Steven holds my head. Soon, he wraps my ponytail around one hand and encourages me to take him deeper. My lips are stretched wide around him as I struggle to take his thick manhood.

“Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm!” I moan.

Small gagging noises escape my lips as I take him as deeply as I can, swallowing about half his length. My tongue lashes against the underside of his shaft, my cheeks caving in while I give head. Minutes pass as I bob my head on him, loving the feel of him throbbing between my lips. I know I look good, on my knees wearing only yellow panties as I suck cock; I hope he’s enjoying the view. Steven is breathing heavily as I do my best to suck out his soul.

“Can I cum in your mouth?” Steven asks desperately.

“MM!” I moan loudly as I nod with his cock between my lips.

“I’m almost there! Keep sucking, keep sucking!” he gasps.

I claw at his thighs, my head bobbing as fast as I can while I suck hard on my favorite dick in the world. Finally, he reaches his limit. Steven holds my head tightly as his hips buck. I let out a loud, keening moan as semen floods my mouth.

Oh fuck, it’s so good! So warm, so thick. The taste is divine, and I swirl the sticky fluid around my mouth even as more is squirting out of Steven’s cock. Cum dribbles out of my lips and runs down my chin as I feel my pussy tightening. Fuck, I’m cumming!

“MM!” I squeal as my tight body tenses up.

Then, it’s over. Steven releases my head and collapses back on the chair. I use my lips and tongue to gather as much man juice as I can. Pulling off Steven’s softening member, I open my mouth and show him the pool of cum between my lips as more semen runs down my chin.

“Swallow for me.” he instructs.

It takes a few gulps to get all the cum into my belly. I smack my lips as Steven looks down at me with lust. Then I use my fingers to gather all the semen up from my chin and pop it into my mouth. Steven smirks as he watches me suck the man juice from my fingers.

“How was that, Baby?” I ask with a huge grin.

“Fucking amazing.” Steven replies.

“I’m glad.” I nod, pressing my lips together. “I liked it, too.”

Steven and I end up cuddling in bed. I’m still in my yellow panties, and he has his boxer briefs back on, while his robe hangs over the chair. My head rests on his chest as my right hand grips his shoulder. I’m staying as close to him as I can, cooing happily.

“Want me to return the favor?” Steven offers as he reaches down to cup my butt.

“Nah, not right now.” I answer softly. My core is throbbing with pleasure, but I still shake my head.

“Are we okay?” he asks nervously.

“We are.” I confirm with a nod. “I’m still just- shit, I’m just ... I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” Steven insists. He hugs me tightly, making me feel warm and safe. He kisses the top of my head. “Do you wanna talk?”

“Maybe.” I mumble as I bury my face into his chest.

“I’m listening.” he promises.

“I-I’m just so overwhelmed!” I exclaim. “All the time! Everything is wrong, and out of control, and I just, I just don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Pick one thing to start with.” Steven encourages. “If you try and take on everything at once, it’s too much. Just pick one thing. Name something that’s giving you trouble?”

“I miss them. Damn it, I miss them so much, I ... I...” I break down, my throat too tight to keep talking, tears running down my face and onto his chest.

“Your brothers?” he asks to confirm.

I grab him tightly and press my face hard into his chest as the tears fall freely. I nod as my body shakes with sobs. My nearly-naked frame shakes as Steven holds me close and whispers softly to me. His hand caresses my cheek before moving under my chin. He gently lifts my head, encouraging me to look at him.

“Shhh.” Steven coddles me, stroking my bare back with one hand. “I have an idea. I don’t want to say too much until I know more. I don’t want to give you hope only to disappoint you, but I have something that might be worth trying. Just be patient for a day or two. Can you hold out a couple more days?”

“I-I think so.” I mumble.

“Good.” he whispers as he leans forward and pecks my lips. “I’m here for you, Hazel.”

“Thank you.” I reply as a tear leaks out of one eye and runs down my cheek.

Steven and I cuddle for several more minutes. We’re nearly naked, my breasts are pressing against his chest, our warm bodies are so close that we can feel each other breathing. Yet, this isn’t sexual. It’s warm. It’s safe. It’s comforting. It’s love. I’m a fucking idiot for ever pulling away from this.

I trace my fingers along Steven’s chest as I contemplate my life. It’s not perfect, in fact it’s far from perfect. Still, there’s a lot of love. A lot of people who care about me. I miss my brothers, but I have my Slut-sisters. I have Steven. A knock at the door makes me jump in surprise.

“Daddy?” Kayla’s voice calls out. “You in there?”

“Is it okay if she comes in?” he whispers quietly to me.

“That’s fine.” I nod as I snuggle up to Steven.

“Yeah, come in, Honey!” Steven replies loudly.

The door opens and Kayla walks in. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. My Slut-sister isn’t bothering with a robe. Kayla’s wearing a pair of black lace panties, and nothing else. I smile and chuckle softly as Kayla’s perfectly-shaped breasts jiggle with each step. Her nipples are on full display, she has no shame.

“Just wake up?” Steven asks, his words ignoring her nudity, but I can see his eyes clearly locked on his daughter’s big boobies.

“Yeah.” Kayla nods.

“Nice tits, Slut.” I smirk as I sit up and look directly at Kayla.

“You too, Whore.” Kayla replies, not missing a beat as she crosses her arms beneath her chest, pressing her breasts together and pushing them up.

“You’re both absolutely stunning women.” Steven says as he keeps his arm around my shoulders and squeezes my upper arm. “Anyway, is Lexi still asleep?”

Yup!” Kayla confirms. “With her naked ass in the air and face buried in the pillow. I got a nice view when I opened the door.”

“You should have gone in and spanked her.” I giggle.

“I still could.” Kayla shrugs.

“Let Lexi sleep.” Steven suggests calmly. “We all had a late night.”

“We did.” I wince. “Sorry about that.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” Steven insists.

“We were all there for you, exactly where we wanted to be.” Kayla confirms.

“Thank you.” I whisper, my heart full of love.

“Is everyone else going to school?” Steven asks.

“Yeah.” Kayla says. “Nicole is going to work, too.”

“Are you gonna go in late?” I ask Steven.

“No.” he answers. “I already texted Stacey and told her I’m not gonna be in.”

“Did you tell her why?” I follow up with.

“I just said it was a family emergency.” Steven explains.

“You can tell Stacey, it’s okay.” I tell him as I reach out and rest my hand on his bare thigh.

“Are you sure? I don’t have to.” he says.

“I’m sure.” I smile and nod. “Stacey isn’t a Slut-sister, but she’s still family.”

“Lexi might disagree.” Kayla smirks.

“We’re gonna have a double-date, and hopefully work it out.” Steven replies.

“Gonna have a foursome?” I inquire.

“Definitely not.” Steven states firmly.

“Well, I don’t know about a foursome,” Kayla purrs as she sexily gets up on the bed, “but how about a very sexy, incestuous threesome?”

“I uh, I just came.” Steven admits.

“Mm, where did you shoot it?” Kayla asks as she crawls along the bed, her titties dangling from her chest and lightly swaying.

“All in my mouth.” I moan as I run my hand down my neck. “He came so much.”

“Did you swallow it all? Like a good girl?” Kayla wonders as she climbs up her father’s body and leans down to plant a kiss on his bare chest.

“I did, it was yummy!” I answer with a giggle.

“I know you’re getting up there, old man,” Kayla teases as she runs her fingers down Steven’s chest, “but do you think you can get it up again for your slutty daughter?”

“I think you girls can get me hard again.” Steven answers as he reaches out and massages one of Kayla’s hanging tits.

“What do you want your sluts to do, Sir?” I ask politely as I continue caressing his leg.

“I want to watch you two eat each other out.” Steven confirms as he lightly slaps Kayla’s breast, making her shiver.

I smile shyly as Kayla looks over at me and licks her lips. My sexy friend, no, my sexy Slut-sister, she seductively climbs on top of me, leans down, and licks the valley between my breasts. Then Kayla looks up at me with her green eyes, the same green eyes Steven has.

Steven slips out of bed as Kayla starts nursing at my left breast. I turn my head just in time to see him drop his boxers, revealing his flaccid penis. Fuck, even soft he’s bigger than most guys. I lock eyes with Steven and blow him a kiss before leaning over and miming trying to suck his cock.

As Steven watches, I grab Kayla’s pantie-clad butt cheeks in both hands, squeezing her buns. Kayla has such a nice, tight ass. I squeeze it tightly as Kayla sucks my titty and slips a hand between my legs. Moments later, I feel Kayla’s fingers push by the strap of my panties.

“Mm, fuck!” I hiss, my back arching.

Kayla saws two fingers in and out of my sopping cunt as I moan. She continues sucking my left boob as her free hand squeezes my right. Sliding my hands up Kayla’s butt, I slip my fingers into her lace panties and squeeze her bare bum.

“That’s it, baby girl.” Steven encourages. “Finger her, suck her tit.”

“MM!” Kayla moans, nodding against my boob as she obeys her father.

My pussy juice coats Kayla’s fingers, my friend’s fingers. My friend for years. Holy shit, we’ve come so far. I remember talking about boys and playing with dolls. Now? Now we’re Slut-sisters. Forever. I need to taste her, taste my oldest friend.

I push Kayla’s panties down over her ass as she continues to finger me. Kayla tongues my nipple as I extend my arms to get her underwear as low as possible. I can feel Kayla smiling around my breast, giggling at my predicament.

Taking pity on me, Kayla pulls away from me and sits up. She then lays on her back on the bed, perpendicular to me, and curls her legs back. Kayla slips her panties off and spreads her legs wide. From this angle, Kayla’s vulva is on full display to her father.

“Holy shit, Honey.” Steven whispers, his eyes locked on his daughter.

“You like that, hm?” Kayla coos as she slaps a hand to her pussy and rubs it. She holds her panties in her other hand and twirls the lace fabric around two fingers.

“That looks delicious.” he replies, licking his lips.

“I want a taste!” I exclaim as I quickly pull off my panties and toss them on the floor.

“Mm, get in line, both of you!” Kayla giggles as she tosses her undies at Steven.

Steven catches the black lace panties and pulls them through his fingers. My eyes flick down, and I can see his cock is starting to harden. Good, he’ll be nice and hard for round two! As Kayla runs her hands over her own body to tease her father, I reach a hand between my legs and swipe my fingertips through my labia.

“Fuck!” Steven groans. He’s stroking himself now, his eyes flicking between Kayla and I.

“Let’s really give him a show, Hazel!” Kayla suggests.

“Come sit on my face?” I offer shyly.

“Oh, yes, please!” Kayla giggles.

It takes a little maneuvering, but Kayla is soon lowering her pussy down onto my face. I smile as I’m smothered by wet Kayla cunt. Just as I push my tongue into her hole, Kayla hooks her arms around my thighs and buries her face between my legs.

Kayla and I eat each other out to a couple of orgasms. Our moans and pants fill the room as we continue fingering and licking. I can feel Kayla’s hard nipples scraping against my lower tummy. Our young, teenage bodies writhe together in harmony as we have sex, as we make love.

“I’m so hard, you girls are amazing!” Steven comments.

“Mm, can we suck your cock?” Kayla asks when she lifts her head out of my crotch.

“Get on your knees. Both of you, now!” he orders in the sexiest, manliest voice.

We Slut-sisters both hop off the bed and get on our knees in front of our man. The two of us then spend the next several minutes giving Steven a double-blowjob. We pass his cock back and forth, one of us sucking, the other whispering dirty things to him. Kayla and I caress his thighs, one of us sucking his dick while the other sucks his balls.

“I wanna feel you inside me, Daddy.” Kayla coos when she pulls off of Steven. She’s jacking him off while looking up at him. “I wanna feel your big cock in my little pussy, stretching me, taking me!”

“I need some pussy.” Steven announces when Kayla lunges forward and starts sucking again.

“I wanna watch you fuck Kayla.” I pull away from his balls to say. Then I lean in and start tonguing his sack again.

“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees.” Steven instructs. “Now, Slut!”

“Yes, Daddy!” Kayla moans as she hops to her feet.

I take Steven between my lips and start sucking as Kayla climbs up on the bed. Steven grips my head in both hands and starts fucking my face as he admires Kayla’s naked ass and exposed pussy. I love that he’s thinking about Kayla, basically just using me for his pleasure. I feel so slutty!

“I want you, Daddy!” Kayla’s moaning overshadows the sounds of my sucking and slurping. “I want you to fuck me! Please fuck me, Daddy!”

“You want my cock, baby girl?” Steven asks.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!” I hum as I suck away, my hand fondling Steven’s balls. I look up at him and can see his eyes are clearly locked on Kayla.

“Yes!” Kayla hisses. “Please fuck me from behind like the dirty, little slut I am!”

Steven grabs my ponytail and pulls me off of him. A strand of drool briefly connects my bottom lip to the tip of his cock before it breaks away. I stand up and hug him tight as I peck his cheek. He squeezes my bum before releasing me.

“Give it to her good!” I whisper into his ear.

I stand beside the bed, my arms crossed beneath my breasts as Steven climbs up on the bed and gets behind Kayla. My Slut-sister is crouching in the standard doggystyle position as she waits for dick. He grabs a handful of his daughter’s ass before giving it a playful slap. Then he takes his hard shaft in hand and pushes it into Kayla’s willing hole.

“Fuck, Honey, you’re so tight!” he grunts.

“You’re so big, Daddy! So big!” Kayla cries out as she tosses her head back.

Sliding my hand between my spread legs, I begin to masturbate as I watch the show. At Kayla’s insistence, Steven is rough. He spanks his daughter, he grabs her hair and yanks her head back, and he pounds her pretty, little pussy until Kayla starts screaming.

“I’m cumming for you, Daddy!” Kayla announces. “I’m cumming!”

“You feel so good!” Steven gasps.

“I’m cumming so fucking much!” Kayla screams.

I push two fingers into my wetness as Steven drills Kayla with a steady rhythm. I love watching Kayla getting fucked. She’s so hot, her body is so tight. Glancing toward their union, I see Steven’s dick glistening with Kayla’s juices every time he pulls himself most of the way out of his daughter.

“Fuck that slut!” I beg as I cum on my fingers. I can feel my pussy squeezing my fingers.

“Yes!” Kayla moans. “I’m a slut! I’m your slut! Fuck your slut, Daddy!”

“I’m getting close!” Steven warns as he holds Kayla’s hips and fucks her with his full length.

“Cum inside me, Daddy!” Kayla pleads loudly. “Fill me with it! Cum for Kayla! I want it, I want it, I want it!”

Squeezing my boob with one hand, I continue to finger myself as I watch Steven’s thrusts grow more erratic. Soon, he’s burying himself to the hilt in Kayla’s twat as he holds himself inside her and groans. Kayla throws her head back, her body shaking as she moans. Steven is also shuddering as he pumps cum into the raven-haired beauty.

“Fuck, that was good.” Steven gasps as he pulls out of Kayla and gives her ass a smack.

“Am I a good girl, Daddy?” Kayla asks in a small voice as she looks over her shoulder at Steven.

“You’re a very good girl, Kayla.” he smiles as he squeezes Kayla’s pert backside.

“Can I clean your cock, Sir?” I ask with a sexy pout.

Steven smirks and climbs off the bed. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he encourages me to drop to my knees. I comply. He then grabs my ponytail and shoves his cock in my mouth. I can taste a mixture of semen and pussy juice as I suck and swallow.

Twenty minutes later, Steven is laying in bed with his head on the pillow. He has two naked eighteen year old girls snuggling up against him. His arms are around us as we press our bare breasts into his chest and run our fingers along his muscular frame.

“Hazel?” Kayla asks as she traces shapes on Steven’s chest.

“Yeah?” I reply.

“I bet we can get him hard again if you want a turn getting fucked?” she offers.

“Thanks, but I’m good.” I answer, shaking my head.

“Why not?” Kayla wonders.

“Kayla, let it go.” Steven warns.

“It’s okay, Steven.” I respond with a sigh. “Kayla, I want to, it’s just that I’m so in love with him, it’s overwhelming. I’m not ready to be that vulnerable.”

“I think I understand.” Kayla nods. “You’re used to casual sex, actually making love is so different.”

“It really is.” I confirm. “I can make love with my Slut-sisters. I’ll be able to make love with Steven, well, I’m not sure when, but I will be someday.”

“Take your time.” Steven says softly. “I love you, Hazel. Whether we’re having sex or not. And I love our baby.”

“And I love my little brother or sister!” Kayla exclaims.

“We love you.” I reply as I rest a hand on my flat stomach. Flat for now.

I think we all drift off for a few minutes, but we eventually decide it’s time to wake up. We can’t be lazy all day. Steven kisses us goodbye before going to the master bedroom to wake up Lexi and shower. Kayla and I hold hands as we go to Kayla’s room and enter her private bathroom.

The two of us take a nice shower together. We laugh as we tease each other, grabbing boobs and asses as we soap each other up. I love watching soap run between Kayla’s nice tits. Then we let the hot water wash away the suds.

Once we’re done with our morning routine, Kayla and I step into clean panties and robes. It’s time to head to breakfast, but we do kill a couple minutes making out before we finally head down to the dining room. In the dining room, we find Steven and Lexi sitting at the table.

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