Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 38

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 38 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


All of my closest friends have hospital stories. Marcia getting her tonsils taken out, then being able to eat nothing but ice cream for a month. Ashley having her arm set after a bike accident, I remember all of us signing the cast. Hazel meeting her baby brothers for the first time, holding her siblings in her arms and cooing at them.

These stories all have happy endings. My friends’ stories all indicate that hospitals are a place people go in hurt, but come out better. Or where they first meet their new family members. Or where they flirt for the fist time, with a boy with a broken leg.

I have a hospital story of my very own. No, it isn’t of me being sick or hurt, or of me meeting a new sibling. My hospital story is of the worst day of my life. Worse even than my experiences with Keith. My story doesn’t end with ice cream, or healing, or with adorable babies. It ends in death.

Eleven Years Earlier

“Time to wake up, Kay-Kay!” a woman’s voice coos softly.

I open my eyes and look up into Mommy’s smiling face. Her blue eyes are shining with happiness as she gazes down at me. I’m snuggled up under the blanket, holding a stuffed pink bunny rabbit. Mommy leans in and kisses my forehead, making me giggle. She then pulls my pink blanket off and playfully starts tickling my sides. I laugh and squeal, struggling to escape as Mommy’s long raven hair hangs down and lightly touches my face.

“Mommy!” I screech as I kick my feet.

“C’mon, Cutie, let’s go. Breakfast!” Mommy says before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I hop out of bed, my bare feet landing on the hardwood floor. I’m wearing pink pajamas in my pink room. I’m a girl, and I’m proud of it! Mommy takes my hand and leads me over to the vanity she has set up for me.

Sitting at the vanity in Mommy’s lap, I smile happily as she softly sings to me while brushing my hair. The same dark hair as Mommy. I love that I look so much like her! Except for my eyes, I have Daddy’s green eyes.

“Where’s Daddy?” I wonder. Mommy and Daddy always wake me up together. We’re a family.

“He got an important call about work.” Mommy answers as the brush runs through my hair.

“But it’s Sunday!” I whine.

“I know, he won’t be long.” she promises.

“He’s always working.” I pout.

It’s true. Daddy works all the time! I hate it! I know I’m being selfish, Daddy always makes time for me. Still, Mommy doesn’t work anymore, Daddy shouldn’t have to either! Mommy explains it to me though, she says that Daddy loves his job, and he’s the reason we are able to move into this huge house. I think she calls it a mansion.

We move a lot. This is the third time! Mommy promises this is the last move. The mansion is our forever home. I remember nodding and asking if I’ll ever get a sibling. Mommy has tears in her eyes, and says that they are looking into finding a baby that doesn’t have a home. I still don’t understand why Mommy doesn’t want to grow another baby in her tummy.

“He is getting a lot more people to work for him, he’ll have more time for us soon.” Mommy insists.

“Okay.” I grump.

Mommy brushes my hair for a few more minutes, singing to me the entire time. Then she puts my dark hair into the cutest pigtails. I feel so pretty! I smile happily at my reflection before hopping out of her lap.

Taking Mommy’s hand, I walk with her down the hallway until we reach the biggest living room in the house. It’s gigantic! Also, as soon as we walk in, I see him. Daddy! I squeal and run up to him, my arms outstretched as I go in for a hug.

“Hi, baby girl!” Daddy grins as he bends his knees and pulls me into his arms.

“Why don’t you two relax, I’ll make breakfast.” Mommy offers.

“Thank you.” Daddy replies.

Daddy and I cuddle on the couch for a little while and he reads me a story. I love cuddling with Daddy. No matter how busy he is, he makes sure we get our morning cuddles in. I smile and close my eyes as Daddy reads. Yeah, I can read on my own now, but I still enjoy being read to.

After Daddy finishes the chapter, the two of us head into the dining room. Mommy has a nice breakfast set out for us. There’s a plate for me, and I sit in my usual spot as Mommy and Daddy sit down as well. We start eating, all three of us enjoying Mommy’s amazing cooking.

Mommy and Daddy are talking about Daddy’s work while I eat scrambled eggs. I don’t understand what they’re saying. Big words about things that mean nothing to me. I’ll get it soon, though. I am seven years old, after all!

The eating and talking continues, and soon Mommy and Daddy are asking me about school. I tell them all the latest gossip. They’re both smiling at first, however, Mommy soon makes a face and places her hand over her forehead.

“Another headache?” Daddy asks in a concerned voice.

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.” she replies.

“I really think you should see a doctor.” Daddy comments.

“Steven!” Mommy hisses. “Not in front of Kayla!”

“Right, sorry.” he sighs.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” I wonder.

“Never better, Kay-Kay.” Mommy smiles.

“Okay, good!” I respond before taking a sip of my drink.

“Do you want some aspirin?” Daddy offers Mommy.

“I’m fine, Steven. Don’t worry about me.” Mommy insists before turning to face me. “Do you wanna go shopping for your Halloween costume after breakfast?”

“Yeah!” I say excitedly.

Halloween is just a couple of weeks away! I can’t wait; I love candy. Plus, Halloween is Mommy’s birthday. She’s so lucky to be born on candy day! Mommy is so old though, she says she’s gonna be thirty! I can’t imagine being that old. I ask her if she remembers the dinosaurs, and she calls me a brat.

“Did you decide what you wanna be?” Daddy asks.

“Not yet, Daddy.” I answer, shaking my head.

We finish breakfast and I help Daddy clean up while Mommy relaxes with a cup of coffee. I don’t understand why adults drink coffee. I remember begging Mommy to let me try it. Gross! Biggest mistake of my life!

Once the table is clear, Mommy and Daddy head into the big bedroom to shower and dress. They both remind me to brush my teeth. I just roll my eyes. I’m seven, not two! I know how to brush my teeth without being told.

I enter my bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Then I get dressed in the clothes Mommy has out for me. I am able to put my hair into pigtails without Mommy’s help, which I do. Then I’m ready for the day!

My parents take me to a store that specializes in Halloween. It’s only open for the season. We shop around for awhile, until I find the scariest witch costume. I try on the black robe and conical hat. It even comes with my very own broomstick!

“Well, aren’t you the cutest, little witch!” Daddy comments with a grin.

“I’m not cute, I’m scary!” I insist as I stomp my foot.

“My mistake!” he laughs.

“Hmph!” I pout.

“Maybe we can paint your face green, so you’re extra scary.” Mommy suggests.

“Okay!” I agree happily.

Daddy buys the costume and we leave the store. He then drives us to the local mall to do some shopping. I love the mall. The stores, the people, it’s great! Mommy buys some new clothes, Daddy needs new shoes, and I get a fun new board game.

We get home just in time for lunch. Daddy makes me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, as well as sandwiches for himself and Mommy. Lunch is fine, although Mommy clearly has another headache. This time she agrees to take some medicine to feel better.

After lunch, Mommy says she’s feeling dizzy so she goes to lay down. Daddy gets mad and insists she goes to the doctor. She promises she’ll call tomorrow, and once again reminds him not to make me worry. I think Mommy forgets that I’m a big girl now. Daddy takes her into the big bedroom before coming back to stay with me.

Daddy and I play with my dolls for a little while before he puts on a movie for me. I cuddle with Daddy on the couch as we watch an animated film. It’s really good. I love the extra big TV we have now. Everything looks almost life size!

Mommy wakes up in time for dinner and says she’s feeling much better. Daddy cooks and serves us some yummy chicken. He reminds me to eat my vegetables, making me roll my eyes again. He smirks and tells me I’m being rude.

Now that dinner is over, it’s time for our weekly game night. I love game night! My parents set up the game and we start playing. Daddy says he wants to do this with us even when I’m all grown up. I promise Daddy that I won’t grow out of games. He smiles and says he is hoping I’m right.

We’re in the middle of my new game when it happens. Mommy starts acting weird. She lets out a breath as she clutches her forehead in pain. Daddy is looking at me and doesn’t notice at first, until he sees me staring. Then he turns his head to see what I’m looking at.

“Kayla, go wait in the other room.” Daddy states firmly as he stands up.

“Is Mommy okay?” I ask nervously.

“I-I’m fine. I’m okay.” Mommy manages to gasp out. “Listen to your father, Kay-Kay.”

“No!” I exclaim as I look between my parents. “Mommy, I wanna stay with you!”

“Kayla!” Daddy shouts as he helps Mommy to her feet. “Go in the other room. Now!”

Daddy never yells! My eyes go wide and I actually let out a gasp. Then I hop to my feet and run from the room. I’m two rooms away, tears in my eyes as I realize that I can’t leave Mommy! I decide to go back and listen at the doorway.

I tiptoe my way to the entrance to the big living room and listen in. I can’t tell what’s being said, but Daddy is whispering urgently to Mommy. I peek around the corner just in time to see Mommy collapse into Daddy’s arms. I gasp as he lays her down gently and pulls out his phone.

“Aria! Aria!” Daddy shouts as he dials and puts the phone to his ear.

“Mommy...” I mumble quietly. No one hears me.

“My wife just collapsed. I need an ambulance!” Daddy says into the phone.

I listen as Daddy gives them our address. He stays on the phone as he checks Mommy and tells the person on the phone that she’s still breathing. Of course Mommy is breathing! Right? I can’t stay out here anymore, Mommy needs me!

“Mommy? Daddy?” I ask loudly as I run into the room.

“Kayla, Mommy isn’t feeling well.” Daddy explains as he runs over to me while still holding the phone. “I need you to wait in your room. Please.”

“Daddy, I’m scared.” I mumble as I start really crying.

“Everything will be okay, just go wait in your room, Honey.” he says in a soothing voice.

“O-okay.” I nod as I turn and run from the room.

I wait in my room for what feels like forever. I’m laying in bed, holding onto my stuffed pink bunny rabbit as I cry my eyes out. Finally, after what seems like hours, someone knocks on my open door and walks into my bedroom.

“Kayla?” Daddy calls out.

“Daddy?” I reply as I turn in my bed to face him. “Is Mommy okay?”

“The ambulance came and is taking her to the hospital.” he explains. “They’re gonna make her feel better.”

“C-can we go to see her?” I ask.

“Of course, we’ll go right now.” Daddy agrees. “Put your shoes on.”

I put my shoes on while Daddy calls his parents. Then he calls Mommy’s parents as he leads my by the hand out of the big house. Daddy ends the call when we reach his car. He opens the back door and helps me into the car. Daddy reminds me to buckle my seat belt, which I do.

My heart is racing as I sit quietly and watch Daddy. I can see him let out a breath. He’s trying to be strong for me, but I’m not dumb, he’s scared. Daddy’s scared, and so am I. I’m crying again. I want Mommy. I want Mommy and Daddy to hold me and for everything to be okay.

We finally make it to the hospital and Daddy leads me inside. He talks quietly with some lady behind a desk who says Mommy is being looked at by doctors. Then Daddy takes me to a waiting area and we sit down to wait.

Mommy’s parents arrive, looking scared. They sit with me while Daddy goes back up to the lady behind the desk. He seems upset as he makes a gesture toward the doors. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but I see the lady look at him and shake her head. She also makes a face indicating she’s sad. She must be worrying about Mommy, too.

“Any news?” Grandma asks when Daddy returns.

“No.” Daddy shakes his head. “The nurse said Aria’s still in with the doctors. Someone should be out to tell us something soon.”

“She just collapsed?” Grandpa wonders.

“Yes.” Daddy confirms. “She’s been getting headaches lately, but they weren’t very bad, so she didn’t want to see a doctor. She just figured she’d mention it at her yearly physical in a few months.”

“You didn’t make her go see a doctor?” Grandma hisses, looking angrily at Daddy.

“I can’t make Aria do anything!” Daddy replies in an upset voice.

“You should have taken her to see someone!” Grandma yells back.

“That’s enough!” Grandpa insists. “You’re scaring Kayla.”

“He’s right.” Daddy nods. “Sorry, baby girl.”

“I’m not scared!” I respond.

“Of course you’re not.” Daddy smiles at me.

We keep waiting. It’s almost my bedtime when a doctor comes out and asks for Daddy. I hold my breath as I watch Daddy talk with the doctor. My Daddy has his hand on his forehead and he looks like he’s about to cry as he nods to the doctor.

I don’t know what’s happening! The adults are all talking around me, saying words I don’t understand. They try to keep me from the conversation, but they’re so upset they don’t do a very good job of it. I hear words, words that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Brain tumor. I don’t know what that is, but it is apparently very bad. Another word, a big one. I don’t understand it the first time, but when Grandma repeats it, I actually whisper it out loud. Glioblastoma. I’m sure I say it wrong, but the word still echoes in my mind. The only thing I really understand is that whatever it is, it happens fast. Very fast.

Daddy sits me down and explains that Mommy needs an operation before she can feel better. I start crying again. He hugs me tight and promises everything will be okay. Everything will be okay. I believe him. Daddy won’t ever lie to me.

Grandma and Grandpa take me back to their house while Daddy spends the night at the hospital. I don’t like this. I don’t like it! I wanna be with Mommy and Daddy. I cry and whine, but I don’t get my way. Grandma just promises to take me to the hospital first thing in the morning. It’s not good enough. I cry myself to sleep.

I wake up early the next morning. Really early. I can’t wait, I have to wake up Grandma and Grandpa. They both insist that I eat breakfast before we go to the hospital. Fine. I eat. I devour what they put in front of me so we can go.

We arrive at the hospital and find Daddy. He’s talking to the doctor. She has a sad look on her face. Something is wrong with Daddy. It’s like he’s empty, like the color is gone from him. He turns away from the doctor and looks at us.

For the first time, I see Daddy crying. Tears are running down his cheeks as his chest heaves. I don’t understand. Why is Daddy crying? Where’s Mommy? I stand between Grandma and Grandpa, holding both their hands as I look at Daddy in confusion.

Daddy approaches us. I see his lips moving, but somehow I don’t hear any of the words. Grandma releases my hand and screams. She cries and falls to her knees. Grandpa just picks me up and holds me tight against his chest. I can feel him shaking against me. I’m confused and scared. I just want my Mommy and Daddy.

The doctor comes back with something for Daddy to sign. I hear the lady doctor mention life support, she says this is for the best. Daddy cries softly as he signs the paperwork. Then he hands it back to the doctor.

Later in the day, Daddy sits me down and talks to me. I realize today is his first and only lie to me; everything isn’t okay. His promise is that everything is going to be okay, and now it isn’t! I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe! We never do get to celebrate her thirtieth birthday. Mommy’s gone, and she’s never coming back.


“Kayla?” I call out as I lightly shake my girlfriend’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Wha-?” she mumbles as she shakes her head before looking at me in confusion.

It’s late Monday night and we’re at the hospital. All of us. Well, almost all of us. Kayla, Stephanie, Lexi, Ashley, Marcia, Nicole, and I are all waiting to hear from Steven about Hazel. Kayla doesn’t look well, so I have to say something.

“I asked if you were okay.” I repeat. “You don’t look so good. You’re really pale.”

“I’m okay.” Kayla swallows weakly. “I was just thinking about how much I hate hospitals.”

“I don’t think anyone likes them.” I reply with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

“You’re probably right.” she nods.

Glancing at the clock, I realize it is more accurate to say that it’s Tuesday morning. Lexi and Nicole are chatting, so are Ashley and Marcia. Stephanie is pacing nervously. There are a few other people here, strangers, but not many. It’s just Kayla and I standing over here right now.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” I wonder.

“I-I was just thinking about the day Mommy died.” Kayla admits with a sniffle.

“I’m sorry, Kayla.” I whisper as I open my arms for a hug.

“Thank you.” she replies as she falls into my arms.

I hug Kayla tightly as I rub her back, trying to show her how much I love her with this simple gesture. I really do love this woman. She means the world to me. Kayla is so kind and smart, she genuinely cares about other people.

“Is there anything I can do?” I ask.

“No.” Kayla cries as she shakes her head against my chest. “I’m just so worried about Hazel. I don’t wanna lose her, too!”

“We don’t know anything yet.” I respond. “I’m sure everything is okay.”

My statement makes Kayla let out a loud wail as tears stream down her face. She clings tightly to me as I coo softly to her while rubbing her back. She looks so shaken, far beyond what I expect. I mean, I know about her mom’s death, but still, Kayla is really broken up.

“Thank you for coming.” Kayla mumbles.

“By your side is where I belong.” I insist. “Besides, it got me out of an uncomfortable conversation.”

“What do you mean?” she asks, pulling back to give me a puzzled look.

“Well, Stephanie did pick me up and bring me home from the cookout.” I admit sheepishly.

Monday Afternoon

“Thanks for the lift,” I say, smiling at Stephanie.

“It’ll cost you a kiss!” Stephanie giggles as she leans over.

I smile and kiss Stephanie’s soft lips. She moans softly as we make out while parking outside my house. My fingers lightly caress her cheek as I use my touch to remind her that she is safe with me. She’s always safe with me.

“That was nice.” I tell her when we break apart.

“It was.” she agrees. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I ask.

“For doing so much for me.” Stephanie explains.

“It was my pleasure, Stephanie.” I answer. “I’m here for you.”

“I believe you.” she responds. “I feel so safe with you and Kayla.”

“You are safe with us.” I confirm.

“So, again, thank you.” Stephanie smirks.

“You’re welcome.” I nod before leaning in to peck her lips. “I should get inside before my parents worry.”

“Text me?” Stephanie asks.

“Of course!” I agree.

After giving Stephanie one last kiss goodbye, I get out of the car and walk toward the house. As I look at the living room window, I notice the curtain pull back quickly. Shit. Someone is watching everything. This is gonna suck.

“So, who was that girl?” Mom asks when I walk in the house.

“Stephanie.” I answer with a grunt.

“Does Kayla know about her?” Mom inquires, her hands on her hips as she gives me a dirty look.

“Yes, Mom.” I say with a sigh. “Stephanie picked me up and we went to the cookout together. Then she brought me home.”

“Did you break up with Kayla?” Mom wonders.

“No.” I shake my head.

“But you were kissing Stephanie.” she states.

“Well, yes.” I admit.

“Why?” Mom asks.

Before I can answer, Dad walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. He’s wearing sweat pants and a plain t-shirt. Holding a beer in his right hand, Dad takes a swig before looking between Mom and I in confusion.

“What’s going on?” Dad inquires.

“Your son was just about to tell me why he was kissing a girl behind Kayla’s back.” Mom states.

“Son?” Dad asks, looking at me.

“I didn’t do anything behind Kayla’s back!” I insist. “She knows about Stephanie.”

“You expect us to believe that Kayla is okay with you kissing another girl?” Mom raises an eyebrow.

“She is!” I exclaim.

“You understand why that seems strange to us?” Dad asks.

“I do.” I nod.

“So, how about you explain yourself, young man?” Mom says, glaring at me.

“Um...” I trail off.

“Well?” Mom prods.

“I’m dating both of them.” I wince.

“I told you not to hurt that girl!” Mom hisses.

“I didn’t!” I shout. “It was Kayla’s idea!”

“Yeah, right!” Mom snorts.

“Honey, let him explain.” Dad says, placing a hand on Mom’s shoulder.

“Thanks, Dad.” I mumble before continuing. “Um, Kayla kisses Stephanie, too.”

“Kayla is gay?” Mom asks in surprise.

“I think this makes her bisexual.” Dad comments.

“I don’t know how I feel about this.” Mom states.

“Wait, wait, wait.” Dad says, holding his hands up. “Are you telling us you spent the night with both of them?”

“Y-yes.” I stammer.

“Damn, son!” Dad exclaims.

“Ian!” Mom hisses as she smacks Dad’s shoulder.

“Right, sorry.” Dad mumbles. He doesn’t sound sorry.

“Mom, Kayla and Stephanie went through something similar.” I say carefully.

“You mean someone hurt Stephanie as well?” Mom asks.

“Yes.” I confirm. “They bonded over what they went through together. Kayla and Stephanie developed feelings for each other. Then, at Prom, things got serious.”

“You mean sex?” Mom asks with a sigh.

“Y-yes.” I admit.

“So, you’re not a virgin anymore.” Mom crosses her arms over her chest.

“No, I’m not.” I confirm.

“Okay.” Mom lets out a breath.

“Just imagine how much easier your life would be if you had another woman to help with everything? Someone who knows what you’re going through? Someone who loves you, and loves the man you love.” I explain.

“Holy shit, if you talk her into this you’re the best son ever.” Dad says under his breath, low enough that Mom doesn’t notice, since she’s so focused on me.

“The three of us really care about each other. It’s not about sex!” I continue. “Kayla and Stephanie lean on each other, and on me.”

“You aren’t just using those girls?” Mom asks.

“I would never do that!” I yell. “You raised me better!”

“Nice touch.” Dad comments.

“Ian!” Mom hisses again.

“Sorry, Dear.” Dad says sheepishly.

“I still don’t like it.” Mom states. “You’re so young, and you’ve already been with two different girls.”

“At the same time!” Dad grins.

“Your father and I need to discuss this.” Mom says. “Go to your room.”

“Yes, Mom.” I nod as I head into my bedroom.

I stay in my room until I’m called to a very late dinner. We eat in relative silence as Mom glares at Dad. He gives me a reassuring smile, and I can tell he’s on my side. I just hope we can convince Mom to allow this. I don’t want to lose Kayla or Stephanie.

After dinner, we watch a movie as a family. Mom and Dad are cuddling on the couch while I sit on the love seat. The movie is good, but I can still feel the tension in the air. It’s thick and heavy, making my heart thump in my chest.

When the movie ends, Mom lifts the remote and shuts off the television. Then she turns to face me. Fuck. I let out a breath as the conversation starts up again. Mom seems to have trouble accepting that Kayla and Stephanie really are okay with this.

Our talk moves over to the kitchen table, where I go over everything again. Kayla and Stephanie are bonding over being victims. I’m the only man Stephanie is able to touch. Kayla is happy to share. I don’t mention Steven, of course, Mom and Dad don’t need to know about that!

Mom does eventually agree, albeit reluctantly, to not get involved, and to allow the three-way relationship to continue. Still, our conversations continue on and off well into the night. At least, until my phone goes off and I realize Kayla is calling.


“Why is it taking so damn long?!” Ashley exclaims, her arms folded across her chest. “Do you think this means something is wrong?”

“The doctors probably just want to make sure they figure out exactly what happened before they give any news.” I reason.

“I guess...” Ashley sighs.

It’s Monday night, or rather Tuesday morning, and we girls are all here. Five of the six Slut-sisters, all waiting anxiously to hear about how our sister is doing. We’re all terrified. Ashley and I are sitting on a couch, talking in whispers as Stephanie paces back and forth a few feet away. Lexi and Nicole are sitting on another couch, deep in conversation, all while Ian and Kayla stand facing each other, also talking.

“My heart is still racing.” I admit.

“Mine, too.” Ashley nods. “I started crying when I got the call from Lexi.”

“Can you believe Steven just left with Hazel?” I ask. “He abandoned Lexi and Kayla without saying a word!”

“I know, I don’t understand why he’d do that.” Ashley sighs.

“What exactly happened again?” I wonder, trying to make sense of everything.

“Hazel walked into the master bedroom and told Steven and Lexi that she was bleeding.” Ashley begins. “Steven said they needed to go to the hospital, so Lexi ran to wake up Kayla.”

“Then when Lexi got back, Steven and Hazel were gone?” I inquire.

“Yes.” Ashley confirms. “Steven never took his phone. Hazel left hers in her bedroom. So, no way to get in touch with them. Kayla was hysterical, so Lexi called the Sluts, and we all headed to the hospital. Kayla eventually calmed down enough to call Ian, who also came in.”

“Got it.” I nod.

“And Steven hasn’t come out at all.” Ashley rolls her eyes. “So, we don’t know anything.”

“He’s with Hazel, she needs him.” I reason.

“I know, I know!” Ashley grumps. “It just sucks to be so completely in the dark!”

“I’m sure Hazel is okay.” I whisper as I reach out to take Ashley’s hand. “She has to be okay. Please, let her be okay.”

“And the baby.” Ashley adds as she laces our fingers and lays our entwined hands in her lap.

“And the baby.” I agree. “Our niece or nephew.”

“Because we all really are sisters.” Ashley smiles as tears form in her eyes.

“I wish we could be in there with Hazel.” I bite my lower lip sadly.

“Me, too.” Ashley agrees. “But we’d just be in the way. The father should be in there.”

“Doesn’t make it any easier to be out here!” I state.

“Like I said, it sucks to be in the dark.” Ashley shakes her head.

I agree with a nod, then Ashley and I keep talking. We move from subject to subject as we try to distract ourselves. At one point, my phone goes off and I reply to my mother’s text, telling her I’m fine, and that we don’t know anything yet.

“Who are you texting at this hour?” Ashley asks.

“My mom. She’s worried about me.” I answer.

“Gotcha.” she nods.

“By the way, how did your parents take you going out this late?” I wonder.

“Not well.” Ashley winces. “But they reluctantly agreed when I explained Hazel was in the hospital. They made me promise I’d stay safe with everyone.”

“My mom is pissed that I am probably missing school tomorrow.” I admit.

“My parents, too.” Ashley replies. “At least we get good grades.”

“Yeah, if I didn’t have straight A’s, my parents never would let me miss school.” I say.

“Same.” she nods.

“Did your parents give you any more trouble about Prom?” I inquire.

“Not really.” Ashley shrugs. “Dad doesn’t want to know about my sex life, and Mom just keeps lecturing me about being safe.”

“In other words, she’s telling you not to get pregnant.” I snort.

“Something like that.” she rolls her eyes. “What about your parents?”

“Like your father, my Dad doesn’t want to think about it.” I smirk. “My mom and I had another great talk after Prom.”

Sunday, The Morning After Prom

“Welcome home, Marcia!” Mom smiles as I walk through the door holding my prom dress.

“Hi, Mom!” I squeak upon entering the living room and finding my parents sitting on the couch.

“How was Prom?” Dad asks.

“It was great!” I exclaim. “A night I’ll never forget!”

“Glad to hear it.” Dad nods.

“And how was Prom night?” Mom wonders with a sly grin.

“I don’t need to hear this.” Dad suddenly says as he gets to his feet and promptly walks toward the stairs.

“Honey!” Mom calls after him.

“Dad?” I say loudly as he disappears up the stairs.

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