Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 37

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 37 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I wake up Sunday the same way I wake up on so many mornings these days, with a naked woman in my arms. This time though, it isn’t Lexi who is sleeping with me. It also isn’t my other girlfriend, Lexi’s sister, Nicole. With a soft smile, I brush a lock of dark hair out of Marcia’s sleeping face.

The events of last night play in my mind; Marcia joining me in bed, discussing our feelings, making love. I smile as my fingers lightly caress Marcia’s bare back. With my other hand, I reach over and pick up my phone off the bedside table. My eyebrows shoot up as I see a text, which starts a conversation as I lay in bed.

Sarah McLorn: Good morning, just letting you know that David’s bail hearing is on Tuesday.

Steven: Good morning! Thank you. Do you think his bail will be revoked?

Sarah McLorn: Could go either way, but we’re hopeful.

Steven: I wasn’t expecting such a fast response. Working on a Sunday?

Sarah McLorn: Haha, no! Relaxing with a mimosa as we speak. ;)

Steven: That so?

Sarah McLorn: It is! What about you?

Steven: Just woke up, actually. My daughter and girlfriend had their Senior Prom last night.

Sarah McLorn: Oh, how did that go?

Steven: Very well, actually. Kayla and Lexi both had a great time with their friends.

Sarah McLorn: And you had a great night with your girlfriend? ;)

Steven: Why, Detective McLorn, are you asking for details about my personal life?

Sarah McLorn: What if I am? :) And, it’s Sarah.

Steven: I would be very surprised! :P

Sarah McLorn: I’m usually not this forward, I’m sorry.

Steven: Nothing to apologize for, Sarah. Nothing at all.

Sarah McLorn: I see horrors every day. It’s not often I meet such a genuine person.

Steven: You know I have a girlfriend...

Sarah McLorn: I get the impression that your relationship is open. Or am I mistaken?

Steven: How do you know that?

Sarah McLorn: I’m a good detective. ;)

Marcia mumbles something in her sleep, drawing my attention back to the naked eighteen year old. I lean down to kiss the top of her head as I think about my text conversation. Shit, Detective McLorn wants to date me, or hook up with me, at least. What do I want?

I close my eyes and picture Detective McLorn, no, I picture Sarah. Brown hair, kept short, average height. Really, what stands out the most is her face. She just has a very kind face, which makes her look like a real sweetheart. Probably not the best for a cop, but damn, it makes her fucking adorable.

Still, do I really need another entanglement? I’m already dating Lexi and Nicole. I’m having a baby with Hazel. I’m intimate with my own daughter. Marcia isn’t getting together with Shawn, so it looks like I’ll be continuing my physical relationship with the quiet girl. Ashley is probably officially dating Josh now, and the thought is making me slightly depressed; Ashley is a bombshell, and I care deeply for her personally.

I can feel Marcia’s hard nipples pressing against me as I continue to think. I continue to lightly trail my fingers along her back as I make my decision. Sarah is gorgeous, and she’s interested. If Lexi is cool with it, there’s no good reason to not think with my dick. Besides, even if Sarah and I don’t end up in bed, she will still be a great friend to have. She’s a nice, smart, confident person.

Steven: I’ll talk to Lexi. If she’s okay with it, I’d love to meet up sometime. :)

Sarah McLorn: Don’t keep a girl waiting! ;)

Steven: Understood!

“Texting anyone I know?” Marcia sleepily asks, making me jump.

“Detective McLorn.” I answer as I set my phone back down on the bedside table. “And great timing, we just finished talking.”

“Don’t you mean ‘Sarah’?” Marcia teases.

“Don’t worry, Babe.” I say smoothly while reaching beneath the covers to squeeze Marcia’s naked ass. “No matter what happens, you’ll always be special to me. And always welcome in my bed.”

“Mm, I like that.” Marcia coos. She leans down and plants a soft kiss on my chest.

“And to answer your question, yeah, she does want to get together. I have to ask Lexi and Nicole first, though.” I explain. “Also, David has a court date on Tuesday. Hopefully, his bail will be revoked.”

“Good to know.” Marcia nods. “And even though you didn’t ask, it’s okay with me if you want to stick it in the lady cop.”

“I didn’t know I needed your permission.” I tease.

“You don’t.” she says. Her hand then reaches beneath the blanket, her fingers wrapping around my half-hard dick. “I don’t care where you stick this, as long as you save some for me.”

“Done, Baby!” I smirk.

“Hm, be right back.” Marcia says before disappearing beneath the blanket.

I feel her moving around under the covers as she gets into position. Then I let out a gasp as her mouth closes around my hardness. Fuck, yes! Nothing like a morning blowjob. Reaching beneath the blanket, I grab a fistful of Marcia’s hair as she bobs her head up and down on me.

“Mm, that’s it Marcia, suck that dick!” I groan happily.

Marcia hums around my shaft as she increases the intensity of her sucking. My other hand snakes beneath the covers and caresses a hanging tit. I love Marcia’s boobies, they’re a nice size and shape. The entirety of her little body is sexy as hell!

“Come back up here.” I order firmly. “I wanna fuck you.”

“Yes, Master!” Marcia coos as she sits up, throwing the covers off of our naked bodies.

“Bend over, Slut!” I bark as I sit up as well.

Marcia shivers with pleasure from hearing my strong words. She smiles at me before turning away from me and lowering her upper body as she hikes up her butt. I get into position behind Marcia and enter her in the doggystyle position.

“Be rough with me!” Marcia begs. “Make me your personal Slut!”

I’m happy to oblige. What follows is some extremely rough and dirty sex. I spank Marcia’s butt cheeks until their red and she’s crying out in orgasm. Then I pull her head back by the hair and make the usually quiet girl scream my name.

“That’s it, cum for me!” I hiss as I yank Marcia’s hair, forcing her to arch her back sexily. “Cum all over my dick, you dirty Slut!”

“Steven! I’m yours! Steven!” Marcia screams. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming! I’m your Slut! I’m your fucking, little Slut!”

I release Marcia’s hair and push her face down. Marcia’s arms give out, causing her upper body to collapse onto the bed. Then I switch my grip to her butt. Keeping her ass cheeks spread, I loom over the small high school girl as I fuck her pussy with a furious intensity.

“Getting close, Babe!” I grunt as I place my hands on either side of Marcia.

“Inside me! Cum inside me, Baby!” Marcia screeches. “Baby, please! Cum in my slutty pussy!”

Marcia lowers her legs, she’s now laying on the bed as my large body practically smothers hers. I let out a breath as I hover over Marcia, my hips slamming into her ass each time I penetrate her. I’m so close, I can feel the pressure building.

“Ah, fuck! Fuck!” I groan as I start shooting into Marcia’s willing, eighteen year old pussy.

“Oh, Steven!” Marcia whispers, her head resting on the bed.

I pull out of Marcia and yank her over to me by the hair. After having Marcia clean my cock with her mouth, I collapse beside her, both of us gasping for breath. Reaching over, I play with one of Marcia’s boobs as she giggles softly.

“You have an amazing pussy, Marcia.” I compliment with a smirk.

“Your cock is pretty incredible.” Marcia replies happily.

“Thanks!” I chuckle.

“No, thank you!” she replies. “Thank you for letting me play with it!”

“Anytime.” I say sincerely.

“Mm, good.” Marcia coos happily as she snuggles up beside me.

Marcia and I cuddle for a a few minutes before accepting that we need to meet the others for breakfast. I put on boxer briefs as Marcia steps into her panties. Then we both go through our morning routines before putting on robes and heading to the dining room for a very late breakfast.

We aren’t the only ones late for breakfast. Ashley and Josh enter the living room as Marcia and I enjoy a couple of morning pastries. They’re both wearing robes, and I can see Ashley’s hard nipples denting the fabric of her garment. Ashley has after-sex hair, along with a happy grin on her face. Josh looks equally pleased.

“Someone had a nice morning.” I comment with a smirk.

“Y-yes, Sir.” Josh mumbles as he grabs a muffin and sits at the table.

“I believe I said you could call me ‘Steven’, didn’t I?” I smile.

“R-right. Sorry, Steven.” Josh says to his plate.

“Don’t be shy, Baby!” Ashley says as she makes herself toast. “Josh here just got a practical lesson in doggystyle.”

“So, you fucked him with a strap-on?” shy Marcia asks with a giggle as I burst out laughing.

“Marcia!” Ashley exclaims with a mortified expression.

“N-no.” Josh shakes his head. “She didn’t.”

“Yeah, I was the one taking it from behind!” Ashley smirks as she walks around the table and places her hands on my shoulders.

“I think you’re making Josh uncomfortable.” I point out.

“My boyfriend is gonna have to get used to it.” Ashley says as she leans in and whispers in my ear. “After I sucked his cock, I got on all fours and let him fuck me like a dog while holding my big tits. Then he exploded up my little cunt.”

“That so?” I ask as I adjust myself, feeling my cock getting slightly hard at the thought of Ashley naked.

“Boyfriend, huh?” Marcia inquires.

“Yup!” Ashley giggles happily as she stands back up. “I have a boyfriend!”

“And I have a girlfriend.” Josh mumbles, smiling in spite of his shyness.

“Congratulations, Josh!” I say loudly as I clap him on the back. “You treat her like a queen.”

“I will, Sir, I-I mean, Steven.” he replies.

“Now who’s making him uncomfortable?” Ashley asks as she sits down with her toast.

“Ashley has a point, Josh.” Marcia interjects. “You’re gonna have to loosen up if you’re dating our girl!”

“I’m working on it.” Josh smiles softly.

“You’ll be fine, Josh.” I insist. “You did amazing yesterday, standing up to your mom. Ashley will bring you out of your shell.”

“And don’t worry, Steven,” Ashley coos as her bare foot runs along my calf, “Josh is good about sharing.”

“Oh?” I ask with a frown.

“Yes!” Ashley breathes as she squeezes her big boobs from outside her robe. “So, you can still get your hands on the girls!”

“Josh.” I state seriously as I turn to face the quiet boy. “Are you sure you’re okay with this kind of relationship?”

“Of course he is!” Ashley exclaims. “I’m gonna invite girls into our bed for him to play with.”

“Ashley,” I sigh, “don’t take this the wrong way, but you have a very forceful personality. Josh is shy. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping, but I won’t sleep with you unless I’m sure Josh is really okay with it. You don’t belong to him, but you two are in a romantic relationship, and I won’t be part of hurting that.”

“It’s okay, Steven.” Josh says, speaking up with surprising confidence. “Ashley and I talked about it. We’re young, too young to be tied down. I really am okay with it. Thank you for caring so much about me.”

“As long as you’re sure.” I say with a smile before turning back to Ashley. “Sorry, Ashley, I had to be sure.”

“Had to be sure I wasn’t pressuring him into letting me sleep around?” Ashley asks.

“Well, yeah.” I admit with a wince. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Ashley nods, taking a deep breath. “I know how I can be. Thank you for caring about my relationship.”

“You’re welcome.” I nod.

“I’m glad that’s resolved!” Marcia smiles softly.

“Speaking of relationships, where is Shawn?” Ashley asks with a frown.

“Shawn and I decided not to keep seeing each other.” Marcia admits, looking Ashley in the eye.

“Why not?” Josh inquires loudly, panic in his eyes.

“I agreed that I could stop sleeping with Steven.” the short, dark-haired girl explains. “Only, I said I couldn’t stop making love with my Slut-sisters.”

“And he couldn’t handle that?” Ashley asks.

“No, he couldn’t.” Marcia confirms with a shake of her head. “So, we decided to part ways. We’re still friends, though!”

“I should text him.” Josh says.

“That’s fine.” Marcia nods.

Our conversation winds down as we finish our meals. Then we head into the main living room, where we find Kayla, Stephanie, and Ian all cuddling on the couch while watching television. They’re dressed in robes and look very happy.

“Well, don’t you three look cozy.” Ashley comments as she sashays into the room.

“We are!” Stephanie smiles.

“Ian’s especially happy; he’s cuddling with both his girlfriends!” Kayla adds.

“Both his girlfriends?” I inquire with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, we’re a triple!” Kayla announces happily.

“That’s so cute!” Ashley exclaims as she runs over to the couch.

“How are you doing, Stephanie?” Marcia asks.

“Much better, thanks to Ian and Kayla.” Stephanie grins.

“Where’s Shawn?” Ian wonders.

“Where are Lexi and Hazel?” I follow up with.

“They’re still in bed.” Kayla answers.

“I’ll go wake them up, it’s getting late.” I offer. “Why don’t you explain about Shawn, Marcia.”

“Okay.” Marcia agrees.

I leave the room as Marcia starts explaining why Shawn isn’t here. I make my way back to the bedrooms and approach Hazel’s closed door. I am able to make out a barely audible moaning coming from inside the room, causing me to smirk. I knock on the door.

“It’s Steven. Can I come in?” I ask loudly.

“Just a second!” Lexi’s voice calls out.

“Okay!” I reply.

“You can come in!” Lexi shouts a minute later.

I open the door and step into Hazel’s bedroom. Lexi is sitting cross-legged on the bed. She’s completely nude, and I can see her pink pussy flowering open as she sits with her body shamelessly on display. Hazel is under the covers, concealing her modesty. The tan girl’s long brown hair is in its usual ponytail.

“How long have you two been awake?” I inquire.

“Not long.” Hazel answers. “Lexi woke me up by rolling me onto my back and shoving her pussy in my face.”

“Speaking from experience, that’s a great way to wake up!” I laugh.

“It was.” Hazel giggles.

“I do have a great pussy.” Lexi nods.

“Yes, you do.” I agree. “But, it’s time to wake up. Everyone’s in the living room.”

“Fine, fine.” Lexi rolls her eyes as she hops out of bed. “Just let me find my undies. C’mon, Hazel.”

“D-do you mind waiting outside, Steven?” Hazel asks sadly. “I feel ugly and fat and bloated this morning. You don’t want to see my body.”

“Hazel,” I begin, “I’m happy to wait outside if that’s what makes you comfortable, but there will never be a day I’m not happy to see your body.”

“See?” Lexi says. “Steven still wants you.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I wonder with a frown.

“Hazel has this crazy idea that, because you have a half-dozen amazingly sexy women throwing themselves at you, you won’t want her anymore.” Lexi explains as she snatches her panties off the floor.

“I want you, Hazel.” I state honestly as I look at the tan girl. She’s sitting up in bed, one hand holding the blanket over her breasts. “I love you, you’re special to me.”

“All the girls are special to you.” Hazel points out.

“You’re right.” I nod. “That doesn’t make my love for you any less unique, any less real.”

“I know you love me. I know we’re family.” Hazel acknowledges. “I guess I’m still not completely over my issues.’

“I understand, take your time.” I smile kindly. “I’ll wait outside.”

“No!” Hazel insists. “No, wait.”

Hazel gives me a shy smile as she lets the blanket fall to her waist, exposing her breasts. Like always, they’re small and perfect. Throwing the covers off her body, Hazel hops out of bed, showing me her nude frame. She’s perfect. Not an ounce of fat on her tight, young body.

“You didn’t have to.” I state as Hazel hunts around for her underwear, showing me her bottom.

“No, you’re right.” Hazel shakes her head. “I’m being dumb.”

“You’re pregnant and emotional.” I point out.

“Well, I need to work on not letting my hormones hurt the people I love.” Hazel insists as she steps into her panties.

“Thank you.” I nod and smile as each girl grabs a robe and puts it on.

The three of us go to the main living room to meet up with everyone else. We all exchange stories about our nights. Josh and Ashley become boyfriend and girlfriend, Hazel and Lexi make love, Kayla, Stephanie, and Ian become a triple. Finally, Marcia and Shawn decide to not become a couple, Marcia comes to my room, and we spend the night together. Everyone is caught up.

“I should probably get going.” Ian comments sadly.

“Okay, I’ll get dressed and drive you home.” Kayla nods.

“Guess we should all go.” Ashley acknowledges. “Our parents are good with us being here now, but no reason to push it.”

“You’ll all be back tomorrow for the cookout?” I inquire.

“Yes, of course!” Marcia speaks up.

“Shawn doesn’t think he should come.” Josh tells us.

“Well, let him know he’s welcome if he changes his mind.” I say.

“Thank you, Steven.” Josh replies politely.

Everyone heads back into the bedrooms to change into the casual clothes they have. I know the guys need to return their rented tuxedos soon. The girls own their dresses, but they’ll still be zipping them up in garment bags to take home.

Lexi gets her prom dress out of Hazel’s room and takes it into the master bedroom. After hanging it up in her walk-in closet, Lexi strips out of her robe and panties. She smiles at me as she runs her hands along her sexy, young body. Fuck, I love her tits.

“See anything you like?” she asks.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I smile as I also get naked.

“Fuck, you’re big!” Lexi breathes.

“Did you have a nice Prom night?” I ask as I walk to my dresser to get out clean clothes.

“I did, it was great!” Lexi exclaims before frowning. “Not gonna try and fuck me?”

“I have to get ready to help April move into Stacey’s place.” I respond.

“You have time to get some pussy first!” Lexi insists.

“I really don’t, I’m sorry.” I say with a sigh as I slip on clean boxer briefs. “Tonight?”

“I guess...” Lexi trails off. She’s standing nude in the center of the room, just watching me.

“Are we okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” she answers, not sounding convincing at all.

“What’s wrong? Tell me.” I insist.

“We really are fine.” Lexi sighs. “I guess I’m still a little nervous about Stacey.”

“Still?” I inquire. “You know you have nothing to worry about.”

“I know, I know!” Lexi responds. “I really do know, Baby. I’m working on it, but it’s so hard!”

“Because you don’t think we have anything in common?” I suggest, still only in my underwear.

“That, and you have a lot in common with Stacey.” she explains sadly.

“Lexi,” I begin as I walk over to her and place my hands on her bare shoulders. “I’m with you. I want you. I love you. I know we don’t have a ton in common, but you make me young again. Not because you’re younger than me, but because you’re so full of life. So full of love. My life was okay. It was fine. Everything was gray. I had Kayla, but I didn’t have anything special other than raising my daughter. You’re special. You. Alexis Davis. You brought the color back.”

“Thank you.” Lexi whispers softly with tears in her eyes.

“You’re welcome.” I reply as I hug her tightly, causing her bare breasts to squish against my chest.

“Sorry I get so emotional.” she says. “You’re my everything, Steven.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” I say before trying to lighten the mood. “Guess this is a bad time to ask if I can get involved with another woman?”

“Who?” Lexi pulls back slightly to ask. She’s looking at me in confusion.

“Sarah.” I answer simply as I look down at my loving girlfriend.

“Sarah?” Lexi wonders. Then her eyes widen. “Detective McLorn?!”

“Yes.” I nod in confirmation.

“I knew you two were flirting, but I didn’t think anything would come of it!” Lexi giggles in my arms.

“Is it okay?” I inquire.

“Of course!” Lexi chirps. “Hey! Why don’t you invite her to the cookout tomorrow?”

“That’s a great idea.” I reply.

“I’m full of ‘em!” she teases. “Like my idea for us to fuck before you go!”

“Sorry, Baby.” I smirk as I lean in to peck her lips.

“Hmph!” Lexi pouts.

“Tonight, I promise.” I incline my head as I grab a handful of Lexi’s bum.

“You better make me scream.” she says with a small smile.

“Trust me, I will.” I vow.

“And you’ll lick me?” Lexi asks with a raised eyebrow.

“And I’ll lick you.” I confirm.

“Mm, I can’t wait.” Lexi moans as she lays her head on my bare chest.

“C’mon, you,” I say as I lightly smack her ass, “let’s get dressed.”

Lexi and I dress in casual clothes. I pick up my phone and text Sarah, inviting her to the cookout tomorrow. Then I text Stacey, letting her know I’m leaving soon. Sarah replies, accepting the invitation, which makes me smile. It’s a little strange having the detective as part of our group, but still, I’m looking forward to it.

We meet up with everyone in the foyer. Hugs, kisses, and handshakes are exchanged before we all head our separate ways. Kayla drives Ian home, while Ashley and Josh are gonna spend the day together. Marcia and Stephanie are heading to their respective houses. Hazel and Lexi are staying at the mansion.

I get in my car and drive to a nearby home improvement store. There, I’m able to rent one of those box trucks for a low price per hour. Not bad at all. I then drive to the apartment building where April lives and text Stacey that I’m here. Stacey and April come down to greet me.

“Steven, hi!” Stacey grins as she throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. “Thanks for coming!”

“Stacey.” I reply politely, rubbing her back. “It’s my pleasure.”

“This is April.” Stacey says when we break apart, gesturing to the young woman standing beside her.

It actually takes effort to keep my jaw from dropping. April is fucking adorable. She’s less than five feet tall, and I doubt she weighs ninety pounds soaking wet. The petite blonde has wavy hair and pretty green eyes behind framed glasses. She’s dressed in casual clothes; a pair of jeans and a tight shirt. Her small breasts are straining against the fabric. She’s incredibly sexy, and the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Steven.” April says in a somewhat cold voice as she inclines her head.

“Nice to meet you, April!” I smile as I offer my hand.

“Yeah, you too.” April responds as she shakes my hand. She has the cutest, little voice, even when she’s being dismissive.

I get it. I’m the one breaking Stacey’s heart. Stacey, the woman April loves. I have to hold in a sigh. I feel bad, I do love Stacey, I really do, but I can’t be what she needs from me. All I am able to do is be the best friend I possibly can be.

“Thanks for renting a truck!” Stacey exclaims happily.

“I really do appreciate you being here.” April adds, forcing a smile.

“Happy to help!” I respond. “Do you have any more packing to do? Or is everything ready to go in the truck?”

“I’m mostly finished.” April answers. “I sold my couch and kitchen table, so they’re already gone. All that’s really left to do is take apart my bed.”

“And your bed is going into storage?” I inquire.

“Yes.” April nods. “If it’s okay, we’ll stop by the storage unit first, and unload a few things there. The rest can go to Stacey’s place.”

“Works for me.” I confirm.


It’s late Sunday morning, and I’m currently helping Steven take apart April’s bed. I let out a sigh as I look at Steven. He’s so handsome, and so kind; April is treating him like shit and he’s still helping her. April is currently in the bathroom, relieving herself. I have to speak up while I have the chance.

“Sorry April’s being such a bitch.” I whisper. “She really is a nice person, usually.”

“It’s okay.” Steven smiles kindly. “She loves you and hates that I hurt you.”

“Still...” I mumble. “You’re being so nice, helping her move when you don’t even know her, she should at least be grateful.”

“I’m sure she is.” he insists. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Stacey.”

“It’s not your fault.” I sigh. “And, I understand. I’ve seen you and Lexi together. You make an amazing couple. I am just glad you’re happy.”

“I am happy.” Steven nods. “I want you to be happy, too.”

“I’m working on it.” I reply, giving him a weak smile.

“I’m here for you, if you need anything.” he promises.

“Thank you, Steven.” I nod.

“You’re welcome, Stacey.” Steven says.

My love for him overwhelms me, and I close the distance between us. Steven sees me coming, and opens his arms, offering a hug. I happily accept. Burying my face in the crook of his neck, I inhale Steven’s intoxicating scent as he rubs my back affectionately. Fuck, I love this man.

“God, I miss you.” I mumble into his chest, feeling like I have to say it, but half-hoping he doesn’t hear.

“Am I interrupting something?” April’s little voice asks.

“Um, no. Nothing. Nothing at all!” Steven insists as he hurriedly releases me.

“Doesn’t seem like nothing.” April frowns, her hands on her hips.

“It’s fine April, really.” I state as I step back from Steven. “Now, c’mon, let’s get this bed packed up and moved into storage.”

“Fine.” April glares.

We finish packing up April’s bed and start moving it out of the building and into the truck. As I watch Steven’s back flex under his shirt, I’m filled with longing and desire. I look away before he can see me, and catch April shifting her gaze between us, trying to kill Steven with her eyes. Fuck. I’m gonna have to talk to her. Unfortunately, there’s no opportunity to get her alone.

Soon, the box truck is loaded up with everything going into storage. We make the trip to the storage locker, and Steven does most of the heavy lifting, getting everything inside for April. As we work, we are talking and laughing, the underlying tension always remaining. For now, at least, the negativity is out of sight.

I do catch April watching Steven and I, clearly trying to see how we interact. Good. I hope she realizes that Steven and I are still friends. Great friends, in fact. I want my two favorite people to get along. Right now? It seems that April can at least be civil. Steven is a delight, as always.

The three of us decide to grab lunch before heading back to April’s apartment. Steven drives us to a nice, family restaurant. We go inside and are shown a table. After ordering our meals, Steven excuses himself to use the restroom. I wait until he’s gone before turning on April.

“Stop being such a little bitch!” I hiss.

“Then stop being such a fucking doormat, Stacey!” April shoots back.

“I am so sorry that I am being nice to a wonderful man who is helping move furniture for the most ungrateful woman I’ve ever met!” I retort.

“He probably just wants to get into my panties.” April rolls her eyes.

“With all the women Steven sleeps with, he doesn’t need you to spread your legs for him.” I snap.

“Good, because I will never let that asshole inside me!” she insists.

“Your loss!” I reply. “He’s good-looking, smart, kind. He has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, and he knows how to use it!”

“He broke your heart!” April states, her arms folded. I’m surprised steam isn’t coming out of her ears.

“And I broke yours!” I remind her.

“W-what?” she asks in confusion.

“You’re in love with me, and I turned you down years ago. Are you a doormat because you stayed friends with me?” I inquire.

“Well, no.” April reluctantly admits.

“If you truly love someone, you want them to be happy, even if it isn’t with you.” I point out. “Just like you are for me, April.”

“I just hate that you’re in pain.” she mumbles as she unfolds her arms and rests her hands on the table.

“I hate that you’re in pain. You’re my best friend.” I assure her as I reach out and place my hand on hers.

“And you’re mine.” April replies with a small smile as she slips her hand into mine.

“April, I-” I begin as my thumb caresses her hand.

“Now I think I’m the one interrupting something.” Steven comments with a chuckle as he takes his seat at the table.

“Oh, no, you’re not!” I insist, releasing April’s small hand.

“Sure.” he grins before taking a sip of his drink.

“Steven, I owe you an apology.” April blurts out.

“April, I’m not completely sure what you mean,” Steven begins, looking slightly confused, “but Stacey’s her own woman, and if she’s interested in pursuing something with you, she doesn’t owe me anything. You don’t have anything to apologize for.”

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