Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 35

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 35 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


My life is so different now that Lexi’s in it. Instead of masturbating before bed, I get a willing pussy. So many beautiful, young women. Yet, none of them compare to Alexis Davis. I love Kayla’s mother, I always will. Still, Lexi lights a fire in me that makes me feel like I can fly.

It’s Monday morning. My alarm wakes me up, and I shut it off before it wakes Lexi. Reaching over, I brush her auburn hair back behind her ear, revealing her beautiful face. It scrunches up slightly in her sleep. She’s dreaming.

Lexi is sleeping on her stomach with one hand under the pillow. I can see the wet spot on the pillow from her drool. Leaning in, I lightly peck her lips as I whisper her name. Then I lower the blanket so I can caress her bare back.

“Time to wake up, Gorgeous.” I whisper as I kiss her forehead.

“Mm, morning Baby.” Lexi mumbles as she lifts her upper body and stretches.

I admire Lexi’s body. Every inch of her is perfect. Reaching beneath her raised body, I cup one of her hanging tits. Her hard nipple presses into my palm as I marvel over how soft her skin is. I’m so lucky this gorgeous creature loves me.

“I love your hands on me,” Lexi coos. “but I don’t think we have time to get frisky.”

“I guess you don’t want your pussy eaten.” I tease as I roll her pink nipple between my fingers.

“Fuck it, we’ll be late.” she says, making her decision.

“Sixty-nine?” I suggest.

“Yes, please!” Lexi husks.

I toss the covers off our bodies as Lexi flips around. She then straddles me and lowers her pussy down onto my face. Reaching up, I spread Lexi’s ass cheeks as her pink gash descends upon my mouth. I take my first lick as Lexi directs my hardness between her lips.

We feast upon each other. Lexi is moaning and panting around my erection as she bobs her head. I can feel her drool soaking my shaft and running down to coat my balls. The entire time, I’m swiping my tongue through her labia and sucking on her clit. This continues for several minutes.

“Mm! Mm! MM!” Lexi hums as her body tenses on top of me.

I feel her hard nipples rubbing against my chest as her orgasm crashes into her. Feeling the vibrations of her throat sets me off as well. I buck my hips and ejaculate in my eighteen year old girlfriend’s little mouth. As always, she swallows happily.

After our mutual orgasms, Lexi attempts to lift her body off of me. Instead, I grip her ass and pull her pussy back to my mouth. She’s so delicious; I don’t wanna stop. I suck on her clit as I squeeze her bum, loving the taste of her juices coating my tongue.

“Oh God, Baby! Eat me!” Lexi groans when she takes my softening dick out of her mouth.

I shove a finger up Lexi’s but hole as I go down on her. The effect is immediate. Lexi throws her head back and lets out a loud gasp. Her pants come out shakily as my love cums again for me. I don’t stop until she cums a third time. Only then do I release her and allow Lexi to roll off of me.

“Fuck, you’re delicious.” I husk as I sit up and look down at her naked body.

“Fuck, you know how to eat pussy.” Lexi gasps. Her auburn hair is haloed about her head, the sweaty locks resting on the bed.

“Join me in the shower?” I ask.

“I don’t think I can move my legs.” she giggles.

“I’ll help you.” I smirk as I roll her onto her stomach and smack her butt.

“Ah!” Lexi screeches as she places her hands over her bum to protect her vulnerable backside.

I smile and help Lexi to her feet. We make our way to the master bathroom and I turn on the water before getting her in the shower. Lexi sighs happily when the hot water hits her skin. I enter the shower with her and we spend the next few minutes soaping each other up.

“I love you, Lexi.” I whisper in her ear.

“I love you, too.” Lexi replies happily.

After our shower, we continue our morning routine. We use the toilet, brush our teeth, Lexi takes her birth control pill. Wearing underwear and robes, Lexi and I hold hands as we head to the kitchen for breakfast. We’re late. Kayla is eating, and Hazel is already finished with her morning meal.

“You’re late.” Hazel comments.

“Sorry, we were busy!” Lexi chirps.

“Busy getting fucked, Slut?” Kayla asks with a grin.

“Just a quick sixty-nine.” I smile.

“Oh, fun!” Kayla says.

Lexi and I serve ourselves breakfast while Kayla finishes eating. We make small talk as we shovel our food in our mouths; we are late, after all. Hazel cleans up the table once we’re finished. The tan girl doesn’t talk much, but she does seem to be in decent spirits.

“Wish we had time to fuck.” Lexi sighs when she hugs me goodbye.

“Later, I promise.” I say as I kiss her cheek.

“You better make me scream.” she husks into my ear.

“With pleasure.” I reply as I grab her ass.

Then I move on to hug and kiss Kayla. My daughter whispers in my ear that she’s jealous of Lexi, and wants to feel my tongue on her clit sometime soon. Surprisingly, Hazel actually hugs me back tightly and kisses my cheek. I give the emotional pregnant girl a reassuring smile before the three young women leave to go to school.

I go through my morning workout before taking another quick shower to wash away the sweat. Then I dress for work and get in my car. After a quick drive to the office, I head into the building and am soon passing Stacey’s desk.

“Good morning, Stacey.” I say, greeting my gorgeous blonde assistant.

“Good morning, Sir.” Stacey replies.

I’m in my office. I start up my computer and check my email. There’s a confirmation for the big YouInvest meeting today, which I reply to. I answer a few more emails, delete some junk, then am finally able to start really working.

As I work, I let my mind wander and start thinking about my life. Two girlfriends, a slew of female partners, including my own daughter. A pregnant eighteen year old whose child I may or may not be the biological father of. I start thinking of women I neglect. Taking out my phone, I send a text to a very special lady.

Steven: Good morning. How are you?

Marcia; Steven! Good morning! I’m good. You?

Steven: Not bad, just missing you. And Ashley.

Marcia; I miss you, too! :( Stupid parents! Ugh!

Steven: They still giving you trouble?

Marcia: Every. Fucking. Day. Perks of being an only child; I’m their sole focus.

Steven: Kayla can relate. :P

Marcia: Not for much longer, Dad! ;) Plus, you are a much more understanding parent.

Steven: Thanks. :)

I continue texting as I work. At one point, Marcia sends me a picture from the bathroom. Her blouse and bra are pulled up, exposing her breasts. Fuck, they’re nice and perky. Good size, nice nipples. I’m hard. I send her a picture of my bulge.

Marcia: Not gonna take it out for me? Lame!

Steven: Haha! Sorry!

Marcia: I miss you. I know we talk some, but I really miss you. Making love with you...

Steven: I miss you, too.

Marcia: Even with all the pussy you get?

Steven: You’re special, Marcia.

Marcia: You think every woman is special.

Steven: No. I think all of you are special. Because you are.

Marcia: I wish I could kiss you right now.

Steven: I’d like that. For now, I’ll let you get back to class.

Marcia: Make sure you save that picture. I want you hard for me.

Steven: Will do. ;)

Marcia, Hazel, and Ashley. Three of my favorite girls. Hazel is carrying my baby, whether I’m the biological father or not, yet she is still giving me the cold shoulder. Marcia and Ashley? Their parents don’t want their girls anywhere near me. I sigh and send another text.

Steven: How’s it going, good looking?

Ashley: Not bad, sexy man. Just thinking about your big cock. ;)

Steven: Imagining it stretching your little pussy?

Ashley: And rammed down my slutty throat.

Steven: Pumping cum into your mouth.

Ashley: Fuck, you’re making me wet!

Steven: Wish I could take care of that for you.

Ashley: Me, too. :( I spend most of my time with Melissa now. I miss you and my Slut-sisters.

Steven: We miss you, too.

Ashley: I need to get laid.

Steven: A woman has needs, I understand.

Ashley: I think I’m wearing out my vibrator!

Steven: Thinking about you naked with your legs spread.

Ashley: Mm, I wanna spread my legs for you, Baby!

Steven: I’d squeeze your big tits while pumping you with my cock.

Ashley: Oh, God, yes! I need you!

Steven: You have me. ;)

I continue texting with Marcia and Ashley. Ashley sends a couple nudes from the bathroom; her tits, her pussy. I also send texts to Lexi, Kayla, Hazel, and Nicole. Hazel replies with a couple words, I get updates from Kayla and Lexi about their day. I commiserate with Nicole about Marcia and Ashley being kept away from me.

Finally, I find time to actually get some work done. I go over financial statements and make sure everything is squared away for the meeting today. I’ve hired an attorney that specializes in business law, who will be attending as well. I send a quick text to Stacey in the other room, asking her what she wants for lunch. Then I place the order for delivery.

“Food’s here, Sir.” Stacey says about thirty minutes later, walking into my office with a take out bag and two drinks.

“Great! Have a seat.” I smile.

Stacey takes her usual seat in front of my desk. She passes me my drink and sets hers on my desk. Then she opens the bag and starts passing out our food. We dig in. The food is greasy goodness, but the company is even better.

“Ready for the meeting?” Stacey asks.

“I think so.” I nod after swallowing a mouthful of food. “My lawyer will be here first, not long after lunch, then Ken will arrive with his attorneys.”

“And Brenda?” she wonders.

“Her, too.” I confirm.

“Make sure you offer her a job!” Stacey winks.

“I’ll take it under advisement.” I smirk.

“Jerk.” she smiles.

“Now, is that something you should call your boss?” I inquire.

“No, but my boss is a big pushover.” Stacey giggles. “Just flash him some cleavage and he’s yours!”

“That is not true!” I exclaim in mock outrage.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” she shrugs as she takes a bite of a french fry.

We keep talking and laughing, the conversation flowing freely. The awkwardness is mostly gone, which I’m very happy about. I love Stacey, and I’m glad she and I can tease each other again. I ask her about April, and find out that both women are very excited for April to move in with Stacey.

After lunch, Stacey returns to her desk and gets back to work. I check my phone and answer a few more texts. Then my lawyer arrives. He’s shown into my office where we shake hands. My attorney and I move to the conference room where the meeting will be held.

About forty-five minutes later, I get a text from Ken, saying he’s here. I walk with Stacey to the entrance to greet them. Ken walks in, with Brenda trailing behind him. Two attorneys I’ve never met walk in with them. When the lawyer on the left sees Stacey, his eyes go narrow. He gives her a look of pure hatred.

I turn to Stacey and see the color drain from her face. Her lips part slightly as her baby blues go wide. My beautiful blonde assistant seems completely at a loss for words. I’ll have to figure out what this is about, but for now, I face Ken and accept his handshake.

“Steven!” Ken exclaims. “Nice to see you again!”

“You, too.” I reply politely.

We go back inside the building and up to the meeting room. Stacey excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Barry glares at her back as it heads out the door. This might cause a problem. I’m definitely concerned, hopefully we can figure out what the issue is.

The meeting begins. We discuss various legal issues of the sale. I can tell that the lawyer, whose name is Barry, is definitely in a bad mood. He snaps at people various times during the meeting, and speaks in quick, angry sentences. This gets worse when Stacey returns, looking gray in the face.

The first couple of hours pass. As a group, we decide we should take a break. Everyone scatters throughout the office space. Stacey and I go into my office. I shut the door and turn to the distraught young woman. She bites her lower lip as she looks at me with wide eyes.

“Stacey, what’s going on?” I ask.

“Oh. I just had to go to the bathroom.” Stacey lies. “I t-think it may have been something I ate.”

Why is Stacey lying to me? She makes a big speech about us not being family because I don’t share with her. Now she knows everything and she’s the one withholding information. I can’t decide if I want to call her on the lie. I place my hand on my forehead as I let out a sigh of exasperation.

“Okay, I hope you feel better, Stacey.” I say. “Please let me know if I can do anything or if you need to leave.”

“I think I’ll be fine to continue the meeting.” she says. “Thank you, Steven.”

“You’re welcome, Stacey.” I smile.

Our group heads back to the meeting room. Barry looks pissed, and his legal partner is rolling his eyes. Looks like Barry is being called on for his behavior. Good. He is still glaring at Stacey; damn, the man has no self control. I get that he’s upset, but he’s completely incapable of hiding it. I hope for this guy’s sake, that he doesn’t do court trials.

Various scenarios run through my mind. Stacey and Barry clearly know each other. It doesn’t take a genius to realize it. All I can think is that she’s having sex with this guy, maybe a bad break up? I feel jealousy coursing through me as I imagine the slimy lawyer with his hands all over Stacey.

The day drags by at a snail’s pace. We discuss and plan for various scenarios. I roll my eyes at the fact that Ken clearly doesn’t care about whether or not his employees get laid off. He just shrugs when I promise to keep as many as I can. In fact, Ken is mostly useless. Brenda answers the big questions on his behalf. Stacey is right.

Eventually, we decide to call it quits for the day. There’s still a lot of ground to cover before we can get a notary public in here for document signing. Another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, this one will start early in the morning and last all day.

We all shake hands, and people start filing out. This is when it happens. One of the first people to leave is Barry. He passes by everyone until he makes it to Stacey who is standing by the door. Fortunately, I’m only a few feet away, so I manage to hear it.

“Bitch.” Barry mutters at my assistant.

“Did you say something, Barry?” I call out loudly, making everyone turn and look.

“Uh, no.” Barry mumbles, his face turning red as everyone stares at him.

“Really?” I ask. “I could have sworn I heard you say something to my assistant.”

“Everything okay?” Ken asks with a frown.

“Everything’s fine.” Barry replies before turning back to me with a snarl. “Let it go.”

I glance over at Stacey. She looks like she’s about to cry. Her eyes are going crazy, glancing at me, then Barry, then darting to everyone else in the room. Stacey. My assistant. My friend. One of the most important people in my life. I know her intimately. She’s a strong, confident woman. Intelligent. Beautiful. Kind. Special.

“No, I don’t think I will.” I reply.

“What’s going on?” Ken wonders in obvious confusion.

“Shall I tell them, or are you gonna own up to it?” I ask Barry.

“Fuck you, asshole.” Barry hisses.

“Barry!” the other lawyer exclaims.

“There’s no need for that!” Ken adds.

“Okay, I’ll tell them.” I shrug. “Barry seemed to think that calling my assistant a ‘bitch’ was appropriate.”

The tension heightens. There are seven people in the room; myself, Stacey, my attorney, Ken, Brenda, Barry, and Barry’s legal partner. Barry is looking at me, and only me, in rage. Brenda is giving me an approving glance, Stacey’s face is red. Ken, my attorney, and Barry’s legal partner just look uncomfortable.

“Barry, is that true?” Ken eventually asks.

“So what if it is?” Barry snaps.

“I’m sure my partner didn’t mean anything by it.” the other lawyer mumbles.

“Oh, I think he did.” I say with a glare at Barry. Then I turn to Ken. “Don’t bring him back tomorrow.”

“I’ll call the law firm and have a replacement attorney for tomorrow’s meeting.” Ken nods, looking nervous.

Ken is being very agreeable. I’m sure it’s not because he cares about Stacey. It’s because he doesn’t want the sale to fall through. He stands to make a lot of money, enough to retire off of and live a life of comfort. I’m glad Ken can’t be a sexist jerk about this.

“What?!” Barry exclaims, looking between Ken and I. “You can’t do this!”

“Actually, he can.” Barry’s partner winces before he turns to me. “I’m sorry about this, Sir. Please know that our law firm does not condone this kind of behavior.”

“I understand.” I nod. “Barry is responsible for his own actions.”

“What the fuck?!” Barry shouts as he gets in my face. “This is the biggest job I’ve ever had, you can’t take it from me!”

“I didn’t.” I say, folding my arms and giving him a stern look. “You lost it all on your own.”

“FUCK YOU!” Barry screeches, his face red as he balls his hands into fists.

“Go ahead.” I challenge. “Do it.”

Everyone watches in silence as Barry glares at me in pure rage and hatred. He wants to hit me. It’s obvious from the way he’s shaking. I can’t see Stacey from this angle, my eyes are locked on Barry’s. I almost want him to hit me, let him ruin his life completely.

“FUCK!” Barry shouts as he turns around and stomps out the door.

“I’m sorry about this, Sirs.” Barry’s partner says to Ken and I.

“It’s not your fault.” I reply.

“I am gonna call your firm about this.” Ken says.

“Yes, Sir.” Barry’s partner nods.

Several more apologies go around, then people start to file out. Ken shakes my hand again, and says he hopes the rest of the sale goes by smoothly. I smile and agree. Brenda is actually the last to leave. She gives me a smile and an approving nod before following her boss out the door.

“Are you okay?” I ask, turning to face Stacey.

“Not really.” my assistant mumbles.

“Do you wanna talk?” I suggest.

“Maybe.” Stacey says in a small voice.

“Okay, let’s go to my office.” I say gently.

Reaching out, I take Stacey’s hand. Leading the distraught girl from the meeting room, I take Stacey to my office. Then I shut the door as Stacey sits down at the chair in front of my desk. I sit behind my desk and look at Stacey with affection and support.

“Thank you, Sir.” Stacey whispers.

“For what?” I wonder.

“For sticking up for me.” she explains, tears in her eyes as she smiles. “You really do love me, don’t you?”

“I do.” I smile as I place my folded hands on my desk. “Very much.”

“I love you, Steven.” Stacey states sincerely as tears run down her cheeks.

I reach out and place my hand on hers. My thumb lightly caresses the top of her hand as I do my best to comfort my assistant. This woman who means so much to me. I’m overwhelmed with affection; I want nothing more right now than to kiss Stacey. I know I can’t.

“You don’t have to talk about whatever happened.” I assure her. “I’m sure it’s very emotional.”

“N-no.” Stacey stammers. “I wanna talk about it.”

“I’m here to listen.” I reply, my hand still on Stacey’s for support.

“April and I went clubbing.” Stacey admits.

“Okay.” I nod.

“We went to the bar and ordered shots.” she sighs. “Some guy said to put them on his tab.”

“And that guy was Barry?” I ask.

“Yes!” Stacey whimpers. “He seemed okay.”

“But he wasn’t?” I finish for Stacey.

“No. He wasn’t.” she shakes her head as she pulls her hands away from mine and puts them in her lap. She looks down in shame. “April and I brought Barry back to my place for a threesome.”

“I see.” I respond.

“I’m sorry, Steven!” Stacey exclaims as her head shoots up to look at me. “I’m so sorry! I know I shouldn’t have let him in me, but I was horny and lonely!”

“You’re a single woman.” I state. “You can sleep with whomever you’d like.”

“I’d like to sleep with you.” she mumbles. “Only you.”

“You know we can’t do that.” I sigh.

“You can have me right now.” Stacey states as she wipes away her tears. “I’m yours.”

“Stacey...” I trail off.

“You don’t want me!” she wails as her lip quivers.

“I want you.” I insist. “I want you so badly.”

“Then take me!” Stacey exclaims.

“No.” I state firmly. “We can’t do this. Please, finish your story.”

“Fine.” Stacey hiccups. “Barry was rough. I mean, I like it rough, but he didn’t care about our pleasure. He was just using us.”

“I’m sorry.” I say.

“He said he was single. We found out he wasn’t while he was in the shower.” Stacey continues. “April was pissed; her ex cheated on her. She marched into the bathroom and confronted him. He shoved her. I kicked him in the balls!”

“Wow.” I state, my eyes wide.

“Yeah.” she nods. “He ran out afterwards.”

My heart breaks for Stacey. I stand up and quickly walk around my desk. Stacey stands up as well. Soon, we’re in a strong embrace. My beautiful, blonde assistant sobs into my chest as she clutches my back so tightly it feels like she’ll never let me go.

“Sh, you’re okay.” I whisper as I bury a hand in her long hair.

“I let that creep stick his dick in me!” Stacey wails.

“It’s not your fault.” I insist.

“I don’t want him! I didn’t want him! I want you!” she screeches as she grabs my chest and shakes me. “I want you!”

“I’m sorry!” I exclaim as I place my hands on her shoulders. “Stacey, you need to breathe.”

“I can’t, I can’t!” Stacey hyperventilates. Her eyes go wild as she looks at me. Then she drops to her knees and her hands go for my belt. “I need you! Please, let me suck your dick!”

“Stacey!” I hiss as I also drop to my knees and grip her shoulders again. “You’re not thinking rationally. Relax!”

Stacey bursts into a new round of sobs as she collapses into my arms. I hold her close as she shakes. Rubbing her back softly, I coo into her ear that she’s safe. Stacey just shakes her head and holds me as tight as she can. I feel her fingers clawing at my back.

The blonde bombshell tries to kiss me a couple of times, but I have to push her away, which makes her cry harder. It takes awhile, but I’m able to calm Stacey down. The main reason being that she’s out of tears. I grab a tissue to wipe away her tears before helping her to her feet.

“I’m sorry, Steven.” Stacey mumbles.

“It’s okay, you’re really emotional right now.” I reply.

“So much for being a strong, confident woman.” Stacey hiccups.

“You’re still a strong and confident woman.” I insist. “You’re just going through a tough time right now.”

“What do I do?” the distraught girl asks.

“You take things one day at a time.” I answer. “You remember that you have people in your life who love you. Kayla, April, me.”

“It’s so hard.” Stacey sighs.

“I know.” I nod. “I know.”

I brush a lock of blonde hair back behind Stacey’s ear. My assistant presses her cheek against my palm as she looks at me with her baby blues. I have to resist the urge to kiss her. Instead, I give her another hug before suggesting that we call it a day. It’s quitting time anyway.

“What are you gonna do tonight?” I ask.

“I don’t have any plans.” Stacey shrugs. “Dinner, talk with April, watch some television. You?”

“Just hang out with the girls.” I answer.

“Sex?” she asks.

“Probably.” I shrug.

“Lucky girls.” Stacey mutters.

“I’m sorry.” I sigh.

“It’s okay.” she gives me a sad smile.

“See you tomorrow?” I ask.

“Don’t worry, I won’t call out and avoid you.” Stacey smirks.

“Good.” I reply.

Stacey and I pack up our things and exit the building. I give her a quick hug goodbye, and Stacey gets in her car. Then I toss my briefcase in my car and climb in. I don’t listen to music on the drive home. I spend the drive ruminating, lost in various thoughts about Stacey and Lexi.

“Hello, ladies.” I say as I walk into the main living room.

“Hey, Baby!” Lexi chirps.

“Daddy!” Kayla waves.

“Steven.” Hazel nods.

We chat for a few minutes, and I notice that Hazel is awfully chipper, which makes me happy. Our foursome enters the dining room and sits down for dinner. We continue talking as we serve ourselves hearty meals and start eating.

“So, how was everyone’s day?” I ask before taking a sip of my drink.

“Good!” Lexi answers. “Everyone is excited for Prom!”

“Right, that’s Saturday.” I smile.

“Yeah, we can’t wait!” Kayla adds. “Stephanie joined us for lunch, too.”

“I talked to Scott.” Hazel suddenly says.

“Your brother?” I wonder.

“Yes.” the tan girl nods.

“How did that go?” Kayla asks.

“My parents are looking for a new church.” Hazel tells us.

“Why is that?” Lexi inquires before taking a bite of chicken.

“Apparently, they went to our pastor to talk about my sins,” Hazel rolls her eyes, “and he gave my parents a lecture about how horrible it was to throw a pregnant woman out on the street.”

“Really?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“Yup!” Hazel nods with a giggle. “Now, they think the pastor is full of shit, so they’re looking for one who agrees with them.”

“They still think they did the right thing by disowning you?” Kayla shakes her head.

‘They do.” Hazel confirms. “Still, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who thinks my parents are crazy.”

“They are!” Lexi exclaims. “They asked you to do everything for them, but flipped out as soon as you needed help!”

“Parents are supposed to love and support their children.” I say.

“I know you love our baby.” the long-haired girl smiles.

“I do.” I nod. “And I love you, Hazel.”

“I love you, too.” Hazel smiles. “I still miss my brothers, I’m still really emotional, but I feel a bit better now.”

“Glad to hear it!” Kayla grins.

“Let us know if you need anything.” I insist.

“I still can’t just take charity, Steven.” Hazel sighs.

“It’s not charity, it’s love.” I reply.

Hazel just shrugs. Then we eat in silence for a few minutes. When our conversation resumes, it’s about light topics; upcoming Prom, the long weekend, graduation next month. Finally, we finish eating and Hazel cleans up with a small smile on her face. She’s happy her parents are being put in their place by the pastor. Good.

The four of us make our way to the main living room to relax after dinner. We do put the television on in the background, but no one is really watching. Hazel and I are each reading a book, while Kayla and Lexi play a game on the floor.

It’s now late evening, and we decide to go to bed. Kayla and Hazel are both tired, so they decide to call it a night and go to their bedrooms alone. Holding hands with Lexi, I lead her into the master bedroom and shut the door.

“How was your meeting today?” Lexi asks as she takes off her shirt, revealing her flat stomach.

“It was okay, there was a minor incident.” I reply while staring at Lexi’s lightly freckled breasts, contained by a light pink bra.

“Oh yeah? What happened?” Lexi wonders as she shrugs out of bra, showing me my favorite pair of tits.

“One of the YouInvest lawyers called Stacey a bitch.” I answer before pulling off my own shirt.

“Wow! Seriously? Why?” she gasps.

“Apparently, Stacey met him at a club. There was an incident.” I answer carefully, trying to protect Stacey’s privacy.

“Shit.” Lexi swears. “What did you do?”

“Called him on it.” I answer as I step out of my pants. “Ken promised to fire him and get a replacement attorney for our meeting tomorrow.”

“A new attorney by tomorrow?” Lexi frowns.

“It is fast.” I agree. “The law firm probably has someone else who is up to speed on the sale, that’s why it’s possible.”

“Oh.” she states. “How did Stacey react?”

“Not well.” I reply. “She cried in my arms and tried to kiss me.”

“Of course she did.” Lexi sighs. “You pushed her away?”

“I did.” I confirm. “Don’t take it out on Stacey, she’s very emotional. She didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Yes, she did.” Lexi shakes her head as she pushes her pants down, allowing me to see her matching pink panties. “She’s in love with you and wanted comfort.”

“I suppose.” I admit. “Are you mad?”

“No.” she says as she bends to pull her pants off. “A little annoyed, but I understand. She was emotional, like you said. She didn’t intend to try and get you to cheat on me.”

“I’m glad you’re taking this well.” I smile.

“I feel better after talking to Stacey.” Lexi explains. “As long as everyone is up front and honest about their feelings, and no one tries to do anything behind someone’s back, we should be okay.”

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