Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 34

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 34 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


The Wednesday school day ends. I kiss Lexi and Hazel goodbye as they hop into Lexi’s car. Then I get into my car and start the drive to therapy. I’m a little nervous about today’s session, talking about the kidnapping isn’t going to be fun.

“Hi, Kayla!” Kasey says with a smile when I walk in.

“Kasey.” I smile as I get settled in on the couch.

“How was your week?” she asks.

“Um, it was intense.” I bite my lower lip.

“Really, how so?” Kasey follows up with.

“Keith kidnapped Lexi and I at gunpoint.” I blurt out. “H-he made me get naked and suck him. I bit it off...”

“Oh, my God.” Kasey gasps. She looks completely in shock and at a loss for words. “Are you okay? Lexi?”

I tell Kasey the story. The kidnapping, texting Daddy, slapping me. I tell her about biting his penis off and the police rushing in, finding me naked. The rape kit. Then the news networks finding my name and calling. Daddy yelling at them to leave us alone. Keith being denied bail.

Kasey is very supportive. She lets me take my time and get everything out. Then she hands me tissues to wipe my eyes. My therapist walks me through a relaxation technique to calm down, and the session continues.

I go on to mention Hazel’s family calling the parents of my other Slut-sisters and smearing Daddy. Kasey is very supportive, and I can’t tell if she approves of the things we get up to. Probably not. Oh well, fuck society. I need Daddy and my Slut-sisters.

Kasey really is a great therapist. She listens without judging. Everything she does and says is to make me feel comfortable, like I have support. I do. As horrifying as my experiences are, I know I can get through anything. I have my family.

We agree to meet next Wednesday, and I take my leave. The session being over makes me feel better. I’m through it. My therapist knows, and is helping me through everything. I tap on the steering wheel and listen to music as I drive back to the mansion.

“How was therapy?” Lexi asks when I walk into the main living room. She and Hazel are both laying on the floor as they do their homework.

“It went well.” I respond. “I told Kasey everything.”

“She knows I’m pregnant?” Hazel inquires from her spot on the floor.

“She’s my therapist, she knows everything.” I reply with a shrug.

“Uh, everything?” Lexi nervously wonders.

“Well, not quite everything.” I smile guiltily.

“She doesn’t know your father bones you.” Hazel explains.

“She does not.” I confirm.

“But Kasey does know about the Slut-sisterhood?” Lexi asks.

“Yup!” I say as I lay down beside Lexi and grab a handful of her ass.

“Mm, you trying to start something, Kayla?” Lexi purrs as she pushes her butt back against my hand.

“Maybe I am.” I husk as I brush a lock of auburn hair behind Lexi’s ear so that I can nibble on her earlobe.

“We should wait for Steven.” Lexi says as she turns her head and kisses my lips.

“But, I’m horny!” I pout.

“Maybe you and Hazel can fuck around.” Lexi suggests. “She’s been so distant lately, she needs some Slut-sister pussy!”

“What do you think, Hazel?” I ask, looking over at the tall, tan girl.

“Take me to your room?” Hazel suggests after a moment’s hesitation.

“With pleasure.” I hum as Hazel and I stand up.

“Have fun! Think of me!” Lexi calls out as she continues her homework.

Hazel and I walk hand in hand toward my bedroom, our fingers laced. Opening my bedroom door, I lead the long-haired girl inside. After shutting the door, I spin to face Hazel and press my lips to hers as she giggles in surprise.

I slide my hand up Hazel’s sundress and cup her pantie-clad pussy. At the same time, the tan girl buries a hand in my raven hair as she shoves her tongue in my mouth. It isn’t long before clothes start coming off.

Laying a naked Hazel down on my bed, I get on top of her. My large breasts press against her smaller ones as our legs entwine. I feel her wet slit slide along my pussy lips, causing me to moan into our kiss as we start tribbing.

My body tenses up on top of Hazel as I cum. I grind my pussy down against hers, stimulating my clit and intensifying my orgasm. Hazel grips my bum as she bucks her hips, forcing our pussies to rub together.

Coming down from my orgasm, I flip over and lower my pussy onto Hazel’s face as I dart my head in to lick her slit. Hooking my arms around Hazel’s thighs, I start sucking on her clit. Victory! Hazel screams against my pussy as her thin body shakes.

I make love with Hazel for over an hour. I love her tall, thin body. I love her little titties. We take turns eating each other out, then I put on the strap-on and fuck Hazel doggystyle. Usually I’m the one being railed; it’s fun fucking a girl! I pull Hazel’s long ponytail and spank her. When the tan girl throws back her head and moans in orgasm, I shove a vibrator up her ass, making her scream for me.

After we’re done making love, we cuddle naked for awhile. Then we go into my bathroom to wash the sex toys. Once they’re put away, I draw Hazel into my arms. She lays her head on my bosom and wraps an arm tightly around me.

“I know you’re not doing well.” I comment.

I feel Hazel stiffen against me. She doesn’t speak for awhile, just holds me close as she lightly nuzzles my breast. I can feel her long fingers trailing along my flat stomach as she breathes heavily, obviously deep in thought.

“You’re right.” Hazel eventually admits.

“What have you really been doing during lunch?” I ask Hazel.

“Teaching Dan how to treat a woman.” Hazel winces.

“What does that mean?” I wonder.

“Dan asked me to Prom.” Hazel answers. “I turned him down because I’m going with Lexi. He seemed really depressed, so I asked why. Apparently, now that he’s gotten every senior female to spread their legs, they’re all collectively sick of his shit.”

“Makes sense.” I roll my eyes. “He barely got inside me before cumming.”

“On Monday,” she continues, “I made him eat my pussy then kicked him out unsatisfied.”

“Seriously?” I laugh. “Why wouldn’t you tell us that?!”

“I guess I should have.” Hazel admits. “Anyway, he actually thanked me.”

“He thanked you for the blue-balls? Why?” I inquire.

“I told him I’d teach him how to please a woman, so he could do more than get pussy, he could keep it around.” she tells me.

“Oh. So, you met up with him Tuesday and today?” I ask.

“Yes.” Hazel confirms with a nod. “I let him fuck me both times. Made him eat me first, though.”

“You know how bad I was spiraling when I was with Dan, right?” I say evenly.

“I remember.” she sighs. “And maybe that’s what this is, but when I’m actually in control like I am with him, I feel like my old self. Hot, confident, strong.”

“Okay.” I reply after a minute. “Are you gonna tell the others?”

“I suppose so.” Hazel bites her lower lip as she reaches over and squeezes my big titty. “Yeah, I’ll tell them.”

“Good.” I nod. “Now, why won’t you have sex with Daddy?”

“Hey!” she exclaims. “I blew him yesterday!”

“And you’ve been refusing invitations for a foursome.” I point out as I lightly caress her bare shoulder.

“I have.” Hazel admits. “I guess part of me feels guilty for getting dick elsewhere. I do love Steven, but ... I don’t know! I just have so many emotions going through me right now, it doesn’t feel right! I’m not outright avoiding sex with him, and we still talk, I just haven’t felt up to it.”

“I see.” I whisper. “And have you been sexting him at all? Talking to him? Marcia texts him all the time, and I know Ashley sends pictures of her tits almost every day.”

“I’ve been talking to him still. Haven’t sent him a shot of the girls in awhile.” Hazel says before turning to look at me. “Turning into Lexi? You seem to want us all getting boned by ‘Daddy’.”

“I just want you to be happy, Hazel.” I say honestly. “And you’re not.”

“No, I’m not.” she acknowledges as her lower lip starts quivering.

“Let it out.” I encourage as I hold her close.

Hazel starts sobbing. I know what’s wrong. She’s pregnant and has no money. She’s lost her brothers. Everything is falling apart. I don’t push her anymore. I just hold her and support her. As her friend. Her lover. Her Slut-sister.

“Thanks, Kayla.” Hazel says as she sits up and rubs her eyes.

“You’re welcome.” I reply, reaching over to grab some tissues, which I then hand to Hazel.

“Do you think I should fuck Steven?” she asks as she accepts the tissues and starts wiping away her tears.

“Not if you aren’t ready.” I answer. “Remember the golden rule; no one does anything they don’t want to.”

“It really isn’t that I don’t want to.” Hazel insists. “Really, Steven is the best lover I’ve ever had. It isn’t even close. And I do love him.”

“You’re just overly emotional right now?” I ask.

“Something like that.” Hazel nods before reaching over and taking her phone. She then angles it upward and snaps a picture of her face and breasts. “I can send him the titties though!”

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it!” I giggle.

“And I’m texting the girls now, to tell them about Dan.” she smiles softly.

“Keeping secrets from the group is never good, Hazel.” I say. “We share everything.”

“We do.” Hazel nods. “So, you should know that I’m going to a party with Brittney on Friday.”

“Hazel...” I trail off.

“I know, I know.” she says. “And don’t worry, I know I can’t drink.”

“Just be careful.” I warn her. “Don’t spiral like I did.”

“It is similar, isn’t it?” Hazel actually chuckles, making her little boobies bounce. “Sex with Dan and partying with Brittney?”

“Copying me?” I ask, sticking out my tongue.

“Maybe!” the tan girl exclaims before tackling me.

We end up having a tickle fight. It’s fun! I laugh as Hazel tickles my sides. Then I get a hand under her arm and tickle her vulnerable armpit. That’s when Hazel buries her face between my tits and motorboats me. I’m good with it!

The tickling turns into round two of lovemaking. I suck on one of Hazel’s boobs while fingering her as she moans my name. Then we end up making out and tribbing for a few minutes before switching to a sixty-nine.

“Feeling any better?” I wonder as we lay in each others arms.

“A little.” Hazel admits as she runs her toes along my calf.

“Do you wanna spend the night with me?” I offer.

“I’d like that.” she smiles. “Thank you, Kayla.”

“I don’t know exactly what you’re going through.” I admit. “I’ve never been pregnant, Daddy would never disown me, but I know what it’s like to let things get out of control. Please don’t let that happen.”

“I’ll try.” Hazel nods.

“That’s all I can ask.” I lean over to kiss her lips.

“Wanna head down and meet Lexi and Steven? He should be home soon, right?” she asks.

“Shit, we’re late for dinner!” I exclaim as I check the time. “Daddy’s definitely home. Let’s go!”

Hazel and I put on panties; she looks so cute wearing nothing but light yellow underwear. I smile at her before playfully smacking her bum. She returns the favor by rolling one of my nipples. Then we put on robes and head down to the main living room. As we’re walking down the hallway, we hear a young woman moaning.

“Ah! Fuck me! Fuck me hard, Baby! Ah!” Lexi moans as we enter the room. “Ah! That’s it, just like that! Give it to me!”

We see Lexi’s head and face, her teeth are bared as she takes it from behind. Daddy has Lexi bent over the back of the armchair. Her small hands are gripping the top of the back rest. I love the look on her lightly-freckled face as she gets boned.

“Get bored waiting for us?” I wonder with a giggle.

“Yes!” Daddy grunts as he holds Lexi’s hips. He is looking straight down, watching his cock disappear up Lexi’s tight, teen twat.

“Well, hurry up and cum, I’m hungry!” Hazel smirks.

“Ah! I’ve, ah, already cum twice!” Lexi moans. “Holy shit, that feels good, Babe! You’re so deep!”

“I’m close!” Daddy groans, sweat dripping from his body.

Hazel and I glance at each other before looking back at Daddy and Lexi. We then throw open our robes, revealing two perfect pairs of boobs for Daddy to look at. He responds by moaning and reaching around Lexi to grasp her by the tits. Using his grip on her breasts, Daddy slams himself into Lexi again and again.

“Cum in me! Cum in me, Baby!” Lexi begs. “Oh God, Steven! I love your cock! Fucking cum in me! Cum! CUM!”

“Fuck!” Daddy gasps as he buries himself to the hilt in his girlfriend and starts to cum.

When he finishes cumming and pulls out, Hazel and I rush over. I cram Daddy’s half-hard dick in my mouth and suck him clean. At the same time, Hazel buries her face in Lexi’s snatch and starts slurping out the creampie. Then, it’s over.

The four of us dress in underwear and robes before heading down to dinner. As we sit around the dining room table, I keep my eye on Hazel. She seems okay. Not great, but okay. She tells Lexi and Daddy about Dan, and I notice Daddy has a look of jealousy on his face. He doesn’t say anything, and I don’t think Hazel notices. He and Lexi both tell Hazel to be careful at the party on Friday.

After dinner, we all relax in the main living room and watch television. We Slut-sisters all text in our group chat. Hazel confesses about Dan, so now everyone knows. I’m glad Hazel is being honest, at least. Ashley and Marcia really upset with Hazel for lying about lunch, but they’ll get over it. Hazel gets a lecture about honesty in the sisterhood.

When it’s time for bed, I tell Daddy and Lexi that Hazel is gonna spend the night with me. They are happy Hazel has the company. Everyone knows Hazel is going through a hard time. Lexi and Daddy enter the master bedroom while I take Hazel into my room.

Hazel and I don’t make love again. We do get naked, though, and snuggle up under the covers. Both of us play on our phones for awhile; I text Ian, and I’m not sure what Hazel does. Once we’re done on our phones, we put them on chargers and fall asleep cuddling.

My alarm goes off Thursday morning, waking Hazel and I. As usual, Hazel grumbles and pulls the covers over her head. I laugh, throw the blanket off of our naked bodies, and announce that it’s time to get up. Hazel tells me to fuck off.

Eventually, I convince the tan girl to drag her sexy ass out of bed. We both go through our morning routine before dressing in clean panties and robes. Then we head down to meet Lexi and Daddy for breakfast.

Daddy kisses us and goes to our home gym to work out. Hazel, Lexi and I get dressed and then get in the car. I turn the music up and start the drive to school. Once we’re at school, we chat with Marcia and Ashley before homeroom.

“Hi, Kayla!” Stephanie calls out as I’m heading to my first class.

“Stephanie! Hi!” I reply with a friendly smile. “How are you doing?”

“Oh, you know, just trying to get through each day.” she admits when she approaches me. “I hate seeing David all the time.”

“I know! I wish they could at least keep him out of school, even if they’re not putting him in jail right away.” I say with an eye roll as I hug Stephanie. Her massive sweater puppies squish against me as we embrace.

“At least Keith is in jail.” Stephanie comments as she tosses her long, raven hair over her shoulder. “I know I asked on Monday, but how are you? Really?”

“I’m okay. I’m not just saying that, I swear!” I add when Stephanie gives me a look. “T-there is something I didn’t tell you Monday, though.”

“Oh? What?” she wonders.

“He made me go down him.” I admit. The news article is very vague about details, thankfully.

“Oh God, Kayla!” Stephanie exclaims. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I only told you because, well, Keith will never rape again.”

“What do you mean?” she wonders.

“I bit it off.” I say after looking around to make sure no one is nearby. “They couldn’t reattach it.”

Stephanie’s eyes go wide. She grasps me by the elbow and guides me away to a place where there aren’t any students. Then she opens her mouth as if she wants to say something, but immediately closes it again as she struggles to find words.

“W-what?” she gapes.

“Yeah, I bit his penis off.” I giggle.

“Holy shit!” Stephanie exclaims as she runs her fingers through her hair and looks around nervously.

“Yeah, sounds about right.” I smirk.

“Thank you!” Stephanie says as she hugs me tightly. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” I reply as I rub her back in support.

“H-he kept calling me a cum dump while mauling my tits.” she whimpers while releasing me and stepping back. There are tears in her eyes.

“That night?” I ask nervously.

“Yes!” Stephanie exclaims. “I mean, the sex was always rough with him. H-he loved calling me names, and I was okay with it, because I thought it was just dirty talk, but it wasn’t!”

“Oh, Stephanie!” I cry out as I hug her again.

“I think about it all the time!” she sobs into my shoulder. “I had a date last Friday! He went to kiss me and I just froze!”

“I’m sorry.” I whisper as I grip the back of her head.

“We’re gonna be late to class.” Stephanie mumbles as she steps away.

“Are you okay to go?” I wonder.

“I think so.” she nods weakly.

“Do you want to come over today after school?” I suggest. “We can talk more. If you’re up to it.”

“I’d like that.” Stephanie gives me a small smile.

“Follow us back to the mansion in your car?” I suggest.

“Yeah, I’ll text my mom and let her know.” she nods.

I take my leave of Stephanie and head to my first class. Then I text the Slut-sisters, letting them know that Stephanie is coming over. Hazel is a little nervous, because this will be the first time that someone outside the family will know she lives with us now. Well, sort of. Josh and Shawn know, but not the details. Just that Hazel got kicked out. They’re curious, obviously, but respect Hazel’s privacy.

Lunch time. I meet Ian in an unused classroom and suck his dick. He grips the top of my head and moans my name as he blows his load down my throat. I swallow happily. Like a good girl. Then I pull my pants and underwear down and bend over the desk for Ian to finger me. After that, we go to lunch.

Shawn and Josh are still overwhelmed with everything. They know about the kidnapping as well, of course. I still remember Monday’s lunch. Both of them hugging Lexi and I after finding out we’re rape victims. We all really are friends. We’ll have to share everything with them soon.

Hazel shows up to lunch a couple minutes after I do. She arrives looking slightly disheveled. Yeah, she’s still getting dick. Fortunately, Josh, Shawn, and Ian buy her excuse that she’s not feeling well. Josh and Shawn still don’t know about the pregnancy. We need to stop keeping our friends in the dark.

The rest of the school day is pretty uneventful. I do see David in the hallway, and make sure to glare at him. He just keeps his head down and goes about his day. He knows he’s fucked. Excellent. I also see Kelsey. I smile at her. She gives me a fake smile back, and I can tell she’s still not doing well.

After school, Stephanie meets up with Hazel, Lexi, and I. Then the tall, dark haired girl gets in her car and follows us back to the mansion. It’s not a long drive, and there’s only a couple of turns; it’s easy to get to.

Stephanie looks around in awe as she enters the foyer of the massive house. I blush slightly, then even more when the butler welcomes us. Then, the four of us make our way through the house and head to the main living room.

“The other girls aren’t coming today?” Stephanie asks as we set our backpacks down. “Ashley and Marcia?”

“No, they’re having some trouble with their parents.” I admit, biting my lower lip.

“Oh?” Stephanie wonders.

“Yeah, well, I guess their parents don’t approve of us.” Lexi stammers.

“You mean your relationship with Kayla’s Dad?” Stephanie asks.

“That, and other things.” Lexi confirms.

“It’s my fault.” Hazel says.

“How so?” Stephanie wonders, confusion written on her face.

“I’m pregnant.” Hazel acknowledges after taking a deep breath. “It’s Steven’s.”

“Oh, my God!” Stephanie gasps. “Um, congratulations?”

“Thanks!” Hazel smiles as she absentmindedly rubs her lower stomach.

“I’m good about sharing my toys.” Lexi winks.

“We can trust you, right?” I wonder.

“Yes! Of course!” Stephanie insists. “I mean, I’m kinda overwhelmed right now, but I get it! I used to enjoy sex, too!”

“It isn’t just Hazel and I who sleep with Steven.” Lexi continues. “Ashley and Marcia do as well.”

“That explains why their parents don’t want them to come here!” Stephanie says with wide eyes. “Damn, your dad gets around, Kayla!”

“He does. And so do I.” I reply.

“What does that mean?” Stephanie asks.

“Lexi, Marcia, Hazel, Ashley, and I call ourselves Slut-sisters.” I respond. “We make love with each other.”

“And my big sister, Nicole.” Lexi adds.

“Um, wow!” Stephanie exclaims, lost for words.

“You okay?” Hazel wonders with a cute giggle.

“Yeah, I think I am.” Stephanie nods. “I mean, my only experiences are with Kelsey, and we never actually had sex, but I can understand sharing that with friends.”

“Glad you’re so open-minded!” Lexi chirps.

“It’s more than sex, by the way.” I say. “We consider ourselves sisters. We’re always here for each other, support each other, love each other. My Slut-sisters are the only way I’ve kept sane through all of this.”

“I can see that.” Stephanie nods. “I know how hard it is; I still sleep with the lights on. I cry all the time. Having your friends, your sisters, must make a huge difference.”

“We’re here for you too, Stephanie.” Hazel promises.

“Yeah, I know what Keith is like, the nightmare you’ve gone through.” Lexi adds. “If you need anything, we’re here. All of us.”

“Thank you.” Stephanie sniffles, tears forming in her eyes. “It’s just so hard to talk about it.”

“You don’t have to.” I insist. “We can just relax, watch some TV, do homework, stuff like that.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.” Stephanie nods. “Thank you.”

Lexi starts up a popular streaming service and puts on a television show. The four of us take out our books and notebooks, then start on our homework. I actually find myself admiring Stephanie’s body as she lays on her stomach on the floor. Stephanie is tall, with a model-perfect face and long hair as dark as mine. Damn, she has a nice ass, and long legs which are currently kicking in the air behind her. Her tits are almost as big as Ashley’s, definitely a D-cup, since I’m a C.

We do homework for about an hour as we chat with the television on the background. Fortunately, we’re all good students and manage to finish up everything due tomorrow. Then we sit back on the furniture and lose ourselves in the show until Daddy gets home.

“Hey, girls!” Daddy smiles as he walks into the living room holding his briefcase. He looks so sexy in his suit.

“Hi, Baby!” Lexi chirps as we all stand up.

“Steven.” Hazel smiles.

“Daddy.” I add. “This is Stephanie. I invited her over today.”

“Nice to meet you, Stephanie.” Daddy says politely as he offers the tall raven-haired beauty his hand.

“You too, Sir.” Stephanie replies as she shakes Daddy’s hand while obviously admiring his handsome face.

“Please, ‘Steve’ or ‘Steven’ is fine.” Daddy smiles.

“Pleasure to meet you, Steven.” Stephanie purrs as she gives Daddy a cute smile.

“Will you be staying for dinner?” Daddy asks.

“If I’m invited!” Stephanie giggles.

“Of course you’re invited!” I interject.

“Kayla is right, you’re welcome to join us.” Daddy assures the tall girl.

“Thank you, I’d love to.” Stephanie says.

The five of us continue making small talk for a few more minutes. At one point, while Daddy isn’t looking, Stephanie turns to me and mouths ‘he’s hot’ before blushing and giggling. She isn’t wrong, Daddy is a very attractive man.

Eventually, we head to the dining room for dinner. Stephanie is suitably impressed by the spread. She seems amazed that we always eat such fine fare. I mean, it’s nothing crazy expensive, but it is still a very well-prepared dinner.

“So, Stephanie,” Daddy says as he offers her the mashed potatoes, “what are your plans for after graduation?”

“Nothing special.” Stephanie answers as she accepts the bowl from Daddy. “Just going to the local CSU.”

“Oh, same as the girls.” Daddy comments.

“Yeah, hopefully we can be friends still.” Stephanie smiles.

“I’m sure we will be.” I nod.

“We stick together around here.” Lexi adds.

“I can see that!” Stephanie says happily.

“So, feel free to stick together with us!” Hazel giggles.

The meal is great, the company is even better. Stephanie is clearly having a great time. She eats two servings and still has room for dessert. This time, dessert is a nice chocolate cake. I love chocolate! It runs in the family. I remember Daddy bringing Mommy chocolates, them sharing, feeding each other and smiling. I miss my mom.

As usual, Hazel insists on cleaning up. Stephanie tries to help as well, but Daddy tells her she’s a guest and should sit back down. Then the five of us return to the main living room. This time, Daddy sits in the armchair and pulls Lexi into his lap. Hazel, Stephanie, and I relax together on the couch.

I know that Stephanie still wants to talk, so I soon suggest that see and I go to my room alone. Lexi says we should just fuck right here, and I flip her off. The redhead blows a raspberry as Hazel giggles. Stephanie and I laugh as we get up and make our way to my bedroom.

“Sorry about Lexi.” I say as I shut my door.

“All good.” Stephanie smirks. “I love how genuine everyone is here. No hiding, no secrets.”

“Yeah, it is nice.” I give her a fake smile as I think of Hazel and her secrets. Then I notice how sad Stephanie looks. “Are you okay?”

“No. Not really.” Stephanie shakes her head as she sits down on the edge of my bed.

“The rape?” I ask softly.

“The rapes, losing my best friend, not being able to kiss a guy, guilt for not listening to you, everything!” Stephanie blurts out.

“Losing your best friend?” I inquire.

“Kelsey and I don’t really talk anymore.” she admits. “I mean, she’ll respond if I text her, but it’s always one word answers. She blames herself for everything because she was the one who said nothing bad would happen if we experimented with drugs. She thought we were safe with the guys.”

“I wish I could help her.” I bite my lower lip and look down sadly. “Does she know about the kidnapping?”

“Yes, and I told her Keith doesn’t have a cock anymore.” Stephanie admits as tears form in her eyes. “Sorry if I’m a bad friend, but I thought she should know.”

“It’s okay, Stephanie.” I say as I sit down beside her and wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“I feel like such an idiot.” she sniffles, tears running down her cheeks. “I went from asking him why he called girls ‘sluts’ and ‘whores’ to cumming while being called names.”

“That doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.” I insist. “I love being called a slut. It can be very empowering. As long as the guy knows it’s just dirty talk.”

“It wasn’t just dirty talk with Keith and David.” Stephanie sighs.

“I know.” I reply. “That’s why you need to find a guy who genuinely cares about you.

“I can’t!” Stephanie exclaims as she buries her face in her hands. “I can’t!”

“Sh, sh, it’s okay.” I coo softly. “Why can’t you?”

“Because I can’t let a guy touch me!” Stephanie whines. “My date, he was so nice, but I flinched when he tried to kiss me. I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore. Then today, shaking hands with your father, I actually felt anxious! I don’t know what to do!”

“Maybe you should see a therapist?” I suggest.

“I have one.” she tells me. “Doesn’t help.”

“I’m sorry.” I whisper as I squeeze her shoulder. “You’re okay with me touching you, right?”

“I am.” Stephanie nods. “It feels nice.”

“Good.” I smile softly. “You seemed okay when you told me Daddy was hot.”

“Yeah, I mean, I can do stuff like that. Flirt, check out a cute guy, your dad is fucking gorgeous, by the way,” she says as she rubs her eyes, “but actually doing more? I can’t.”

“You just need time.” I insist.

“There’s something else that happened with Kelsey. I wasn’t gonna tell you.” Stephanie admits.

“You don’t have to tell me.” I remind her.

“I know, but I should.” she sighs. “Kelsey and I are both in such a dark place. The one thing we have is each other. I may have tried to make love with her ... I thought it would heal us both.”

“What happened?” I wonder.

“She pushed me away and said she wasn’t gay.” Stephanie wails. “Then Kelsey said it was bad enough that we had to kiss and lick cum off each other! She said didn’t want to touch me, ever!”

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