Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 33

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


It’s Saturday, so my alarm doesn’t wake me up. Instead, I am able to sleep in. When I finally do sit up and wipe the sleep from my eyes, I glance at my phone and gasp upon realizing that it is almost noon. Well, shit. I don’t usually sleep in this late. The stress must be getting to me. I have a couple of texts from April.

April: Good morning. :)

April: Still asleep? Damn, girl! Did you go out trolling for cock last night without me?

Stacey: No! I guess I’m still messed up about everything. I haven’t slept this late since college!

April: Wanna talk about it?

Stacey: Not sure what to talk about. I miss Steven, I have feelings for you now. I’m tired.

April: I’m sorry :( we never got together last night. Wanna hang today?

Stacey: Sure, and do what?

April: We could go clubbing tonight?

Stacey: Count me in!

April: Great! We’ll each get rides and meet up after dinner?

Stacey: It’s a plan!

April: A date?

Stacey: Perhaps. ;)

April: A girl can dream. :)

Stacey: I’m gonna shower. You keep dreaming :P

April: Now I’m dreaming about you soaping up those big titties!

Stacey: Perv.

April: You know it!

I smirk and set my phone down on my bedside table. I raise my hands above my head as I stretch, causing my large breasts to bounce lightly on my chest. Wearing nothing but a pair of panties, I make my way to the bathroom for my morning routine.

It’s pretty standard; pee, brush teeth, take birth control pill. Then I step into the shower. While washing up, I shave my pussy, legs, and underarms. I even rub out a quick orgasm in the shower, while imagining Steven, of course. By the time I make it back to my bedroom wearing clean panties, I notice I have a surprising text.

Kayla: Hi, Stacey. How have you been?

Stacey: You know, ups and downs. Thanks for reaching out! How are you?

Kayla: It’s been an intense couple of days.

Stacey: Do you wanna talk?

Kayla: Maybe.

Stacey: No pressure! I know you have your father and friends to talk to.

Kayla: You’re my friend, too. I feel bad how you’re being pushed out just for loving Daddy.

Stacey: Thank you for saying that, but I deserve it.

Kayla: Why would you think that?

Stacey: Because I do want to steal Steven from Lexi.

Kayla: You’re in love with him. It’s understandable. You’re not a bad person, Stacey.

Stacey: I feel like one. :(

Kayla: I understand. You’re going through a lot right now.

Stacey: Yeah, I miss you guys. Not just Steven. I miss you, Kayla.

Kayla: Well, you did touch my pussy. It’s understandable that you want more ;)

Stacey: Making it dirty, I approve!

Kayla: ;P

Stacey: So, am I going to find out why Steven had to rush out of work Thursday?

Kayla: Yes. It’s hard to say, but you should know.

Stacey: I know it isn’t my business. I’m not family.

Kayla: I want you to be.

Stacey: You’re sweet for saying that, but Steven made his choice. We all have to live with it.

Kayla: Stacey, I still want you to be one of us. I was raped at a party.

I don’t text back. I freeze with my phone in my hand, gripping it tightly. Rape. Oh, my God. Kayla’s a rape victim! Every woman’s worst fear. The nightmare she’s going through, and here I am acting like a love-sick teenager! Shit! Fuck, fuck, shit! I’m an idiot. Of course Steven is keeping this to himself. It’s his daughter’s privacy!

Stacey: Oh, my God! Kayla! Are you okay? What am I talking about, of course you’re not!

Kayla: I’m okay, Stacey. :) Well, mostly okay. Thanks to Daddy. And my friends.

Stacey: I’m here for you, too! Whatever you need, name it.

Kayla: I need your friendship.

Stacey: You have it.

Kayla: I know you’re mad at Daddy for not telling you things, but he had to keep my secret.

Stacey: No! I understand. I was a bitch!

Kayla: No, you weren’t. You’re in love and emotional.

Stacey: Thank you for being so understanding.

Kayla: That’s what friends are for!

Stacey: So, this happened Thursday? It was pretty early for a party.

Kayla: No, the rape was awhile ago. My rapist, Keith, also raped Lexi and a few other girls.

Stacey: Holy shit!

Kayla: Yeah ... anyway, he was about to get arrested, so he kidnapped Lexi and I with a gun.


Kidnap. A gun? Holy shit! This crazy shit actually happens in real life? With me having all these negative thoughts about Lexi. I’m a piece of shit! She’s in the same nightmare as Kayla! Fuck, I am actually glad Lexi has Steven.

Kayla: Yeah ... he wanted money from Daddy.

Stacey: Did he get it? Thank God you’re both okay!

Kayla: Long story short; he made me suck him and I bit his penis off.

Stacey: I don’t know what to say. This is a lot to take in! Should I call you?

Kayla: I’m cuddling with Daddy and Lexi while we watch a movie. Maybe later.

Okay. Okay. I can’t breathe. Fuck. I have so many emotions running through me. I’m laying in bed in my panties, when I should be there. I want to be there, be part of their family. I know I’m not though. This is so hard! Do I text Steven? No, he is adamant about me not being family. Fuck!

Stacey: I’m just glad you’re okay. That both of you are okay. Thank you for telling me this.

Kayla: There’s more. A lot more.

Stacey: Um, okay.

Kayla: My friend Hazel is pregnant with Daddy’s baby. He’s also dating Lexi’s sister, Nicole.

Pregnant. Steven got another girl pregnant. I’m in shock that it isn’t Lexi, but I’m still so jealous. I want to have his babies. I let out a breath as I try and control the emotions circling through me. He has another girlfriend. Lexi’s sister. More competition. More proof that this isn’t even a competition anymore; I’ve lost. Another text comes in as tears form in my eyes.

Kayla: Oh, and I had sex with my father.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. I know Steven is living his life while I’m not a part of it, but damn! He’s really going crazy! Incest. I don’t know how I feel about that. I guess I know that Kayla and Steven have a unique, extra-close relationship. Still, it’s not something that I really approve of. Right? I don’t approve of incest!

Stacey: You had sex with Steven? He’s your father! That’s incest!

Kayla: Yes, I did. And, I know.

Kayla is a rape victim, Steven is a widower. It makes sense that the two of them are bonding so closely. I’m sure they know they can’t actually be in a relationship with each other. It’s just their way of being close. I can get behind that. I think.

Stacey: I’m a little overwhelmed, but I think I understand. You and Steven are special.

Kayla; We do have a special bond. Thank you for understanding. I knew you would.

Stacey: I’m jealous that he has another girlfriend. :(

Kayla: Yeah. :( Lexi just filled Nicole in about you this morning.

Stacey: Bad things?

Kayla: No, well, Lexi is still upset with you. She’s jealous. I think you two need to talk.

Stacey: She has nothing to be jealous about. Steven chose her. She doesn’t trust me.

Kayla: I suppose that’s a better way to put it. :/

Stacey: Oh God, Kayla! Everything is so fucked up!

Kayla; Yeah. :( Also, news networks found out about the kidnapping. They keep calling.

Stacey: Shit, seriously?

Kayla: They want to interview Lexi and I. My number has always been unlisted, but not Lexi’s.

Stacey: That must be tough on her.

Kayla: It is. The five of us have been together since Thursday night.

Stacey: The five of you?

Kayla: Hazel. She lives here now, her parents kicked her out. Me. Lexi. Nicole. Daddy.

Stacey: Gotcha. What about your other friends? There were two other girls you’re close to?

Kayla: Ashley and Marcia. Their parents found out about all the sex we have.

Stacey: That must have gone over well.

Kayla: I assume that was sarcasm. :P It did not.

Stacey: So, you can’t see them anymore?

Kayla: I’m not sure. Their parents let them stay with us after the kidnapping...

Stacey: That’s something!

Kayla: Yeah, but they’re definitely limiting our time together. No more constant sleep overs.

Stacey: You’re going through a lot.

Kayla; So are you. I’m here for you, Stacey.

Stacey: I’m here for you, too.

Kayla: I should let you go. Talk soon?

Stacey: Definitely. Stay safe.

Kayla: You, too.

I set my phone aside as tears run down my cheeks. Kayla and Lexi are rape victims. Kidnapping. I’m acting like a spoiled brat. I can’t help it. I love him so much. I want to be part of his life. I want to be the one he confides in. Instead, I’m the one covering for him when he leaves work early. A coworker. Not a lover. Not family.

My tears stain my pillow as I curl up in a little ball, lost in misery. I wrap my arms around my knees as I pull them up to my chest. My nearly-nude body shakes with sobs. He has two girlfriends. I’m not one of them. I want to be his one and only. Well, I’m happy to share him with April. No one else. It doesn’t matter what I’m happy with.

Twenty-five. I’m twenty-five years old, and this is my life. Fuck. Kayla and Lexi have ten times the courage that I do. I’m just a love struck fool. I keep crying until I feel like I have no more tears left to give. Only then do I blow my nose and head to the bathroom to wash my face.

I put on a robe and go to my kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Browsing the news on my phone, I polish off two cups before deciding I should eat lunch. Making something hot sounds like way too much work. Sandwich and chips it is. I wash it all down with a diet soda.

After cleaning up the remains of my lunch, I curl up in bed with a book. It’s a romance novel, which I’m almost finished with. When the couple eventually gets back together and make love, I find myself feeling disappointed that the sex isn’t more graphic.

When I finish the book, I set it down and pick up my phone. Opening the web browser on my phone, I go to my favorite erotic literature website. Thinking about Steven, I decide I want a romantic sex story, so I go to the right category and start browsing.

Once I find a nice, hot story, I begin reading. The story is really good. There’s a lot of set up, some light flirting before the inevitable date invitation. The shy girl accepts. Understandably, their date goes really well and things start heating up. When the girl gets naked and begs for cock, I start to rethink my image of her as a shy twenty-something.

The sexy woman starts sucking dick, making my mouth water as I imagine a hard shaft between my own lips. My pussy twitches when I think about Steven’s throbbing manhood in my mouth. Fuck, I love cock. I briefly set my phone down and take off my robe. Then I lift my ass so that I can pull off my panties as I prepare to masturbate.

My fingers trail along my slit, and I swipe my middle finger through my labia, coating my digits in feminine nectar. Then I pick up my phone and resume the story. When the girl gets on her hands and knees and prepares to take it from behind, I start rubbing my clit.

Fuck, being crouched in doggystyle while a huge cock plows away at my cunt; yes, please! I sigh as I realize that I probably can’t be with April. I love dick too much. I need a massive tool to slam into me over and over, making me scream.

I have two fingers jammed up my hole now. My lips are pulled back, my teeth bared as I rapidly finger myself. I’m holding my phone up with one hand as I read the story. The woman is now begging the man to cum inside her. I understand. There’s nothing like the feeling of a massive dick shooting off inside me. Steven’s dick.

“Steven! Fuck me! I’m cumming! Steven!” I gasp out as my eyelids flutter.

Pushing my two fingers all the way inside me, I feel my pussy clamp down as it starts to convulse. Pussy is amazing, but cock is my true love. I’m sorry, April. I bite my lower lip as I slowly come down from my orgasm. Then I suck my juices from my fingers before finishing the story.

The story ends well, with the couple agreeing to continue dating. Good for them. I sigh as I walk to the bathroom naked to clean up. Then I’m back in my panties and laying in bed. No need for the robe, I’ll just relax with my tits out until dinner.

Time to read another book. This one is fantasy. I love reading. I’m such a bookworm. I guess that’s why April and I get along so well. Both nerdy in our own way. I shoot April a text while reading, asking her about her day. She soon replies.

I read my book and text with April until dinner. I want something hot, but I don’t wanna cook. Sucking it up, I preheat the oven and prepare a nice meal. When I take the first bite, I decide this is definitely worth it. I’m a pretty good cook!

Finishing dinner, I sigh when I realize I actually have to put a bra on. I go with a sexy black bra to match my lace panties. Then I shimmy into a little black dress that shows off my cleavage. We’re going clubbing, I wanna look hot! I brush my long, blonde hair until it cascades down my back in a yellow curtain. Finally, I order a ride on the app and step into heels.

My driver stammers when he meets me. Really, he squeaks when he welcomes me into the car. I smile and blush softly. It’s sweet. I am a sexy, young blonde with good-size tits and baby-blue eyes. I get it. I give the poor boy a nice tip when we arrive at our destination.

I don’t head inside right away. Instead, I walk around outside as I wait for April. Turns out, I’m here before her. I text her and she tells me she’s still about ten minutes away. So, I play on my phone until another car pulls up.

The car door opens, and my adorable best friend steps out. She thanks the driver for the ride and shuts the door. April looks amazing in a green dress that brings out her eyes. Her light, wavy hair is framing her pretty face, and she is smiling as she gazes at me.

“Hey, Stacey!” April grins, her fingers curling cutely as she waves.

“Hi, Bestie!” I reply as I walk over to my favorite nerd and hug her tightly.

April smiles and stands on her toes to hug me back. She’s so tiny, it’s adorable. Holding hands, we make our way into the nightclub. We both get carded this time, and hand over our licenses so they can verify we’re over twenty-one. Finally, we’re allowed inside.

Music is pumping through the expensive sound system as people dance all around us. Lights flash, adding to the atmosphere of the club. There’s a nice bar in the back where a number of people are sitting and drinking.

Time to dance! April and I rush out onto the dance floor and start to party. My blonde hair is flailing about as I twirl to the music. I take April’s hands in mine and we spin. April’s green dress swirls about her smooth legs while we laugh and smile.

Two hot women dancing and having a great time. It isn’t long before guys start to notice us. I feel hands at my hips as a guy gets behind me and starts swaying with me to the beat. April smirks at me as a second guy gets behind her.

We go with it! April and I start grinding our butts back against the guys as we dance. We don’t know their names. We don’t need them. Although, when my guy’s hands reach higher to cup my tits, I take them and put them back at my waist.

The night continues. April and I dance with guys, with girls, with each other. I find myself gazing into her lovely green eyes as we hold each other close and move. At one point, April stands on her toes and presses her lips against mine. I kiss her back.

When we break apart, I notice several guys watching us appreciatively. Nothing like two girls making out to get guys hard! April looks straight at one guy and licks her lips suggestively. Feeling mischievous, I reach down and cup my best friend’s tight ass.

“Wanna take a break?” April shouts over the music, her sweaty hair clinging to her face.

“Sure!” I call out in agreement. “Let’s grab some drinks!”

I hold April’s hand as I skillfully guide the short girl through the crowd. Bodies press up against us as we make our way across the dance floor. Finally, we reach the bar. It isn’t too crowded here, so we find a spot beside a handsome man in his mid-thirties. April sits with him on her right. I then plop down on April’s left, further away from the guy.

“What can I get for you?” the bartender asks.

“A couple of shots!” April answers. “Whatever you recommend.”

“Coming right up.” the bartender replies.

“Put it on my tab.” the handsome man says smoothly.

The bartender nods as he moves to fulfill the order. April and I both turn our heads to look at the man who is buying our drinks. He’s definitely in his mid-thirties, and he’s very handsome. Slightly taller than average, probably right at six feet, he has dirty blonde hair and is clean-shaven. He’s wearing nice pants and a button-down shirt.

“Thanks!” April calls out loudly.

“Yeah, thank you.” I add as I smile at him.

“My pleasure.” the man replies as he admires us. “I’m Barry.”

“Stacey!” I tell him.

“I’m April.” my best friend says.

“Nice to meet you both.” Barry smiles as the bartender places shots in front of April and I.

Barry raises his glass as April and I lift the shots. We clink glasses before we all start drinking. Barry takes a sip of his whiskey as April and I knock back the shots. Then Barry buys us two new drinks to nurse while we chat.

“So, Barry,” I begin, “what do you do?”

“I’m an attorney.” Barry answers. “I mostly deal with business law.”

“Oooh, fancy!” April giggles before taking a big swig of her drink.

“Not really.” he chuckles. “It’s pretty boring. What do you girls do?”

“I work with computers, and Stacey is an executive assistant.” April tells him in her cute voice, answering for me.

“Sounds like you both have great heads on your shoulders.” Barry comments.

“Well, April does, anyway.” I laugh. “I’m just the nerd’s best friend!”

“I’m sure you’re a lot more than that.” he smiles.

“Flattery will get you everywhere!” I giggle.

“Good to know.” Barry says softly.

“Are you seeing anyone?” April asks.

“No one at all. I’m single.” he confirms.

“Lucky us!” I breathe.

Yeah, he’s checking out my tits. It doesn’t bother me, I’m wearing this dress for a reason. Feeling frisky, I lean forward to give him a great view. I know I’m hot. Maybe April has a point; it’s Steven’s loss.

We continue chatting with Barry. He’s a nice enough guy, but it’s obvious that he’s out looking to get laid. I also notice he checks his phone a lot. I guess that makes sense for a lawyer. After finishing our drinks, Barry orders us another round of shots before we have our glasses refilled and resume our conversation.

“Come here a lot, Barry?” April wonders as she pushes her glasses up her nose.

“Not really.” he shakes his head. “Once in awhile.”

“When you’re horny and looking for a hook up?” I teasingly ask.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Barry throws back his head and laughs as he lies.

“Right.” I smirk.

“You seem in a great mood tonight.” April points out.

“Definitely. I’m celebrating!” he tells us. “Also, it doesn’t hurt to have two lovely ladies to chat with.”

“Oh, what are you celebrating?” I ask.

“I just got a huge job.” Barry announces with a grin. “It’s great pay, and it will keep me busy for some time.”

“Good for you!” I smile. I mean it, too. Always nice to hear about someone’s success.

“Thanks!” he smiles charmingly.

“I think someone deserves a reward for all his hard work.” April breathes.

“What did you have in mind?” Barry wonders, lust in his eyes as he leers at my best friend.

For such a shy nerd, April is really coming out of her shell. It’s amazing! My jaw actually drops when April reaches up her dress. The petite blonde lifts her ass so she can slide her panties down her legs. She pulls her heel-covered feet through her underwear and places the wadded up cloth on the table in front of her.

“Why don’t you keep these?” April offers as she slides her panties across the bar, toward Barry.

I notice the bartender freeze as his eyes flick between April’s face and the underwear on the bar. He must see women behaving like this all the time, still it’s a turn on, I’m sure. Barry’s tongue snakes out briefly to wet his lips before he opens his mouth and grins widely. The handsome thirty-something man then reaches across the bar and snags April’s panties.

“Thanks, Babe.” Barry says as he pockets the flimsy cloth.

The flirting definitely ramps up. April makes suggestive comments, and it’s obvious that Barry has her. I’m more conservative, but I make sure to show a clear interest as well. Barry is clearly having a great time, I’m sure visions of a threesome are flashing through his imagination.

“No reward from you, Stacey?” Barry asks at one point. “I mean, your friend will be tough to beat!”

“Is there something you wanted?” I ask with a cute giggle.

“I’m sure I could come up with something.” he smirks.

“Mm, I’m sure you could.” I purr. “How about this?”

I stand up and walk over to the empty seat to Barry’s right. I sit down. The bartender is clearly watching as I take Barry’s hand in mine. Then, as I snake my tongue out to moisten my lips, I slip Barry’s hand into my dress and bra.

“Fuck.” he breathes as his hand grasps my naked breast.

Holding my hand outside my dress, I press Barry’s hand against my tit-flesh. I let out a breath when I feel my hard nipple pressing into his palm. Not to be outdone, I notice April reach over and start to rub Barry’s bulge.

“You’re so hard!” my nerdy friend gasps.

“You girls are making me hard.” Barry comments as the bartender looks on. Several other people in the vicinity are watching as well.

“Yeah, he’s a lucky guy!” April calls out confidently as her fingers caress Barry’s hardness through his pants.

“And he’s about to get even luckier.” I comment as I hold Barry’s hand to my tit.

“Is that so?” Barry asks with a self-satisfied smirk.

“Yes.” I comment as I remove his hand from my dress and lace our fingers. I then stand up and pull Barry to his feet before turning to the bartender. “I’m gonna take him to the bathroom and suck his dick.”

“Uh, okay.” the bartender mutters with wide eyes. “Have fun.”

“Oh, we will!” I smile as I lead Barry along the bar.

“You go, girl!” April calls out after me.

Yeah, I know I’m being really slutty. Still, if shy April can let loose, I can too! Barry trails behind me as we make our way to the nearby bathroom. Thankfully, there is a one person bathroom that we can use. I bring us inside and lock the door. Then I turn to face my conquest.

“I LOVE sucking dick.” I husk as I place my arms behind my back and pose prettily.

“I got one for you right here!” Barry says as he drops his pants and boxers, freeing a decent-size erection.

“Mm, I love it!” I coo.

“Get on your knees, Slut.” he orders in a firm voice.

“Yes, Sir!” I state as I rush to obey.

Within thirty seconds, I’m on my knees on the bathroom floor, like the dirty slut I am. The tile is rough on my skin, but I’ll deal with it. I take Barry’s hard-on in my hand and start stroking. He’s pretty thick, and of about average length. All in all, it’s a good cock.

“Suck my dick. Now!” he snaps at me.

I nod quickly before leaning forward and slurping his head between my lips. Letting go of his shaft, I grip his thighs in both hands as I start moving my head back and forth in the standard blowjob motions. I really do love dick.

“Yeah, that’s a good, little Slut.” Barry comments as he buries his hands in my hair.

Guilt momentarily surges through me as I think of Steven. I wish I was on my knees for the love of my life, not this guy. Knowing Steven is jealous when I hook up with guys is almost enough to make me put an end to this. However, Barry grips my head tightly and starts fucking my face, forcing me to focus on breathing.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!” I gurgle as drool runs from my lips.

Barry is small enough that I can take his entire length down my throat. He takes the opportunity to use my mouth as if it’s a pussy. Fuck, he’s being rough. I can feel his balls slapping against my chin as he uses me. In the end, I just let my mouth hang open so I can make sexy noises around his shaft.

“Get your tits out, Whore!” he hisses.

Whore. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Better than ‘Bitch’, I suppose. I release Barry’s thighs so I can pull the straps of my dress and bra down my shoulders. Then I pull my tits out of my bra cups, exposing my nipples to the open air. The cool air makes them harden instantly.

“Fuck, you’re hot.” he groans.

Keeping one hand on my head so he can continue fucking my face, Barry reaches down with his other hand and attacks my tits. I clamp my lips down on him and groan when he pinches my nipple. Then I grip his thighs once more as I use my throat to massage his thickness.

“MM!” I moan loudly as he slaps my tits.

“I’m gonna cum in your Slut mouth!” he announces as he grips my head in both hands.

I let him use my mouth for his pleasure as he pulls my head along his length. Soon, I feel him swell between my lips. My fingers claw at his thighs as cum explodes into my willing mouth, coating my tonsils. I swirl the hot load around my mouth with my tongue.

“Don’t swallow!” Barry orders.

I’m once again reminded of Steven. Steven loves to see my cum-filled mouth. Still, I comply. I hold Barry’s cum in my mouth, not swallowing as the last few drops dribble out. Barry then pulls me off of him, holding me up by the hair with one hand.

“Show me.” he commands.

I gape my mouth. I actually feel myself getting wet as I imagine how I must look right now. On my knees in a little black dress. Tits out and mouth open. Drool covering my chin as I show off my cum-filled mouth. Whore just about sums it up! I think I’m okay with this.

“Swallow.” Barry says softly.

I swallow. Then I show him my empty mouth. He smiles as he releases my hair. Then he reaches out with both hands and squeezes my tits together. I stay on my knees, letting him play with my boobies for a few minutes.

“We should get back to April.” I eventually say.

“Works for me, Babe.” Barry replies before releasing my tits and putting his cock away.

I place my breasts back into my dress and bra before standing up. Wiping the dirt from my pretty dress, I smile at Barry. He looks back at me and grins. Yeah, he’s a little rough, but so is Steven. I like it. I’m pretty sure Barry really is a good guy.

“How’d it go?” April asks when we sit back down at the bar. Barry has one slut on each side of him.

“Your friend gives great head!” Barry replies.

“And you have yummy sperm.” I tell him as I lick my lips.

“The bartender is walking around with a boner now, thanks to you!” April giggles.

“And you!” I insist.

“Well, I may have flashed him while you were gone.” my best friend admits with a blush.

“April!” I exclaim. “Anyone could have seen!”

“I hope they enjoyed the show!” April giggles.

“You girls are wild!” Barry says happily. “Bartender! Bring us more shots!”

April and I just giggle as the bartender complies, providing three more shots. The three of us clink our glasses before downing them. Then we each order another cocktail to enjoy as the flirting continues into the night.

“Do you two wanna get out of here?” Barry eventually asks.

“Oh, trying to pick us both up?” I wonder with a wink.

“You both do seem interested.” he answers smoothly.

“Trust me, we are!” April giggles. “Ever had a threesome, Barry?”

“Once or twice.” Barry admits.

“Well, not like this!” I declare.

“Where are you taking us?” April asks.

“Um, well,” Barry stammers, “we could get a hotel room?”

“Fuck that!” I state as I raise my glass. “Let’s go back to my place! It’s close!”

“Okay!” he agrees quickly. He must not want to take two strange sluts back to his home. I guess I understand.

Barry indicates to the bartender that he wants to settle the tab. Then he sends a quick text on his phone before taking out his wallet. Barry pays the tab while I order a ride on my phone. We’re heading back to my place, so I figure I should get the ride. April just spins slightly in her stool, her fingers tapping on the hard wood of the bar as she hums softly to the music.

“Our ride should be here soon.” I say.

“Great!” Barry smiles before offering his hands to us. “Shall we, ladies?”

“We shall!” April grins confidently as she takes his hand.

I take Barry’s other hand and he laces our fingers. The handsome lawyer then leads us outside. We wait about fifteen minutes for our ride to arrive. Barry opens the door for both of us, and we step into the vehicle. Barry gets in as well, and we’re off.

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