Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 28

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 28 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


Kayla heads out for her Sunday lunch with Ian and his parents, leaving Lexi and I alone in the big house. We don’t even have the butler and housekeeper to keep us company, since it’s a Sunday. I soon find myself in the main living room, cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend as we watch television.

“Can I ask you something?” Lexi inquires at one point.

“Sure, anything.” I reply.

“I meant to ask you last night, but then your cock was in my mouth.” she grins.

“Then in your pussy, then in your ass.” I nod.

“So, it’s your fault this didn’t come up earlier!” Lexi admonishes.

“Uh, I believe the words ‘Shove it up my slutty asshole’ came out of your mouth.” I counter as I hold Lexi close.

“Oh yeah, I may have said that.” Lexi giggles as she snuggles up with me.

“Anyway, what did you want to ask?” I wonder.

“Are you okay with everything that is going on?” she asks.

“Could you be a little more specific?” I laugh.

“The girls are getting involved with guys.” Lexi explains. “Marcia kissed Shawn, Ashley got railed by Josh.”

“You could have just said they had sex, you didn’t need to say ‘got railed by’.” I shake my head.

“Same thing.” Lexi shrugs. “And don’t change the subject. Are you okay with it?”

“Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous.” I admit with a sigh. “I love Marcia and Ashley, and if they get into relationships, I’ll definitely miss being with them.”

“You mean you’ll miss Ashley’s big tits and Marcia’s tight pussy?” she suggests as she wiggles against me.

“Something like that.” I acknowledge.

“Are you gonna be okay?” Lexi asks, turning serious for the first time.

“Yes.” I nod. “I want the girls to be happy. I care about that more.”

“They could be happy with us.” she insists.

“Is this about your idea of us all being in a relationship together?” I ask.

“Well, yeah!” Lexi exclaims. “I mean, I don’t want to ever stop making love with my Slut-sisters.”

“You don’t have to!” I say. “I thought you girls agreed that you’d never let a guy come between you?”

“Yeah, we did.” she sighs. “Then Marcia got pissed at Ashley about outdoing her. I know that worked out in the end, but it still worried me. It’s easy to say we won’t let a guy come between us, but what happens when Josh or Shawn isn’t okay with we girls fucking? Or whoever Hazel ends up dating? We got lucky with Ian.”

“Which is why you want a big group relationship.” I nod in understanding. “You have me to satisfy the girls’ need for cock, and I won’t interfere in your lesbian activities.”

“Exactly.” she confirms.

“Lexi,” I begin, “it isn’t just about their need for cock. There’s a need for intimacy, for companionship.”

“They can have that with us!” the redhead insists.

“Not a lot of people can truly handle a poly relationship long term.” I reason. “Ashley and Marcia have guys they like, and Hazel is enjoying being single. That may change, but I’m sure that the bond the five of you share won’t.”

“I’m scared.” Lexi says in a small voice. “I don’t wanna be alone again.”

“Listen to me.” I state firmly as I look down at the gorgeous girl. “You will never be alone again. You have me. You have Kayla, Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia. You even have Nicole now, too. You aren’t alone.”

“Promise?” she asks.

“I promise.” I whisper as I hold her close.

“I just wish things could stay the same. Slut-sisters with one cock.” Lexi sighs.

“Things are always changing. What will stay the same is your bond with the girls, and our love.” I insist.

“Thank you, Steven.” she says.

“You’re welcome.” I reply.

Lexi leans up and presses her lips against mine. I smile into our kiss as I bury a hand in her sweet smelling auburn hair. My hand finds her breast, and I massage the firm mound from outside her shirt as Lexi moans into my mouth. Just as she starts rubbing my bulge, her phone goes off.

“Shit, that’s probably Nicole.” she murmurs, breaking our kiss.

“Your sister has terrible timing.” I groan.

“Yup, it’s Nicole!” Lexi chirps, ignoring my statement. “She’s here.”

“Just when things were getting good.” I lament.

“Oh, don’t be a baby.” she rolls her eyes. “Soon, you’ll have two gorgeous redheaded sisters begging for your cock.”

“You don’t know that.” I counter with a smirk. “That could have been a one time thing.”

“It wasn’t. I’m sure of it.” Lexi insists.

“Good!” I grin.

I walk through the house with Lexi, holding her hand tightly. Soon, we make our way to the foyer and throw open the doors. Standing in the doorway, looking as beautiful as ever in her usual jeans and tight top, is Nicole.

“Hey, sis!” Lexi exclaims as she releases my hand to hug Nicole.

“Hi, Lexi.” Nicole giggles while hugging her baby sister. “Hey, Steven.”

“Nicole. Good to see you.” I say charmingly.

“Kayla out again?” Nicole asks.

“Yeah,” Lexi answers, “she’s having lunch with her boyfriend and his parents.”

“She’ll be back later for dinner and our game night.” I assure Nicole.

We exchange a few more pleasantries before showing Nicole inside and leading her to the main living room. I turn on the television and sit in the center of the couch. Lexi curls up beside me, beneath my left arm. To my surprise, Nicole sits to my right and kicks off her flip flops. The stunning woman then wraps an arm around me as nestles in the crook of my arm. Lexi might be right.

“This is cozy.” Nicole comments happily.

“He’s amazing at cuddling, isn’t he?” Lexi asks in a contented voice.

“He really is.” Nicole agrees. “You’re a lucky girl.”

“Well, you are welcome to cuddle with us anytime.” I say.

“You really mean that?” Nicole asks as she lifts her head to look at me. Her green eyes are glowing with happiness as she brushes a lock of auburn hair back behind her ear.

“I do.” I assure her with a nod.

“Thank you.” Nicole whispers, her eyes closing as she leans forward.

I close my eyes as well, just as our lips meet. Then Nicole and I are kissing softly. I pull my arm away from Lexi and lightly cup Nicole’s lightly-freckled face as she grips my bicep. Our tongues dance for at least a minute before Nicole pulls back an inch.

“I want you.” Nicole husks.

“Why me?” I reply sincerely. I really am curious.

“Uh, because you’re a great guy and amazing in the sack?” Lexi suggests.

“I’m serious.” I say, still looking into Nicole’s green eyes. “Why me? You could have any guy you wanted for your first time, why did you choose me? Your baby sister’s boyfriend.”

“That’s a fair question.” Nicole says as she sits back and thinks about it. “I’m not even sure where to begin.”

“How about at the beginning?” I suggest.

“Did you know that Kyle tried calling the cops on you?” Nicole asks, seemingly at random.

“Okay...?” I question, wondering what this has to do with anything.

“What? What for? He didn’t do anything!” Lexi exclaims.

“That’s what the police told Kyle!” Nicole rolls her eyes. “They told him you were eighteen, Lexi, and legally free to decide who to be with. Still, Kyle was convinced Steven was a predator, and honestly, I kind of was too.”

“Well, I’m glad you don’t think that anymore.” I say.

“Me, too.” Nicole smiles. “Anyway, once I came around here and saw all the love you have for Lexi and your daughter, I started to understand. Then I realized how shitty of a sister I’ve been. I owe you an apology Lexi.”

“What for?” Lexi asks.

“When you were getting raped and passed around, where was I? Off living my own life and forgetting you exist. Steven saved you. It should have been Kyle and I, but it was Steven.” Nicole explains.

“It’s not your fault, Nicole. It’s Keith’s.” Lexi states firmly.

“I know, Keith is the one to blame. I still can’t help but feel guilty. I refuse to speak to our parents until they let you back into their lives.” Nicole says. “Kyle still talks to them, he told them everything about you and Steven. Everything he knows, anyway. They want nothing to do with you, Lexi. So, they’ve lost me too.”

“Oh, Nicole!” Lexi exclaims. “You don’t have to do that!”

“Yes, I do.” Nicole nods. “And as for why I chose to give Steven my virginity, I guess I saw how happy he made you, and I realized that no one had ever made me so happy. I started to get quite the crush! I guess this showed me he’s a great guy.”

“Thank you.” I whisper.

“He is a great guy.” Lexi adds with a smile.

“Anyway, I don’t know.” Nicole shrugs helplessly. “I’ve wanted to give it up for awhile now, but could never find a guy who got my motor running, and was safe. Steven was the first. So, he got to be the first. And right now, I’m hoping, the second.”

“I’d be honored.” I say sincerely.

“Before we fuck, can I try sucking you?” Nicole asks eagerly.

“Sure!” I say. A hot redhead wants to blow me, of course I’m saying yes. “You’ve given blowjobs before, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” Nicole nods. “But it’s been about four years, and never to a cock as big as yours. I hope I can get you in my little mouth!”

“It’s worth it to force him in.” Lexi interjects. “I love feeling that monster throbbing in my throat.”

“I’ve never tried to deep throat before.” Nicole comments. “Well, no time like the present!”

With that, Nicole gets off the couch and drops to her knees between my legs. I lift my butt to help her slide my shorts and boxer briefs down, freeing my erection. Lexi stays in her spot at my side as Nicole takes my hard dick in her tiny hand and starts stroking it.

“Fuck, I love this cock!” she coos as she looks at my penis in wonder.

“It is an amazing piece of meat.” Lexi agrees with a nod. “And it’s all mine!”

“Care to share with your big sis?” Nicole asks, looking at Lexi as she strokes me.

“Suck that dick, Nicole!” Lexi shouts.

“Mm, with pleasure.” Nicole purrs.

Then I’m in her mouth. Nicole only has the tip and the first inch between her lips, but holy shit, this feels fantastic. I think it’s the knowledge that it’s Nicole sucking me that has me extra turned on. I reach down and bury my hands in her auburn hair while Nicole’s cheeks cave in as she starts sucking.

I can definitely tell that Nicole is inexperienced. Hell, I think even quiet Marcia is a more practiced cocksucker. Still, Nicole definitely makes up for her lack of experience with enthusiasm. She rests her hands on my thighs as she bobs her head on the first few inches of my shaft, moaning around me.

“Don’t just suck, use your tongue as well.” Lexi instructs as she watches the top of Nicole’s bobbing head. I can feel Lexi’s fingertips caressing my bicep as her big sister blows me. “The underside of the shaft is really sensitive.”

“Fuck, Nicole!” I gasp out when she follows Lexi’s instructions and licks me.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!” Nicole moans as her lips stretch wide around me.

I lean my head back against the couch and groan. Nicole tries to take me deep, but gags and is forced to back away. I don’t mind, this is still one incredible blowjob. I don’t guide her motions with my hands, instead I just grip the top of her head tightly, reminding her of how good she’s making me feel.

“Don’t ignore the balls.” Lexi says at one point. “And remember, be gentle with them.”

Nicole takes a hand off my thigh and reaches between my legs. I let out a breath when her soft hand finds my balls. Soon, she’s lightly massaging my sack with her fingers. I can feel myself leaking pre-cum into her mouth.

Lexi doesn’t interfere directly with Nicole’s blowjob, but the younger sister does lean over and start kissing my neck. I lift my head to give her easier access to my throat. Lexi’s soft lips trail along my skin as Nicole’s soft lips glide along my shaft.

“He’s getting close, Nicole. Get ready for it.” Lexi warns when she feels me tense up. My girlfriend looks up and can see it in my face. I’m gonna cum.

“Nicole!” I gasp, my orgasm imminent.

Nicole just bares down, sucking harder as the sexiest moaning and slurping noises escape her lips. I grip her head tightly as my hips buck. My balls contract as my shaft pulses, spitting out wave after wave of hot semen into Nicole’s warm, willing mouth.

Lexi’s inexperienced older sister lets out an adorable squeaking noise as she feels cum coating her tonsils. I feel her throat undulate, and know she’s swallowing each spurt as it enters her mouth. It isn’t long before the last drops trickle out.

Nicole pulls off of me with a slurp. She falls backward, catching herself with her hands. The stunning redhead is breathing heavily, and there is a small river of cum running down her chin. Her tongue snakes out to lap it up. Then Nicole gives one final swallow.

“Now, that’s how you give a blowjob.” Lexi nods approvingly.

“That was fucking amazing.” I whisper as I gasp for breath.

“Thank you.” Nicole blushes as she brushes her long hair back.

“Didn’t save any cum for me?” Lexi pouts.

“Sorry, Slut!” Nicole laughs from her spot on the floor.

Lexi blows a raspberry as I put my penis back in my shorts. Then Nicole joins Lexi and I on the couch again. We’re immediately back to cuddling and watching television. Two gorgeous redheaded sisters who both want my cock; yeah, life is good.

“I’m proud of you, sis!” Lexi says about ten minutes later.

“She is amazing.” I agree. Looking down, I can see that Lexi and Nicole are holding hands, their entwined fingers are resting in my lap.

“I really did okay?” Nicole asks.

“Better than okay!” I exclaim.

“But, I couldn’t deep throat you!” Nicole whines.

“You’ll get the hang of it.” Lexi assures her sister. “It just takes practice to learn how to really relax your throat muscles.”

“I’m happy to be a practice dummy!” I interject.

“Of course you are.” Lexi rolls her eyes.

“Works for me!” Nicole chirps.

“You two are definitely sisters.” I say with a chuckle.

“Are you sure?” Lexi asks mischievously. “I’m thinking of doing some very not-sisterly things to Nicole right about now.”

“Oh yeah?” Nicole asks with fake innocence. “What kind of things?”

“How about we take this party to the bedroom so you can find out?” Lexi suggests.

“I think I’m okay with that.” Nicole whispers as she leans across my chest.

“Good.” Lexi whispers back.

The sisters meet in a soft kiss, with me sitting between them. I smile down as I watch them softly peck each others lips. It doesn’t look like they’re using tongue; it’s a light, romantic kiss. One full of love.

“We should head upstairs.” Nicole husks.

“My thoughts exactly.” Lexi nods.

Both girls stand up and offer me a hand. I walk between them, holding each one by the hand as we head to the master bedroom. Lexi puts on some music as I shut the door. Nicole smiles shyly as she watches us.

“C’mere, big sis.” Lexi says, holding out both her hands.

Nicole smiles and reaches out both hands to take Lexi’s. Then the two girls are kissing again, this time with much greater passion. I watch as they fall into bed. Lexi is on top, her hand cupping Nicole’s face as Nicole grabs Lexi’s butt cheeks with both hands.

I feel myself starting to get hard again when Lexi sits up and whips off her shirt. My girlfriend then reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra. Once she’s topless, Lexi reaches down and starts pushing Nicole’s shirt up her body.

Nicole sits up to help, their lips once again meeting as Nicole and Lexi work the shirt up Nicole’s torso. The kiss breaks so Nicole can discard her shirt. Seconds later, Nicole’s bra is gone and both sisters are completely topless. Lexi is laying on top, squishing their bare breasts together as they make out.

I quickly take off my shirt and drop my shorts, leaving myself fully naked as I step out of my shorts and boxer briefs. In the meantime, Lexi is pulling Nicole’s jeans down. I smile when I see Nicole’s cute panties. However, moments later, they’re gone too.

Once again, I get a look at Nicole’s nude frame. She’s fucking perfect. Long, red hair, endless legs, and a flat stomach. Her breasts are slightly larger than Lexi’s, with light pink nipples. I love the bright red pubic hair between her legs, right above a beautiful, pink pussy.

“Eat me out, little sister.” Nicole coos as she pushes down on Lexi’s head, encouraging the younger girl to go down.

Lexi immediately complies, kneeling between Nicole’s spread legs. I smirk as Lexi’s jean-covered bottom wiggles in my direction. Once she’s in position, Lexi lowers her head and starts tonguing Nicole’s pink gash.

“Oh God, I love this!” Nicole squeaks.

I can hear Lexi giggle at Nicole’s words. The younger sister then starts eating out Nicole with vigor. Soon, Nicole loses the ability to form coherent speech. She moans and pants, screeching out her pleasure for the entire room to hear.

“I wanna taste you, Lexi.” Nicole is eventually able to gasp out.

“All you had to do was ask.” Lexi says against Nicole’s slit.

Lexi sits up and unbuttons her jeans. She then lays down perpendicular to Nicole as she slides the skintight jeans down her legs, along with her panties. Both redheaded sisters are completely naked, and I’m rock hard.

My lust only grows when Lexi spins around and lowers her pussy over Nicole’s face. I’m near the foot of the bed, so I can see Lexi’s face, and realize the exact moment that Nicole starts eating. Lexi’s adorable face scrunches up as she wraps her arms around Nicole’s legs.

“That’s it, just like that!” Lexi groans. “Just do what you’d want done to yourself.”

With those words of wisdom, Lexi lowers her head and resumes munching on Nicole’s snatch. Two stunning, redheaded sisters are currently in the middle of a sixty-nine on my bed. I may have just cum fifteen minutes ago, but I am fully erect as I watch the two girls going at it. Yeah, I need to get my dick wet. Now.

Despite my desire to stick my cock in a warm, wet hole, I manage to convince myself to wait a few minutes. I climb on the bed and watch the sisters sixty-nine as I stroke myself. They are both fingering and licking each other with enthusiasm, seemingly forgetting about me. Five minutes later, they both cry out and announce their orgasms.

My lust finally peaks, and I need to get in on this. I’ve held off as long as I can. I knee-walk across the bed until I’m between Nicole’s legs. I grab Lexi by the hair and roughly yank her head up. Her mouth and chin are covered with Nicole’s juices. I don’t wait for her to say anything; I unceremoniously shove my cock into Lexi’s mouth.

“Mm!” Lexi squeals, her eyes wide.

“Keep fingering Nicole while you suck my cock!” I order.

“Mm! Mm!” Lexi nods around my shaft.

Looking down, I can see Lexi’s fingers rapidly working Nicole’s box. At the same time, she’s balancing on her other hand while she bobs her head rapidly on my hard dick. Lexi’s sweaty hair is clinging to her face. While this is happening, I notice that Nicole is gripping Lexi’s ass cheeks, clearly eating out the younger girl.

Eventually, Lexi opens her mouth wide and screams around my shaft as she buries two fingers up Nicole’s cunt. Clearly, Nicole is doing something right. Drool runs freely from Lexi’s lips as she orgasms on her sister’s tongue. I don’t give Lexi a chance to relax, and seize the opportunity to grip her head in both hands and really fuck her face.

A strand of drool is dangling off Lexi’s chin while I use her mouth as if it’s a pussy. I feel myself close to cumming from the mental high of being a part of this threesome. I don’t want to cum yet. I pull my cock out of Lexi’s mouth and, while holding her by the hair with one hand, I slap her face with my shaft.

“Oh, my God! Nicole! Eat me! Eat me!” Lexi screams as she tries to kiss as much cock flesh as she can.

“Mm!” Nicole hums against Lexi’s box. I can see Nicole’s fingers digging into Lexi’s bum.

Lexi licks my tip before pulling her fingers out of Nicole’s pussy and grabbing my shaft. She strokes me several times with a look of pure lust on her face. Then Lexi aims my cock lower, and soon I’m moaning as I sink into Nicole’s hairy cunt.

“Oh, fuck! You’re so fucking big!” Nicole screeches against Lexi’s pussy.

“Less talking, more eating!” Lexi admonishes as she grinds her crotch down onto Nicole’s face.

“Fuck, Nicole! You’re tight!” I gasp.

“You better not cum yet!” Lexi warns. “We’ll need that thing for awhile!”

“I’ll do my best.” I laugh.

I grip Nicole’s hips in my hands as I start thrusting into her willing body. She really is incredibly tight. I can feel her pussy gripping me, unwilling to let me go. Looking straight down, I watch as Nicole’s labia spread around my shaft, swallowing my tool. That’s when Lexi swoops in and starts licking Nicole’s clit.

“FUCK!” Nicole screams against Lexi’s pussy, clearly overwhelmed by the stimulation.

“That’s it, cum for us, Nicole!” I encourage.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Nicole chants as her lithe body writhes in pleasure.

“Taste your sister’s pussy.” I order as soon as Nicole comes down from her orgasm. Whipping my cock out of Nicole, I shove it down Lexi’s throat.

Lexi moans loudly as she lunges forward, taking almost my entire length in her mouth. I look down at her, just in time to see the last inch of my cock still protruding from between her spread lips. Her eyes roll up to meet mine as she makes gurgling noises around my shaft.

I alternate between Nicole’s tight pussy and Lexi’s talented mouth, switching every forty-five seconds or so. The entire time, Nicole is slurping away at Lexi’s little cunt. While I’m inside Nicole, I grip her legs and spread them wide so I can get my entire length inside her. When she’s not sucking dick, Lexi is lapping at Nicole’s clit. The sight is too much. The feelings are too much.

“I can’t take it anymore!” I grunt. “I have to cum!”

“In me! Cum in me!” Nicole screeches from between Lexi’s legs. “I’m on the pill now!”

Lexi’s head shoots up, and we lock eyes. My girlfriend gives a quick shake of her head. I understand; the pill is revolutionary, it completely stops menstruation and prevents pregnancy with ninety-nine percent efficiency. It also starts working in a matter of days, but Nicole has probably only been on it for a few days. It’s too big a risk.

“In my mouth!” Lexi counters. “Cum in my mouth!”

“Okay!” I gasp.

I reach down and grasp my cock at the base as I pull it out of Nicole’s pussy. The older redhead moans pitifully and bucks her hips, trying to get me back inside. Instead, I shove myself between Lexi’s lips and unload in her mouth.

Rather than swallow, Lexi spins around on top of Nicole and lowers her head. I can’t see, but I can tell from the kissing and slurping sounds that the sisters are swapping my cum. I fall back on my hands as the girls caress each other and share my semen between them, swallowing and moaning.

I knee-walk along the bed until I’m beside the girls. Lexi and Nicole are grabbing each others boobs as they kiss. The two girls soon start tribbing. They’re insatiable! Also, Nicole is a fast learner! She is expertly rolling her hips now. I can hear them moan and pant as they grind their clits together. I lay down beside them and turn my head to watch them go at it.

“Oh, Lexi!” Nicole coos.

“Nicole!” Lexi whispers urgently. “Sister!”

At one point, they surprise me by wrapping their arms around each other and rolling over. Now, Nicole is on top. The older girl leans down and captures one of Lexi’s pink nipples as she grinds her clit against her baby sister’s.

“Yes, lick my titty!” Lexi encourages, her hand buried in Nicole’s hair.

The sisters continue tribbing until they each have a couple more orgasms. Only then do they break apart. Lexi climbs over my body so she can lay on my right side, while Nicole curls up on my left. Four flawless breasts are pressed against my chest as my hands reach down to cup two perfect asses. That’s how we fall asleep, their heads pillowed on my chest as their entwined hands rest on my stomach.

I wake up to the feeling of hands running along my chest, delicate fingernails tickling my skin, urging me back to consciousness. Opening my eyes, I look down and see Nicole and Lexi smiling up at me. Both girls lean down at the same time and kiss my chest before looking back at me with two pairs of sparkling green eyes.

“What a sight to wake up to.” I comment as I smile at both girls.

“You’re welcome!” Lexi chirps as she tosses her hair over her shoulder.

“How long were we out?” I ask as the girls continue caressing my chest.

“Not long.” Nicole answers with a shrug. She then reaches down and grasps my flaccid member. “Look, you have two hot, naked redheads on you and you’re still not hard.”

“Watching two sisters in a sixty-nine tends to wear a guy out.” I laugh.

“Yeah...” Nicole trails off, a slightly guilty expression on her face.

“So, when did you get on the pill?” Lexi asks as she reaches over and brushes Nicole’s hair out of her face affectionately.

“Oh, I called my doctor first thing Monday morning.” Nicole answers, still looking slightly upset. Although, her hand is still gripping my package. “Got an appointment for Tuesday morning, and I was on the pill that afternoon.”

“Five days...” Lexi mutters. “Probably enough.”

“Still, it was better to be safe.” I say with a nod.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Nicole agrees. “Sorry about that. I just have always fantasized about a man pumping hot cum into me.”

“I understand. Well, not really. Not something that interests me.” I tease, making the girls giggle. “How about next weekend, Sunday? I’ll cum in your pussy then.”

“It’s a date.” Nicole smiles as she lightly massages my balls. I’m not hard, but damn, this feels nice.

“Are you okay, Nicole?” Lexi asks a few minutes later. Both girls are running a bare foot along my calf as they caress me. Nicole still has the same uncomfortable look on her face. “You seem off.”

“I guess I’m just wondering if we’re doing the right thing.” Nicole sighs reluctantly.

“Didn’t enjoy your first taste of pussy?” Lexi teasingly asks as she puts on a strong smile.

“It was delicious. You were delicious.” Nicole blushes. “Still, you’re my baby sister, should I really be eating you out?”

“Do you think what we did is wrong?” Lexi wonders.

“I don’t know.” Nicole admits. “Society certainly wouldn’t understand.”

“Well, maybe society is wrong.” I interject. “You girls love each other. You’re sisters. You’re bonding in a way that is loving and beautiful.”

“When did you get to be so pro-incest?” Nicole inquires with a giggle.

“Oh, it’s because Kayla swallows his cum now.” Lexi explains.

“Really?” Nicole gasps.

“Yeah...” I admit.

“She doesn’t suck him off or anything, I do that!” Lexi continues. “But yeah, she’ll swap cum with me. He even came on her once.”

“Are you two working up to some daddy-daughter love?” Nicole asks as she rubs her crotch against me.

“I don’t know.” I finally say with a sigh. “But this is why you shouldn’t feel guilty. You have family who loves and accepts you for who you are. Fuck what society thinks.”

“I like your change in attitude!” Lexi exclaims.

“Well, he’s right!” Nicole smiles. “I’m being stupid. I have the greatest, most loving family, ever! I love you both!”

“And we love you.” I confirm with a nod. “So, there’s nothing wrong with shoving your face in some sister twat.”

“Good, because I don’t wanna stop.” Nicole giggles.

“I’m okay with this!” Lexi announces.

“Speaking of eating pussy,” I begin, “Nicole, you’ve never been eaten by a man.”

“That’s true, I haven’t!” Nicole smiles, her fingernails scratching my sack.

“What do you say? Wanna spread your legs?” I ask.

“For you? Always.” Nicole nods and grins.

“Oh, I wanna watch! I wanna watch!” Lexi claps as she sits up and gets into the perfect position to watch the action.

I use my arms to push myself into a sitting position. Then I slide down the bed and get in between Nicole’s legs. Sliding my hands along her calves, I grip her legs behind the knee and spread open Lexi’s sister, fully exposing the older redhead to my lust-filled gaze.

“See anything you like?” Nicole asks shyly.

“Absolutely!” I breathe as I take in the sight of Nicole’s vulva. “That looks fucking delicious!”

“Then come have a taste.” Nicole suggests.

“I think I will.” I nod.

Every pussy has a unique flavor. Obviously, Lexi cunt is my favorite cunt. Still, Nicole does taste quite a bit like her sister. I love it! Keeping her legs spread with my grip on her knees, I lick all along Nicole’s slit, getting her nice and wet for me.

“Mm, that feels nice.” Nicole moans.

Glancing up from my spot between her legs, I see that Nicole is playing with her own boobs. She’s pulling on her nipples and squeezing her tits. The sight makes my smile, and I soon return to my task. Releasing Nicole’s legs, I start to get my fingers involved. I wrap my left arm around her right leg as I slide two fingers from my right hand into Nicole.

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