Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 27

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


Friday night, date night. At least, if you have a boyfriend. Which I don’t. Something which usually doesn’t bother me, but it does now. I shake my head as I get in my car after leaving work. Gripping the steering wheel, I let out a loud sigh. The man of my dreams is in love with an eighteen-year-old slut.

Starting my car, I begin the drive to my apartment. I feel moisture forming in my eyes as I realize how pathetic I am. Twenty-five years old, and I’m jealous of a high school girl. Fuck! I reach up to wipe away the tears and continue the drive home.

Less than half-an-hour later, I’m parking in the large lot for residents of my apartment building. I buzz myself in and take the elevator up to my floor. I’m grateful for the amazing job Steven provides, it allows me to afford this place all by myself.

I walk through the front door and enter my living room. Shutting the door behind me, I walk forward and toss my purse onto my couch, I’ll deal with it later. Then I kick off my heels, pick them up, and carry them to my bedroom.

Sitting on my bed, I rub my sore foot before shrugging out of my business jacket. Then I proceed to undress. Once I’m down to my bra and panties, I enter my bathroom and start the shower. I need to relax after today.

The hot water feels so good on my skin. My blonde hair is plastered to my scalp as I stand under the spray. After washing up, I decide to do some landscaping. I shave my armpits, my legs, and my pussy. They were already pretty bare, but I like to make sure there isn’t a hair in sight.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my body and tuck it in between my large breasts. Wiping the steam off the mirror, I check out my reflection. My baby blue eyes are practically glowing in the soft light.

I blow dry and brush my long hair before heading back into my bedroom. Discarding my towel, I hop into bed naked. While laying on my back, I reach over and dig around my nightstand until I find what I’m looking for; my vibrator. At least my battery-operated buddy won’t abandon me.

I spread my legs wide as I switch on the sex toy. Sliding the vibrator between my legs, I run it between my labia and around my clit. I bite my lower lip as I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure from the feel of the vibrator buzzing my little button.

“Mm, touch me, Steven.” I whisper.

My free hand finds my breast, lightly squeezing the sensitive mound as I try and replicate the way Steven touches me. Planting my feet firmly on the mattress with my knees bent, I buck my hips against the sex toy, trying to imagine Steven inside me.

“Fuck me! Fuck me hard, Steven!” I moan.

I can feel my juices soaking the sex toy as I imagine him on top of me, in me. His thrusts feel so good, his big cock is filling my little pussy. As I pant and shake, my fingertips grab my nipple and lightly pull on it. Fuck, this feels good.

My clit needs a break, so I switch off the vibrator and bring it to my lips. Sucking my juices from the sex toy, I imagine cleaning Steven’s cock after it’s inside me. Then I think about him grabbing my hips and flipping me over.

He wants to fuck me like a dog! I turn my body so that I’m on my hands and knees with my ass in the air. Then I lower to my elbows. Balancing on one elbow, I turn on the vibrator and slip it back between my legs.

“Oh, Steven! Fuck your slut good!” I groan loudly.

I keep the vibrator on my clit as I feel my orgasm approaching. My long blonde hair is falling off my back and hanging down around my face. I open my mouth in a silent scream as I cum hard on the sex toy.

“Steven!” I gasp out weakly.

After my masturbation session, I put on panties, lounge pants, and a loose t-shirt. Then I clean my vibrator before putting it away. I sigh heavily as I pad my way through my lonely apartment. I do like living alone for the most part, but right now, being alone sucks.

Time for dinner, I’m hungry. I head to the kitchen and take out a frozen dinner. Then I nuke my meal in the microwave before pouring myself a glass of water. Once the food is ready, I sit down to eat my unappetizing dinner.

As I eat, I text with some of my friends. They all have plans tonight. Most of them are going on dates, and I can’t help but feel jealous. Sighing, I rest my cheek on my left hand as I stab my fork into my food with my right.

“Fuck it, I’m going out tonight.” I say out loud to myself.

I finish my dinner and clean up, washing the dishes and the table. Then I head back to my bedroom and get changed. I put on a pair of black lace panties. Then I shimmy into a little black dress and step into matching heels.

Checking myself out in my full-length mirror, I know I look hot. My blonde hair is framing my face, and my bright blue eyes look incredibly enticing. I lean forward to make sure that my cleavage is showing properly, which it is. My legs are long and shapely. Yup, this girl needs a drink.

I place my phone and wallet in a clutch purse and head out the door. Since I plan on drinking tonight, I order a ride service to take me to the nearest bar. It isn’t a place I regularly frequent, but I’ve been here a couple times.

Music is pumping throughout the room as I enter and make my way to the bar. My hips sway as I walk as sexily as I know how. I can feel the admiring glances of men following me as my heels click on the floor.

“What can I get for you?” the bartender asks as I take a seat at the bar.

“Vodka tonic, please.” I order politely.

“Coming right up.” he replies.

I glance around the room as I wait for my drink. It’s crowded tonight, which makes sense, it is a Friday night. A minute later, I thank the bartender for my drink and put the straw to my lips as I take a sip. It’s good!

For the next twenty minutes, I nurse my drink while people watching and listening to music. Then I take out my phone and send a few texts. I wish I could text Steven, but I know better. I look up from my phone just as the bartender places a second vodka tonic in front of me.

“Excuse me, I didn’t order this?” I say.

“It’s from the gentleman at the end of the bar.” the bartender replies as he gestures toward another section of the bar.

“Oh. Okay!” I say as I glance over at the man.

A handsome man raises his glass and gestures in my direction with a smile. He appears to be in his mid-thirties, and has light brown hair along with a close-cropped beard. I’m about to shake my head at him to indicate I’m not interested when I notice his eyes. Green. Just like Steven’s.

So, instead I raise my glass back and nod politely in thanks. He takes this as an invitation and gets up from his seat. I watch him weave through the crowd as he makes his way over to me and sits down at the stool beside mine.

“Alex.” he says, extending his hand as he introduces himself.

“Stacey.” I reply, shaking his hand. “Thanks for the drink.”

“You’re welcome.” he responds, flashing me a charming smile.

“So, Alex, are you here alone tonight?” I ask before finishing off my first drink and moving on to the one he got me.

“I am now.” Alex replies. “I was here with a friend and his girlfriend, but they decided to leave early. I wasn’t ready to go home, so here I am. You?”

“Yeah, I got off work and went home to make dinner.” I explain. “I decided I didn’t wanna stay in on a Friday night, so here I am!”

“Here we are!” he chuckles.

I lift my glass and take the straw between the fingertips of my other hand. Smiling at Alex, I take a sip. He raises his own glass to his lips and takes a swig before setting the glass back down on his napkin. From the looks of things, he’s drinking scotch.

“What do you do for a living?” I ask to make conversation.

“I’m an electrician. I own my own business.” Alex answers confidently.

“That must be exciting.” I comment.

“It is.” he confirms. “I get to travel all around the area and help people.”

“Have you been doing it long?” I wonder.

“I’ve been studying to be an electrician since high school.” Alex explains. “I went to a technical high school and took their electrician program. I started my own business a little over ten years ago.”

“Must be nice to be your own boss.” I say.

“Oh, definitely.” he nods. “I love being able to make my own hours. Although, the lack of days off sucks. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid.”

“That does suck.” I agree. “I love my PTO.”

“What about you, Stacey? What do you do for a living?” Alex asks.

“I’m an executive assistant for the owner of a finance company.” I answer as I polish off my second drink.

“That sounds interesting.” he says politely. “Do you enjoy it?”

“I do. I have a great boss who pays really well and respects my work-life balance.” I tell him.

“That’s great.” Alex smile sand nods. “Would you like another drink?”

“I think I would.” I answer.

Alex raises two fingers and gestures to the bartender. Once he has the bartender’s attention, he indicates an order for another drink for me. I smile and thank Alex and the bartender when my third vodka tonic arrives.

“I’m surprised a pretty girl like you isn’t here with her boyfriend.” Alex says.

“Does a line that simple usually work for you?” I tease and wink at him.

“I’m here alone, so what do you think?” he laughs back.

“Ouch. Poor guy.” I grin before it turns into a sad frown. “And no, no boyfriend. There was a guy, but he’s not available.”

“Well, his loss.” Alex states simply.

“Thanks.” I give him a weak smile.

We continue chatting for awhile. I learn that Alex is the oldest of three children. He seems like a nice enough guy. He even buys me two more drinks. I’m feeling extremely tipsy. I tell him a little more about myself as we start really flirting.

“Have I mentioned that you have the most incredible eyes?” he asks.

“Once or twice!” I say with a cute giggle.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to repeat myself.” Alex says as he leans in to look into my baby blues.

“No problem at all.” I purr as I also lean in. Reaching forward, I place my hand on Alex’s thigh and caress it softly.

“You’re beautiful, Stacey.” he whispers.

“Thank you.” I reply.

The compliments continue. Alex is laying it on a little thick, and normally this wouldn’t do it for me. However, my depression combined with the alcohol is making him seem much more charming than he actually is.

At one point, I lean forward and lightly peck his lips. He grins as I brush a lock of blonde hair behind my ear before kissing him again. The two of us end up making out right there at the bar. I’m sure people are watching us, but I don’t care.

“Do you wanna get out of here?” Alex asks when the kiss breaks.

“Yes.” I breathe.

“Your place or mine?” he inquires.

I smile and blush coyly. I can’t believe I’m actually considering a one night stand. I’ve only been with a handful of guys, and only after I’ve known them for awhile. I’m just so lonely. Still, I’m not taking him back to my place, and I’m not comfortable going to his.

“There’s a nice hotel down the street.” I suggest.

“Perfect.” Alex smiles.

Alex pays our tab, then grabs my hand and leads me out the door. The hotel is right down the street, so we decide to walk instead of ordering a ride. I lace our fingers, enjoying the feel of a man’s undivided attention.

We walk into the hotel lobby giggling, arms wrapped around each other. Alex pays for a room while the hotel clerk gives us both a knowing look. I’m sure we aren’t the first one night stand he’s seen tonight. A minute later, we’re in the elevator.

“Fuck, I want you.” Alex husks as he grabs the back of my head and presses his lips against mine.

“Mm!” I squeak into his mouth as I wrap my arms around him.

We’re making out in the elevator. Passion. Finally. With my eyes closed, I can imagine it’s actually Steven I’m kissing. With a sexy moan, I run my tongue along Alex’s as his hand reaches down to cup my butt.

The elevator dings as it comes to a stop at our floor. We rush out the elevator doors, getting an annoyed look from the elderly couple we push by. Alex uses the electronic key to unlock our door, and ushers me into our hotel room.

Our hands grope each other as we kiss and make our way over to the bed. We kick off our shoes as we sit down on the bed, side by side. He buries a hand in my hair as he shoves his tongue down my throat.

Soon, I feel his hand on the top of my head as he starts trying to push me down. I lift my head back up and lock lips with him again. He tries again a few moments later. I get it, he wants a blowjob, but can’t he kiss a bit more first? I’m still getting warmed up.

“Use your mouth on me.” he breaks our kiss to say.

“In a minute.” I breathe. “Let’s kiss a little more first.”

“Okay.” he replies before pressing his lips against mine.

He keeps one hand buried in my hair as his other hand slips into my dress to cup a naked breast. I moan into his mouth as my hard nipple presses into his palm. It takes a couple more minutes of kissing, but soon I feel the familiar moisture between my legs.

When he pushes down on my head again, I comply and slide off the bed. I kneel down on the floor between his legs and unzip his pants. He lifts his butt to help me slide his pants and boxers down, freeing a nice, hard cock.

I aim his erection toward my mouth as I lower my head. He lets out a groan when he feels my lips close around the top of his shaft. My head starts bobbing as Alex buries his hands in my hair, encouraging me to suck him.

“That’s a good girl, suck that dick.” he moans.

I place my hands on the bed, on either side of his hips. It isn’t long before I realize that Alex is a talker. He keeps talking to me as I give him head, encouraging me and calling me a good, little cocksucker.

“Mm, mm, mm!” I hum around his shaft as I take almost his entire length in my mouth.

“Yeah, deepthroat me! Just like that!” he encourages.

Alex’s lust grows, and he grips my head tightly as he begins to fuck my face. I grip the comforter tightly in my hands as I let my mouth hang open so he can use it as if it were a pussy. The sexiest gagging and moaning noises escape my lips as a large amount of drool slops out of my mouth and coats his balls.

“Holy shit, you give great head!” he husks.

Soon, Alex decides to take things further. He pulls me off his cock and drags me back onto the bed by my hair. Fuck, I love being manhandled! He lays me down and kneels between my legs so he can reach up my dress. I lift my bum to help him pull my panties off my body. I smile when he flings them across the room.

“Come have a taste?” I ask coyly as I spread my legs and hike up my dress. I know he can see my freshly shaved snatch from his current angle.

“Sorry, Babe, I don’t do that.” he says as he reaches out and grabs my tits.

“Oh, okay.” I mumble as he squeezes my boobs from outside my dress. Selfish asshole.

Alex whips off his shirt and tosses it onto the floor. His pants and boxers are still around his ankles, so he gets on top of me, between my legs. I spread myself open wider, causing my dress to hike up even further along my bare thighs.

“Fuck, you’re hot.” he says as he grabs his cock at the base and shoves it in.

“Ouch!” I wince as he roughly pushes inside me.

“Sorry.” he grunts as he starts thrusting.

I hook my ankles around his calves as my natural lubrication takes effect. Soon, I’m moaning and panting happily, my hands gripping his upper arms. Alex grabs the spaghetti-straps of my dress and yanks them down my arms. He then reaches both hands into the top of my dress and extracts my breasts.

“Damn, nice tits!” he compliments as he looks down at my bare boobs.

He places both hands on my breasts and holds them tightly as his ass bounces up and down between my spread legs. My dress is now a bunched up mess, as it is pushed beneath my breasts and above my waist. Sweat is running off his body as he fucks me.

“That’s it, take my cock!” he grunts. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

After a couple minutes, he pulls out of me. Alex takes a few seconds to discard his pants and boxers, leaving him naked. Then he grabs my hips and roughly flips me onto my stomach. I feel his hands grip my waist and I know what he wants.

I get up onto my hands and knees, tossing my long blonde hair down my back as I do so. Looking over my shoulder, I see him admiring my backside. I giggle and wiggle my bum for his enjoyment. I know I look hot with my dress bunched up around my waist, my tits out and proud.

“Fuck me!” I beg.

“Mm, beg for it, slut.” he orders.

“Please, please fuck me!” I beg wantonly. “I need your big dick, Baby!”

Alex is clearly overwhelmed with lust as he grips my hips and slots his erection at my opening. I throw my head back and moan when he enters me again. Within moments we are well engrossed in the rhythm of the familiar doggystyle position.

“Are you my little slut?” he asks as he takes me from behind.

“Yes.” I grunt.

“Say it!” he commands as he lifts one hand and spanks me.

“I’m your little slut!” I gasp out as my body jerks forward.

At one point, he reaches forward and grabs a fistful of my hair. Alex yanks my head back, causing me to groan in pleasure. I love having my hair pulled. With one hand on my hip, and one holding my hair, Alex continues drilling me so hard and fast that my tits are bouncing and slapping each other.

“You like that, Bitch?” he asks as he uses my body for his pleasure.

“Don’t call me that!” I hiss.

“Fine, sorry.” he mutters, still holding my head back by the hair. Yeah, he sounds sorry.

I’m really not into this anymore. He’s nothing like Steven. Yeah, his cock feels decent enough inside me, but Alex isn’t a sweetheart. His earlier friendliness is clearly just how he gets women to spread their legs. Well, it works; my legs are spread. Now, I just feel slutty and used. Fuck, I hope he cums soon.

He pulls back on my hair, making my back arch as I feel the familiar tingling feeling in my scalp. I do love it rough, getting spanked and having my hair pulled. I just wish Steven was the one currently inside me. I can feel Alex’s balls slap against my clit with every thrust. It does feel good.

“You gonna cum for me, Babe?” I ask in a sultry voice. Please cum.

“Not. Yet.” he punctuates each word with a thrust and a grunt.

He releases my hair and grips my hips in both hands so he can fuck me with a more steady rhythm. I can tell Alex is really getting into this. He grabs my hanging tits and squeezes them, he spanks me, he holds my hips and fucks me as hard and fast as he can.

“Where are you gonna cum?” I sexily inquire, trying to turn him on. “Are you gonna pull out and cover my butt and back? Will you make me swallow? Or will you be really dirty and shoot it all over my pretty face?”

“In you.” he groans as his thrusts pick up in speed and intensity. “I’m gonna fill that slutty, little pussy!”

“Fine, fine! You can cum in me.” I acquiesce as I push my ass back to engulf his cock in my warmth.

“Yeah, you want my cum, don’t you?” he asks in a thick voice.

“Yes, Baby! Cum inside me! Give me your cum! Give it to me!” I beg as I clench my vaginal muscles around his shaft, doing everything I can to make him cum.

I lower to my elbows, causing my tits to brush the bed with every thrust into my tight body. Feeling my nipples scrape against the fabric actually causes me to shiver in pleasure. Biting my lip, I grunt and pant as Alex continues to work his dick in and out of me. In spite of myself, I have to admit that it feels pretty good. Still, I’m glad when I realize that he’s finally getting close.

“I’m gonna cum in your cunt, Slut!” he grunts in warning.

“Yes! Fill me!” I shout. “I want it, I want it!”

Alex pulls me backwards by the hips and buries his entire length inside me. He begins to shudder and groan as I feel the familiar sensation of hot fluid squirting into me. His body shudders against me as he pumps me full of semen. Once the last of his cum enters my womb, Alex makes a few small thrusts into me before slowly pulling out.

“Holy shit, that was good.” he gasps as he gives my ass a light slap. “Thanks, Babe.”

I slowly lower my body until I’m laying flat on the bed with my legs spread. I can feel cum leaking out of me and staining the bedspread. With a groan, I get off the bed and head to the bathroom with my dress still bunched around my waist. After peeing, I wipe myself and wash my hands.

When I return to the main room, I notice that Alex is under the covers, facing away from me. Upon closer inspection, I realize he is fast asleep. Rolling my eyes, I adjust my dress before hunting around for my panties.

Once I’m fully dressed, I walk out the door without looking back. I open my purse and take out my phone to order a ride home. Well, this sucks. The man I love can’t even touch me, and now I’m standing outside a hotel feeling like a cheap whore.

Forty-five minutes later, I’m entering my apartment once again. I strip down to my panties and collapse onto my bed with a groan. I don’t even bother pulling the blanket over myself, I just fall asleep where I land. What an ending to my first one night stand.


I wake up early Saturday morning and hop out of bed excitedly. Today is the day of the pool party, which normally wouldn’t get me so giddy; we have pool parties all the time. I’m excited to hang out with Josh outside of school for the first time. Plus, I get to see him shirtless! Lucky Ashley!

I soap up my massive mammary glands as I stand in the shower and imagine Josh’s reaction when he sees me in a bikini. A smirk crosses my face; the poor boy will have an even harder time speaking than usual. Standing under the water, I let the spray wash the soap from my body. Soapy streams run down my stomach and legs in rivulets.

After my shower, I take a topless shot in the mirror to send to Steven. Maybe someday I’ll be sending pictures like this to Josh. The thought makes me smile. Then I dry off and dress in jeans and a v-neck top. Next, I make my way down to the kitchen. I grab a blueberry muffin and a drink before sitting down at the table. I’m the only one awake this early, so I start eating alone.

“Good morning, Ash!” Melissa, my fifteen-year-old sister, says when she enters the kitchen ten minutes later.

“Morning, Mel.” I reply before taking a sip of my coffee.

I love my baby sister. She looks exactly like me, just a few years younger. We get along great, unlike so many other siblings. Melissa is wearing a standard pajama set, and I watch her putter around the kitchen as she prepares her breakfast.

“Got plans for today?” she asks as she pops a bagel into the toaster oven.

“The big pool party with everyone.” I reply. “I told you about it, remember?”

“Oh yeah!” Melissa exclaims. “The one the guys are going to. It was supposed to be last week but you had to postpone because Kayla’s boyfriend got suspended. What was his name again?”

“Ian.” I answer. “And yes, he and Kayla got caught sneaking out of an unused classroom during lunch. Some asshole was saying horrible things about Kayla. So, Ian hit him.”

“Good.” she nods, taking her bagel out of the toaster oven and walking over to sit across from me. “Sounds like the jerk deserved it.”

“He definitely did.” I agree. Melissa doesn’t know any more details. If she did, she’d probably go after Keith herself. Melissa loves Kayla.

“When are you going over?” Melissa asks as she spreads cream cheese on her bagel.

“After lunch.” I respond. “The girls and I will hang out for a bit until the guys show up.”

“That should be fun.” my baby sister says before taking a bite of her breakfast.

“Yeah.” I nod. “What are you doing today?”

“Going to the mall with the girls.” Melissa answers with a smile.

“No cute boys going?” I inquire while holding my coffee cup out in front of me.

“No.” Melissa giggles. “Not this time.”

“Their loss.” I say with a wink.

“Definitely!” Melissa laughs.

I keep chatting with my baby sister as we finish our breakfasts. Then we just sit at the table, sipping coffee and talking about random topics until our parents come in. They’re both yawning as they head straight for the coffee.

“Morning, girls.” Dad says as he pours him and mom each a cup of coffee.

“Good morning!” Melissa replies.

“Thanks for making coffee.” Mom adds.

“You’re welcome.” I respond.

We never have meals together. We just aren’t as close a family as Steven and Kayla are, I guess. Still, we all love each other. Also, today it looks like we will be having a meal together. Mom and Dad sit down with us to eat.

“Mom, are you still taking me to the mall?” Melissa asks.

“What time again?” Mom inquires.

“Around 1:00PM?” Melissa suggests.

“Yes, that’s fine. Make sure you’re ready.” Mom answers.

“Thank you!” Melissa crows.

“You’re welcome.” Mom smiles.

“Are you ready for your pool party today, Ashley?” Dad asks.

“Yeah, Dad. I’m excited.” I answer.

“Remember, no drinking.” Dad warns me.

“I won’t, Dad.” I lie smoothly. “We did just get back from a week long trip to Bermuda and nothing bad happened there. I think you can trust me.”

“We know we can, Ashley.” Mom says, trying to placate me. “You’re a good girl.”

“Thanks.” I reply. Yeah, a good girl who takes it up the ass. They’d never let me leave the house again if they found out about the whole ‘Slut-sister’ thing. My parents still think I’m a virgin who has never been drunk!

“It’s our job to worry about our little angel.” Dad smiles.

“Ew.” I stick out my tongue. An angel with a D-cup!

“Aw, a little angel!” Melissa teases.

“Ignore your father. He forgets sometimes that you’ve become a lovely, young woman.” Mom smiles.

“Thank you, Mom.” I respond.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with those girls lately.” Dad observes.

“They’re my best friends, Dad.” I explain. “We do everything together.”

“It was so nice of Steven to take you girls to Bermuda.” Mom says, changing the subject.

“Yeah, five teenage girls; the poor guy must have been miserable.” Dad laments.

“I’m sure it was unbearable for him.” I say while smirking into my coffee cup. Steven was drowning in pussy all week, it was definitely more than bearable.

We continue making small talk as a family of four. Melissa fills us in on the latest gossip from her classes. I tend to drown out this part of the conversation, since I’m not much of a gossip. Mom and Dad listen politely though.

After breakfast, we all go our separate ways. Mom makes a trip to the grocery store while Dad turns on the television in the living room and relaxes. Melissa and I each head to our respective bedrooms and shut our doors.

I relax in my room until lunch time. Then I make myself a sandwich and eat it at the kitchen table. Finally, it’s time to start the drive to Kayla’s. I hop in my car and cruise down the streets until I’m parking in their massive driveway.

It looks like I’m the last girl here. I see Marcia and Hazel’s cars already parked. I pull up beside them and head up the front door to ring the doorbell. It isn’t long before I’m shown in and make my way to the main living room.

“Yeah, Marcia! Suck that dick!” Lexi encourages.

“Oh, Hazel!” Kayla moans.

I smirk at the scene I walk in on as I enter the middle of the room so I can survey the action. Everyone is naked and engaged in a sex act. Hazel and Kayla are tribbing on the big couch. Hazel is on top, her long ponytail flailing as the two girls make out and Kayla holds Hazel’s firm butt cheeks.

Steven is sitting in one of the armchairs, like a king on his throne. Marcia is kneeling between his legs, her head bobbing up and down on his massive shaft as her hand cups his balls. Standing beside the armchair is Lexi, her hand is resting on Steven’s shoulder as she looks down and watches Marcia give head.

“Am I invited to the party?” I ask with a giggle.

Kayla and Hazel break their kiss and whip their heads around to look at me. They both smirk and nod before returning to their previous activities. Marcia ignores me completely and keeps sucking away while Steven nods at me.

“Get naked, Slut!” Lexi orders as she admires my body in my tight clothes.

I happily strip down to my birthday suit, revealing my tight, young body. Noticing that there’s no room on the couch, I walk over to the armchair and slap Lexi’s bare bottom. She squeals and covers her ass with both hands as I circle the couch and lean over to feed Steven a titty.

“Bitch!” Lexi hisses.

“Mm.” Steven moans happily as he grips my big boob with one hand and sucks on my nipple happily.

“Feels good, Babe.” I whisper as he nurses at my breast. We both ignore Lexi’s outburst.

Steven releases Marcia’s head and reaches for my crotch. I spread my legs to grant him access, and soon he’s rubbing my slit. I can feel my eyelids flutter as he slips two fingers inside my wet channel. Gripping the back of Steven’s head, I moan and start to sway as he continues to finger me and suck my tit.

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