Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 26

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


“Lexi. Lexi? Time to wake up.” I whisper into my girlfriend’s ear.

“But it’s Sunday!” she whines before turning away from me and pulling the covers over her head.

“And I let you sleep in!” I say before diving under the covers and tickling the gorgeous redhead.

“Ah! No!” Lexi squeals as she shoots up and desperately tries to get away from my dancing fingers.

“Got you!” I roar triumphantly as I throw the covers off of us and get on top of her.

“Jerk!” she shouts as she looks up at me with mock annoyance.

“You love it.” I grin before leaning down to kiss the tip of her nose. I’m in a very playful mood this morning.

“Hmph.” Lexi grunts.

“Hmph, to you, too!” I whisper back.

“You’re lucky I love you.” she rolls her eyes before reaching around me with both hands and grabbing my butt. “And that you have a great ass.”

“Wanna fool around?” I ask as I look into her green eyes. My cock is currently wedged between us, resting on Lexi’s stomach.

“Always!” Lexi giggles while squeezing my bum. “But, I think you should save it for Nicole.”

“Your sister who you told me not to check out?” I inquire with a raised eyebrow.

“Fuck you, I changed my mind.” Lexi sticks out her tongue.

“Are you sure about this?” I wonder as I look down at the beautiful young woman. I love the light dusting of freckles across her face. “If it works out the way you’ve planned, I’ll actually be having sex with your older sister.”

“I understand that.” she nods. “And yes, I’m sure.”

“Okay...” I trail off.

“Don’t be so glum, my sister’s hot!” Lexi notes.

“She is, I agree.” I acknowledge. “Still, I’m surprised you’re willing to let me have sex with her. You made it very clear I can’t touch Stacey.”

“That’s completely different.” Lexi insists. “Nicole said she thinks you’re cute. She’s definitely not in love with you like Stacey is. She’s my sister, and I want to bond with her. I want the three of us to bond. I’m a slut, sex is how I bond.”

“Remember, no pressuring Nicole. If she doesn’t want me, that’s it. If she doesn’t want you, that’s it.” I state firmly.

“I know! You don’t need to keep on reminding me!” Lexi insists.

“We both know how forceful you can be.” I remind her as I reach down and cup her boobs.

“Yeah, yeah.” Lexi rolls her eyes. “You just keep playing with my titties and let me worry about Nicole.”

“Slightly condescending, but that’s okay because I get to play with your tits.” I chuckle as I lean down and take a pink nipple in my mouth.

“Mm, feels good, Babe.” Lexi coos as her fingers lightly caress the back of my head.

I continue playing with Lexi’s boobs for a couple minutes. I hold the firm mounds in my hands, creating a delicious cleavage as I suck on her nipple. Then I switch to the other nipple and flick that one with my tongue.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Lexi says. “We’ll end up fucking if you don’t stop.”

“Maybe I wanna fuck.” I whisper against her boob.

“I do, too,” she admits, “but I want you to save up all that cum in your balls. We can wait.”

“Fine.” I grouse as I pull away from her breasts and roll off of Lexi’s naked body.

Lexi and I get out of bed and make our way to the bathroom. I pee as Lexi brushes her teeth. Then we switch, I brush and she pees. Next, we put on underwear and robes before heading down to meet Kayla for breakfast.

“What do you girls have planned for today?” I ask Kayla while we eat.

“We’re gonna meet at the mall.” Kayla begins after taking a sip of her drink. “We’ll have lunch at the mall and spend all morning shopping. At some point we’ll go out to a nice dinner and see a movie.

“Sounds like fun.” Lexi comments.

“You could have come with us.” Kayla reminds her.

“Yeah, but I wanted to spend some quality time with my sister and boyfriend.” Lexi explains.

“I love you, too.” I interject with a smile.

“I love you!” Lexi chirps.

“Gross.” Kayla says, pretending to gag.

“Whatever.” Lexi says in a high-pitch voice.

“What are you three gonna do today?” Kayla asks, changing the subject.

“Uh, you know, just hang out.” I answer nervously.

“Probably do some swimming, watch some television, use the game room.” Lexi adds smoothly.

“You know you won’t be able to skinny dip, right?” Kayla teases.

“Why does everyone always assume I’m gonna do something extreme like that?” Lexi asks.

“Because you’re Lexi.” I answer.

“Exactly.” Kayla agrees.

“Fuck you both.” Lexi giggles.

“You have, that’s our point.” I say.

“Oh, that was clever!” Kayla laughs.

“Thanks!” I smile.

Lexi blows a raspberry before returning to her meal. We keep chatting and teasing each other as we finish our breakfast. Kayla and Lexi are especially talented at making fun of each other. Then we clean up and go our separate ways to get ready for the day.

We meet up in the foyer, and I admire both girls. I’m just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, so I’m not too impressive. Kayla is dressed in tight jeans that show off her nice ass, and a cute top. Lexi is wearing a spaghetti-strap top and a skirt.

“Have a good time.” I say as I hug Kayla and peck her cheek.

“Have fun!” Lexi adds, taking her turn to hug and kiss my daughter.

“Thanks!” Kayla smiles before turning and heading out the door.

I take Lexi’s hand and we walk back through the house until we get to the main living room. We curl up on the couch together and I rest my hand on her calf. I then turn on the television and pick out a show for us to watch.

“Hey, Lexi?” I call out while looking at my phone.

“Yes?” she asks in a cute voice, drawing out the word.

“Do you remember when I told you that Allan wanted to meet you?” I inquire.

“Yeah, I remember.” Lexi answers.

“He just texted me.” I explain. “He wants to know if we want to have dinner with him and his wife, Amanda.”

“Sure!” she chirps. “When?”

“He suggested sometime this week.” I say. “How about Wednesday? Kayla has therapy that day.”

“Okay.” Lexi nods.

I text Allan, suggesting Wednesday, and then wait for a reply. While waiting, I sit back with Lexi and watch the show. My hand is resting on her bare calf as my thumb gently caresses her creamy, soft skin.

“Allan texted me back.” I announce ten minutes later. “Wednesday works for them.”

“Perfect.” Lexi says. She looks nervous.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Just a little nervous.” Lexi shrugs. “You and Allan have been friends for years, right?”

“Yeah, since middle school.” I confirm.

“What if he doesn’t like me?” she asks in a shaky voice.

“Why wouldn’t he like you?” I wonder.

“He might think I’m too young for you.” Lexi mumbles sadly.

“Do you think you’re too young for me?” I ask.

“No.” Lexi answers, shaking her head. “I think we’re perfect for each other. I bring out your wild side and you keep me grounded.”

“Then that’s all that matters.” I assure her. “But, for the record, Allan is going to love you. He’s glad to see how happy you make me.”

“You think so?” Lexi wonders, her face breaking out into an adorable grin.

“I know so.” I whisper, my arms around Lexi as I look into her lovely, green eyes.

Lexi’s glance flicks down to my lips. Moments later, we’re both leaning in. I bury my hand in her sweet-smelling, auburn hair as Lexi slips her tongue into my mouth. Her hand finds my bulge as I run my fingers along her thigh.

My gorgeous girlfriend moans into my mouth as I slide my hand up her skirt and cup her pussy from outside of her panties. She breaks our kiss and lets out a series of cute pants as I begin rubbing her. I latch my lips onto her pale neck and start sucking right when she expertly unbuttons my shorts. Just as her soft hand wraps around my hardness, the intercom goes off.

“Nicole’s here.” I whisper, looking into Lexi’s lust-filled eyes.

“Terrible timing.” she replies, withdrawing her hand from my shorts.

“Sorry, Baby!” I chuckle as I pull my hand out from under her skirt and re-button my shorts. “You didn’t wanna fool around before Nicole got here anyway.”

Lexi grunts in annoyance as the two of us get up and head over to the intercom. We tell the butler that we’ll be right down, then make our way through the house. When we reach the foyer, we are greeted by an absolutely stunning redhead.

Nicole is twenty-six years old and at the height of her feminine beauty. Her auburn locks are much longer than Lexi’s, running almost halfway down her back. The older sister has noticeably larger breasts, and is a couple of inches taller.

Nicole has the same green eyes as Lexi, the same charming smile, and the same light dusting of freckles across her model-perfect face. Personally, I think Lexi’s face is more attractive, but Nicole definitely doesn’t surrender much to her sister in terms of pure beauty. Lexi’s big sister is wearing a nice pair of jeans, a cute top, and a pair of sandals. A stylish purse slung over her shoulder completes the look.

“Hello!” Nicole says charmingly as she raises her hand and wiggles her fingers in a cute wave.

“Good morning, Nicole.” I say politely.

“Hey, sis!” Lexi chirps as she runs up to Nicole and gives her a big hug.

“Well, hi!” Nicole giggles. “Happy to see me?”

“Very!” Lexi grins as she surprises the taller girl by giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“She’s been in a great mood lately.” I explain.

“I can tell!” Nicole says before her eyes narrow. “You didn’t get engaged, did you?”

“No, we definitely didn’t.” I answer.

“Not yet!” Lexi adds as she releases Nicole. “C’mon, let’s go!”

Lexi grabs Nicole and I by the hand and drags us through the house. I glance at Lexi’s older sister, and we both share a bemused look as we let Lexi lead us through the house. Rather than lead us to the main living room, like I expect, the perky redhead instead takes us down to the game room.

“We’re gonna play pool?” Nicole asks as she looks at the large pool table in the center of the room.

“We have darts, too!” Lexi announces. “Also, there’s a table and a bunch of board games. I figure we always jump right in the pool, may as well enjoy something else first!”

“Works for me. Nicole?” I ask.

“Sure!” Nicole replies. “I’m not very good though.”

“That’s okay, neither is Steven.” Lexi giggles.

I give Lexi a look before heading off to grab us all drinks. Lexi and Nicole enjoy wine coolers while I have a beer. Sitting back, I let Nicole and Lexi use the pool table first. Nicole isn’t lying; she sucks at pool.

“I won, I won!” Lexi raises her cue in the air and does a victory dance.

“Whatever.” Nicole chuckles. “Let’s see if you can beat Steven!”

“She can.” I admit as I take the pool cue from Nicole.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll do your best.” Nicole says, giving me a friendly smile.

“Thanks.” I reply, smiling back. Okay, I see it now. She thinks I’m cute.

Lexi racks the balls and offers me the break. We play a single game, and I actually am doing very well. However, my redheaded girlfriend is quite the pool shark and is still able to claim a decisive victory.

We play a few more games of pool, and it’s clear that Lexi is the best player here. I’m able to beat Nicole, at least. Too bad Kayla isn’t here to put Lexi in her place. I just shake my head as we switch to darts. I can beat Lexi at darts.

Each of us finishes up our second drink and starts on our third before we decide to switch to board games. Sitting at the big table, Lexi and I bring out a big stack of games to choose from. We have Nicole pick one and we start playing.

“You really seem to like games, Steven.” Nicole comments at one point.

“I do!” I acknowledge. “When I was growing up, I had a game night with my parents every week. I made sure to continue the tradition with Kayla. We don’t really have a game night anymore, but we still make sure to find time to play.”

“We should start doing that!” Lexi exclaims.

“A game night?” I confirm.

“Yes!” Lexi answers excitedly.

“It does sound like a good idea.” Nicole adds.

“I’m surprised you’re so excited about it, Lexi.” I say.

“Well, of course I am.” Lexi replies. “We never had any family traditions, except yelling and swearing, so it would be nice to have something fun with you and Kayla.”

“We had traditions!” Nicole corrects.

“Name one.” Lexi challenges.

“Uh, well...” Nicole mumbles.

“I’m waiting.” Lexi crosses her arms and gives Nicole a smug look.

“Dad always got drunk at Christmas and Thanksgiving?” Nicole offers weakly.

“The only tradition there is Dad getting drunk on a day that ends in ‘y’.” Lexi rolls her eyes.

“Right.” Nicole bites her lower lip. “Oh! Mom always made her special pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving!”

“I guess that counts.” Lexi rolls her eyes.

“Were your childhoods really that rough?” I ask in concern.

“Eh, not really.” Nicole shrugs. “Mom and Dad pretty much ignored all three of us. Dad wasn’t a mean drunk or anything, just lazy.”

“It just sucks that we never did anything fun.” Lexi sighs before taking her turn. “No family vacations, no real traditions, nothing like that.”

“Now I really wanna go hug Kayla.” I say.

“It’s okay,” Lexi smiles, “she knows how loved she is. And how supported. No matter what.”

“You’re a great dad.” Nicole adds.

“Thanks, girls.” I grin before making my move.

“Welcome.” Lexi chirps.

“It’s the truth.” Nicole says, taking her turn. “Oh! I won!”

We continue playing board games all through lunch. The housekeeper brings us lunch in the game room. We all win at least once, and enjoy sandwiches and chips while playing. It’s definitely a good time.

“Wanna go swimming?” Lexi asks about an hour after lunch.

“Sure!” Nicole agrees.

“Okay, let’s get changed.” I say.

Nicole goes into the bathroom to change, while Lexi and I head to the master bedroom. When Lexi bends over to drop her panties, I give her bare bum a playful slap, making the redhead squeal. I just smirk and protect myself while changing. Lexi is in her usual light blue bikini, and I’m wearing a pair of dark swim trunks.

“Lookin’ good, sis!” Lexi says, greeting Nicole when we all meet up.

Lexi isn’t lying; her sister is gorgeous. Her large breasts are on display in her tight bikini top. Her stomach is flat and tight. I love the way her long, red hair frames her pretty, lightly-freckled face. Fuck, I do want her. I want Lexi’s sister.

“Thanks, you too!” Nicole blushes cutely as she brushes a lock of auburn hair behind her ear.

“You’re both stunning.” I compliment.

“You’re not so bad yourself!” Lexi replies as she wraps both arms around my waist. “Mm, just look at that sexy bod.”

“You look very nice, Steven.” Nicole says with a shy smile.

“Checking out my man, Nicole?” Lexi asks teasingly.

“What? No!” Nicole answers way too quickly.

“Hm...” Lexi trails off as she gives her sister a sideways glance.

“Stop teasing her.” I admonish.

“Fine, let’s go swim!” Lexi laughs playfully as she runs out the sliding glass door and onto the patio.

Nicole and I look at each other with bemused expressions. Then we follow the perky girl out onto the patio. Lexi is already splashing around in the pool by the time we get there. She really is full of endless energy.

“After you.” I say politely to Nicole.

“Why, thank you!” Nicole smiles as she jumps in.

I grin and follow Nicole into the water. Soon, I’m splashing around with both redheaded sisters. Since neither of us is intimately familiar with Nicole, our playing around is a lot more subdued then normal. There’s no grab-ass or anything like that. Still, it’s a lot of fun.

“Wanna get some sun?” Lexi asks after we do a couple laps around the pool.

“With our skin? We’ll just burn!” Nicole laughs.

“I’m sure you’ll both be okay.” I smile.

Nicole grins and agrees. We climb out of the pool and each pick out a deck chair. I end up laying between Lexi and Nicole. The sun feels good on my bare skin, and soon my eyes are closed as I relax.

“Hey, Nicole?” Lexi calls out in a sing-song voice.

“Yes?” Nicole replies.

“Wanna get an all-over tan?” Lexi asks.

“What do you mean?” the older sister inquires, sitting up to look at Lexi.

“I mean, tan lines suck!” Lexi announces as she sits up and whips off her bikini top, baring her breasts.

“Lexi!” Nicole hisses with a mortified expression on her face.

“What?” Lexi asks innocently. “They’re just tits.”

“Well, yeah, but...” Nicole mumbles.

“But, what?” Lexi wonders.

“I don’t know!” Nicole exclaims. “Steven can see you!”

“He sees my boobies all the time.” Lexi laughs.

“Well, he hasn’t see mine!” Nicole insists. “You’ve never even seen mine. And I’ve never seen yours.”

“Here they are, big sis!” Lexi announces as she squeezes her breasts together and wiggles her upper body at Nicole.

“Lexi! What’s the matter with you?” Nicole asks rhetorically.

“Nothing!” Lexi insists. “I’m just open with my family!”

“Stop making your sister uncomfortable.” I state firmly, finally speaking up.

“I’m not uncomfortable, I’m just- I don’t know!” Nicole exclaims. “Not used to this.”

“I guess I thought you were more wild than you are.” Lexi whispers as she crosses an arm over her chest, concealing her breasts. “Sorry, I’ll put my top back on.”

“No, um, you don’t have to.” Nicole says with a sigh. “I guess I’ve never been as free-spirited as you. You used to be so shy, now to see you as this confident, young woman. I really admire you.”

“I admire you, too.” Lexi smiles, lowering her arm and once more revealing her nipples. “You’re my big sister.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” I tell Nicole.

“I know that, I’m a big girl!” Nicole giggles as she reaches behind her back and unties her top. “You guys are family, and I need to stop being so uptight.”

Nicole slides the straps of her bikini off her shoulders so that the top is only held up by her hand. The gorgeous woman glances between Lexi and I before finally settling on Lexi’s bare breasts. Then she takes a deep breath and casts her top aside.

“Wow.” I mutter.

“Damn, girl!” Lexi crows.

The reason for our outbursts is obvious; Nicole has magnificent breasts. They are milky-white, much lighter than the rest of her skin due to her always having them covered. Each mound is perfectly shaped, with a pale, pink nipple in the center.

“Thanks, I guess.” Nicole blushes as she fidgets, obviously fighting the urge to cover herself.

“You’re welcome.” I smile while trying not to ogle Lexi’s sister.

“You have an amazing pair of hooters!” Lexi teases.

“Uh, thanks?” Nicole raises an eyebrow.

“I wish mine were that big!” Lexi says.

“Yours are nice, too.” Nicole blushes.

“Checking me out now, too? I like!” Lexi says.

“Oh, shut up!” Nicole laughs, making her boobs jiggle.

“Okay, let’s talk about the fact that you got Steven hard!” Lexi suggests.

“Uh...” Nicole trails off, her eyes locked on my bulge.

“Sorry, Nicole.” I laugh nervously. “Couldn’t help it.”

“Wow.” Nicole whispers softly.

“You can tell he’s big, can’t you?” Lexi asks proudly. “Bet he’s bigger than any guy you’ve been with!”

“Lexi, that’s not nice.” I admonish.

“Whatever!” chirps the younger redhead.

“S-sorry, Steven.” Nicole stammers, before laying back in her chair and pointedly not looking at me. “I didn’t mean to stare.”

“All good.” I reply. “I looked at you, it’s only fair.”

“Y-yeah,” Nicole says nervously. She then gathers her strength and squeezes her own breasts. “These are me!”

“You’re beautiful, Nicole.” I respond sincerely.

“You are, big sis!” Lexi agrees before laying back herself.

“Thank you.” Nicole replies before her face splits into a grin. “Kyle would flip if he knew Steven could see us both. He still doesn’t really trust you.”

“It’s none of his business who we show our tits to.” Lexi insists.

“He’s still your brother, Lexi.” I say.

“Well, whatever!” Lexi rolls her eyes. “I’m in love with you, you’re my family. Our family. He needs to accept that.”

“Thank you, my love.” I smile.

“You’re welcome.” Lexi grins.

“You two are so sweet.” Nicole observes.

“Thanks!” Lexi chirps.

“Thank you.” I agree. My eyes trail down Nicole’s long, lithe legs.

We finish our drinks and I head inside to get new ones. Standing at the refrigerator, I take a deep breath. Nicole seems so much more shy than her younger sister. I know Nicole was very popular in high school, so I’m surprised that Lexi has become the more confident one. I wonder just how far things will go.

“Thanks, Baby!” Lexi says when I hand her a fresh wine cooler.

“Thank you.” Nicole says politely as she takes her drink.

“You’re welcome.” I say as I sit back down in my chair.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” Lexi states about twenty minutes later.

“What now?” Nicole says with fake exasperation.

“How about we skinny dip?” Lexi suggests.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Nicole giggles nervously.

“Lexi.” I warn. “I think things have gone far enough.”

“Come on!” Lexi laments as she stands up and walks out into the middle of the patio. She then turns to face the pool so that her back is to us. With a single fluid motion, Lexi bends forward and drops her bikini bottoms to her ankles. “Full moon!”

“Lexi!” Nicole screeches.

“It’s just my bum!” Lexi giggles as she looks over her shoulder and smacks her bare ass. The confident girl then runs and dives in the pool. “Come join me!”

“Sorry about her.” I say to Nicole as we both watch Lexi do a lap around the pool.

“She’s my sister, I should be the one apologizing!” Nicole laughs.

“You may have a point.” I agree. “But I know we’ve already pushed you to the limits of what you’re comfortable with.”

“We?” Nicole inquires with a raised eyebrow. “Lexi is the one doing the pushing.”

“That’s true.” I nod.

“What are you two prudes waiting for?” Lexi calls out.

“That’s enough, Lexi!” I insist. My girlfriend just blows a raspberry in response.

“I can’t believe she used to be the shy one!” Nicole laughs.

“And you were always the outgoing one?” I ask.

“Well, yeah. Kyle and I both were.” Nicole acknowledges. “I was always pretty shy about my body though. I only started wearing a bikini in college.”

“Really?” I wonder.

“Yeah.” Nicole admits. “You can be popular and keep your clothes on!”

“Did not know that.” I state with a sly grin.

“Steven?” Nicole asks.

“Yes?” I inquire.

“We are family now? Really?” Nicole wonders.

“We are.” I smile and nod.

“Then I guess it’s time I follow my baby sister’s lead.” Nicole states.

Before I can ask if she’s sure, Nicole stands up and walks over to the same place where Lexi stood moments ago. Facing me, Nicole hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini bottoms. Looking straight into my eyes, Nicole drops her bottoms and stands before me completely naked.

“Nice ass!” Lexi calls out from the pool.

“This is me.” Nicole says, ignoring her sister. The redhead then spins around, showing me everything she has to offer.

Lexi is not wrong; Nicole has a great ass. It’s perky and tight, just like Lexi’s. Unlike Lexi, Nicole isn’t shaved bare. I admire the thatch of fiery red pubic hair between Nicole’s legs, trimmed just enough so that she can wear a bikini without any hair showing.

“You’re breathtaking.” I whisper.

“Thank you, Steven.” Nicole mumbles shyly as she plays with her fingers nervously.

“I guess it’s my turn.” I say. Nicole just nods.

I stand up and confidently drop my swim trunks. They catch briefly on my erection, but I’m able to pull the waistband over my cock and get the trunks down to my ankles. I step out of them as Nicole lets out a loud gasp.

“Shall we swim?” I suggest while Nicole and I stare at each other.

“Y-yes.” Nicole stammers, her eyes regularly flicking down to my crotch.

I walk over to Nicole and take her hand. She swallows nervously as the two of us head over to the shallow end and wade into the pool. Lexi pauses her swimming and heads over to us, a huge grin on her face.

“See? Family!” Lexi announces.

“Yes, we’re family.” I agree.

“We are.” Nicole nods with a smile.

Lexi splashes us, and Nicole immediately splashes back. Nicole’s face breaks out into a huge grin as the two sisters start play fighting in the water. I join in, and soon Nicole is completely at ease with everyone’s nudity.

We swim naked in the pool for awhile, laughing and teasing each other. At one point, while Nicole and Lexi are splashing around, I decide to relax for a bit. I lay back in the shallow end with my arms up on the side of the pool as I listen to their whispered conversation.

“Lexi, he’s huge!” Nicole hisses a little too loudly, unaware that I can hear her.

“I know.” Lexi giggles proudly.

“How do you, you know...?” Nicole trails off.

“Fit him in me?” Lexi finishes.

“Yes.” Nicole nods.

“Pussies stretch, Nicole.” Lexi patiently explains.

“I know, but still!” Nicole says.

“See something you like?” Lexi asks with a wink.

“Oh, shut up!” Nicole laughs.

Eventually, I join the girls and we go back to swimming. At one point, I pass by Nicole and my penis brushes her butt. She lets out the most adorable squeak as she blushes and turns away. Lexi just laughs when she realizes what’s happening.

We decide to head inside and relax. Stepping out of the pool, we all hunt around for our discarded bathing suits. I’ll admit to checking out Nicole quite a bit as she steps into her bottoms and slips them on. After dressing, we all towel off before heading inside and relaxing in the main living room.

“So, how do you plan on topping skinny dipping?” Nicole giggles as she takes a sip of her wine cooler.

“Just you wait.” Lexi grins slyly.

“Lexi, don’t push her.” I warn.

“It’s okay, Steven. I’m a big girl!” Nicole insists.

“We could play Truth or Dare?” Lexi suggests as we all sit down on the floor in a circle. “Or Never Have I Ever?”

“Well...” Nicole trails off. She bites her lower lip, and I can tell she’s deep in thought. Finally, she speaks up. “Never Have I Ever sounds like fun.”

“Great!” Lexi chirps. “You go first.”

“Okay.” Nicole agrees with a nod. She takes another big gulp of her drink before continuing. “Never Have I Ever had sex with a girl!”

Lexi giggles cutely before taking a big sip of her drink. I raise my beer and toast both girls before knocking back a big sip of my own. Nicole claps for both of us, laughing hysterically. Then it’s my turn.

“Never Have I Ever given a blowjob.” I say. Nicole and Lexi both drink.

“Let’s see, Never Have I Ever...” Lexi trails off as she struggles to think.

“She can’t think of something she’s never done before!” Nicole bursts out laughing again.

“Oh, Lexi.” I shake my head.

“I’m thinking!” Lexi snaps before sticking out her tongue. “Hm, Never Have I Ever given a handjob while driving!”

“Well, it looks like no one is drinking to that.” I say. “Your turn, Nicole.”

“Okay.” Nicole sighs. She is quiet for a solid minute, clearly deep in thought. Then it looks like she comes to a decision, as she nods before speaking. “Never Have I Ever had sex.”

“Wait. What?” I ask in confusion, my beer bottle halfway to my lips. Lexi’s jaw is hanging open as she gapes at her sister.

“I’m a virgin.” Nicole confirms with a sharp nod.

“N-no.” Lexi stammers. “That’s impossible!”

“I assure you, I am.” Nicole states. “I mean, I’ve had oral sex. Given it, anyway. And I let a couple of guys finger me.”

“I’m sorry we talked you into skinny dipping.” I say in shame.

“No! Don’t be!” Nicole insists. “I’m glad we did. I had fun! And just so you know, you’re only the third guy to ever see my tits.”

“W-what? How!” Lexi exclaims. “I mean, you’re twenty-six! You were really popular in high school, and in college!”

“So, just because I’m pretty that means I’ve spread my legs?” Nicole asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, no.” Lexi acknowledges. “But, how?!”

“I went on plenty of dates, but never did anything.” Nicole says. “I was popular, but not so much in the dating world. I didn’t have my first kiss until I was eighteen. Later on, when I was dating in college, I would end up in a guy’s dorm room and when things started to heat up, I’d say I was a virgin and they’d back off. Same thing as I got older. I guess guys want a girl with experience.”

“Didn’t you just get out of a long term relationship?” I ask.

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